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Eraicon-RevelationsEraicon-Revelations book


苏莱曼一世(Suleiman I) (1494 – 1566)是奥斯曼帝国的第十任苏丹,1520年至1566年在位,是在位时间最长的苏丹。他是萨利姆一世的儿子。

苏莱曼是奥斯曼帝国最伟大的统治者之一,在西方以苏莱曼大帝(Suleiman the Magnificent)闻名,而土耳其人称他为卡努尼(Kanuni),意即立法者。他开启了君士坦丁堡的黄金时期。

Suleiman became embroiled in the struggle between the Templars and Assassins during 1511. After a failed kidnap attempt by Byzantine Templars working for Manuel Palaiologos, Suleiman befriended the Italian Assassin and Mentor, Ezio Auditore, who encouraged Suleiman's progressive attitude for peace in the Ottoman Empire.



As his father was last in the Ottoman hierarchy, Suleiman fostered no intentions of becoming Sultan, and instead threw himself into study. He was educated at the University in Istanbul, as well as received private tutoring in Topkapı Palace. At this time, he also had a servant named Ibrahim that he considered to be his best friend.[1]

By the time he was 17, Suleiman's grandfather, Sultan Bayezid II, recognized his great talent, and installed him as the governor of Kefe, a sizable region north of the Black Sea. He would continue to receive several similar positions until 1520.[1]

In 1511, while returning to Constantinople from his Hajj, Suleiman met Ezio Auditore, the leader of the Italian Assassins. Neither of them disclosed their identities to each other at the time, with Suleiman convincing Ezio that he was merely a student, and Ezio simply saying he was searching for inspiration.[1]

As the ship arrived in Galata, and its passengers disembarked, a young lady named Sofia Sartor dropped her packages. Suleiman politely came to her aid, and helped her carry her belongings, bidding the Assassin farewell as he left.[1]


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Suleiman greeting the guests at his banquet

Suleiman became the target of a supposed assassination attempt from the Byzantines during a cultural exposition he had organized at Topkapı Palace. Fortunately, the Turkish Assassins had infiltrated the party disguised as Italian minstrels, and were quietly dispatching the would-be killers.[1]

However, a guard noticed a body that an Assassin had failed to hide, and a battle broke out. Ezio ended the fight by killing the final Templar that had been about to attack Suleiman in the midst of the confusion.[1]

Ezio and Suleiman then greeted each other cordially, and introduced themselves by name. After Suleiman ordered the guards to remove the bodies and send the guests home, he requested Ezio's help.[1]

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Ahmet, Tarik, and Suleiman at the meeting

The next morning, Ezio returned and Suleiman requested him to spy on a meeting he had arranged between his uncle, Shehzade Ahmet, and Tarik Barleti, captain of the Janissaries.[1]

Suleiman explained that his grandfather wanted Ahmet to succeed him on the throne, but the Janissaries, the Sultan's elite soldiers, preferred Suleiman's father Selim.[1]

During the meeting, Tarik assured Suleiman that he would investigate the infiltration, but Suleiman impatiently said that he would do it himself, "for reasons that should be obvious." Ahmet also accused Tarik of planning the attack to make him appear to be a weak and ineffective steward, though Tarik blatantly denied the claims.[1]


Ezio:“You are in a tough spot. But how do the Byzantines fit into this?”
Suleiman:“I had hoped you might know. Would you be willing to help me find out?”
Ezio:“I am tracking them myself. I can help you as long as our interests run parallel.”
—Suleiman gaining Ezio's assistance.[来源]
Uneasy meeting 1


Due to his suspicions of Tarik's failure to prevent the Byzantine infiltration, Suleiman proceeded with his investigation, and directed Ezio to the Grand Bazaar, where Tarik spent most of his time.[1]

After discovering that Tarik was supplying weapons to the Byzantine heir Manuel Palaiologos, Ezio returned to Suleiman, who had been playing chess with Ahmet in the Constantine District. Suleiman directed Ezio to the Janissary camp, and requested that he interrogate and kill Tarik, as punishment for his treachery, despite Tarik's past friendship with Suleiman's father.[1]

However, after the assassination, Ezio returned Topkapı Palace and revealed to Suleiman that Tarik had been innocent. With his dying words, Tarik had revealed that he had merely been posing as a traitor in order to ambush the Byzantines at Cappadocia. Suleiman grieved the loss, and lamented that he should not have been so quick to judge.[1]

Mixed tiding 3

Ahmet speaking with Suleiman

After their exchange, Suleiman promised to arrange a ship to transport Ezio to the Byzantine base in Cappadocia. Ahmet appeared shortly afterwards, distressed that the Janissaries had pinned Tarik's murder on him, and convinced that his father would banish him as a result.[1]

Ahmet soon spotted Ezio, and apologized for interrupting their meeting. Realizing the danger of revealing Ezio's identity, Suleiman instead introduced the Assassin as "Marcello", a European advisor from Kefe.[1]

After Ahmet requested for "Marcello" to leave, Suleiman calmed his uncle, assuring him that they would find the true killer.[1]


When Ezio returned, he had learned that Ahmet was the Templar Grand Master, and had kidnapped his friend Sofia Sartor. After the Assassins stormed the Arsenal where Ahmet was hiding, Suleiman arrived and overheard his uncle's confrontation with Ezio.[1]

Ahmet declared his desire for a New World Order, by finding the Grand Temple and destroying the "superstitions that keep men divided." Later on, he would also admit to being behind the assault in Topkapı Palace, though he had not intended for Suleiman to be killed, merely captured, for him to be "rescued" by Ahmet afterwards.[1]

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Suleiman ordering a Janissary to stand down

As Ahmet left, Suleiman came out of hiding to speak to Ezio. He admitted his uncle's sincerity, but found his fantasies to be dangerous. He also disagreed with the concept of removing the differences between men, saying that they should be celebrated instead of suppressed.[1]

The Janissaries arrived to restore order, and moved to attack Ezio to protect Suleiman, though Suleiman quickly ordered them to stand down. Continuing, Suleiman requested Ezio to spare his uncle after rescuing Sofia, though he admitted that his father would not do the same in his position.[1]

Indeed, some time later, when the new Sultan Selim returned with his army, he killed Ahmet. Though Selim threatened to have Ezio killed as well, at Suleiman's recommendation, the Assassin was merely banished from the city.[1]

Later, when Ezio returned to Constantinople to tie up loose ends at the Assassins Guild, Suleiman prevented his father from harming him, and promised that Ezio's time in the city would be brief.[2]


In 1520, a tragedy robbed Suleiman's father of the Sultanate, and Suleiman - who was 26 at the time - succeeded him. His reforms greatly improved the Empire's bureaucratic system, which would later be described as a "well-oiled engine," despite its significant size.[1]

During his rule, Suleiman expanded his Empire to its furthest points, stretching it from Algeria to the Persian Gulf, and from Austria down to Egypt. Respecting the diversity of those under his authority, he was always careful to honor their cultures, traditions, and religions.[1]


“I suppose the moral of any story matches the temper of the man telling it.”
―Suleiman, 1511.[来源]

Suleiman was a kind, polite, and thoughtful man, from his youth until old age. Ezio once described him as a "remarkable boy with a magnificent mind," and he was regarded highly by many of his countrymen.[1]

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Suleiman speaking with his uncle

Despite his uncle being favored over his father for the Sultanate, Suleiman maintained close ties with Ahmet. Indeed, he saw no problem with the decision, and once commented to his uncle that "Grandfather has chosen you, and his word is kanun (law). What is there to argue about?"[1]

Initially, Suleiman dealt harshly with treason, and asked Ezio to kill Tarik for the blatant disrespect for Sultan Bayezid II. However, upon later discovering Tarik's innocence, he grew more tolerant, and even asked Ezio to spare Ahmet's life if he was able, despite knowing his ill intentions.[1]

Ever a scholar, Suleiman spent much of his time in study or travel, and once even held a large cultural exposition in Topkapı Palace, in which he invited foreign minstrels to perform. His appreciation and respect for other cultures extended into his rule as Sultan, and was attributed to be the reason he could maintain such a large Empire.[1]



苏莱曼一世,或译苏里曼一世(奥斯曼土耳其文:سليمان اول、现代土耳其文:I. Süleyman,1494年11月6日-1566年9月5/6/7日),是奥斯曼帝国 第10位、也是在位时间最长的苏丹(1520年-1566年在位),兼任伊斯兰教最高精神领袖哈里发之职。由于苏莱曼一世的文治武功,他在西方被普遍誉为苏莱曼大帝(奥斯曼土耳其文:محتشم سليمان、现代土耳其文:Muhteşem Süleyman,拉丁语:Suleimanus Magnificus),而他在奥斯曼帝国国内和东方则被誉为卡努尼苏丹苏莱曼(奥斯曼土耳其文:قانونى سلطان سليمان、现代土耳其文:Kanuni Sultan Süleyman、阿拉伯语:السلطان سليمان القانوني‎),“卡努尼”意为“立法者”,因为他在位时完成了对奥斯曼帝国法律体系的改造。苏莱曼大帝是欧洲16世纪的一位杰出的君主,在他的统治下,奥斯曼帝国在政治、经济、军事和文化等诸多方面都进入极盛时期。苏莱曼大帝亲自统帅奥斯曼军队征服了基督教重镇贝尔格莱德、罗得岛 和匈牙利的大部分,奥斯曼人的扩张态势一直到1529年的维也纳之围才被暂时遏制。苏莱曼大帝在与波斯 (今伊朗)萨非王朝的战争中占领了大半个中东地区,并将西至阿尔及利亚的北非大部地区纳入奥斯曼帝国版图。苏莱曼大帝在位期间,奥斯曼帝国舰队称霸地中海、红海和波斯湾。





苏莱曼出生于黑海之滨的特拉布宗,具体日期可能是1494年11月6日。他的母亲是亚武兹苏丹塞利姆一世的皇后(后成为皇太后)艾谢·哈芙莎苏丹,于1534年逝世。苏莱曼7岁时,被送往帝都伊斯坦布尔 托普卡珀宫的皇家学校学习科学、历史、文学、神学和兵法。苏莱曼年轻时,与一名奴隶易卜拉欣结下友谊,易卜拉欣日后成为苏莱曼最信任的顾问之一,并曾任大维齐尔。从17岁开始,年轻的苏莱曼先后担任卡法(今乌克兰费奥多西亚)和马尼萨的总督,并在帝国故都埃迪尔内短期任职。父亲塞利姆一世归真后,苏莱曼返回帝都伊斯坦布尔继位,成为奥斯曼帝国第10任苏丹。几周后,威尼斯共和国驻奥斯曼帝国公使巴尔托洛梅奥·孔塔里尼对年轻的苏丹作了如下描述:“他25岁的年纪,身材高挑而硬朗,外表柔弱。颈部稍长、面容瘦削、鹰钩鼻,留着一簇小胡子和少许胡须,尽管略显苍白,却依然神采奕奕。他被誉为英明之主,好学之士,所有人都想受益于他的统治。他的头巾也大得出奇。” 一些史学家宣称苏莱曼年轻时仰慕马其顿的亚历山大大帝 ,并受其影响,立志建立一个囊括东西方的帝国,这成为他日后频繁征战亚洲、非洲和欧洲的思想动力。


  • During the memory "The Prince's Banquet," Suleiman speaks some Italian.
  • Suleiman is voiced by Haaz Sleiman, who voiced Malik Al-Sayf in Assassin's Creed.
  • Suleiman is a derivation of the name Solomon, itself from Hebrew שָׁלוֹם (shalom), meaning "peace."


