第26行: 第26行:
埃齐奥这样做了之后,费代里科带他去看医生来治疗他的伤。在看完医生后,两个人比赛爬到附近教堂的房顶上欣赏佛罗伦萨的景色<ref name="AC2"/>
埃齐奥这样做了之后,费代里科带他去看医生来治疗他的伤。在看完医生后,两个人比赛爬到附近教堂的房顶上欣赏佛罗伦萨的景色<ref name="AC2"/>
第二天早上,费代里科在家里闲逛而埃齐奥在给家里送信,借此埃齐奥取笑他没事干。然而,那天稍晚时候,费代里科和他父亲还有他的弟弟彼得鲁乔被城市守卫打了并被抓走。<ref name="AC2"/>
The following morning, Federico lounged about at home while Ezio ran errands for their family, whereby Ezio teased him for his inactivity. However, later that day, Federico was beaten and captured by the city guards, along with his father and younger brother Petruccio.<ref name="AC2"/>
Federico was held prisoner overnight, while Ezio frantically attempted to secure the release of his family. The next morning, Federico was hanged alongside his father and brother, the victims of a Templar conspiracy orchestrated by the Pazzi.<ref name="AC2"/>
Federico was held prisoner overnight, while Ezio frantically attempted to secure the release of his family. The next morning, Federico was hanged alongside his father and brother, the victims of a Templar conspiracy orchestrated by the Pazzi.<ref name="AC2"/>

2012年8月21日 (二) 05:04的版本

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―费代里科对埃齐奥 atop Santa Trinita, 1476.[来源]

费代里科·奥迪托雷 (1456 – 1476) 是佛罗伦萨贵族和刺客组织的成员,由他的父亲训练并进入兄弟会。费代里科是乔瓦尼玛丽亚·奥迪托雷 的长子,也是埃齐奥克劳迪娅 和的彼得鲁乔 哥哥。他也是马里奥·奥迪托雷 的侄子。



费代里科和他的家人在佛罗伦萨奥迪托雷宅邸过着舒适的生活。并且最初是被培养成美第奇银行的银行家。然而,他是个臭名昭著的懒鬼,而且把曾经在屋顶上藏了一袋子银行里的钱这件事当作一个玩笑。作为奥迪托雷家族 的一员,他仅仅是把工资拿走,免于残酷的竞争。[1][2]

最为奥迪托雷家最年长的孩子,费代里科白保护家庭看的很重,当Antonio Maffe第一次出现在他们家试图逮捕乔瓦尼时,还没从最近的小冲突中恢复过来的乔瓦尼决定逃跑。他指示费代里科为他争取时间,告诉他尽一切努力保护家人。[1]







Federico was held prisoner overnight, while Ezio frantically attempted to secure the release of his family. The next morning, Federico was hanged alongside his father and brother, the victims of a Templar conspiracy orchestrated by the Pazzi.[2]

Years later, Rodrigo Borgia informed Ezio that there had been no need to kill Federico or Petruccio, but that he had only executed them to establish a point.[2]


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Federico:“You must help him! That pretty face is his only asset!”
Ezio:“Fottiti! (Go fuck yourself!)”
―Federico to a doctor, teasing Ezio about his injuries.[来源]

Federico was a witty, sharp, and joking individual who liked to tease Ezio, but refused to tolerate it if someone else harmed him. He started his training as an Assassin with his father before Ezio, and passed on much of his learnings of combat and freerunning to his younger brother.[2] Ezio also likely inherited his womanizing habits from Federico, who once encouraged his brother to talk to a passing attractive girl, Cristina Vespucci. He offered his younger brother advice on how to charm her, and after Ezio had only managed to embarrass himself, Federico laughed and reassured him that, since he had gotten a smile out of her, she would remember him.[3]


  • 在游戏中,当奥迪托雷家就要被处死的时候,费代里科在左手边并且穿着平时的衣服。然而在 乌贝托·阿尔贝蒂 的数据库视频中,费代里科在中间并穿着不同的衣服。
  • 费代里科在刺客信条:兄弟会 的第一个克里斯蒂娜记忆有一次短暂的出场,他的尸体能在第二个记忆中看到。

