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马里奥·奥迪托雷埃齐奥·奥迪托雷见面时会说“It's-a-me! Mario!”。这句台词出自《马里奥兄弟64》,在启动游戏进入主菜单时会听到这一句话,而且两个马里奥都是意大利人。













有时,埃齐奥进行自由奔跑或是攀爬建筑时,玩家可以听到“Another capering crusader.(又一个带披风的斗士)”。 这指的是DC漫画中的超级英雄蝙蝠侠,他行动隐秘,也常在屋顶上奔跑,有时被称作“披篷骑士”。

另外,记忆“苍天不负有心人”中,罗莎问候埃齐奥时说的台词是“Why so serious?”。这句台词是电影《暗黑骑士》中小丑的著名台词。


在向路人丢钱时有时可以听到“Money! That's what I want!”,这在向摩城唱片的经典歌曲致敬。





第一个在圣天使城堡的任务名为“Castello Crasher”,译为英语即是“Castle Crasher”,意为“城堡破坏者”,这个名字指的是PS3和Xbox 360上的一个游戏《城堡破坏者》。




在圣天使堡劫持卢克雷齐娅卡特琳娜的任务“蛇蝎美人”中,卡特琳娜会说:“Rescuing princesses from castles now?(现在开始从城堡里救公主了?)”这句台词来自于《超级马里奥兄弟》系列游戏,主角马里奥会从反派库巴的城堡里将碧琪公主救出来。

兄弟会的一个成就叫“Principessa in Another Castello(公主在另一座城堡里)”。马里奥每次打败库巴的手下时就会看到这句话。


有一个成就叫“One-Man Wrecking Crew(一人破坏大队)”,出自《拆屋工》,一个同样以马里奥为主角的游戏。成就的图标其实是马里奥的锤子。






在每一项任务都达到100%同步后玩家可以获得“Il Princip(君主论)”的成就。




成就“Grand Theft Dressage(侠盗猎马手)”很明显来自于《侠盗猎车手》系列游戏。






之后,他宣告道“你好世界!”,这指的是被称为“Hello World”方案的常规测试程序。这个方案经常用于让程序员熟悉编程语言的基础。


记忆“避开我的间谍”这一标题出自电影《007之海底城》英文原标题“The Spy Who Loved Me”。








阿尼米训练计划第二阶段中的一个标题名为“钢铁之躯(Man of Steel)”。这很明显指的是DC漫画中的著名超级英雄超人,因为超人的一个外号便是钢铁之躯。



大神殿开启的时候,肖恩·黑斯廷斯会说“In another moment, down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again(那一瞬间,爱丽丝跟着它跳下去之后,就没有考虑过她要怎么再从那里面的世界里出来)”。这句台词出自著名儿童文学《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的第一章“掉进兔子洞”。




AC3 Assassin Turkey



Xbox 360:↑,↑,↓,↓,←,→,←,→,B,A。





完成家园任务之后兰斯先生就会计划制造一个折叠椅子和达·芬奇飞行器计划 ,康纳便可尝试埃齐奥曾使用过的飞行器了。但由于康纳和兰斯并不知道飞行器需要用火驱动,所以起飞没多久康纳就掉在水里了。










在纽约和波士顿的街头,有一位女性来回徘徊,口中说道:“What we have here is failure to communicate.(我们这里有的就是缺乏沟通。)”


引用上世纪90年代的电影《黑客》模式来打听波士顿的支线任务。游戏中会出现类似电影中台词“Mess with the best, Die like the rest”的“Dance with the best, Fall like the rest” 。完成波士顿争吵者任务后,就能发现。












无论在PlayStation Vita的原版,还是之后HD版的《刺客信条III:解放》中都存在这个彩蛋,如果艾弗琳·德·格朗普雷攀爬河口中西班牙要塞旁边的灯塔,然后爬上横梁跳到另一边的鸟瞰点进行同步,就能听见鲸歌,如果艾弗琳朝着附近无法进入的水域看,她可以看到鲸鱼在沼泽中游泳,偶尔浮出水面换气,下潜的时候竖起尾巴,甚至会触碰水面激起水花。在PSV的版本,鲸鱼会在艾弗琳爬上顶部栏杆时出现;在HD版本中,艾弗琳必须爬上突出的横梁才能让鲸鱼出现。





完成记忆序列5后解锁的成就名为“推销员之死(Death Of A Salesman)”,指的是美国作家阿瑟·米勒创作的同名喜剧


记忆“信任是挣来的”中,可以听到约翰·科克拉姆对他手下的士兵喊道“捡起你们的袜子,收好你们的屌。(Pick up your socks and grab your cocks.)”这句台词出自电影《全金属外壳》的晨训营地片段。








有一艘海盗猎人名叫“恐怖三桅帆船(Thriller Bark)”,可能来自于漫画《航海王》中的同名船。



AC4 Weapons Easter Egg





多人游戏中,决斗者拥有一把名为“猩红毒针(Scarlet Needle)”的武器,描述为“选择你的命运:是投降,还是死亡”。这把武器的名字与描述都出自《圣斗士星矢》系列角色天蝎座米罗。这把武器的名字是米罗的技能,而描述也来自米罗的经典台词。




In "The Pirate Captain" memory, Edward assassinates a pirate captain called Mancomb Seepgood, which references the video game The Secret of Monkey Island, as a pirate by the name of "Mancomb Seepgood" appears early in the story. However, judging by his claims that soon he will be the mightiest pirate in the Caribbean, it is likely he was also intended as a parody of the similarly-named, better-known protagonist of the Monkey Island franchise, Guybrush Threepwood. Additionally, during Sequence 10, Bartholomew Roberts remarks that "there's nothing like the hot winds of Hell blowing in your face," the same line uttered by the Ghost Pirate LeChuck in The Secret of Monkey Island.




爱德华可以接受的一个刺杀契约名叫“Tomb Raiders”,很明显指的是电子游戏《古墓丽影》系列。









阿布斯泰戈娱乐的2级权限区域的一个角落的角落墙壁上有一张印有“Assassin's Creed Rising Phoenix(刺客信条凤凰崛起)”字样的贴图。(在《刺客信条:叛变》中有一张一模一样的海报贴在喜力克斯研究分析员的Animus旁)





The description of the Garnet Ring is a play on the phrases upon the fictional One Ring in J. R. R. Tolkien's book The Lord of the Rings.



ACU-23 Cats






在圣礼拜堂内部杀死皮耶尔·贝莱克之后,迪肯会以“Bloody Hellfire!”作为开场白出现,此语出自迪斯尼电影《钟楼怪人》中的同名歌曲《地狱火》。



多人游戏关卡“娘子军”的过场动画中,路易十六的王后玛丽·安托瓦内特对侍从说“再拿些蛋糕来”,此彩蛋出自她的故事“让他们吃蛋糕好了。(法:Qu'ils mangent de la brioche. 英:Let them eat cake.)”,背景是一位大臣向她汇报百姓已吃不起面包,王后则反问“他们为何不吃蛋糕”。实际上,这个小故事是编造的,安托瓦内特并没有说过此话。


ACU-Forgotten Knight








ACU Helix Menu


当《刺客信条:团结》开始时,玩家被带入阿布斯泰戈娱乐出品的Helix菜单之中,但几乎所有的选项都是不可玩的,其中描述《刺客信条II》剧情的事件名称为“恐惧佛罗伦萨(Fear and Loathing in Florence)”,出自1998年的电影《恐惧拉斯维加斯》。


In the Assassin headquarters beneath Sainte-Chapelle, Arno can find Hervé Quemar sitting near a fireplace reading a book. If Arno stands near Quemar for long enough, Quemar will eventually pass wind and continue to nonchalantly read his book. This can happen multiple times.[1]


When helpful Parisians join Arno in fighting soldiers, they can be heard to say "Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system," a line from the Monty Python film.






At Abstergo Entertainment's lobby entrance, two scientists can be heard discussing Child of Light, with one trying to convince the other to play it, describing it as a "beautiful turn-based RPG". The other dismisses it on the basis of the "story being told in rhyme" and not having any "PvP Deathmatches".

Abstergo scientists can also be heard talking about oculi crafting, a game feature that gives the player various rewards and abilities.


Throughout Abstergo Entertainment's Montreal building, several real-world games, books and other Assassin's Creed media can be found. This includes Far Cry 3, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, and Splinter Cell: Conviction representations such as magazines, books, etc. on the floor, atop desks, and in bookcases. On the Far Cry 3 magazine, the 3 in the title is replaced by a 5.


A poster for the rumored Assassin's Creed: Rising Phoenix game can be found in Abstergo Entertainment's Montreal building. The poster has a "Coming Soon" sticker attached to the flames below the fictional game's logo.


The missions "The Way the Wind Blows," "One Little Victory," "Freewill," "The Color of Right," "Circumstances," "Armour and Sword," "Scars," "Bravado," and "Cold Fire" each share their title with a song by Canadian rock band Rush. The mission "Caress of Steel" is also the title of a Rush album.


Assassin guards can occasionally be heard saying "Do you want to run this gang?" "Yes." "Well...you can't." This is nearly identical to a line in the 2005 film, Serenity.


At Sleepy Hollow in the Albany region of the River Valley, a character resembling the Headless Horseman, from the short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving, can attack the player. He can be found at the Old Dutch Church at night. He shares the same animations as a Brute soldier, wields a large axe, pistol and can throw grenades. As soon as he sees Shay, he will begin to attack. He is invulnerable to direct attacks and cannot be killed conventionally.

There are four known ways to defeat the Headless Horseman. The first is to shoot a pumpkin sitting atop a gravestone in the cemetery next to the church. The second way is to use a sleep grenade to cause him to drop his axe, have Shay pick up the axe, and perform the special attack with the weapon once he awakens. This will drive the axe through his nonexistent head and incapacitate him. However, he will still be alive and aware of the player. The third way to defeat him is to hang him using a rope dart. The fourth way is a haystack assassination.


A figurine of the Prince from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within can be found in a cubicle of Abstergo Entertainment's Montreal building.






In the trailer "The Twins: Evie and Jacob Frye", Jacob's line of "As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be part of London" echoes the opening lines in the film Goodfellas.


At the Alhambra Music Hall, posters can be found advertising Ballad of the Buccaneers and Ezio, which are homage to Edward Kenway and Ezio Auditore, respectively.


The name of Mary Anne Disraeli's dog, Desmond, is a reference to Desmond Miles, the modern day protagonist of the original Assassin's Creed and its sequels. In both cases, they were kidnapped by members of the Templar Order and rescued by Assassins later on.


The Impaler Cane-sword and Evie's Bloofer Lady Outfit, available after purchasing the Victorian Legends Pack, as well as Jacob's Maximum Dracula, all reference Bram Stoker's novel Dracula.


The title of the memory "Driving Mrs. Disraeli" is a reference to the 1989 film Driving Miss Daisy.


The Creature's Rags, an outfit for Jacob, references Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus.

H. P. 洛夫克拉夫特

Everything about the set of brass knuckles called Great Old One's Caress is a nod to the Cthulhu mythos created by horror author H. P. Lovecraft. The "Great Old One" refers to any member of Lovecraft's pantheon of the "Great Old Ones", space-faring deities who once ruled Earth before falling into a near-death slumber. The knuckles are also shaped like a tentacle, a physical feature common among many of Lovecraft's characters. Lastly, the knuckles's description reads that they "were hupadgh n'gha ng n'ghft", which loosely translates from R'lyehian, the language of the Great Old Ones, to "were born of death and darkness".


Ivan Bunbury's last name is a term that appears in The Importance of Being Earnest, a play by Oscar Wilde.


Queen Victoria's contact, Alfred Fleming, introduces himself as part of "Her Majesty's secret service," alluding to Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond series, particularly the novel On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

In "The Lady with the Lamp", Evie introduces herself to Florence Nightingale as "Frye. Evie Frye." This may be a nod to Bond's infamous manner of introducing himself as "Bond. James Bond."


At the conclusion of Sequence 5, Crawford Starrick sings the aria "Then you'll remember me" from the opera The Bohemian Girl.


The title of the memory The Crate Escape is a reference to the 1963 film The Great Escape.


The achievement You Wouldn't Steal A Policeman's Helmet is a reference to The IT Crowd piracy warning video.


The author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass can be found in The Strand reading the poem Jabberwocky to a group of children. The children will also ask what a bandersnatch is, which Carroll has yet to decide on. Afterwards, Carroll prepares to read another of his poems, titled The Walrus and the Carpenter.

Jabberwocky is quoted in the description for the Vorpal Kukri, which is inspired by the vorpal blade mentioned in the poem.


In the game, civilians can be seen arguing with each other in a battle of Insult Sword Fighting.[2]


The memories "Our Mutual Friend" and "An Artful Plan" from The Darwin and Dickens Conspiracy reference the plot of Our Mutual Friend, the last novel completed by Charles Dickens. The characters John Hammon and Bella Wilton reference the names of John Harmon and Bella Wilfer, respectively. Hammon also uses the alias "John Rokesmith" when announcing his "death" to Bella. At the end of "An Artful Plan", Charles Darwin acknowledges that the situation feels very familiar and wonders why.


Various sea shanties featured in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag make an appearance in Victorian London. An accordion player in the park adjacent to the Kenway Mansion plays the song "Here's a Health to the Company", while the piano puzzle in the memory "Playing It by Ear" uses the tune of "Lowlands Away".

A flute player can also be found playing "Padstow's Farewell" and "Admiral Benbow".[3] Lastly, a man near the River Thames sings the shanties "Leave Her Johnny", "All for Me Grog", and "Barbara Allen".[2]


The achievement name for completing Sequence 9 is titled Shall We Dance?, referencing a musical number from Rodgers and Hammerstein's The King and I.


The Huntsman's Outfit for Jacob is homage to the iconic look of Sherlock Holmes, as illustrated by Sidney Paget.

A young Arthur Conan Doyle is prominently featured in The Dreadful Crimes.

The achievement Bartitsu refers to the British martial art of the same name that was misspelled as baritsu in the Sherlock Holmes story The Adventure of the Empty House.


The title of the memory "Somewhere That's Green" references a musical number from Little Shop of Horrors.


"The Fiend of Fleet Street" is a Dreadful Crime that features a replica of the Sweeney Todd scenario. The characters Feeney Sodd, Mrs. Moffat, and Tobias Jeffers reference the names of Sweeney Todd, Mrs. Lovett, and Tobias Ragg, respectively.

A shop called "Todd's Pies" is located next to Henry Green's curiosity shop in Whitechapel.

At one point, one of the Rooks mentions, "I opened a new pie shop on Fleet Street. Brave move considering what happened to the last one."



A guardian can be heard whistling the Ezio's Family theme from the Assassin's Creed II soundtrack.



ACGN Prince EasterEgg




At the beginning of the chariot races in the Lageion Hippodrome, an archer sometimes mirrors Antonio Rebollo's lighting of the Olympic flame during the opening ceremony of the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona.[4]


There is a parody of a famous line in the movie Conan the Barbarian ("what is best in life?") during the dialogue between Bayek and Khemu while searching for the right star constellation at the Apis stone circle in the Isolated Desert (see Bayek's Promise).


In Kyrenaika there are people dancing like crazy under the influence of the proconsul Flavius Metellus reminscent to the dancing mania in Europe during late medieval and early modern times.


Bayek helping a few local peasants in their fight against bandits during the side quest Seven Farmers is a reference to Akira Kurosawa's movie Seven Samurai.


During the mission Curse of Wadjet, Bayek uses a clear reference to Indiana Jones, saying "Snakes again, why did it have to be snakes?", referring to the famous quote from the 1981 movie Raiders of the Lost Ark.


During the mission The Greater Good in The Hidden Ones DLC, Gamilat will repeatedly try to knock Bayek off the platform into the water so as to target him with a ballista. If he succeeds, he will say "It's over Bayek, I have the high ground!" This is a reference to the climactic duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and a newly-christened Darth Vader on the molten planet Mustafar in the film Template:Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, where Obi-Wan says this line to Vader before he attempts to leaps to a higher elevation on a lava bank.


In Lake Mareotis, there is a treasure location named "Dead Men Tell No Tales" which is a reference to the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean film Dead Men Tell No Tales.


On Layla's computer there is a file detailing the death of Olivier Garneau and showing security footage of his murder at the hands of Aiden Pierce.


In The Hidden Ones, just north-west of the leopard lair in Madiama Nome, players can access a cave by climbing up the left side of a stone arch. Inside is a small camp with a fire and a large headstone, which if seen in Photo Mode, shows the drawing of a pudding with multiple other sketches beneath it.[5] This is a reference to a scene in the 1968 Franco-Belgian animated film Asterix and Cleopatra, in which scribes Artifis and Krukhut sing as they prepare an arsenic pudding with ridiculously toxic substances involved in its preparation. All the drawings on the tablet are original to the game except for the three last lines, which refer to the verse "Add rat poison to the brew. / Cobra’s venom goes in, too. / Sweeten it with orange juice. / Three segments is what you use".[6]


In Layla Hassan's hideout, three items related to the Final Fantasy series, especially Final Fantasy XV, can be found: a Moogle doll, a Cactuar statuette, and a Chocobo sticker



One of the quests on the island of Kephallonia is called Shark the Vagrant. This is a reference to the webcomic Hark! A Vagrant by Canadian artist Kate Beaton.


During the first modern day intermission after activating the Ancient Forge on Andros, Layla Hassan can wander around the Assassin hideout and comment on various things therein. One of the objects she can interact with are Multi-Vision Goggles, commenting "Looks like Third Echelon. Or is it Fourth?"


Among the various mercenaries met over a playthrough is one with the epithet The Knee Destroyer. According to the description, the mercenary used to be friends with one of the finest mercenaries on Delos until said friend was shot in the knee. This recalls one of the most famous NPC-guard lines from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, "I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."



A stone slab with names

Greece has various amphitheaters, especially in or near remarkable polises, built out of stone slabs. Some of these stone slabs are inscribed with Greek letters, spelling out the names of people like Mikael Boulet, Jonathan Benainous, Vincent Dérozier, Pierre-Luc Lavoie, and Hugo Lamarre.


While traversing the simulation of Elysium created by Aletheia, the place is filled with asphodel flowers, especially the aptly named Asphodel Fields. If players observe the fields from a height, Ubisoft's logo is clearly visible.


Characters, gameplay and story elements as well as concepts from the Assassin's Creed series are featured in various other media, either as parodies or references.

Academy of Champions: Soccer

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and other Ubisoft characters appear in Academy of Champions: Soccer as playable characters.


《冒险任务(Adventure Quest)》中刺客这一职业第十级的守护技能是“最后一击”,在发动该技能后会出现另一个选项“刺客信条”。“Whispering Raiment”护甲在左手也有两个袖剑。

  • 在《冒险任务:世界(AdventureQuest Worlds)》中,Yulgar的酒吧有两个护甲可以购买,分别叫“哈萨辛护甲”和“带护甲的哈萨辛护甲”,分别是500000金和300000金。“哈萨辛护甲”有两个袖剑,在手腕的上方。


在《阿甘妙世界》第一季第十六集The Kiss中,甘宝·沃特森(陶阿甘)进行了信仰之跃。

  • 《绑架(2011电影)》接近结尾,主角和他的父亲通了电话。父亲的脸上有和Desmond等人一样的伤疤,几秒后他融入人群,消失不见了。
  • 《死亡岛》有把刀叫“刺客的贪婪”(Assassin's Greed)
  • 《龙腾世纪2》中Varric的十字弓叫做“Bianca”,和Bartolomeo的剑名字一样。Hightown的妓院叫“Blooming Rose”,意大利语就是“Rosa in Fiore”
  • 《GaiaOnline》2011的万圣节特别活动中,H&R Wesley的老板Edmund扮成了埃齐奥
  • 《GTA IV》中,玩家为Fixer暗杀九名目标(恶搞刺客信条1)后可以获得成就“刺客的贪婪”(Assassin's Greed)
  • 《Hero Smash》中,大反派叫Luigi DaVinci,左手有个激光剑,类似袖剑。

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

In Hotline Miami 2, there is a trophy titled, "Assassin's Cred", which is an obvious poke at Assassin's Creed because its name and how you get the achievement. It's earned in the level, "No Mercy", and is obtained by stealth-killing every enemy on floor 1 using nothing but your silenced pistol.

Hyperdimension Neptunia

One weapon from the video game Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory, named the "Freak Diamond", has the description of "A replica of an assassins blade from days of yore. No matter the height, you'll be fine if you fall into a haystack."

inFamous 2


The theater, depicting the parody title

Located in the fictional city of New Marais, several cinemas and theaters in inFamous 2 featured movie titles that were direct puns to popular video game names. Among the movie titles was "Assassin's Need (Love Too)", a parody on Assassin's Creed. These cinemas were located in the very first district of the city. Also, one of the negative karmic missions available in the game was named "Assassin's Greed", another play on the Assassin's Creed name.

Another Easter egg found in the game's downloadable content inFamous: Festival of Blood could be seen again on the cinemas' featured movie titles. The new parody title was "Assassin's Bleed", which was also a reference to the download content's central theme of vampires.

  • iPhone游戏《Froggy Jump》和《Froggy Launcher》中,有个胸甲叫“刺客护甲”,价值2宝石,和埃齐奥在AC2中的护甲很相似。

The IT Crowd

The episode "The Dinner Party" sees main character Roy ask the model he escorted home if he can borrow her copy of Assassin's Creed, holding up the game case. The recording and broadcast of the episode in 2007 actually predated Assassin Creed's release by months.

Kingdom Rush: Frontiers

In the Ironhide Studios game, the two top level "Barracks" towers are the Assassins and the Templars, a direct play on the rivalry between the Assassins and the Templars in the Assassin's Creed series.

LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game

In LEGO The Lord of the Rings, a Leap of Faith could be performed from a wooden board that resembled a Viewpoint at the highest point in Weathertop. On performing it, the character would land into a small pond, complete with an eagle-like sound as the Leap was done.

  • 《杀戮地带3》中的Helghast Capture Troopers的刀是安在他们的右前臂上的,和袖剑很像。他们的徽章以及头盔都和刺客徽章以及鹰嘴兜帽极为相像。
  • 《黑色洛城》中“A Marriage Made in Heaven"案件中,在你找到凶器小刀的垃圾桶的上方刻有刺客的标记。
  • 《小小大星球》中有可供下载的埃齐奥皮肤。
  • 《合金装备4》中有Altair服装,穿上时主角会将他的无名指弯回掌心(Altair的断指)。
  • 《合金装备:和平步行者》中“潜入采掘场基地”一关,有一个房顶铺有稻草,站在上面按下动作键可进行信仰之跃(有鹰叫),然后会获得道具“刺客•麦秸•箱”,可以用来暗杀敌人,还会有无线电讲解十字军东征时期刺客靠稻草堆接近敌人。
  • 《火影忍者:羁绊》中完成了所有赏金猎人任务后可以获得成就“Naruto's Creed”。
  • 《波斯王子:遗忘之沙》中有埃齐奥皮肤。
  • 《波斯王子2008》中有免费DLCAltair皮肤,达到烈士之塔的最高点还可以获得“Assassin's View”成就

Rayman Legends


Barbara and Rayman's Aveline de Grandpré and Edward Kenway costumes

In the Ubisoft game Rayman Legends, some retail companies such as GAME, offered pre-order DLC skins for Rayman and Barbara, with Edward Kenway's robes for Rayman and Aveline de Grandpré's Assassin outfit for Barbara.


In RuneScape, the quests "Stolen Hearts" and "Diamond in the Rough" contained many similarities to Assassin's Creed, such as stalking targets, free-running across rooftops and an "Eagle jump" into a cart of hay.

Following this, for the "Desert Tasks", players would accomplish the "Assassin's Feed" task if they repeated the "Eagle jump".

Saints Row: The Third

In the sandbox game Saints Row: The Third, an achievement entitled "Everything is Permitted" was awarded when one eliminated all assassination targets, which referenced the Assassins' Creed.

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

In Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, an achievement entitled "Saints' Creed" was awarded by standing on the tallest mast of the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Sims Medieval

In the simulation game Sims Medieval, there were two roles that the player could be: Assassin and Templar. A quest that had the player kill spies and assassins was named "Assassin's Greed", a direct reference to Assassin's Creed.


In the mobile game created by Gameloft, one of the locations within the state of Oregon was called "Assassin's Creek".

Soul Calibur V

Ezio Auditore, wearing his default outfit from Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, was a special playable guest character in Soul Calibur V.

South Park

In the sixth episode of season 19 of South Park, "Tweek x Craig", the titular characters can be seen playing Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.

Styx: Master of Shadows

Styx: Master of Shadows features a hooded goblin assassin with traits similar to the Assassin's Creed franchise, including the use of parkour, ledge and air assassinations, and an ability akin to Eagle Vision. Accompanying this, one of the game's trailers is titled Assassin's Green[7]

Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 featured two promotional items for the Spy class obtained through random crafting or from pre-ordering Assassin's Creed: Revelations from Steam called the "Dashin' Hashashin," which resembled Ezio's hood, and the Sharp Dresser which resembled Ezio's Hidden Blade.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the player may travel to a place called the "Bard's Leap Summit", a large cliff sporting a plank at the top, with a large drop to a pool below, resembling a Viewpoint and a Leap of Faith. After successfully performing a Leap of Faith, the player will be greeted by a ghost of a man dressed in Alik'r Warrior clothing, who explains that he leapt to his death. The warrior's clothing is similar to Altaïr's outfit, while the Alik'r are a desert-dwelling people extremely proficient in combat and thus are occasionally used as assassins. Lastly, the entrance to the Viewpoint is an archway that slightly resembles the Assassin insignia.

The Hunger Games

In Issue #6 of Titan Comics series, Charlotte de la Cruz wakes up Kody Adams, who drowsily calls her Natalie Dormer, due to Charlotte having shaved the left side of her hair, resembling the real-life actress's character, Cressida, in the The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 & 2.

The Messengers

In an episode of The Messengers, "Why We Fight", an Assassin insignia can be seen on the back window of Tom's truck.

  • 《破坏者》中可以赢得一辆叫做“Altair”的车,该车昵称是“飞翔之鹰”。
  • 《辛普森一家》23季第五集有个恶搞的E4展览,其中有一款游戏叫“Assassin's Creed - Summer of Love”
  • 《黑道圣徒:第三》中完成所有的杀手任务可以获得“万事皆允”成就。
  • 《巫师2》中有个类似鸟览点的地方下面有个草堆,里面有个身着白袍的很像Altair的人。走近时Geralt会说“Hmm...看来他们不接受教训啊”,Geralt也会获得隐藏能力“刺客”。
  • 《英雄联盟》里面,其中一名游戏角色泰隆(Talon)的基本外观设定与刺客信条里的设计十分相似,不过他是右手持刀(是固定在手臂上的刀子,类似袖刃的固定概念),更有趣的是,泰隆的其中一款造型名为Renegade,原意为叛变者,但中文官方名称翻做“刺客信条”,但是与原本的造型相比,反而不像刺客信条里的样貌。
  • 《杀手5:狙击手挑战》中有一项挑战叫 Leap of the Ninja ,就是打下在某高楼顶端蹲着的一个男人,攻击后还会触发鹰叫的音效
  • 《我是证人》中杨幂饰演的路小星在失明后其他感官变得灵敏起来,而感官所呈现的世界和鹰眼视角很相似。
  • 《孤岛惊魂:原始杀戮》有个成就叫“坎达之跃”,达成条件是爬到美洲虎守望台的顶端向下跳,所以在育碧自创的语言中“坎达”应该就是“信仰”的意思。


In the 2011 Indian Tamil film Velayudham, the protagonist Velu wears an outfit similar to Altaïr's. In regards to this, the film's producers mentioned that the costume was heavily influenced by Altaïr's outfit from Assassin's Creed.


Created by Ubisoft, the 2014 game Watch_Dogs contains numerous references to the Assassin's Creed universe: there is an outfit named the DedSec White Hacker Suit, for which the color scheme resembles the Assassins' robes; a camera feed shows a father watching his son playing "The Wounded Eagle" memory from Assassin's Creed: Revelations.

The final criminal convoy mission is entitled "Requiescat in Pace", a reference to Ezio Auditore. At the beginning of the mission, Aiden is contracted to take down Olivier Garneau. Aiden references Abstergo's genetic memory research and corporate corruption before knocking Olivier unconscious. According to Olivier's profile, he was the CEO of Abstergo and targeted by the Brotherhood, referencing as to why Olivier never arrived to his shareholder's meeting in Chicago.

Several individuals who work for Abstergo Industries can be seen through Aiden Pearce's Profiler.

There is a phone conversation between two people talking about Assassins, Templars, and Hermeticists. Another conversation proposes that one of the Three Stooges was a Templar, with the other two being Assassins. 

Copies of Assassin’s Creed and Assassin’s Creed II can be found in various locations.

There is a magazine which features Connor on the cover.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist

During the mission "American Consumption," a flyer for video games can be found in the locker room. The list includes Assassin's Creed: Revelations, among other Ubisoft titles such as Just Dance 3, Rayman Origins, and Rocksmith.

Rainbow Six Siege

On the Bank map, an image of Arno Dorian can be seen on a newspaper.

In the Japan map, the belt buckles on the suits of samurai armor around the building bear the Assassin's symbol.

The Villa map was inspired by Monteriggioni. The fountain at the Fountain spawn has the Assassin Brotherhood's emblem as a part of its design. Climbing to the top of the tower near the Ruins, you will be able to see a haystack just outside of the map. If you shoot it, you will hear a cry of an eagle, a reference to the Leap of Faith. By climbing the highest part of the building on the Main Entrance side of the map, and looking towards the city while using a sight to zoom in, you can see the figure of an assassin perched on one of the buildings. The Vinciguerra crest is similar to the icon used in Assassin's Creed III for liberation missions.

Final Fantasy XV

The Assassins' insignia can be spotted on a newspaper in a shot of a subway train in the Omen trailer.[8]

In August 2017, Square Enix released free downloadable content for Final Fantasy XV titled Assassin's Festival to commemorate their collaboration with Ubisoft. The DLC features familiar elements from the Assassin's Creed series and also allows the player to wear Altaïr or Bayek's outfits by unlocking them through new sidequests and minigames.[9]

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

An achievement titled "Everything is Permitted" can be earned by shaming an Uruk Assassin to the point that he becomes deranged.

Watch_Dogs 2

Movie posters in Watch_Dogs 2 for a movie called "Disbeliever" seem to be an Easter Egg for Assassin's Creed. The upside down triangle at the top is a reference to Erudito, an anti-Abstergo hacker group. Erudito's symbol is the upside down Abstergo logo. The person pictured in the poster is similar in appearance to Owen Meyers, an Assassin from "Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants" series. Owen Meyers relived historical events in New York City, which is the city depicted in the poster. Both Watch Dogs 2 and "Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants" were released in 2016.

Posters for and copies of the Assassin's Creed movie can be found around the map. The movie is also paused on the screen of the Bratva's yacht.

During the mission "Ubi-Stolen" a Ubisoft employee can be heard talking about leaks from projects like Unity, Syndicate, and Osiris. These names are references to Assassin's Creed: Unity, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, and Osiris, a cancelled game that was reworked and turned into Assassin's Creed: Origins. Pictures from Assassin's Creed: Unity can be seen on the inside of the Ubisoft building.
