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Tutti a Bordo 4






Godfather 2


The two called out to Caterina, informing her that they had kidnapped her two children, explaining that they would only be returned once Caterina had handed over her husband's map detailing the locations of the Codex pages. In response, Caterina vehemently hurled insults at them, refusing to hand over the map. The Orsi brothers stated in return that she had one hour to hand over the map before they killed her children. On their departure, Caterina turned to Ezio for help, asking him to rescue her children for her. To this, Ezio agreed, and handed over the Apple to her to protect.

Ezio departed and headed for the Romagna countryside, where he defeated the guards imprisoning Bianca, who then directed him to the location of her brother, Ottaviano. From there, he headed through the marshes to a nearby lighthouse, where he scaled the building, killed Ludovico and rescued Ottaviano. However, upon dispatching Ludovico, Ezio learnt that the captured siblings had been a distraction, allowing for the theft of the Apple. With this, the Assassin hurried back to the city, discovering that Checco had acquired the Apple.

Checcomate 5


Ezio tracked him down and killed the last Orsi brother and retrieved the Apple, though not before Checco managed to stab Ezio in the abdomen, causing him to lose consciousness and drop the artifact. As Ezio slipped into unconsciousness, he saw a black-robed monk with a missing finger pick up the Apple and walk away.

Afterwards, Ezio awoke inside the city, where he was being tended to by Caterina, after Forlì guards discovered him in the countryside whilst scouting the area. Upon regaining consciousness, Ezio explained to Caterina what had happened, and she pointed him in the direction of a nearby abbey in the wetlands outside the city as a good spot to look for clues, regarding the location of the mysterious black-robed monk. Additionally, Caterina gave Ezio the Codex map, to which he thanked her and left, with the abbey as his objective.

Ezio traveled through the Romagna marshlands until he reached the abbey, where he saved an Irish priest, Brother O'Callahan, from Borgia thugs. Ezio questioned him about the monk with a missing finger, and O'Callahan directed him to an abbey inside the city of Forlì.

The Assassin returned to the city and headed for the abbey, however, once he arrived there, one of the priests recognized him as the murderer of Stefano da Bagnone, the Templar that Ezio had assassinated nine years earlier. Fearful, the priest attempted to run away, though Ezio caught up to him and tackled him. He quickly explained that Stefano's death was necessary, and managed to convince the priest of this, before he inquired about the identity of the black-robed monk with the missing finger, which the priest confirmed to be Girolamo Savonarola. From there, Ezio asked where he might have gone, and the monk said that he may have returned to Florence, to which the Assassin quickly departed for.


  • 罗马涅的设计基于艾米利亚·罗马涅大区的科马乔山谷湿地。然而在游戏中,弗利城与这些湿地挨得很近,而在现实中,它们间还有拉韦纳城相隔。
  • 在《刺客信条II》发售之前,开发商育碧蒙特利尔管这片区域叫“湿地”。
  • 罗马涅是《刺客信条II》中最贫穷落后的地区,到处都是脏水、破烂不堪的房屋与丛生的杂草。很少有平民穿着代表富裕的服装(譬如羽毛帽子与围巾),扒窃也摸不到几个钱。
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  • 罗马涅是《刺客信条II》的第一个DLC:《弗利之战》的发生地点。
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