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玛丽·勒维克(Marie Lévesque ,死于 1792年)是一名法国商人和活跃于法国大革命时期的圣殿骑士巴黎分册的成员。她同克雷蒂安·拉弗雷尼埃路易-米歇尔·勒佩莱蒂耶夏尔·加百列·西韦特一起为最高大师弗朗索瓦·德·拉塞尔担任了几年顾问。







Hoarders 9

Marie at Germain's expulsion


这些年来,日耳曼的追随者在人数和影响力上都在增加,像勒佩莱蒂耶和西韦特也加入了他们。1789年5月5日,玛丽和她的圣殿骑士同僚出席了在凡尔赛宫举办的埃莉斯的圣殿骑士入会仪式。实际上,他们已经安排了西韦特和乞丐之王在仪式结束之后刺杀德·拉塞尔,好让她们夺取权力,将日耳曼奉为新任大团长。她在晚会上同勒佩莱蒂耶以及克雷蒂安·拉弗雷尼埃交谈,lambasting the former into silence when he was about to vocally recall the last time they were all together。[3]


― 1791年玛丽和杰尔曼在商讨计划[来源]

As the French Revolution broke out, Germain's followers exploited public discontent with the monarchy and sought to create as much chaos as possible. Still, they were kept in the dark about the true purpose of their activities. On 31 March 1791, Marie joined le Peletier and Aloys la Touche at the Hôtel de Beauvais for a Templar meeting.[3]

While waiting, Marie voiced her concerns that supporters of the old guard, like Lafrenière, would try to stop their plans, though la Touche informed her that an Assassin had already been manipulated into killing Lafrenière. They were subsequently joined by Frédéric Rouille, following which they went to meet with Germain. The Grand Master explained he wanted to avoid King Louis XVI being made a martyr following his death, by discrediting him first.[3]

Marie was subsequently entrusted with procuring as much of the food supplies coming into Paris as she could, preventing them from reaching the markets. With the prices of grain high and the food scarce, the citizens grew more desperate and displeased with the monarchy as time went on; riots became commonplace. Marie was aided in these endeavors by her assistant Flavigny, though the latter was tracked down and eliminated through the combined efforts of the Assassins and Théroigne de Méricourt in the summer of 1792.[3]

Having starved the population of Paris for more than a year, Marie prepared to pin it all on the royal family. She had large amounts of grain escorted to the Luxembourg Palace's wine cellars, following which she organized a gala there on the 31st October, to celebrate the palace's conversion into a prison. Marie counted on the grain being discovered, which would lead the people to believe the royal family had been hoarding it during a time of famine, thus adding to the anti-Royalist sentiment amongst the populace and triggering a riot.[3]

She also had Thomas, her husband, removed from the party by locking him up in one of the palace's rooms, to prevent him from telling anybody of her plans. However, the Assassin Arno Dorian freed the husband and also arranged for a fireworks display to take place. When Marie went to observe the display, she was assassinated by Dorian. From her memories, he learned that le Peletier was planning to have the King executed due to the Templars' success in their plot, and set forth to tracking the man.[3]


  • 讽刺的是,阿布斯泰戈数据库词条中说她买了很多谷物是准备发给穷人,并捐钱支持巴黎的监狱改造。
  • Marie 这个名字是Mary的法语变体,本身源自希伯来语 Miryām,含义很多,有”苦涩“、”叛逆“和”希望之子“。Lévesque 来自法语 évêque ,意思是”主教“,这个词的起源可以追溯到希腊语episkopos ”监督者“。
  • 玛丽是日尔曼核心集团中唯一的女性。
  • 玛丽有一套独特的战斗动作,可以用拳头攻击。



