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Arriving in the Borgia-occupied settlement, Ezio sought the engineer. Though he located the man in the outskirts of the fortress, he was protected by a bodyguard, preventing the Assassin from extracting any information from him. Thus, he tailed the pair from behind, listening to his target converse with his guard, regarding the machine's safety.

  • 保鏢: 發明有衛兵把守,我把密探關起來了。
  • 工程師: 試圖竊取切薩雷東西的人必須受到懲罰。

As the engineer entered the heavily guarded factory, Ezio quickly took an alternative route up the eastern walls, passing through a damaged section. Dropping down to where the engineer was standing, he confronted him.

Hell on Wheels 1

Ezio interrogating the engineer

  • 工程師: 你想幹嘛?


  • 埃齊奧: 武器設計圖在哪裡?
  • 工程師: 在堡壘另一端的桌子上。
  • 埃齊奧: 那實物呢?
  • 工程師: 我不清楚,但要三個人才能使用。
  • 埃齊奧: 那你跟我來。
  • 工程師: 不!我們……我們俘虜了三個士兵,他們被關在設計圖對面的牢房裡。他們會幫你操作的。
  • 埃齊奧: Bene.(好。)

Ezio allowed the engineer to escape, and proceeded to make his way to the opposite end of the factory. Finding the plans at a small workshop, Ezio burned them using a torch, and made his way to the captured mercenaries. Dispatching the patrolling guard, Ezio asked the mercenaries where Leonardo's machine was hidden.

  • 埃齊奧: 達·芬奇的機器在哪?
  • 炮手: 跟著我們!他們把通道藏起來了,但我們找到了入口。

The Assassin freed and followed the men, however, they were ambushed twice by a large number of Borgia soldiers. Despite this, Ezio and the mercenaries eventually overpowered them and proceeded.

Hell on Wheels 7

Ezio and mercenaries near the Tank

Once led to the entrance to a network of underground tunnels, one of the mercenaries commented on what Cesare planned with the tanks.

  • 隊長: 切薩雷打算把它作為軍隊的核心。他的軍隊準備突襲西西里島
  • 埃齊奧: 我們會阻止他們的。

Descending underground, the trio came across a long, but narrow passageway. Restricted by gates, Ezio volunteered to find a solution so they could progress.

  • 炮手: 我們需要打開那扇門。
  • 埃齊奧: 我會想辦法的。

Ezio opened the gate, and then found a way to the second lever.

  • 炮手: 終於見到你了。
  • 埃齊奧: 別考驗我的耐心。

Ezio and the mercenaries discovered a raised bridge.

  • 埃齊奧: 我會把橋放下來的。

After winding a lever to help the mercenaries pass, the Assassin and the two men came across the Tank.

  • 埃齊奧: 萊昂納多要我操作這個?跟往常一樣,沒有說明書。

Ezio and his new allies took control of the war machine and staged a direct assault against the main weapons factory.

  • 警衛: 不要再守著它了,向它開火!

Easily plowing through the countryside with the powerful weapon, they fired upon any mounted cannons, foot soldiers or other tank prototypes that blocked their path.

Hell on Wheels 12

Ezio about to destroy the last tank

  • 埃齊奧: 如果我們的能受到傷害,他們的也能。
  • 隊長: 再來幾炮!

Blowing the gates of the main factory open and entering the courtyard, they discovered several damaged siege towers, and cannons in the process of being repaired, as well as several working or half-built tanks.

  • 隊長: 你把切薩雷的軍隊打得落花流水!

After having destroying the other war machines and siege weapons within the fortress walls unscathed, the mercenaries took their leave, while Ezio climbed up to one of the buttresses of the factory and stared down at the Tank.

  • 埃齊奧: 我真希望能留下你。





  • While using the Tank, Agile guards could be seen using arquebuses, trying to shoot at Ezio; the Tank would receive no damage and the guards would soon flee if Ezio opened fire on them.
  • Although the engineer mentioned three mercenaries, the third was injured and left in the cage. At the end, the mercenaries that accompanied Ezio seemed to leave in the opposite direction from where the Borgia fortress was – therefore leaving the injured mercenary behind. This might have been an oversight.
  • During the final segment of the memory, in which Ezio had to destroy two Tanks, retreating just behind the Animus Wall would make it impossible for the Tanks to shoot him.


大逃亡 - 回家 - R & R - 騎馬亂跑 - 射擊練習 - 重逢 - 誹謗名聲 - 緊急出口
煥然一新 - 完美執行 - 新來乍到 - 來得快,去得也快 - 誰有信? - 狼必死 - 尼祿的大廳 - 羅馬地底
雙面間諜 - 夾在兩難之間 - 高風險談判 - 集合情報
城堡毀滅者 - 蛇蠍美人 - 重擔壓身 - 弗利的守護者 - 人民代表 - 連環殺手 - 活人貨物 - 不速之客 - 戰爭計劃 - 火力壓制 - 計劃
逃債 - 跟著錢走 - 人在羅馬…… - 進進出出 - 書面記錄
守門人 - 法蘭西之吻 - 特洛伊木馬 - 再見
修補錯誤 - 替身演員全出動 - 光榮退場 - 介入 - 上位
安魂曲 - 一天一蘋果 - 伊甸蘋果 - 撤除軍隊 - 見紅 - 條條大路通……
羅馬治世 - 一顆種子
死人中的狼 - 被丟進狼群 - 狼群領袖 - 第六天 - 披著羊皮的狼 - 購物狂 - 液態黃金
戰爭計劃 - 大炮發射 - 戰爭計劃 - 飛行器2.0 - 戰爭計劃 - 輪上地獄
腳踏實地 - 反宣傳 - 逐出教會 - 射擊線 - 現行犯 - 「作弊」
第二次機會 - 最後一程 - 伴郎 - 不受歡迎的人 - 愛的徒勞
雙重惡霸 - 戰術修正 - …三人成群 - 農奴的草地 - 好友三人組 - 紅字日 - 羅馬的商人 - 壞消息的通報者 - 衣冠禽獸 - 扭轉局勢 - 畢業 - 蠻力和野蠻
迷路的小狗 - 利益衝突 - 全速前進 - 階級鬥爭 - 指責 - 盯緊寶物 - 人老心不老 - 裁員 - ‎不分上下 - 為了粉絲
財產爭議 - 積習難改 - 第二天清早 - 驚慌逃跑 - 活餌 - 治療不當 - 接近 - 惡劣政客 - 麻煩製造機 - 代人捉刀
擲個骰子 - 那個逃走的傢伙 - 死亡時刻 - 一路順風 - 最後一刻的邀請 - 埃齊奧·奧迪托雷事件 - 解密達·芬奇 - 畢達哥拉斯的神廟
錯誤的審查 - 脫離軌道 - 知識分子 - 榮譽學位 - 加急郵件 - 紅衣之人 - 活靶子 - 合上書