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{{UC}}{{Era|AC2|Renaissance|ACL|Templars|Good}}{{Template:人物信息||姓名 = 安东尼奥·马费伊
{{Era|AC2|Renaissance|ACL|Templars}}{{人物信息||姓名 = 安东尼奥·马费伊
|图像 = maffei.png
|图像 = maffei.png
|图像标题 = 帕齐家族的反叛者 - 安东尼奥·马费伊 (l左前)
|图像标题 = 帕齐家族的反叛者 - 安东尼奥·马费伊 (l左前)
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|演员 = Shawn Baichoo
|演员 = Shawn Baichoo
|配音 = Shawn Baichoo}}
|配音 = Shawn Baichoo}}
'''安東尼奧·馬費伊'''(Antonio Maffei) (1450 – 1478)是[[洛伦佐·德·美第奇|洛倫佐·德·美第奇]]僱傭的一位[[佛罗伦萨|佛羅倫薩]]僧侶及<span style="font-family:'MicrosoftYahei',sans-serif;">聖殿騎士團成員</span>,曾參與[[帕齐的阴谋|帕齊的陰謀]],試圖謀殺洛倫佐及其弟弟[[朱利亚诺·德·美第奇|朱利亞諾·德·美第奇]]。
'''安东尼奥·马费伊''' (1450 – 1478) was a [[Florence|Florentine]] monk employed by [[Lorenzo de' Medici]], and one of the [[Pazzi Conspiracy|Pazzi conspirators]] who attempted to murder Lorenzo and his brother, [[Giuliano de' Medici|Giuliano]].
26岁时马费加入圣殿骑士团after he witnessed the ransacking of [[Wikipedia:Volterra|Volterra]] by Florentine [[mercenaries]]. Maffei blamed Lorenzo, and joined the Templars seeking vengeance against him.<ref name="AC2">''[[刺客信条 II]]''</ref>
26歲時馬費在見證佛羅倫薩[[mercenaries|傭兵]]對[[Wikipedia:沃尔泰拉|沃爾泰拉]]的劫掠後加入[[Templars|聖殿騎士團]]。馬費伊斥責了洛倫佐,並與聖殿騎士為伍尋求報復。<ref name="AC2">''[[刺客信条II]]''</ref>
{{Quote|And Father, remember, you owe us your silence. Secrets are born here, and they die here. No one is to know about the content of this letter.|Uberto Alberti to Antonio, regarding the monk's silence.|Assassin's Creed: Lineage}}
{{Quote|神父,请记住,你要向我们献出你的沉默。秘密生于此,亦亡于此。任何人休想知道信的内容。|Uberto Alberti to Antonio, regarding the monk's silence.|Assassin's Creed: Lineage}}
In 1476, [[Giovanni Auditore da Firenze]], an [[Assassins|Assassin]] and ally of the [[House of Medici|Medici family]], intercepted a letter from the conspirators who participated in the [[Assassination of Galeazzo Maria Sforza|assassination]] of [[Galeazzo Maria Sforza]], the Duke of [[Milan]]. Giovanni brought the [[Venice|Venetian]] letter back to Florence, where he revealed it to Lorenzo and [[Uberto Alberti]], the city ''Gonfaloniere''.<ref name="ACL">''[[刺客信条: 血系]]''</ref>
1476年,[[美第奇家族]]的盟友,[[刺客]][[乔瓦尼·奥迪托雷|喬瓦尼·奧迪托雷]]截獲了參加[[Assassination of Galeazzo Maria Sforza|刺殺]][[米兰|米蘭]]公爵[[Galeazzo Maria Sforza|加萊亞佐·馬里亞·斯福爾扎]]的同謀者的一封信件。<ref name="ACL">''[[刺客信条血系]]''</ref>
烏貝托很快發現信上留有[[House of Barbarigo|巴爾巴里戈家族]]的徽記,且信的內容被奇怪的代碼加密了。他稱破譯密碼要花費數個小時,隨後將信件交給馬費伊神父解讀其內容。<ref name="ACL"/>
當夜稍晚時候,馬費伊將譯文交給烏貝托,後者讚美了他熟練的工作並告訴他請回喬瓦尼。離去之前,烏貝托令馬費伊發誓不將信的內容告訴任何人,稱他應為聖殿騎士保守秘密。<ref name="ACL"/>
Uberto quickly realized that the letter held the seal of the [[House of Barbarigo|Barbarigo family]], and that its contents were encrypted with a peculiar code. He determined that translating it would take several hours, and then handed the letter to Father Maffei in order for the monk to translate its contents.<ref name="ACL"/>
喬瓦尼隨後趕到,他見到馬費伊神父正在製作原始信件的複製品。烏貝托聲稱他們不能破譯信件。安東尼奧完成複製後,烏貝托將其交給喬瓦尼,讓他遞至原本的收件地[[罗马|羅馬]]。<ref name="ACL"/>
Later that night, Maffei gave the translation to Uberto, who lauded him for his skillful work, and told him to fetch Giovanni. Before leaving, Uberto made Antonio swear a vow of silence of not to inform anyone of the true contents of the letter, claiming the monk owed his silence to the Templars.<ref name="ACL"/>
同年晚些時候,喬瓦尼在追捕聖殿[[Grand Master|最高大師]][[罗德里戈·博吉亚|羅德里戈·博吉亞]]失敗
As Giovanni later arrived, he witnessed Father Maffei completing a duplicated copy of the letter. Uberto claimed they were unable to decode it, and once Antonio had finished the duplicate, Uberto gave the copy to Giovanni for him to deliver to [[Rome]], as was its original destination.<ref name="ACL"/>
後返回佛羅倫薩的[[Palazzo Auditore|宅邸]]。妻子[[玛丽亚·奥迪托雷|瑪麗亞·奧迪托雷]]準備為他療傷之時,馬費伊神父卻領兵進逼門下,要求進入宅邸,拘捕刺客。喬瓦尼令其[[Federico Auditore da Firenze|長子]]拖住安東尼奧,自己則沿秘密通道逃走。安東尼奧最終進入屋中,當他意識到喬瓦尼已逃走後十分惱火,離開了寓所。<ref name="ACL"/>
Later that same year, after Giovanni's failure to capture Templar [[Grand Master of the Templar Order|Grand Master]] [[Rodrigo Borgia]], he returned to his [[Palazzo Auditore|home]] in Florence. While his [[Maria Auditore da Firenze|wife]] tended to his severe wounds, Father Maffei approached the Auditore residence with armed [[guards]], demanding entry to the home and custody of the Assassin. However, Giovanni ordered his [[Federico Auditore da Firenze|eldest son]] to stall Antonio, and was able to escape through a hidden passageway. Eventually gaining entry into the home, Antonio became irritated after he realized Giovanni's escape, and left the abode.<ref name="ACL"/>
1478年4月25日,馬費伊在[[新圣母大殿|新聖母大殿]]地下的墓穴中與其他聖殿同謀一起商議殺害美第奇家族並奪取城市的控制權。安東尼奧本人並未在會中發言,但也未對其他同夥的意見表示反對。在與其他陰謀者一道念誦聖殿座右銘之後,馬費伊結束了會議。<ref name="AC2"/>
[[File:PazziMeeting.jpg|thumb|250px|The Templar meeting in the catacombs.]]
On 25 April 1478, Maffei convened with other Templar conspirators in the catacombs beneath [[Santa Maria Novella]]. The conspirators discussed their plot to kill the Medici and usurp control of the city. Although Antonio himself did not speak, he made no objection to any of his fellow conspirators' comments regarding the plot. He ended the meeting by uttering the Templar motto alongside his fellow conspirators.<ref name="AC2"/>
按計劃,陰謀家們次日聚集在[[圣母百花大教堂|聖母百花大教堂]]門前,看著美第奇家族的成員緩緩走近教堂。當他們捕捉到朱利亞諾的身影時,同謀之一[[Bernardo Baroncelli|貝爾納多·巴龍切利]]大吼著襲向朱利亞諾,與[[弗朗切斯科·德·帕齐|弗朗切斯科·德·帕齊]]一起向其連砍數刀。<ref name="AC2"/>
As planned, the conspirators gathered at the [[Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore]] the following morning, and observed the Medici as they slowly walked towards the church. Upon catching sight of Giuliano, one of the conspirators, [[Bernardo Baroncelli]], charged at the Prince, shouting and stabbing Giuliano multiple times with his fellow conspirator, [[Francesco de' Pazzi]].<ref name="AC2"/>
洛倫佐聽到陰謀者的吼聲迅速轉身望向身後。另一位同謀者[[斯特凡诺·达·巴尼奥内|斯特凡諾·達·巴尼奧內]]趁其分神之際從背後用小刀割傷了他的頸部。安東尼奧與受傷倒地的洛倫佐短暫糾纏,終因力氣不敵而被打倒。洛倫佐起身舞劍,迫使安東尼奧和巴尼奧內撤入教堂。<ref name="AC2"/>
Lorenzo, hearing the cries of the conspirators, quickly turned to look behind him. While he was distracted, [[Stefano da Bagnone]], another conspirator, slashed Lorenzo in the back of the neck with a small blade. With Lorenzo injured on the ground, Antonio attempted to stab the Prince, and struggled briefly with Lorenzo; however, Antonio was ultimately overpowered and thrown to the ground. Lorenzo then rose up and brandished his sword, causing Antonio and Stefano to sprint into the church.<ref name="AC2"/>
{{Quote|安东尼奥·马费伊站在城市的最高建筑上寻求庇护——不停地念诵经文、发射箭矢。这个人显然已经失控了。|一名佣兵对埃齐奥说道, 1478.|刺客信条II}}
{{Quote|Antonio Maffei has sought refuge atop the city's tallest structure - spouting scripture and arrows in equal measure. The man has clearly lost his mind.|A mercenary to the Assassin Ezio Auditore, 1478.|Assassin's Creed II}}
[[File:Town Crier 3.png|thumb|200px|left|Ezio assassinates Antonio atop the tower.]]
Following the Templars' failure in Florence, Antonio fled to the city of [[San Gimignano]] in the [[Tuscany|Tuscan]] region. There, he situated himself atop one of the city's soaring towers, and began to spout Bible texts, whilst defended by patrolling [[archers]].<ref name="AC2"/>
[[File:Town Crier 3.png|thumb|250px|left|埃齐奥在塔顶刺杀安东尼奥]]
However, the late Giovanni Auditore's son and Assassin, [[Ezio Auditore da Firenze|Ezio Auditore]], arrived in the city later that same year. Ezio met briefly with one of his [[Mario Auditore|uncle]]'s mercenaries, who informed him of Antonio's location. Armed with this information, Ezio then began his ascent up the tall tower.<ref name="AC2"/>
隨著聖殿騎士在佛羅倫薩的失敗,安東尼奧逃亡[[托斯卡纳|托斯卡納]]地區的[[圣吉米尼亚诺|聖吉米尼亞諾]]。他站在城市一座聳立的高塔頂端,在巡邏[[archers|弓箭手]]的護衛下滔滔不絕的叨念聖經。<ref name="AC2"/>
Eventually reaching the apex of Antonio's tower, Ezio stealthily assassinated the archers patrolling atop the tower. The Assassin then climbed up a small ladder, and engaged Antonio in a duel. After a brief skirmish with the monk, Ezio assassinated Antonio using his [[hidden blade]]. In his dying words, Antonio attempted to fight back against Ezio, and proclaimed him as a demon, before perishing.<ref name="AC2"/>
然而,已故刺客喬瓦尼之子——[[埃齐奥·奥迪托雷|埃齊奧·奧迪托雷]]同年抵達該城。埃齊奧與叔叔[[马里奥·奥迪托雷|馬里奧]]的一名傭兵短暫會面,從他口中得知了安東尼奧的位置。得知了這一信息,埃齊奧開始攀爬高塔。<ref name="AC2"/>
Antonio was a strong religious man who frequently attempted to rely on God to save and protect him. While preaching in San Gimignano, he told the [[Civilians|citizens]]that because of their lack of faith in God, they had caused Ezio to invade their city. He then told the citizens to join him in prayer, so that together with God, they could defeat the Assassin. Antonio's beliefs in God remained with him throughout his life, as evident when even on his deathbed, he spoke with a religious tongue.
[[File:WiSC 6.png|thumb|250px|Antonio (back right) prepares to stab Lorenzo.]]
As a Templar and Pazzi conspirator, Antonio carried out his orders unquestioningly. He never found fault with anything his Templar brothers said, and remained silent throughout meetings and discussions. His insight was also never asked though, leading to wonder if his involvement in the conspiracy was truly necessary.
埃齊奧悄無聲息的刺殺了在塔頂巡邏的弓箭手,最終攀至高塔頂端。刺客隨後爬上一節短梯,與安東尼奧陷入決鬥。埃齊奧在簡短的遭遇戰後用[[袖刃]]刺殺了安東尼奧。而安東尼奧在死前試圖反戈一擊,並稱埃齊奧是個惡魔。<ref name="AC2"/>
Once Antonio was confronted by Ezio atop the tower in San Gimignano, Maffei attempted to fight the Assassin, wielding a [[schiavona]]. Antonio attempted to taunt the Assassin; however, his fighting skill was weak, and Ezio easily bested the monk. Despite his minor fighting capabilities though, Maffei fled upon being faced in combat by Lorenzo, indicating his cowardice.
* '''Antonio:''' ''Away with you, demon!''
* '''Ezio:''' ''Have some respect for death, my friend.''
* '''Antonio:''' ''I'll show you respect! -''
* '''Ezio:''' ''No, I will. Che tu possa alfine trovare riposo nel corpo e nella mente''. (May your body and mind at last be still.) ''Requiescat in Pace''. (Rest in peace.)
[[File:WiSC 6.png|thumb|250px|安東尼奧看著斯提法諾巴格儂刺殺羅倫佐梅地奇]]
* Historically, Antonio sliced Lorenzo below his right ear, and later found refuge in the Badia Fiorentina across from the Palazzo Pazzi. He was later arrested, and hung from the [[Palazzo della Signoria]].
* Antonio does not actually speak in ''Assassin's Creed: Lineage''.
== 廊==
[[File:Town Crier 4.png|250px|thumb|安东尼奥临终一刻]]
* '''安東尼奧:''' ''惡魔,滾開!''
* '''埃齊奧:''' ''對死亡抱有尊重吧,朋友。''
* '''安東尼奧:''' ''我會讓你見識什麼是尊重!''
* '''埃齊奧:''' ''不,讓我來吧。Che tu possa alfine trovare riposo nel corpo e nella mente''(願你的肉體與心靈最終得到平靜) ''Requiescat in Pace'' (請安息)
*歷史上,安東尼奧割傷了洛倫佐右耳下部,隨後逃往佛羅倫薩帕齊宮(Palazzo Pazzi)對面的巴迪亞修道院(Badia Fiorentina)。他後來被逮捕,並於[[领主宫|領主宮]]前接受絞刑。
== 廊==
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[[Category:刺客信条II 刺杀目标]]

2019年10月27日 (日) 20:47的最新版本


安東尼奧·馬費伊(Antonio Maffei) (1450 – 1478)是洛倫佐·德·美第奇僱傭的一位佛羅倫薩僧侶及聖殿騎士團成員,曾參與帕齊的陰謀,試圖謀殺洛倫佐及其弟弟朱利亞諾·德·美第奇




―Uberto Alberti to Antonio, regarding the monk's silence.[来源]

1476年,美第奇家族的盟友,刺客喬瓦尼·奧迪托雷截獲了參加刺殺米蘭公爵加萊亞佐·馬里亞·斯福爾扎的同謀者的一封信件。[2] 喬瓦尼把信從威尼斯帶回佛羅倫薩,將內容告知洛倫佐和"正義旗手"烏貝托·阿爾貝蒂。 烏貝托很快發現信上留有巴爾巴里戈家族的徽記,且信的內容被奇怪的代碼加密了。他稱破譯密碼要花費數個小時,隨後將信件交給馬費伊神父解讀其內容。[2]



同年晚些時候,喬瓦尼在追捕聖殿最高大師羅德里戈·博吉亞失敗 後返回佛羅倫薩的宅邸。妻子瑪麗亞·奧迪托雷準備為他療傷之時,馬費伊神父卻領兵進逼門下,要求進入宅邸,拘捕刺客。喬瓦尼令其長子拖住安東尼奧,自己則沿秘密通道逃走。安東尼奧最終進入屋中,當他意識到喬瓦尼已逃走後十分惱火,離開了寓所。[2]








―一名佣兵对埃齐奥说道, 1478.[来源]
Town Crier 3






WiSC 6


安東尼奧篤信宗教,時常期冀神的拯救與庇護。在聖吉米尼亞諾佈道時,他告誡市民,因為缺乏對神的信仰,他們已經讓埃齊奧闖入了城市。他隨後讓市民加入到祈禱中來,所以他們能與上帝同在,消滅刺客。安東尼奧終其一生虔信神靈,臨終前還在以宗教的腔調講話。 作為一名聖殿騎士和帕齊陰謀參與者,安東尼奧全無異議的執行組織的命令。他從不指摘聖殿同夥的言論,在會議和討論中也始終保持沉默。他的洞察力也未曾讓他質疑自己是否真正有必要參與到這場陰謀中。



Town Crier 4


  • 安東尼奧: 惡魔,滾開!
  • 埃齊奧: 對死亡抱有尊重吧,朋友。
  • 安東尼奧: 我會讓你見識什麼是尊重!
  • 埃齊奧: 不,讓我來吧。Che tu possa alfine trovare riposo nel corpo e nella mente。(願你的肉體與心靈最終得到平靜) Requiescat in Pace。 (請安息)


  • 歷史上,安東尼奧割傷了洛倫佐右耳下部,隨後逃往佛羅倫薩帕齊宮(Palazzo Pazzi)對面的巴迪亞修道院(Badia Fiorentina)。他後來被逮捕,並於領主宮前接受絞刑。
  • 安東尼奧在刺客信條:血系中從未講話。


