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{{Character Infobox
{{Youmay|埃及圣殿骑士特工|[[莱拉·马里诺]]的}}{{翻译请求}}{{Character Infobox
|image = LeilaImage2.png
|image = LeilaImage2.png
|death = 1342<br>[[马穆鲁克人|马穆鲁克王朝]]
|death = 1342<br>[[马穆鲁克人|马穆鲁克王朝]]
|affiliates = [[圣殿骑士]]
|affiliates = [[圣殿骑士]]
|appear = ''[[刺客信条5:艾尔·卡]]''<br>''[[刺客信条6:蕾拉]]''}}
|appear = ''[[刺客信条5:艾尔·卡]]''<br>''[[刺客信条6:蕾拉]]''}}
莱拉(不明 – 1342)是一位1341年[[埃及]]的[[圣殿骑士]]行动特工。她负责刺杀埃及苏丹[[阿尔·纳西尔·穆罕默德]]以及[[刺客]][[努马·阿尔卡姆辛]]。
莱拉(不明 – 1342)是一位1341年[[埃及]]的[[圣殿骑士]]行动特工。她负责刺杀埃及苏丹[[阿尔·纳西尔·穆罕默德]]以及[[刺客]][[努马·阿尔卡姆辛]]。
当莱拉七岁时,她便是苏丹[[阿尔·纳西尔·穆罕默德]]在[[开罗]]宫殿的后宫的一员。她违背意愿服从苏丹,忍受他的虐待,多年来她生活在忧虑之中,积蓄对阿尔·纳西尔的怒火。<ref name="AC6L">''[[Assassin's Creed 6: Leila]]''</ref>
当莱拉七岁时,她便是苏丹[[阿尔·纳西尔·穆罕默德]]在[[开罗]]宫殿的后宫的一员。她违背意愿服从苏丹,忍受他的虐待,多年来她生活在忧虑之中,积蓄对阿尔·纳西尔的怒火。<ref name="AC6L">''[[Assassin's Creed 6: Leila]]''</ref>
1341年某日,圣殿骑士联系上了莱拉,并提供了一个对这些年所受耻辱复仇的机会。莱拉没有犹豫就接受了这项交易。在那年6月的一天夜,她作为仆人被阿尔·纳西尔传唤进宫服侍他。当她被要求去取悦苏丹的时候,莱拉假装和苏丹亲热并以圣殿骑士反抗暴政的名义割开了他的喉咙杀死了他。之后莱拉企图逃走,但在逃离宫殿时被俘。<ref name="AC6L" /><ref name="AC5EC">''[[Assassin's Creed 5: El Cakr]]''</ref>
Sometime in 1341, Leila was contacted by the Templars and offered a chance to avenge the humiliations she had suffered throughout the years - without hesitation, Leila accepted the deal to kill the Sultan. One night, while still active as a servant, Leila was summoned by Al-Nasir. When she was asked to accompany him, Leila seduced the Sultan and killed him by slitting his throat, in the name of the "Templars' fight against oppression". She then made an attempt to flee, but was captured while making her escape from the Palace.<ref name="AC6L" /><ref name="AC5EC">''[[Assassin's Creed 5: El Cakr]]''</ref>
她随后被囚禁,不久后努马·阿尔卡姆辛,亦是被称为“艾尔·卡克”的刺客,也被押到同一间囚室。在莱拉给努马喝了一些东西之后,她告诉他她杀死了苏丹并在明日将被处决。<ref name="AC5EC" />
She was subsequently imprisoned, sharing her cell with the Assassin Numa Al'Khamsin, known also as El Cakr. After offering Numa something to drink, Leila told him she had killed the Sultan and that she was to be executed the following day.<ref name="AC5EC" />
莱拉接着告诉了努马她自己的故事以及宫殿密道的事情,并建议逃跑。努马质问为什么要相信她,莱拉告诉他她对金钱和政治没有兴趣,她并不是圣殿的真正信徒,她只是利用圣殿提供武器来完成自己的复仇。<ref name="AC6L" />
Leila then gave her personal story to the Assassin and with her knowledge of the Palace, proposed an escape. Numa, who did not consent to her business with the Templars, asked why he should trust her, for which Leila explained that she wasn't a true believer in the Templar cause and that she was not interested in politics nor money; the Templars had merely delivered the weapon and she had acted simply out of hatred and vengeance.<ref name="AC6L" />
在那时,一群警卫前来接送莱拉行刑。正当警卫将要带走莱拉时,努马袭击了一名警卫,并杀死了其他两人。接着刺客说他已经完成了他该做的,莱拉也知道该轮到她了。作为回报,莱拉带离努马逃离宫殿,并在一路上杀死了几名警卫。<ref name="AC6L" />
At that moment, a few guards arrived to pick up Leila for her execution. Just as the guard proceeded to take Leila with him, Numa attacked him, further killing another two guards present. The Assassin then said he had played his part in the escape and Leila knew it was her turn. In return, she led Numa through the palace, while he killed any guards along the way.<ref name="AC6L" />
最终,两人逃脱并到达莱拉在城市中安排在谋杀苏丹之后安身的安全屋中。在这里莱拉引诱了努马并和他做爱,在那之后努马在夜晚离开了,并在床上留下了一支玫瑰。<ref name="AC6L" />
Eventually, the pair escaped and headed for a safe house that Leila had arranged in the city in order to lay low after the murder of the Sultan. There she seduced Numa into a sexual encounter, after which Numa slipped away during the night, leaving a rose on the bed for Leila to find when she woke up.<ref name="AC6L" />
在莱拉和阿尔卡姆辛逃脱之后,她再次联络上了圣殿骑士。这一次她的任务是找回[[阿赛特节杖]],一件能够赋予持有者号召力和领导力的[[伊甸碎片]]。圣殿骑士发现节杖正是在[[埃德富]]神庙被努马的学徒[[阿里·阿尔格雷布]]所守护。然而,找回神器并不是唯一的要点,她也被下令杀死努马。她知道努马在向这边赶来,便带着一些圣殿骑士先来一步设下埋伏。<ref name="AC6L" />
After she had escaped with Al'Khamsin, Leila was contacted by the Templars once again. This time, she was tasked to retrieve the [[Scepter of Aset]], an artifact which conferred great charisma and leadership to its wielder. The Templars had discovered that the Scepter was being guarded at [[Edfu]] Temple by none other than Numa's disciple, [[Ali Al-Ghraib]]. However, finding the artifact was not the only priority, Leila was also tasked to kill Numa. Knowing that the Assassin would go to the Temple as well, she and a few other Templars quickly traveled there to be one step ahead.<ref name="AC6L" />
在埃德富,以莱拉为首的圣殿骑士折磨阿里,弄断他的手腕来逼迫他参与谋害他师傅的合作来换得他的生命。在努马归来的时候,他感谢了阿里的忠诚。当他问及阿里的伤时,一群带着兜帽的圣殿骑士包围了刺客。<ref name="AC6L" />
In Edfu, the Templars led by Leila tortured Ali, breaking his wrist and forcing the boy to cooperate in eliminating his master, in exchange for his life. Upon his return, Numa believed that his mission was completed and he thanked Ali for his loyalty. Though, upon noticing Ali's bandaged wrist, the group of hooded Templars surrounded the Assassin.<ref name="AC6L" />
莱拉接着上前解释努马已经成为优先于节杖的目标了,而努马仍不知莱拉此时的身份,质问莱拉为什么恨他。莱拉拉下兜帽,告诉艾尔·卡克她并不讨厌他但在那之后被下达了新的任务。莱拉告诉努马之前所说的都是谎言,接着将一枚匕首刺入了努马的心脏,在他徒弟面前杀死了他。接着她保持了对阿里的承诺让这位学徒逃走。<ref name="AC6L" />
Leila then came forward, her identity still unknown to Al'Khamsin. She explained that the Scepter was no longer the only priority of the Order and that Numa was such a nuisance that his death was now a new priority. Now lowering her hood, she told El Cakr that she felt no hate towards him but had to follow orders before she began dueling with him. Perfectly trained, Leila revealed that everything she had told Numa about her commitment to the Templars was a lie before putting a dagger into his heart, instantly killing Numa before the eyes of his distraught apprentice. However, keeping her promise to spare Ali, Leila let the shaken Assassin apprentice go.<ref name="AC6L" />
在节杖在圣殿骑士手中的情况下,莱拉回到了开罗苏丹的宫殿会见高官们递交神器。然而,在她将神器交给高官时,她发现在安卡状的盒子里装的只是一根木棍。她接着立刻开始追踪阿里,而后者已经将节杖丢入埃德富神庙附近的一口井中。莱拉偶然在这口水井停下喝水,然而她发现了节杖的光辉。接着她在追寻闪光攀下井的时候不幸跌落,失去知觉,几乎被水淹死。<ref name="AC6L" />
With the Scepter now in Templar hands, Leila went to the Sultan's Emirs in Cairo to deliver them the artifact. However, while wishing to give the Scepter to the Emirs, she discovered that the ankh-shaped box was empty. Quickly, she rushed in pursuit of Ali, who had thrown the Scepter in a well near Edfu Temple. By chance, Leila stopped at the well to drink some water and soon spotted the Scepter's luster. Following this, she clambered into the well to retrieve it, but fell down upon her ascent with the artifact; as a result, Leila lost consciousness, almost drowning in the water of the well.<ref name="AC6L" />
三天后,经过的贝都因人看见并救起了莱拉。然而莱拉失去了记忆,忘记了她在圣殿教团中的地位以及她的任务,她接着随着贝都因人离开,但在九个月后死于生下与艾尔·卡克在安全屋时怀上的孩子时的内出血。<ref name="AC6L" />
Three days later, passing {{Wiki|Bedouin}}s saw and rescued Leila. However, having become amnesiac, Leila had forgotten her allegiance to the Templars and the very existence of the Scepter, which she unknowingly left behind in the well. She then left with the Bedouins, but died nine months later from internal bleeding as a result of giving birth to the child she had conceived with El Cakr during their night in the safe house.<ref name="AC6L" />
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2019年3月29日 (五) 05:42的版本

Eraicon-French ComicEraicon-Templars


莱拉(不明 – 1342)是一位1341年埃及圣殿骑士行动特工。她负责刺杀埃及苏丹阿尔·纳西尔·穆罕默德以及刺客努马·阿尔卡姆辛




























  • 通过怀上阿尔卡姆辛的孩子,莱拉是现代非正统剧情角色弗农·赫斯特以及乔纳森·霍克两位的祖先。

