

达比·克里斯托弗·麦克德维特(Darby Christopher McDevitt)是育碧蒙特利尔的创意编剧之一。他出生于美国华盛顿州的斯波坎,后在贝灵翰姆和都柏林接受教育,并曾在西雅图暂居。他在十多年的职业生涯里有着丰富多彩的就职经历,曾从事作家、电影制片人、音乐家和游戏设计师等职业。



作为育碧员工,麦克德维特首次参与《刺客信条》系列作品创作,是担任2009年发售的任天堂DS游戏《刺客信条II:探索》的首席编剧。随后则是同年发布的PSP游戏《刺客信条:血统》。[1]麦克德维特后来参与了任天堂3DS游戏《刺客信条:失落的传承》相关工作。这款游戏最初于2010年的E3展会公布,但在当年9月遭到了取消。为该游戏开发的内容后转而使用在了《刺客信条:启示录》当中。《启示录》发售于2011年11月,是麦克德维特第一部参与的系列正作。[2]同时,麦克德维特还担任了《启示录》后记电影短片《刺客信条:余烬》的首席编剧。在2011年的Comic-Con展会上,麦克德维特确认称,阿泰尔·伊本-拉阿哈德埃齐奥·奥迪托雷·达·佛罗伦萨之间没有血缘关系。他还解释称,阿泰尔属于戴斯蒙德·迈尔斯家族的其中一系,而埃齐奥属于另一系。[3]就在《启示录》正式发布前,麦克德维特在接受《Game Informer》采访时公布了这部游戏的设定和一部分角色。[4]这一时期,麦克德维特还提供了针对手游《刺客信条:回忆》的剧情创作咨询。











年份 奖项 获奖分类 作品 结果
2012 全美编剧协会奖 电子游戏编剧奖 刺客信条:启示录 提名
2012 加拿大人游戏奖 最佳编剧 《刺客信条:启示录》 提名
2013 加拿大人游戏奖 最佳编剧 刺客信条IV:黑旗 获奖
2014 全美编剧协会奖 电子游戏编剧奖 《刺客信条IV:黑旗》 提名
2021 BAFTA游戏奖 最佳叙事 刺客信条:英灵殿 提名
2021 加拿大人游戏奖 最佳叙事 《刺客信条:英灵殿》 提名



  1. Wikipedia-W-visual-balanced 维基百科全书上的Darby McDevitt
  2. Gilbert, Ben (14-07-2011). Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy's concept found in Revelations. Engadget. Archived from the original on 5月 26, 2020. Retrieved on 5月 26, 2020.
  3. Totilo, Stephen (22-07-2011). What I Thought I Knew About Assassin's Creed Revelations Was Partially Wrong. Kotaku. Archived from the original on 9月 14, 2011. Retrieved on 7月 22, 2011.
  4. YouTube Assassin's Creed Revelations: The Truth Behind The FictionPlaystation354YouTube频道
  5. Assassin's Creed®: The Rebel Collection – Interview with Jean Guesdon, Ashraf Ismail, and Darby McDevitt. Ubisoft (29-11-2019). Archived from the original on 5月 26, 2020. Retrieved on 5月 26, 2020.
  6. Reilly, Luke (06-11-2013). Assassin's Creed: Unlikely Connor's Story Will Continue, Modern Day Assassin Doubtful. IGN. Archived from the original on 11月 18, 2018. Retrieved on 5月 26, 2020.
  7. Phillips, Tom (25-02-2015). Future Assassin's Creed games will have "more robust modern day" than Unity. Eurogamer. Archived from the original on 4月 1, 2015. Retrieved on 5月 26, 2020.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Hussain, Tamoor (01-05-2020). Assassin's Creed Valhalla's Narrative Director On Crafting A Unique New Story. GameSpot. Archived from the original on 5月 13, 2020.
  9. Twitter Darby McDevitt (@DarbyMcDevitt)Twitter 「Both choices are canon, but we’re not going to spoil how we managed that trick until you play the game.」 ([{{{backup}}} 备份链接]) (截图)
  10. Twitter Darby McDevitt (@DarbyMcDevitt)Twitter 「Over many years in fact.」 ([{{{backup}}} 备份链接]) (截图)
  11. Twitter Darby McDevitt (@DarbyMcDevitt)Twitter 「Fun Fact: Lincoln and the territory of Lincolnshire was the first area we built and the first long-form story we wrote for ACV, beginning 2 years ago. I have a special place in my heart reserved for the characters here. Can’t wait for you to meet them.」 ([{{{backup}}} 备份链接]) (截图)
  12. Twitter Darby McDevitt (@DarbyMcDevitt)Twitter 「Robin Hood would have been operating in AC1s time period. We're still 300 years from that era. A certain famous forest is in ACV, however, so you may pretend to be Robin's ancestor.」 ([{{{backup}}} 备份链接]) (截图)
  13. Twitter Darby McDevitt (@DarbyMcDevitt)Twitter 「Today is my last day at Ubisoft Montreal! After a decade of working with brilliant people, creating stories & characters for an incredible series, & interacting with our wonderful fans, I have decided to set forth on a new adventure...   1/2」 ([{{{backup}}} 备份链接])
  14. Twitter Darby McDevitt (@DarbyMcDevitt)Twitter 「A special thanks to all the fans & content creators that have supported & expanded on our work over the years. Thank you for your kind attention! You have my deepest respect & admiration. It has been the honor of a lifetime to get to know so many of you. 2/2」 ([{{{backup}}} 备份链接])
  15. Twitter Darby McDevitt (@DarbyMcDevitt)Twitter 「It's true! As I pondered my career over the past year, I focused on my desire to explore new ideas and unknown frontiers. Much to my delight, this is reflected in my return to Ubisoft to work on AC. I’m excited to continue my journey. Stay tuned! 1/2」 ([{{{backup}}} 备份链接])
  16. Twitter [https://twitter.com/DarbyMcDevitt/status/1459192138810466306 On a personal note, I have never been more excited about the places we're going and the stories I get to tell with this crew. 2/2 (@DarbyMcDevitt)]于Twitter ([{{{backup}}} 备份链接])
  17. Sillis, Ben (14-11-2011). Where does Assassin's Creed Revelations writer want to go next?. Electricpig. Archived from the original on 2月 1, 2012. Retrieved on 3月 5, 2012.