


埃齐奥·奥迪托雷来到卡特琳娜·斯福尔扎的牢房前,了解到唯一的一把钥匙放在卢克雷齐娅·博吉亚身上。埃齐奥来到她在圣天使城堡的,他看见了卢克雷齐娅和她的情人皮埃特罗·罗西在一起。 Making his way to her quarters at the top of the Castel Sant'Angelo, Ezio witnessed Lucrezia with her lover, a man named Pietro Rossi.


Fatale 1

Ezio talking with Caterina


  • 卡特琳娜: 埃齐奥,你在这里做什么?
  • 埃齐奥: 来拜访裁缝的。
  • 卡特琳娜: 救我的话会惹怒切萨雷的。
  • 埃齐奥: 幸运的是,他外出了。有没有第二把钥匙?
  • 卡特琳娜: 从卫兵把钥匙交给卢克雷齐娅这点来看,我猜没有第二把。
  • 埃齐奥: 那你知道她在哪吗?
  • 卡特琳娜: 她的住所在城堡最高处。
  • 埃齐奥: 好吧,乖乖待在这。那把钥匙是我的了。
  • 卡特琳娜: 我哪里也不能去啊。

Ezio snuck to the courtyard on the upper floor. There, he overheard Lucrezia talking with a man.

  • 皮埃特罗: I love you so, I want to sing it to the heavens.
  • 卢克雷齐娅: Please! You must whisper it only to yourself. If Cesare found out, who knows what he would do.
  • 皮埃特罗: Are you not newly widowed?
  • 卢克雷齐娅: He killed my husband.
  • 皮埃特罗: Oh.
  • 卢克雷齐娅: Cesare has always been jealous of my attentions, but that should not deter us.
  • 皮埃特罗: No?
  • 卢克雷齐娅: I will keep our secret.
Fatale 2

Lucrezia and Pietro

  • 皮埃特罗: Lucrezia. Your lips call to me.

Lucrezia and Pietro kissed each other, and Ezio took this opportunity to get closer. He began to scale the nearby wall but in doing so, he disturbed some birds.

  • 卢克雷齐娅: What was that?

Panicked, Pietro made to leave.

  • 皮埃特罗: I am late for rehearsal. Farewell, my love.

Pietro left the courtyard, and a guard approached Lucrezia.

  • 警卫 I heard the entire exchange, mia Signora (My Lady), and can vouch for it.
  • 卢克雷齐娅: Good. Tell Cesare. We shall see how it feels when the shoe is on the other foot.
  • 警卫: Yes, Signora (My Lady).

The guard left the courtyard and Lucrezia was left alone. Lucrezia stood in the courtyard, repeating the words "He loves me. He loves me not", as she plucked petals from a flower. Ezio then dropped down into the courtyard and walked towards her.

  • 埃齐奥: Please. Continue. I did not mean to interrupt.
  • 卢克雷齐娅: Ezio Auditore da Firenze? How nice to finally meet after hearing so much. A pity Cesare is no longer here. He would have enjoyed this.
  • 埃齐奥: My fight is not with you, Lucrezia. Free Caterina and I will stand down.
  • 卢克雷齐娅: Impossible.
FF 2

Ezio confronting Lucrezia

  • 埃齐奥: Then you leave me no choice.

Ezio walked towards Lucrezia as she backed off.

  • 卢克雷齐娅: Guards!

Guards ran into the courtyard to protect Lucrezia, but Ezio defeated them all.

  • 埃齐奥: I cannot leave you out here to cause trouble, so you're coming with me. Scream, however, and I will be forced to take your tongue.

Ezio swiftly picked up Lucrezia, held his Hidden Blade to her throat and started to walk her back to the prison.

  • 卢克雷齐娅: Rescuing princesses from castles now? I bet you think you're doing great things, charging around killing whomever you wish. Do you know what became of the Pazzi once your hunt was finished? Your dear friend Lorenzo stripped them of everything and threw them into prison. Even those who played no part in the conspiracy. The women were forbidden to marry and the family tombstones were erased. Wiped from the history books. Poof. Just like that. You ignored the consequences of your actions, content to set events into motion but unwilling to see them through. Cesare will finish what he started and bring peace to Italia. He kills for a higher purpose, unlike you!
  • 埃齐奥: The ignorant make easy targets.
  • 卢克雷齐娅: Whatever. My words are wasted here, ipocrita (hypocrite).


Ezio brought Lucrezia back to the prison, defeating any guards that attacked him along the way.


  • The name "femme fatale" is a reference to a woman who is known for charming men, often leading them into trouble, often proving lethal.
  • Viewing Pietro with Eagle Vision showed his body glowing blue, indicating that he was an ally to Ezio.


大逃亡 - 回家 - R & R - 骑马乱跑 - 射击练习 - 重逢 - 诽谤名声 - 紧急出口
焕然一新 - 完美执行 - 新来乍到 - 来得快,去得也快 - 谁有信? - 狼必死 - 尼禄的大厅 - 罗马地底
双面间谍 - 夹在两难之间 - 高风险谈判 - 集合情报
城堡毁灭者 - 蛇蝎美人 - 重担压身 - 弗利的守护者 - 人民代表 - 连环杀手 - 活人货物 - 不速之客 - 战争计划 - 火力压制 - 计划
逃债 - 跟着钱走 - 人在罗马…… - 进进出出 - 书面记录
守门人 - 法兰西之吻 - 特洛伊木马 - 再见
修补漏洞 - 替身演员全出动 - 光荣退场 - 介入 - 上位
安魂曲 - 一天一苹果 - 伊甸苹果 - 撤除军队 - 见红 - 条条大路通……
罗马治世 - 一颗种子
死人中的狼 - 被丢进狼群 - 狼群领袖 - 第六天 - 披着羊皮的狼 - 购物狂 - 液态黄金
战争计划 - 大炮发射 - 战争计划 - 飞行器2.0 - 战争计划 - 轮上地狱
脚踏实地 - 反宣传 - 逐出教会 - 射击线 - 现行犯 - “作弊”
第二次机会 - 最后一程 - 伴郎 - 不受欢迎的人 - 爱的徒劳
双重恶霸 - 战术修正 - …三人成群 - 农奴的草地 - 好友三人组 - 红字日 - 罗马的商人 - 坏消息的通报者 - 衣冠禽兽 - 扭转局势 - 毕业 - 蛮力和野蛮
迷路的小狗 - 利益冲突 - 全速前进 - 阶级斗争 - 指责 - 盯紧宝物 - 人老心不老 - 裁员 - ‎不分上下 - 为了粉丝
财产争议 - 积习难改 - 第二天清早 - 惊慌逃跑 - 活饵 - 治疗不当 - 接近 - 恶劣政客 - 麻烦制造机 - 代人捉刀
掷个骰子 - 那个逃走的家伙 - 死亡时刻 - 一路顺风 - 最后一刻的邀请 - 埃齐奥·奥迪托雷事件 - 解密达·芬奇 - 毕达哥拉斯的神庙
错误的审查 - 脱离轨道 - 知识分子 - 荣誉学位 - 加急邮件 - 红衣之人 - 活靶子 - 合上书