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ACB Art Merchant Shop


艺术品商人Art merchants)是二维绘画媒体的主要传播者。在学徒的帮助下,一个艺术品商人可以复制并卖出大部分的艺术和绘画作品得体的复制品。他们仍然是一份原始的职业,就像铁匠一样。


Each painting increased Monteriggioni's value, with the higher the price, the higher the added value. Paintings sold by art merchants changed depending on what region they were in. Once purchased, they could also be viewed at the art gallery on the second floor of the Villa Auditore, for some background information on the painting itself, and its artist. Art merchants weren't as common as blacksmiths or doctors, but there was at least one situated in each city.

Location Painting Cost Artist
Florence Madonna and Child 320ƒ Filippo Lippi
Florence Baptism of Christ 280ƒ Andrea del Verrocchio
Florence Primavera 2950ƒ Sandro Botticelli
Florence Pallas and the Centaur 3050ƒ Sandro Botticelli
Florence Annunciation 429ƒ Leonardo da Vinci
Florence Saint John Baptiste 1608ƒ Leonardo da Vinci
Florence Portrait of a Musician 20ƒ Leonardo da Vinci
Florence Francesco Delle Opere 1492ƒ Pietro Perugino
Venice St-Jerome 53ƒ Leonardo da Vinci
Venice Adoration of the Magi 1290ƒ Leonardo da Vinci
Venice San Sebastian 163ƒ Antonello da Messina
Venice St-Jerome in his Study 4300ƒ Antonello da Messina
Venice Sacred and Profane Love 6295ƒ Titian
San Gimignano Venus Rising 7220ƒ Titian
San Gimignano Sleeping Venus 9175ƒ Giorgione
San Gimignano Venus and the Mirror 1035ƒ Mabuse
San Gimignano Simonetta Vespucci 125ƒ Piero di Cosimo
San Gimignano Portrait of a Lady 525ƒ Leonardo da Vinci
San Gimignano Federico da Montefeltro 325ƒ Pedro Berruguete
Forlì The Birth of Venus 14800ƒ Sandro Botticelli
Forlì Jupiter and Io 6969ƒ Antonio Allegri da Corregio
Forlì La Fornarina 32ƒ Raphael
Forlì Leda and the Swan 200ƒ Leonardo da Vinci
Forlì Three Graces 500ƒ Raphael
Forlì Eve 800ƒ Albrecht Dürer
Monteriggioni Lady with an Ermine 85ƒ Leonardo da Vinci
Monteriggioni Saint Chrysogonus 3290ƒ Michele Giambono
Monteriggioni St-Francis in Ecstasy 581ƒ Giovanni Bellini
Monteriggioni Ideal City 2850ƒ Francesco di Giorgio Martini and Piero della Francesca
Monteriggioni Ballista and Federico 1238ƒ Piero della Francesca


Treasure maps marked the location of treasure chests located all over Italy. Like paintings, treasure maps differed depending on what location they were bought at. The art merchant of each region – being Florence, Tuscany, Romagna and Venice – possessed a map for each district that they covered. There was also another treasure map for Monteriggioni. Treasure maps for each district were unlocked after Ezio had visited the district at least once.

City (District) Cost
Florence (Santa Maria Novella) 160ƒ
Florence (San Marco) 150ƒ
Florence (San Giovanni) 395ƒ
Appennine Mountains 150ƒ
Monteriggioni 285ƒ
Tuscany (San Gimignano) 245ƒ
Tuscany (Countryside) 175ƒ
Romagna (Forlì) 260ƒ
Romagna (Countryside) 235ƒ
Venice (San Marco) 500ƒ

Venice (Dorsoduro)

Venice (San Polo) 550ƒ
Venice (Cannaregio) 995ƒ
Venice (Castello) 485ƒ


  • 刺客信条2中,30幅可供购买的绘画中有8幅为莱昂纳多·达·芬奇所作。
  • 刺客信条:兄弟会中,所有可供购买的绘画都为意大利文艺复兴时期艺术家拉斐尔所作。
  • 在油画《基督复活》的描述中有一个输入错误。
  • 现代,从前被蒙特里久尼的艺术品商人使用的建筑,已经变成了一个信息亭。
  • 刺客信条:启示录中,艺术品商人被书店所取代。
  • 《拿着苹果的年轻人》为拉斐尔在1505年所作,但它在更早我游戏里便能买到。实际上,拉斐尔的第一个有记录的作品是在1501年所作,所以对埃齐奥来说在游戏中更早地购买艺术品或复制品是不可能的。


