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2019年8月19日 (一) 11:29的版本


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Bernardo di Bandino Baroncelli (1453 – 1479) was a banker for the Pazzi and a member of the Roman Rite of the Templar Order. He was infamously known as one of the Pazzi conspirators who attempted to murder Lorenzo de' Medici and his brother Giuliano.


Early life

Bernardo was born in 1453, and was brought up to hate the Medici due to their exile of his cousins. He eventually became a banker for the Pazzi, and also a member of the Templar Order through his employer, Jacopo de' Pazzi.[1]

Pazzi conspiracy

“It's all here. Swords. Staves. Axes. Armor. Bows. Our men will want for nothing.”
―Bernardo Baroncelli, on equipping the Pazzi conspirators.[来源]

In 1478, Bernardo supplied weapons and a willing blade for the planned murder of Lorenzo de' Medici's family, meeting with the rest of the conspirators in the catacombs beneath the Basilica di Santa Maria Novella. Bernardo joked easily about the willingness of Lorenzo's brother to make final plans for his daily activities. After this, the group of Templars pledged allegiance to their cause and uttered the phrase "May the Father of Understanding guide us", the Templar motto.[2]

The following morning, the conspirators attacked Lorenzo and his brother before the Duomo during High Mass. Bernardo was one of the first assailants, and delivered a swift stab to Giuliano de' Medici as he charged forwards, his attack fueled with his ingrained hatred for the Medici family. While Giuliano was brutally killed by Francesco de' Pazzi, Bernardo immediately ran from the attack, but was recaptured after having fled to Constantinople.[2]

Escape and death

“Yes, yes, safer for me... and then, then we'll be protected, meet when it's time and then... I'll leave this place, free... in time... in time.”
―A paranoid Bernardo, 1479.[来源]
Come out And Play 4

Ezio assassinating Bernardo

Bernardo soon escaped his captors and took refuge in San Gimignano, unable to be found by the local mercenaries and allies of Ezio Auditore da Firenze.[2]

The man's paranoia increased and flourished as he hid from the Assassin, displaying itself in his frequent chattering to himself and assurances that he was safe, as well as his guards being situated by his side at all times under his direct order. Bernardo continued in this manner until he decided to visit San Gimignano's markets, still flanked by bodyguards.[2]

In 1479, Ezio Auditore was told of Bernardo's escape and general location with San Gimignano, though the mercenaries could not find the escaped quarry. Scanning the crowds, the Assassin used his Eagle Vision to locate Bernardo. Once targeted, Ezio stealthily eliminated Bernardo's guards and made his way to the Templar's side. Upon noticing Ezio, Bernardo fled in terror, but he was swiftly struck down by the Assassin via his Hidden Blade.[2]

Personality and characteristics

Novella's Secret 9

Bernardo during the Templar meeting

Much like his fellow conspirators, Bernardo was struck to cowardice by his terror of the Assassin and his inevitable demise. He surrounded himself with guards that would lay down their life for him, valuing his own above that of his men. However, as cowardly as Bernardo appeared, it was matched by his loyalty to his family; however distant, everything he had done against the Medici family was for his exiled cousins, whom Lorenzo had banished from Italy.[2]

Bernardo's hatred was spawned from this act and spurned him into action, though the blame of attempted murder could not be completely taken from his name. Bernardo was shackled by paranoia, born from the fear of the Assassin. This paranoia was shown through constant muttering to himself in public, searching each and every hiding place in the market for a concealed killer, and instantly fleeing upon recognition of Ezio as the Assassin struck.[2]

In regards to his figure, Bernardo was rather obese, and his eyebrows, hair, mustache and beard were all black. His head was covered by a small crimson hat with a white and pink feather poking from its small brim, and his clothing was all crimson, aside from pure white tights and thick gold jewelry that draped his neck and fingers with finery.[2]


  • Historically, and in Assassin's Creed: Renaissance, Bernardo tried to flee to Constantinople after the conspiracy failed. However, he was arrested, sent back to Florence, and later hanged. A record of his execution could be found in a sketch of his hanging made by Leonardo da Vinci.
  • If Ezio hired mercenaries to attack Bernardo's bodyguards, he would pay no attention and continue walking.


