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Altaïr's plain robes

十字军东征期间, Altaïr 穿着一件标准的刺客作训制服,主要包含有前臂护甲(腕甲)、护胫,靴子 和一条防护腰带,都是由皮革制成。总是装备在刺客左手前臂的前臂护甲藏有袖剑,并使用一些列编织起来的金属片作为防护。当一个刺客在组织中的地位提升之后,他的腰带会得到相应的升级以显示使用者的新等级。AltaïrMalik都穿着刺客组织中最高等级的战斗制服,包含一条象征着最高声望的三层腰带。[1]







大马士革的卫兵会装备鳞甲(lamellar)、皮革护甲(leather)或是链甲(ringmail armor)。

亚克的士兵装备的是镶甲(brigantine armor)、锁子甲(chain mail),有些卫兵只是包裹着头巾(coifs)(此处翻译有待讨论).

耶路撒冷的卫兵装备着条板甲(Splint Armour)或者鱼鳞甲(scale armor).






Ezio's plain robes

艾齐奥 奥迪托雷(Ezio Auditore)可以从各个城市里的铁匠铺 中购买各种各样的护甲。共有四个系列的铠甲可供购买,而第五套,也就是阿尔泰铠甲(the Armor of Altaïr )将在完成所有刺客墓穴(the Assassin's seals )挑战之后解锁。每个系列都包含独立的四部分:胸甲(chest plates ), 护胫(greaves ), 肩甲(spaulders ),和前臂护甲(vambraces ).[2]


盔甲名称 解锁时间 花费
皮革护胫 (Leather Greaves) Sequence 03 1,200ƒ
皮革前臂护甲(Leather Vambraces) 序列4 1,100ƒ
皮革胸甲(Leather Chest Guard) 序列 3 4,370ƒ
皮革肩甲(Leather Spaulders) 序列 1 2,185ƒ
赫尔姆斯密尔特护胫(Helmschmied Greaves) 序列 3 4,940ƒ
赫尔姆斯密尔特前臂护甲(Helmschmied Vambraces) 序列 5 2,900ƒ
赫尔姆斯密尔特胸甲(Helmschmied Chest Guard) 序列 5 10,800ƒ
赫尔姆斯密尔特肩甲(Helmschmied Spaulders) 序列 4 6,200ƒ
金属护胫(Metal Greaves) 序列 4 7,200ƒ

金属前臂护甲(Metal Vambraces)

序列 6 6,300ƒ
金属胸甲(Metal Chest Guard) 序列 7 17,200ƒ
金属肩甲(Metal Pauldrons) 序列 7 12,000ƒ
米萨莉亚护胫(Missaglias Greaves*) 序列 8 14,600ƒ
米萨莉亚前臂护甲(Missaglias Vambraces*) 序列 9 12,000ƒ
米萨莉亚 胸甲(Missaglias Chest Guard*) 序列 9 27,900ƒ
米萨莉亚 肩甲(Missaglias Pauldrons*) 序列 10 21,300ƒ
阿尔泰前臂护甲(Vambraces of Altaïr) 完成6个刺客墓穴挑战 N/A
阿尔泰护胫(Greaves of Altaïr) 完成6个刺客墓穴挑战 N/A
阿尔泰肩甲(Pauldrons of Altaïr) 完成6个刺客墓穴挑战 N/A
阿尔泰胸甲(Chest Guard of Altaïr) 完成6个刺客墓穴挑战 N/A

皮革护甲是玩家最先得到的一套护甲,他提供额外的生命值,但没有防御加成。之后Ezio可以购买赫尔姆斯密尔特系列Helmschmied,一种嵌有金属的皮革护甲、金属系列(Metal Armor)和米萨莉亚系列(Missaglias,一种风格化的金属护甲)的护甲。皮革护甲之后的护甲系列,都提供额外生命值和防御力加成。铠甲会因战斗或高空坠落而渐渐破损,因此你必须经常到铁匠铺进行维修。每套铠甲都有特定的耐久度数值,一般来说,每20点战斗或坠落损失的生命值(同步值),会带来1点护甲防御加成值破损。[2]

阿尔泰护甲(Altaïr's armor

Ezio从六名古代刺客的墓穴中分别获得刺客封印后,可以解锁阿尔泰改良的一套护甲。这套特别打造的黑色整体护甲拥有如同传说中“金羊毛”一般的神奇性能——永不损坏,也无需修理。Altaïr的密函的第十九页中提到,这是Altaïr制作的唯一一套铠甲。 他毁掉了铠甲的配方,以避免其被批量生产和使用——不论是是敌是友。[2]


意大利的所有士兵都不同程度地装备着护甲,护甲最少的是弓箭手,其次是敏捷士兵, 普通士兵, 搜寻者(枪兵),护甲最强的是重甲士兵。精英士兵穿着比普通卫兵更厚重的铠甲,这使得他们能更好地抵御Ezio的攻击和反击击杀。[2]



Ezio's plain robes in Rome


Ezio可以在铁匠铺购买护甲的升级,就像之前的游戏中一样。同时可以通过完成台伯岛上的铁匠铺的商店任务,解锁部分Seusenhofer铠甲(Konrad Seusenhofer,16世纪初神圣罗马帝国皇帝马克西米利安一世的御用铠甲师)。唯一一个不能购买到的铠甲系列,是龙甲(Helmschmied Drachen Armor) (完成达芬奇的失踪 DLC之后可以获得。).[3]


护甲名称 解锁时间 花费
罗马护胫(Roman Greaves) 序列03 1,100ƒ
罗马前臂护甲(Roman Vambraces) 序列 04 1,000ƒ
罗马胸甲(Roman Chest Guard) 序列 05 2,500ƒ
罗马肩甲(Roman Spaulders) 序列 02 900ƒ
座金护胫(Rondelle Greaves) 序列 05 3,200ƒ
座金前臂护甲(Rondelle Vambraces) 序列 05 2,900ƒ
座金胸甲(Rondelle Chest Guard) 序列 06 5,100ƒ
座金肩甲(Rondelle Spaulders) 序列 06 5,900ƒ
Plate Greaves 序列 06 6,500ƒ
Plate Vambraces 序列 06 6,000ƒ
Plate Chest Guard 序列 07 9,200ƒ
Plate Pauldrons 序列 07 9,900ƒ
Seusenhofer Greaves 序列 07 12,000ƒ
Seusenhofer Vambraces 序列 07 11,200ƒ
Seusenhofer Chest Guard 完成商店任务“新奇事物”(Exotica) N/A
Seusenhofer Pauldrons 完成商店任务“新奇事物”(Exotica) N/A
Greaves of Brutus 完成六个罗姆卢斯追随者巢穴挑战 N/A
Vambraces of Brutus 完成六个罗姆卢斯追随者巢穴挑战 N/A
Chest Guard of Brutus 完成六个罗姆卢斯追随者巢穴挑战 N/A
Pauldrons of Brutus 完成六个罗姆卢斯追随者巢穴挑战


Armor designs in Rome had changed and were given metal inlays during the second and last set of purchasable armors. The Roman armor set was made of leather while the Rondelle armor set had the same design with metal inlays, the Plate armor was the unstylized with metal inlays of the Seusenhofer armor. When all six Keys of Romulus were obtained, Ezio was given the Armor of Brutus, an unbreakable armor.[3]



Other Characters

Guards were armored similarly those stationed in other Italian regions, with the addition of the Papal Guard as the most heavily armored opponents. Of the new guard archetypes the Crossbowmen were equal in defense to Archers, while Arquebusiers matched standard guards.[3]



Ezio's plain robes in Constantinople

During Ezio's travels in Constantinople, he encountered a new variety of armor. From blacksmiths, he could acquire Azap Leather armor, the weakest, Mamluk Metal armor - stronger than the Azap Leather - and the Sepahi Riding armor, the strongest of the three. Additionally, upon initiating seven Assassin Recruits into becoming Master Assassins (doing the first part of every Master Assassin mission) he acquired the Master Assassin armor. After finding all ten of Ishak Pasha's memoir pages, he then journeyed inside the Hagia Sophia to obtain the Armor of Ishak Pasha.


Armor Name Available Cost
Azap Leather Spaulders Sequence 02 1,675 Akçe
Azap Chest Guard Sequence 04 2,875 Akçe
Azap Leather Bracers Sequence 03 1,150 Akçe
Azap Leather Greaves Sequence 04 1,265 Akçe
Mamluk Metal Spaulders Sequence 06 7,038 Akçe
Mamluk Chest Plate Sequence 06 7,866 Akçe
Mamluk Metal Bracers Sequence 05 4,002 Akçe
Mamluk Metal Greaves Sequence 05 4,416 Akçe
Sepahi Riding Spaulders Sequence 07 15,456 Akçe
Sepahi Chest Guard Sequence 07 16,560 Akçe
Sepahi Riding Bracers Sequence 06 12,696 Akçe
Sepahi Riding Greaves Sequence 06 13,662 Akçe

Master Assassin's Spaulders

Complete the first parts of the Master Assassin memories


Master Assassin's Chest Guard

Complete the first parts of the Master Assassin memories


Master Assassin's Bracers

Complete the first parts of the Master Assassin memories


Master Assassin's Greaves

Complete the first parts of the Master Assassin memories


Ishak Pasha's Spaulders Complete the Hagia Sophia N/A
Ishak Pasha's Chest Guard Complete the Hagia Sophia N/A
Ishak Pasha's Bracers Complete the Hagia Sophia N/A
Ishak Pasha's Greaves Complete the Hagia Sophia



  • Ezio's initial spaulder in Rome is leather, while the cover art depicts him wearing a metal spaulder. His new hidden blade bracer was the same as it is on the cover, as well as his hidden blade. But like the metal spaulder, Ezio's second hidden blade does not appear like the one on the cover. Instead, it was a brown glove like his original second hidden blade used in the Assassin's Creed II E3 Demo, and also on pre-released Assassin's Creed II pictures. The second blade was originally displayed as an identical blade and bracer as his primary blade and bracer.
  • Vambraces for the second hidden blade can be bought at a blacksmith only when the second hidden blade is purchased from Leonardo, but none of the vambraces have the design of the bracer shown in the cover art.
  • The Armor of Altaïr and the Armor of Brutus all give 25 health squares without the need of repairs. However, in Revelations the Armor of Ishak Pasha and Master Assassin Armor only have a maximum of 20 health bars though they are still unbreakable.
  • With the Master Assassin armor equipped, Ezio's clothing color is returned to the default Original Grey. It will stay that way until you unequip the Master Assassin armor. It will still be possible to dye your clothes, however, this will not be noticeable until you unequip the armor. Additionally, like the Armor of Ishak Pasha,   the hood will remain on in cutscenes.
  • In Revelations, if you replay the second memory of the first sequence, any armor will be removed and will stay that way even after the completion of the memory.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为AC的引用提供文字
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为ACII的引用提供文字
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为ACB的引用提供文字