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艾伯特"艾比"·波登Albert "Albie" Bolden,1893 – 未知)更广为人知的名称是“黑色十字”,是位活跃在20世纪初的圣殿骑士特工,在巡回夜总会的爵士乐队“艾伯特·波登与哈林热舞者”中担任领导吹鼓手作为伪装[1],并在世界各地旅行。







ACTemplars Black Cross confronts Gift






之后,波登窃听了当地圣殿召开的一次会议,讨论在上海帮派战争和军阀混战的的局势中工作的艰巨。当提到黑十字的到来后,他们被费信惇下令要尽己所能提供帮助。一名圣殿骑士大师霞飞在会后叫了一辆人力车,准备回到住所,但波登伪装的人力车夫将他拉到了另一个人迹罕至的地方(豫园)。黑色十字显示真面目后,向霞飞询问了他之前在腐败法国警察身上找到的一个叫做合和社(Hop Wo Society)组织的线索,霞飞撇清自己的嫌疑,力表对组织的忠诚。在推理自己对该组织的看法之后,他发现线索地点指向上海大世界娱乐场。波登潜入该地,准备审问另一名逃走的法国人时,他发现自己中了埋伏。[2]



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他之后抵达了他们所在的城隍庙并及时阻止了花旗阿根结果达利斯, 两人展开近身搏斗,难分难解之际,花旗阿根掏出枪射中了敌人的肩膀。然而当波登将被处决的时候,茹从背后偷袭,用匕首刺中了花旗阿根。这时黑色十字迅速用锁链锁住他并将他踢出窗户,吊在了窗外。当波登准备继续去追杀蒋中正的时候,已经知晓事情前因后果的达利斯拿起枪射向了波登的后背,要为他的父亲报仇。黑色十字试图反驳说他是执行教团的命令,但达利斯还是连续向他开了好几枪。波登脑海中闪现出曾经离开妻女的画面,从楼上跌了下去。[2]

Safekeeping the Koh-i-Noor

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Bolden encounters Grosvenor

Bolden survived the fall and was brought to a local hospital, where he was treated. After the incident, Bolden failed to report to his superiors, which led to the Order sending Rufus Grosvenor, a high ranking member to find out what happened to him. A year later in a Chinese opium den in 1928, Bolden encountered Grosvenor, who attempted to blackmail him, threatening to reveal to the Order that he is alive if he didn't gave him the Koh-i-Noor, but Bolden refused and left.[3]

Knowing that Grosvenor would track down the artifact eventually, Bolden travelled to Switzerland and retrieved it from the bank it was secreted in. For the next 9 years, Bolden kept the artifact with it throughout his journey to hid it from Grosvenor.[3]

Pursuing Grosvernor

Sometime in 1937, Bolden returned home to find his family murdered and the Piece of Eden stolen by Grosvenor. Vowing revenge, Bolden tracked the Templar for the next few months, eventually to Spain, where he finds Norbert Clarke, Ignacio Cardona holding the Koh-i-Noor and a group of Spanish Assassins in the Assassin hideout. As Cardona pass out due to the usage of the Piece of Eden, Bolden attacked Nobert Clarke and the Assassins which caused him to suffer several bullet wounds. Unable to get close to Gorsvernor, Bolden took the unconscious Assassin instead and escaped to a unknown location.[3]

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Templar and Assassin riding together.

At the hideout, Cardona regained conscious as Bolden was patching up his wounds. Bolden revealed himself as a Templar and the Black Cross which led to the Assassin attacking him. Bolden easily subdued him and explained to him of his 'death' in Shanghai, how he encountered Grosvernor and tracked him to Spain. He revealed that the Assassin Norbert Clarke was actually Grosvernor, who had killed him earlier and posed as him. He also tells Cardona that Grosvernor was planning to use him as a conduit for the Koh-i-Noor and unleash its powers. Bolden asked Cardona to help him track down Grosvernor, in exchange for helping him to warn his cell, which he accepted.[3]

Bolden and Cardona rode along with several Spanish revolutionaries and a while later, they come across Grosvernor, with the Assassins behind him.[3]


In 2013, Juhani Otso Berg watched the memories of Darius Gift in order to learn more about his encounter with the Black Cross. Indeed after Berg's mission in India, the Templars discovered that Bolden was the last recorded individual in contact with the Koh-i-Noor, a Piece of Eden.[2]

After witnessing Bolden fall from a temple roof, having been shot multiple times by Gift in 1927, Berg told Violet da Costa that despite the evidence, he wasn't sure that the Black Cross truly died that day. Bolden's family disappearing from the records after his departure for WWI, Berg put the search for the artifact on stand-by, hoping that the Order would find one of Bolden's descendants to further explore the Black Cross' memories.[2]

The Black Cross' last mission in Shanghai was later used as the template for one of Abstergo Entertainment's games on the Helix platform, "Showdown in Shanghai".[2]

In 2017, Berg relieved Bolden's memories during his time in Spain during the Spanish Civil War in order to locate the Koh-i-Noor.[3]


Albert Bolden was a capable freerunner and climber, able to scale buildings in London and China. He was also a skilled tactician, allowing Thaddeus Gift to get to a phone to reveal his collaborators, and accounting for Yuri Dolinsky's superior sword-fighting skills by cutting the tracks of the train prior to their duel on board, causing Dolinsky to fall and lose his advantage. Bolden was a trained soldier and was a skilled marksman knowledgeable with many firearms.

Albert was also highly skilled in unarmed combat besting many opponents in the crime syndicate the Green Gang, such as the large Fiery Crow, and holding his own against the skilled Flowery Flag. Even while injured, he held his own and outmatched a rage-filled Ignacio Cardona four times. He could take down multiple opponents in close-quarters combat, such as when fighting multiple soldiers at once in the Great Wall or when he faced off against an entire assassin cell, although he was forced to retreat. He was also exceptionally skilled in stealth, constantly sneaking up on those he had to interrogate or execute. He was fluent in Chinese.

In terms of equipment, Albert carried a bladed pin as his primary weapon; he had two poisons for it, one fast and another that took hours or so to set in. He also carried a sword on occasion and possessed what appeared to be a kind of chain dart, along with smoke bombs, grenades, a sub-machine gun and a gas mask.



  • He indicated that he has eliminated entire assassin cells more than once.


