第16行: 第16行:
{{Quote|所有读到这里的奥迪托雷家人,要记住,你们不是贵族。你们不是这些骗子的一份子,你们是人民的一份子。为我们报仇!|多梅尼科·奥迪托雷存放在家族密室里的最后一条信息|刺客信条II}}[[File:ACIDomenicoAuditore.jpg|thumb|250px|Domenico in Venice]]
13世纪末,日后称为奥迪托雷的家族住在[[威尼斯]]郊区。1296年前后,[[多梅尼科·奥迪托雷|多梅尼科]]在[[但丁·阿利吉耶里|但丁]]的指导下被发展为[[刺客]]。<ref name="AC2">《[[刺客信条II]]》</ref>
13世纪末,日后称为奥迪托雷的家族住在[[威尼斯]]郊区。1296年前后,[[多梅尼科·奥迪托雷|多梅尼科]]在[[但丁·阿利吉耶里|但丁]]的指导下被发展为[[刺客]]。<ref name="AC2">《[[刺客信条II]]》</ref>
第28行: 第28行:
1355年,雷纳托将从圣殿骑士[[若弗鲁瓦·德·沙尔尼]]那里拿到的原始[[Shrouds of Eden|伊甸裹尸布]]藏在庄园地下,并用机关和陷阱保护起来。<ref name="Project Legacy" />
1355年,雷纳托将从圣殿骑士[[若弗鲁瓦·德·沙尔尼]]那里拿到的原始[[Shrouds of Eden|伊甸裹尸布]]藏在庄园地下,并用机关和陷阱保护起来。<ref name="Project Legacy" />
15世纪,奥迪托雷家族成为佛罗伦萨的统治者[[美第奇家族]]的盟友。[[伊拉里奥·奥迪托雷]]是[[科西莫‧德‧美第奇]]的亲密朋友,担任他的城市的''Gonfaloniere'' (行政长官)。<ref name="AC2" />[[File:ACIVilla.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Villa Auditore in 1327]]
15世纪,奥迪托雷家族成为佛罗伦萨的统治者[[美第奇家族]]的盟友。[[伊拉里奥·奥迪托雷]]是[[科西莫‧德‧美第奇]]的亲密朋友,担任他的城市的''Gonfaloniere'' (行政长官)。<ref name="AC2" />[[File:ACIVilla.jpg|thumb|250px|left|1327年的奥迪托类别墅]]
一个世纪后,雷纳托的两个孙子[[马里奥·奥迪托雷|马里奥]]和[[乔瓦尼·奥迪托雷·达·佛罗伦萨|乔瓦尼]]走上了不同的道路。马里奥留在蒙特利久尼保护城镇,领导一群[[佣兵]]和刺客,而乔瓦尼搬到了佛罗伦萨成为了一名银行家,调查圣殿骑士的阴谋。他们在搜寻密函残页上保持了联系。<ref name="AC2"/>
一个世纪后,雷纳托的两个孙子[[马里奥·奥迪托雷|马里奥]]和[[乔瓦尼·奥迪托雷·达·佛罗伦萨|乔瓦尼]]走上了不同的道路。马里奥留在蒙特利久尼保护城镇,领导一群[[佣兵]]和刺客,而乔瓦尼搬到了佛罗伦萨成为了一名银行家,调查圣殿骑士的阴谋。他们在搜寻密函残页上保持了联系。<ref name="AC2"/>
[[File:ACPL mario giovanni.png|thumb|250px|Giovani departing from Monteriggioni]]
[[File:ACPL mario giovanni.png|thumb|250px|乔瓦尼离开蒙特里久尼]]
1454年,马里奥在蒙特利久尼里发现了一名叫[[卢西亚诺·佩扎蒂]]的佛罗伦萨间谍。他在被捕时告诉马里奥[[费代里科·达·蒙泰费尔特罗]]会代表佛伦罗萨前来围城,取回这座城镇地下的神器。马里奥做好了防御准备,击溃了佛罗伦萨军队。战后,马里奥决定取出这个神秘的物品。他带了一群佣兵探索城镇的地下墓穴,知名的陷阱夺去了好几条佣兵的性命,甚至包括马里奥的左眼。后来,马里奥发现了一个世纪前他爷爷藏起来的裹尸布。一个[[Consus|声音]]从裹尸布中传出,使佣兵们相信他们可以被裹尸布治好,而马里奥却拒绝使用。这导致了佣兵的反水,马里奥被迫杀了他们。马里奥要求他的兄弟将这件神器送给另一群刺客来保护城镇。<ref name="Project Legacy">《[[刺客信条:传承计划]]》</ref>
1454年,马里奥在蒙特利久尼里发现了一名叫[[卢西亚诺·佩扎蒂]]的佛罗伦萨间谍。他在被捕时告诉马里奥[[费代里科·达·蒙泰费尔特罗]]会代表佛伦罗萨前来围城,取回这座城镇地下的神器。马里奥做好了防御准备,击溃了佛罗伦萨军队。战后,马里奥决定取出这个神秘的物品。他带了一群佣兵探索城镇的地下墓穴,知名的陷阱夺去了好几条佣兵的性命,甚至包括马里奥的左眼。后来,马里奥发现了一个世纪前他爷爷藏起来的裹尸布。一个[[Consus|声音]]从裹尸布中传出,使佣兵们相信他们可以被裹尸布治好,而马里奥却拒绝使用。这导致了佣兵的反水,马里奥被迫杀了他们。马里奥要求他的兄弟将这件神器送给另一群刺客来保护城镇。<ref name="Project Legacy">《[[刺客信条:传承计划]]》</ref>
第38行: 第38行:
[[File:Screen shot 13.png|thumb|250px|left|Giovanni and Maria Auditore]]
[[File:Screen shot 13.png|thumb|250px|left|乔瓦尼与玛丽亚]]
1455年,在救起溺水的小[[洛伦佐·德·美第奇]]后,乔瓦尼成为了美第奇家族的亲密盟友。1473年,佛罗伦萨的[[奥迪托雷宅邸]]建成。1476年12月,乔瓦尼发现了一起圣殿骑士阴谋,他们想要通过刺杀洛伦佐的盟友米兰公爵[[加莱亚佐·马里亚·斯福尔扎]]来削弱美第奇的势力。乔瓦尼想要挫败这个图谋却失败了。他在威尼斯继续进行调查,他跟踪[[圣殿骑士]][[马可·巴尔巴里戈]]派出的一名信使,但在还没问出情报之前,信使就用乔瓦尼的袖剑自杀了。乔瓦尼拿走了信,将他交给自己的朋友[[乌贝托·阿尔贝蒂]]和他的合伙人[[安东尼奥·马费伊]]进行解密。但是这两个人实际上圣殿骑士盟友,于是说自己无法解密这封信,迫使乔瓦尼亲自将信送往[[罗马]]。 在那,乔瓦尼遇到了[[Roman Rite of the Templar Order|意大利圣殿骑士]][[Grand Master of the Templar Order|最高大师]][[Roman Rite of the Templar Order|罗德里格·博吉亚]],他希望乔瓦尼能够加入到自己这边。乔瓦尼拒绝了他并和他的人打了起来,不过他被罗德里格扔出的飞[[Throwing knife|刀]]所伤,[[袖剑]]也被折断。乔瓦尼回到佛罗伦萨知道他必须要保持警惕,开始编制一份圣殿骑士阴谋家的名单。 <ref name="AC2"/>
1455年,在救起溺水的小[[洛伦佐·德·美第奇]]后,乔瓦尼成为了美第奇家族的亲密盟友。1473年,佛罗伦萨的[[奥迪托雷宅邸]]建成。1476年12月,乔瓦尼发现了一起圣殿骑士阴谋,他们想要通过刺杀洛伦佐的盟友米兰公爵[[加莱亚佐·马里亚·斯福尔扎]]来削弱美第奇的势力。乔瓦尼想要挫败这个图谋却失败了。他在威尼斯继续进行调查,他跟踪[[圣殿骑士]][[马可·巴尔巴里戈]]派出的一名信使,但在还没问出情报之前,信使就用乔瓦尼的袖剑自杀了。乔瓦尼拿走了信,将他交给自己的朋友[[乌贝托·阿尔贝蒂]]和他的合伙人[[安东尼奥·马费伊]]进行解密。但是这两个人实际上圣殿骑士盟友,于是说自己无法解密这封信,迫使乔瓦尼亲自将信送往[[罗马]]。 在那,乔瓦尼遇到了[[Roman Rite of the Templar Order|意大利圣殿骑士]][[Grand Master of the Templar Order|最高大师]][[Roman Rite of the Templar Order|罗德里格·博吉亚]],他希望乔瓦尼能够加入到自己这边。乔瓦尼拒绝了他并和他的人打了起来,不过他被罗德里格扔出的飞[[Throwing knife|刀]]所伤,[[袖剑]]也被折断。乔瓦尼回到佛罗伦萨知道他必须要保持警惕,开始编制一份圣殿骑士阴谋家的名单。 <ref name="AC2"/>
[[File:LMS 1 v.png|thumb|250px|Auditore execution]]
[[File:LMS 1 v.png|thumb|250px|处决奥迪托雷]]
乔瓦尼手上有圣殿骑士[[弗朗切斯科·德·帕齐]]犯下的一桩命案的证据。在意识到帕奇将要发动一起针对美第奇的阴谋后,乔瓦尼决定去指控他。乌贝托在圣殿骑士团的指示下,为了停止这场审判,控告乔瓦尼和他的家人犯有叛国罪。乔瓦尼被逮捕并被关在[[领主宫]]。玛丽亚受到小儿子被捕的打击变得沉默寡言。埃齐奥决定将他的母亲和妹妹送到一个安全的地方。安内塔将他们带到寻芳玫瑰园,埃齐奥爬上领主宫和他的父亲谈话。在那,乔瓦尼告诉他的儿子整理好自己留在秘密[[Assassin bureau|分部]]的东西,向任何能够证明他清白的证据交给乌贝托。埃齐奥回到家里,取走了他父亲的刺客长袍、[[Sword|剑]]、坏掉的袖剑、一份密函手稿和一份圣殿骑士阴谋家的名单。埃齐奥将它交给了乌贝托,后者假装愿意帮助这个年轻人。建议埃齐奥在他这里避难,埃齐奥拒绝了更想见到亲人被释放。第二天,埃齐奥来到,发现了真相:乌贝托并没有释放他的家人而是判处他们死刑,无视了他手上的证据。乔瓦尼和他们儿子们被绞死而埃齐奥试图杀死乌贝托,然后刑场重兵把守,埃齐奥只得逃走,<ref name="AC2"/>
乔瓦尼手上有圣殿骑士[[弗朗切斯科·德·帕齐]]犯下的一桩命案的证据。在意识到帕奇将要发动一起针对美第奇的阴谋后,乔瓦尼决定去指控他。乌贝托在圣殿骑士团的指示下,为了停止这场审判,控告乔瓦尼和他的家人犯有叛国罪。乔瓦尼被逮捕并被关在[[领主宫]]。玛丽亚受到小儿子被捕的打击变得沉默寡言。埃齐奥决定将他的母亲和妹妹送到一个安全的地方。安内塔将他们带到寻芳玫瑰园,埃齐奥爬上领主宫和他的父亲谈话。在那,乔瓦尼告诉他的儿子整理好自己留在秘密[[Assassin bureau|分部]]的东西,向任何能够证明他清白的证据交给乌贝托。埃齐奥回到家里,取走了他父亲的刺客长袍、[[Sword|剑]]、坏掉的袖剑、一份密函手稿和一份圣殿骑士阴谋家的名单。埃齐奥将它交给了乌贝托,后者假装愿意帮助这个年轻人。建议埃齐奥在他这里避难,埃齐奥拒绝了更想见到亲人被释放。第二天,埃齐奥来到,发现了真相:乌贝托并没有释放他的家人而是判处他们死刑,无视了他手上的证据。乔瓦尼和他们儿子们被绞死而埃齐奥试图杀死乌贝托,然后刑场重兵把守,埃齐奥只得逃走,<ref name="AC2"/>
乔瓦尼、费代里科与彼得鲁乔命丧圣殿骑士之手后,埃齐奥决定刺杀乌贝托。葆拉帮助他,教会了他保持匿踪及藏在人群中。她还指出[[莱昂纳多·达·芬奇]]能修好他父亲的袖剑。途中,埃齐奥夺回了他父亲与兄弟的遗体,为他们找到了合适的安息之地。袖剑修好后,埃齐奥回到葆拉处,得知乌贝托将会出席[[圣十字圣殿]]处的[[Andrea del Verrocchio|安德烈·德尔·委罗基奥]]画作展。埃齐奥潜入圣殿刺杀了乌贝托,旋即宣布奥迪托雷家族并未灭绝,然后逃离。<ref name="AC2"/>
Following the deaths of Giovanni, Federico, and Petruccio at the hands of the Templar conspiracy, Ezio decided to assassinate Uberto. He received the help of Paola, who taught him to be stealthy and to hide in the crowd. She also indicated that [[Leonardo da Vinci]] could repair his father's Hidden Blade. On the route, Ezio reclaimed the corpses of his father and brothers and gave them proper last rites. Once the Hidden Blade had been fixed, Ezio returned to Paola who informed him that Uberto would be at the [[Basilica of Santa Croce]] for an art exhibition of [[Andrea del Verrocchio]]. Ezio infiltrated the building, killed Uberto before claiming that the Auditore were not dead and he fled.<ref name="AC2"/>
[[File:RA 4 v.png|thumb|250px|left|Mario rescuing Ezio, Maria and Claudia]]
[[File:RA 4 v.png|thumb|250px|left|马里奥援救埃齐奥、玛丽亚与克劳迪娅]]
乔瓦尼死后,剩余的奥迪托雷家族成员逃离了佛罗伦萨。克劳迪娅、玛丽亚与埃齐奥前往蒙特里久尼——那里由马里奥和他的雇佣兵军团保护着——寻求庇护。在路上,奥迪托雷家族成员受到了埃齐奥的死对头兼圣殿骑士,[[维耶里·德·帕齐]]及其手下的袭击。但马里奥与他的雇佣兵军团救出了自己弟弟剩下的一家,维耶里逃逸。马里奥对没有认出自己的侄子表示了欢迎,并告知自己知道佛罗伦萨发生的一切。在马里奥的指引下,玛丽亚、克劳迪娅和埃齐奥在奥迪托雷别墅定居下来。马里奥在与侄子的对话中得知,后者并未知晓他自己的刺客血脉与他们与圣殿骑士的[[刺客-圣殿骑士战争|战争]]。埃齐奥只想在别墅待上数日,然后就带着家人前往另一座城市,但马里奥说服他留在这里,接受剑斗训练以保护他的家人。之后的一年中,马里奥训练埃齐奥,并告诉了他他父亲的工作、刺客的目标与他们和圣殿骑士的斗争。埃齐奥仍坚持他要带家人前往西班牙以保护他们的立场。愤怒的马里奥离开了他,认为他辜负了他父亲的死亡。马里奥决定率领他的佣兵部队攻击在[[圣吉米尼亚诺]]的维耶里军团。埃齐奥对维耶里频繁进攻此地感到羞愧,便帮助他的伯伯渗透入城。在隐匿地接近后,马里奥和他的手下反而陷入了埋伏。在战斗中,马里奥指派埃齐奥找到维耶里。在屋顶上,埃齐奥看到了维耶里与他的父亲弗朗切斯科、叔祖父[[雅各布·德·帕齐]]和罗德里戈·博吉亚在一起。他察觉他们正计划带兵攻打佛罗伦萨,并随后在佛城碰头。其他三人离开此处后,埃齐奥对战维耶里并杀死了他。 <ref name="AC2"/>
After the death of the Gonfaloniere, the remaining members of the Auditore da Firenze fled the city. Claudia, Maria, and Ezio sought refuge in Monteriggioni, under the protection of Mario and his army of mercenaries. On the road, the Auditore were attacked by a group of men led by [[Vieri de' Pazzi]], Ezio's rival and also a Templar. But Mario and his mercenaries saved his brother's family and Vieri fled. Mario welcomed his nephew who didn't recognize him and informed him that he knew what happened in Florence. After Mario guided them in the city, Maria, Claudia, and Ezio settled in the Villa Auditore. Discussing with his nephew, Mario discovered that Ezio was not informed about his Assassin heritage and the [[Assassin-Templar War|war]] with the Templar Order. Ezio only wanted to stay a few days in the Villa before leaving with his family for another city, but Mario convinced him to stay to be trained in swordfight to protect his family. During a year, Mario trained Ezio and revealed him his father's work, the Assassins' goals and their fight with the Templars. Ezio remained on his position to go to Spain to protect his family. Mario, angry, left his considering he ashamed his father's death. With his mercenaries, Mario decided to attacked Vieri and his men in [[San Gimignano]]. Ezio, feeling guilty for the repeating attacks of Vieri, helped his uncle to infiltrate the city. After a stealth approach, Mario and his men fell in an ambush. During this fight, Mario tasked Ezio to find Vieri. On a roof, Ezio saw Vieri with his father Francesco, his Great-uncle [[Jacopo de' Pazzi]] and Rodrigo Borgia. He discovered that they planned an attack with soldiers in Florence and they would have a reunion in the city. After the three others fled the city Ezio fought Vieri and killed him.<ref name="AC2"/>
回到蒙特里久尼后,埃齐奥把这些新消息告诉了他的伯伯。马里奥表示罗德里戈·博吉亚是圣殿骑士的最高大师,应对埃齐奥家人的死亡负责。作为乔瓦尼唯一活下来的儿子,埃齐奥承担起寻找[[阿泰尔·伊本-拉阿哈德的手札|手札]]书页,并向罗德里戈及其他在他父亲名单上的人复仇的任务。他还开始促成别墅的恢复,资助重建蒙特里久尼的大型建筑,克劳迪娅则当起了城里的会计帮助他。此外,埃齐奥开始搜寻[[刺客封印]]以解锁[[阿泰尔铠甲]]。再者,为了帮助他的母亲安定身心,埃齐奥开始收集[[羽毛]]以纪念彼得鲁乔。马里奥则继续对埃齐奥刺客之路的训练,并得到了许多其他刺客的帮助,但他们并不向埃齐奥袒露刺客盟友身份。埃齐奥与佛罗伦萨开始复仇,阻止了由[[帕齐家族]]与同行圣殿骑士参与的[[帕齐阴谋]]。阴谋者们想要刺杀洛伦佐·德·美第奇与其弟[[朱利亚诺·德·美第奇|朱利亚诺]]以占领城市。圣殿骑士们只杀掉了朱利亚诺,埃齐奥随后刺杀了弗朗切斯科·德·帕齐。帕齐阴谋者们逃离了城市,埃齐奥则在接下来的两年间追踪他们到了[[托斯卡纳]]。他最后找到了雅各布·德·帕齐,后者被罗德里戈抛弃并重伤。在这次会议上,埃齐奥还发现威尼斯商人[[埃米利奥·巴尔巴里戈]]与阴谋有关。当两个圣殿骑士离开后,埃齐奥结束了雅各布的痛苦。<ref name="AC2"/>
Returned in Monteriggioni, Ezio informed his uncle of his new information. Mario revealed that Rodrigo Borgia was the Grand Master of the Templar and was responsible for his family death. As Giovanni's only remaining son, Ezio took on his work to find all the codex pages and sought vengeance against Rodrigo and his men who were on his father list. He also began to contribute to restoring the Villa and in financing the rebuilding of large parts of Monteriggioni, Claudia helped him becoming the accountant of the city. , Ezio began to search the Assassin seals to unlocked the Armor of Altaïr. To help his mother found peace, Ezio collected [[feather]]s in memory of Petruccio. On his side, Mario decided to continue Ezio's training on the Assassins' way with the help of others Assassins who would hide their true allegiance to Ezio. Ezio began his revenge in Florence where he stopped the [[Pazzi conspiracy]], which reunited the [[House of Pazzi]] and fellows Templars. The conspirators wanted to assassinate Lorenzo de' Medici and his brother [[Giuliano de' Medici|Giuliano]] to take the city. The Templars only killed Giuliano and later Ezio assassinated Francesco de' Pazzi. The Pazzi conspirators fled the city and Ezio tracked them through the [[Tuscany]] during two years. He finally found Jacopo de' Pazzi who was betrayed by Rodrigo and wounded to death. During this meeting, Ezio discovered that the Venetian merchant [[Emilio Barbarigo]] was implicated in the conspiracy. After the two Templars fled the scene, Ezio finished Jacopo's suffering.<ref name="AC2"/>
In 1481, Ezio arrived in Venice where he planned to kill Emilio, but his [[Palazzo della Seta|palazzo]] was two heavily guarded. At the same moment, a group of [[Thief|thieves]] tried to infiltrate the palazzo but one of them [[Rosa]] received an arrow in the leg. Ezio protected her to the thieves' guild where he met their leader Antonio who was secretly an Assassin. Together, they allied to stop Emilio to unify all the merchants of Venice under his banner. In 1485, Ezio killed Emilio and the thieves took control of his palazzo. Ezio discovered another Templar ally, [[Carlo Grimaldi]] who had a meeting with others Templars, [[Silvio Barbarigo]], [[Marco Barbarigo]], and Rodrigo Borgia. The Templars wanted to kill the Doge of Venice [[Giovanni Mocenigo]] and replace him by Marco to take control of the Venetian fleet. Ezio infiltrated the [[Palazzo Ducale di Venezia|Palazzo Ducale]] with the [[Flying Machine]] of da Vinci but he arrived too late. Carlo already poisoned the Doge and framed Ezio for the murder. Ezio killed Carlo and fled the city. A few months later, Ezio returned to Venice during the [[Carnevale]] and killed Marco Barbarigo who was the new doge. Afterwards, Ezio, with the help of the ''condottiero'' [[Bartolomeo d'Alviano]], attacked the [[Arsenale di Venezia]] and killed Silvio Barbarigo and [[Dante Moro]]. The last revealed that the Templar sent a [[Ships|ship]] to [[Cyprus]] to find something.<ref name="AC2"/>
In 1481, Ezio arrived in Venice where he planned to kill Emilio, but his [[Palazzo della Seta|palazzo]] was two heavily guarded. At the same moment, a group of [[Thief|thieves]] tried to infiltrate the palazzo but one of them [[Rosa]] received an arrow in the leg. Ezio protected her to the thieves' guild where he met their leader Antonio who was secretly an Assassin. Together, they allied to stop Emilio to unify all the merchants of Venice under his banner. In 1485, Ezio killed Emilio and the thieves took control of his palazzo. Ezio discovered another Templar ally, [[Carlo Grimaldi]] who had a meeting with others Templars, [[Silvio Barbarigo]], [[Marco Barbarigo]], and Rodrigo Borgia. The Templars wanted to kill the Doge of Venice [[Giovanni Mocenigo]] and replace him by Marco to take control of the Venetian fleet. Ezio infiltrated the [[Palazzo Ducale di Venezia|Palazzo Ducale]] with the [[Flying Machine]] of da Vinci but he arrived too late. Carlo already poisoned the Doge and framed Ezio for the murder. Ezio killed Carlo and fled the city. A few months later, Ezio returned to Venice during the [[Carnevale]] and killed Marco Barbarigo who was the new doge. Afterwards, Ezio, with the help of the ''condottiero'' [[Bartolomeo d'Alviano]], attacked the [[Arsenale di Venezia]] and killed Silvio Barbarigo and [[Dante Moro]]. The last revealed that the Templar sent a [[Ships|ship]] to [[Cyprus]] to find something.<ref name="AC2"/>
[[File:Play along 9.png|thumb|250px|Mario inducting Ezio in the Brotherhood]]
[[File:Play along 9.png|thumb|250px|马里奥引介埃齐奥进入兄弟会]]
In July 1488, at Ezio twenty-ninth's birthday, Rosa informed him that the ship returned to Venice the next day. Leonardo also revealed that he deciphered a strange prophecy on the codex pages including a [[Vatican Vault|Vault]], two [[Pieces of Eden]] and a prophet who will be revealed in Venice. Ezio understands that what the Templar searched all these years and what his family was killed. The next days, Ezio followed the guards with the artifact and discovered that Rodrigo would come to take the [[Apple of Eden 6|Apple of Eden]]. Ezio impersonated a guard to approach Rodrigo. Mario also learned that the Apple was in Venice and decided with others Assassins to see who will be the Prophet. When the group of guards met Rodrigo, Ezio killed his men and confronted the Grand Master saying no Prophet appeared. The Templar claimed that he was the Prophet and began to fight Ezio with other guards. Mario and the others Assassins joined Ezio in the fight. At the moment when Ezio would deliver the killing blow, Rodrigo managed to escape. When Ezio wanted to pursue him, the Assassins restrained him explaining he had important things to do. Ezio didn't understand, the Assassins revealed their true allegiance and said that Ezio was the Prophet. Afterwards Ezio officially joined the Brotherhood.<ref name="AC2"/>
In July 1488, at Ezio twenty-ninth's birthday, Rosa informed him that the ship returned to Venice the next day. Leonardo also revealed that he deciphered a strange prophecy on the codex pages including a [[Vatican Vault|Vault]], two [[Pieces of Eden]] and a prophet who will be revealed in Venice. Ezio understands that what the Templar searched all these years and what his family was killed. The next days, Ezio followed the guards with the artifact and discovered that Rodrigo would come to take the [[Apple of Eden 6|Apple of Eden]]. Ezio impersonated a guard to approach Rodrigo. Mario also learned that the Apple was in Venice and decided with others Assassins to see who will be the Prophet. When the group of guards met Rodrigo, Ezio killed his men and confronted the Grand Master saying no Prophet appeared. The Templar claimed that he was the Prophet and began to fight Ezio with other guards. Mario and the others Assassins joined Ezio in the fight. At the moment when Ezio would deliver the killing blow, Rodrigo managed to escape. When Ezio wanted to pursue him, the Assassins restrained him explaining he had important things to do. Ezio didn't understand, the Assassins revealed their true allegiance and said that Ezio was the Prophet. Afterwards Ezio officially joined the Brotherhood.<ref name="AC2"/>
[[File:Leo work 1.png|thumb|250px|left|Mario, Ezio, Niccolò and Leonardo studying the Apple]]
[[File:Leo work 1.png|thumb|250px|left|马里奥、埃齐奥、马基雅维利与达·芬奇在研究苹果]]
After his induction, Ezio was sent by Mario to [[Forlì]] to protect the Apple from the Templar. With the Assassin [[Niccolò Machiavelli]], Ezio met the Assassin ally [[Caterina Sforza]], the new lord of Forlì. But when they arrived at the city, the brothers Orsi, two mercenaries hired by the Templars, attacked Forlì to reclaim a map created by [[Girolamo Riario]], last husband of Caterina, which indicated the location of codex pages. After a battle, Ezio succeeded to kill the brothers but was wounded and lost the Apple. Before fainting, Ezio only saw a monk in a black robe with only four fingers at the left hand took the Apple. When he regained consciousness, he decided to track this monk and Caterina gave him the map of her last husband. Later Ezio discovered the identity of the mysterious man, [[Girolamo Savonarola]], an monk from Florence.<ref name="Bof">《刺客信条II》-《[[弗利之战(DLC)|弗利之战]]》</ref>
After his induction, Ezio was sent by Mario to [[Forlì]] to protect the Apple from the Templar. With the Assassin [[Niccolò Machiavelli]], Ezio met the Assassin ally [[Caterina Sforza]], the new lord of Forlì. But when they arrived at the city, the brothers Orsi, two mercenaries hired by the Templars, attacked Forlì to reclaim a map created by [[Girolamo Riario]], last husband of Caterina, which indicated the location of codex pages. After a battle, Ezio succeeded to kill the brothers but was wounded and lost the Apple. Before fainting, Ezio only saw a monk in a black robe with only four fingers at the left hand took the Apple. When he regained consciousness, he decided to track this monk and Caterina gave him the map of her last husband. Later Ezio discovered the identity of the mysterious man, [[Girolamo Savonarola]], an monk from Florence.<ref name="Bof">《刺客信条II》-《[[弗利之战(DLC)|弗利之战]]》</ref>
第67行: 第67行:
In 1497, Ezio returned in Florence where [[Girolamo Savonarola|Savonarola]] installed a theocracy with the Apple of Eden. Ezio with the others Assassins started a rebellion and killed Savonarola's lieutenants corrupted by the Apple. In 1498, a mob arrested Savonarola and Ezio reclaimed the artifact. Before leaving the city, Ezio assisted to the execution of Savonarola and he killed him before the fire took his life.<ref name="Bov">《刺客信条II》-《[[虚荣之火(DLC)|虚荣之火]]》</ref>
In 1497, Ezio returned in Florence where [[Girolamo Savonarola|Savonarola]] installed a theocracy with the Apple of Eden. Ezio with the others Assassins started a rebellion and killed Savonarola's lieutenants corrupted by the Apple. In 1498, a mob arrested Savonarola and Ezio reclaimed the artifact. Before leaving the city, Ezio assisted to the execution of Savonarola and he killed him before the fire took his life.<ref name="Bov">《刺客信条II》-《[[虚荣之火(DLC)|虚荣之火]]》</ref>
[[File:X marks 3.png|thumb|250px|The Auditore and the Assassins discovering the location of the vault]]
[[File:X marks 3.png|thumb|250px|奥迪托雷家族与刺客组织知晓密室的位置]]
At the end of the year 1499, the Assassins met in Monteriggioni to uncover the truth behind the codex pages. With the Apple, Ezio discovered a map indicating that the Vault was in Rome. Mario understood that the second artifact was a [[Staves of Eden|Staff of Eden]] and that Rodrigo became pope to take it and to be near the Vault. The Auditore with the others Assassins planned to distract the guard of Rome and Ezio would infiltrate the [[Sistine Chapel]] to take the Staff. When Ezio tried to kill Rodrigo, a duel began between the Assassin and the Templar where the Grand Master had the upper hand on Ezio. He stabbed Ezio, took the Apple and entered the secret room where the doors of the Vault remained close. Ezio regained consciousness, he followed Rodrigo and provoked him in a fistfight. When the Pope was at his mercy, Ezio spared his life knowing his death would not bring back his family. Ezio entered in the Vault with the Apple and there he met the [[Isu]] [[Minerva]] who explained to him she had a message for someone. She spoke about the beginnings of [[human]]ity, the [[Human-Isu War]] and the [[Toba catastrophe]]. She said that another catastrophe would happen in the future and that they need to find temples to stop this. Afterwards, Minerva disappeared greeting a man name Desmond to succeed in his mission. Ezio, confused, asked for more answers but the Isu was gone. Ezio returned in the room where he left Rodrigo but he was already gone. Ezio tried to took the Staff but it disappeared beneath the ground. Mario arrived and helped Ezio to flew the [[Vaticano District|Vaticano]] keeping the Apple with them.<ref name="AC2"/>
At the end of the year 1499, the Assassins met in Monteriggioni to uncover the truth behind the codex pages. With the Apple, Ezio discovered a map indicating that the Vault was in Rome. Mario understood that the second artifact was a [[Staves of Eden|Staff of Eden]] and that Rodrigo became pope to take it and to be near the Vault. The Auditore with the others Assassins planned to distract the guard of Rome and Ezio would infiltrate the [[Sistine Chapel]] to take the Staff. When Ezio tried to kill Rodrigo, a duel began between the Assassin and the Templar where the Grand Master had the upper hand on Ezio. He stabbed Ezio, took the Apple and entered the secret room where the doors of the Vault remained close. Ezio regained consciousness, he followed Rodrigo and provoked him in a fistfight. When the Pope was at his mercy, Ezio spared his life knowing his death would not bring back his family. Ezio entered in the Vault with the Apple and there he met the [[Isu]] [[Minerva]] who explained to him she had a message for someone. She spoke about the beginnings of [[human]]ity, the [[Human-Isu War]] and the [[Toba catastrophe]]. She said that another catastrophe would happen in the future and that they need to find temples to stop this. Afterwards, Minerva disappeared greeting a man name Desmond to succeed in his mission. Ezio, confused, asked for more answers but the Isu was gone. Ezio returned in the room where he left Rodrigo but he was already gone. Ezio tried to took the Staff but it disappeared beneath the ground. Mario arrived and helped Ezio to flew the [[Vaticano District|Vaticano]] keeping the Apple with them.<ref name="AC2"/>
[[File:Vilified 9 v.png|thumb|250px|left|Cesare Borgia capturing Mario Auditore]]
[[File:Vilified 9 v.png|thumb|250px|left|切萨雷·博吉亚擒获马里奥·奥迪托雷]]
When they returned to Monteriggioni, Ezio and Mario explained to others Auditore and Machiavelli what happened in the Vault. When Ezio revealed he didn't kill Rodrigo, Machiavelli left the city anger. The next day, Monteriggioni was attacked by the Borgia's forces led by [[Cesare Borgia]], Rodrigo's son. Mario tried to counter the attack with his mercenaries while Ezio used the cannons to protect the city walls. Mario, who protected the Apple, was captured and executed by Cesare and Ezio was shot in the shoulder. With the last citizens, Ezio and Claudia fled by the sanctuary. Wounded, Ezio decided to follow Cesare in Rome to reclaim the Apple. He ordered to his mother and sister to return to Florence. On the road, Ezio fell unconscious, Machiavelli found him and bring him back in Rome to be healed. When he woke up, Ezio met Machiavelli unaware he was him who saved his life. Together they decided to reform a network for the Assassin in the city. Ezio saw the [[courtesan]]s of the [[Rosa in Fiore]] which her Madam, [[Madonna Solari]] was captured by [[Slavery|slavers]]. Ezio decided to pay the ransom but the slavers killed the Madam. When Ezio returned to the [[brothel]], his mother and sister were there. At first anger that they didn't follow his order, Ezio accepted the demand of his sister to run the Rosa in Fiore. With the courtesans, Ezio had information from their clients. Ezio also met the mercenaries of Bartolomeo and the thieves of [[La Volpe]].<ref name="ACB">《[[刺客信条:兄弟会]]》</ref>
When they returned to Monteriggioni, Ezio and Mario explained to others Auditore and Machiavelli what happened in the Vault. When Ezio revealed he didn't kill Rodrigo, Machiavelli left the city anger. The next day, Monteriggioni was attacked by the Borgia's forces led by [[Cesare Borgia]], Rodrigo's son. Mario tried to counter the attack with his mercenaries while Ezio used the cannons to protect the city walls. Mario, who protected the Apple, was captured and executed by Cesare and Ezio was shot in the shoulder. With the last citizens, Ezio and Claudia fled by the sanctuary. Wounded, Ezio decided to follow Cesare in Rome to reclaim the Apple. He ordered to his mother and sister to return to Florence. On the road, Ezio fell unconscious, Machiavelli found him and bring him back in Rome to be healed. When he woke up, Ezio met Machiavelli unaware he was him who saved his life. Together they decided to reform a network for the Assassin in the city. Ezio saw the [[courtesan]]s of the [[Rosa in Fiore]] which her Madam, [[Madonna Solari]] was captured by [[Slavery|slavers]]. Ezio decided to pay the ransom but the slavers killed the Madam. When Ezio returned to the [[brothel]], his mother and sister were there. At first anger that they didn't follow his order, Ezio accepted the demand of his sister to run the Rosa in Fiore. With the courtesans, Ezio had information from their clients. Ezio also met the mercenaries of Bartolomeo and the thieves of [[La Volpe]].<ref name="ACB">《[[刺客信条:兄弟会]]》</ref>
In June 1501, Claudia's courtesans discovered that Caterina Sforza, who was captured during the siege of Monteriggioni, was sent to the [[Castel Sant'Angelo]]. Ezio infiltrated the castle to save her, killed Rodrigo and his son and reclaimed the Apple. But he arrived too late and he only saved Caterina. In his [[Tiber Island headquarters|hideout]], Ezio understood that Cesare was too powerful to be attacked in [[Romagna]] where his army stood. Ezio decided to recruit new [[Assassin apprentice|apprentices]] for the Brotherhood and diminish Borgia power in Rome. He began the training of [[Francesco Vecellio]] that would be the leader of an Assassin team who stroke through Italy. Ezio also killed important Templar targets and destroyed [[War Machines]] created by Leonardo da Vinci.<ref name="ACB"/>
In June 1501, Claudia's courtesans discovered that Caterina Sforza, who was captured during the siege of Monteriggioni, was sent to the [[Castel Sant'Angelo]]. Ezio infiltrated the castle to save her, killed Rodrigo and his son and reclaimed the Apple. But he arrived too late and he only saved Caterina. In his [[Tiber Island headquarters|hideout]], Ezio understood that Cesare was too powerful to be attacked in [[Romagna]] where his army stood. Ezio decided to recruit new [[Assassin apprentice|apprentices]] for the Brotherhood and diminish Borgia power in Rome. He began the training of [[Francesco Vecellio]] that would be the leader of an Assassin team who stroke through Italy. Ezio also killed important Templar targets and destroyed [[War Machines]] created by Leonardo da Vinci.<ref name="ACB"/>
[[File:Ascension 9.png|thumb|250px|Ezio and Niccolò inducting Claudia]]
[[File:Ascension 9.png|thumb|250px|埃齐奥与马基雅维利引介克劳迪娅]]
In August 1503, Claudia identified the person who funded Cesare's army, a man named the Banker. Ezio followed one of his debtors, [[Egidio Troche]], and found that the Banker was [[Juan Borgia the Elder|Juan Borgia]], a [[cardinal]] and Cesare's cousin. During the night of his party, Ezio killed him and the courtesans took the money. Afterwards, guards attacked the Rosa in Fiore to reclaim the money but Claudia killed them. Later, Ezio killed Cesare's French ally, [[Octavian de Valois]], who led an army in Rome which protected the Castel Sant'Angelo. Ezio obtained a key of the side entrance of the castle after saving the life of [[Pietro Rossi]] who was targeted by Cesare because he was the lover of his sister, [[Lucrezia Borgia]]. Ezio also discovered the man who betrayed him during the Siege of Monteriggioni, the thief [[Paganino]] who committed suicide with Ezio's blade when he was captured. With this information, Ezio prevented La Volpe to kill Machiavelli, as he believed the traitor was him. Later, Claudia was inducted in the Brotherhood and Machiavelli designated Ezio as the [[Mentor]] of the Assassins. After the ceremony, Machiavelli revealed that he helped Ezio all along even if he was not agreed with his methods. At this moment, a spy informed Ezio that Cesare returned to Rome.<ref name="ACB"/>
In August 1503, Claudia identified the person who funded Cesare's army, a man named the Banker. Ezio followed one of his debtors, [[Egidio Troche]], and found that the Banker was [[Juan Borgia the Elder|Juan Borgia]], a [[cardinal]] and Cesare's cousin. During the night of his party, Ezio killed him and the courtesans took the money. Afterwards, guards attacked the Rosa in Fiore to reclaim the money but Claudia killed them. Later, Ezio killed Cesare's French ally, [[Octavian de Valois]], who led an army in Rome which protected the Castel Sant'Angelo. Ezio obtained a key of the side entrance of the castle after saving the life of [[Pietro Rossi]] who was targeted by Cesare because he was the lover of his sister, [[Lucrezia Borgia]]. Ezio also discovered the man who betrayed him during the Siege of Monteriggioni, the thief [[Paganino]] who committed suicide with Ezio's blade when he was captured. With this information, Ezio prevented La Volpe to kill Machiavelli, as he believed the traitor was him. Later, Claudia was inducted in the Brotherhood and Machiavelli designated Ezio as the [[Mentor]] of the Assassins. After the ceremony, Machiavelli revealed that he helped Ezio all along even if he was not agreed with his methods. At this moment, a spy informed Ezio that Cesare returned to Rome.<ref name="ACB"/>
When Cesare returned to the Castel Sant'Angelo, Ezio infiltrated the Castel. He saw Cesare killed his own father after the last refused to give the Apple to his son but also tried to poison him. Ezio was informed by Lucrezia that the Apple was at [[St. Peter's Basilica]]. The Assassin ran and reclaimed the artifact before Cesare. During the end of the year, Ezio used the Apple to decrease Cesare's army and in December, after Ezio and others Assassins fought with Cesare's lieutenant, the Captain of the Papal Army was arrested by [[Fabio Orsini]] for murder, betrayal and incest.<ref name="ACB"/>
When Cesare returned to the Castel Sant'Angelo, Ezio infiltrated the Castel. He saw Cesare killed his own father after the last refused to give the Apple to his son but also tried to poison him. Ezio was informed by Lucrezia that the Apple was at [[St. Peter's Basilica]]. The Assassin ran and reclaimed the artifact before Cesare. During the end of the year, Ezio used the Apple to decrease Cesare's army and in December, after Ezio and others Assassins fought with Cesare's lieutenant, the Captain of the Papal Army was arrested by [[Fabio Orsini]] for murder, betrayal and incest.<ref name="ACB"/>
[[File:PaxR 8.png|thumb|250px|left|Ezio fighting Cesare]]
[[File:PaxR 8.png|thumb|250px|left|埃齐奥大战切萨雷]]
In 1504, after a first attempt to escape his prison, Cesare was transferred in a prison in Spain. Ezio decided to kill after he had a vision with the Apple. While he pursued Cesare, Ezio fought the Borgia diehards who abducted Claudia. After saving her, he sent her to Florence to work with Paola, Rosa replacing her at the Rosa in Fiore. During the year Maria died of illness. Around 1506, Ezio captured Micheletto ad sent him to the Signoria's cell in Florence. There he was tortured and interrogated but he escaped from the prison before saying where was Cesare. Ezio used the Apple to know where was the Templar but he only saw a castle in Spain. After that, the Apple asked Ezio to hide it in the [[Colosseum Vault]] which the Mentor did. The artifact gave the last information, saying that Micheletto was in [[Naples]] to go in Spain.<ref name=Brnovel>《[[刺客信条:兄弟会(小说)]]》</ref> Ezio decided to prepare a ship to Spain with the help of Leonardo. While he searched Leonardo's apprentice and lover, [[Salaì]], Leonardo was captured by the [[Hermeticists]] who searched the [[Temple of Pythagoras]]. After retrieved five paintings of Leonardo with the help of Claudia, Ezio found a map leading to the Temple. Ezio killed the leader of the Hermeticists, [[Ercole Massimo]] and entered with Leonardo in the [[Pythagorean Vault]] which contained the coordinates of a [[Grand Temple|temple]].<ref name="DVD">《刺客信条:兄弟会》-《[[达·芬奇的失踪]]》</ref> Afterwards Ezio went to Spain with Leonardo and Machiavelli to stop Cesare during the battle of [[Valencia]].<ref name=Brnovel/> But Cesare flew to [[Viana]] where a [[Siege of Viana|siege]] was prepared by the Navarre Army. Ezio tracked down Cesare, defeated him and finally let him fall to his death from the wall of the castle.<ref name="ACB"/>
In 1504, after a first attempt to escape his prison, Cesare was transferred in a prison in Spain. Ezio decided to kill after he had a vision with the Apple. While he pursued Cesare, Ezio fought the Borgia diehards who abducted Claudia. After saving her, he sent her to Florence to work with Paola, Rosa replacing her at the Rosa in Fiore. During the year Maria died of illness. Around 1506, Ezio captured Micheletto ad sent him to the Signoria's cell in Florence. There he was tortured and interrogated but he escaped from the prison before saying where was Cesare. Ezio used the Apple to know where was the Templar but he only saw a castle in Spain. After that, the Apple asked Ezio to hide it in the [[Colosseum Vault]] which the Mentor did. The artifact gave the last information, saying that Micheletto was in [[Naples]] to go in Spain.<ref name=Brnovel>《[[刺客信条:兄弟会(小说)]]》</ref> Ezio decided to prepare a ship to Spain with the help of Leonardo. While he searched Leonardo's apprentice and lover, [[Salaì]], Leonardo was captured by the [[Hermeticists]] who searched the [[Temple of Pythagoras]]. After retrieved five paintings of Leonardo with the help of Claudia, Ezio found a map leading to the Temple. Ezio killed the leader of the Hermeticists, [[Ercole Massimo]] and entered with Leonardo in the [[Pythagorean Vault]] which contained the coordinates of a [[Grand Temple|temple]].<ref name="DVD">《刺客信条:兄弟会》-《[[达·芬奇的失踪]]》</ref> Afterwards Ezio went to Spain with Leonardo and Machiavelli to stop Cesare during the battle of [[Valencia]].<ref name=Brnovel/> But Cesare flew to [[Viana]] where a [[Siege of Viana|siege]] was prepared by the Navarre Army. Ezio tracked down Cesare, defeated him and finally let him fall to his death from the wall of the castle.<ref name="ACB"/>
===Working with other Brotherhoods===
After the death of Cesare, Claudia returned to Rome and Ezio developed the Brotherhood in Italy. At some point, Ezio returned to the Villa Auditore to leave a clue to open the Colosseum vault.<ref name="ACB"/> In 1510, Ezio found a letter of his father to Mario which contained information about the [[Library of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad]]. The Mentor decided to travel to [[Masyaf]], the old citadel of the [[Levantine Assassins]]. Claudia took the lead of the Italian Assassin during his journey, entering in contact with [[Desiderius Erasmus]] who was the Mentor of the [[Northern European Assassins]].<ref name="RVnov"/> In March 1511, Ezio found that the castle was controlled by a Templar-affiliated [[Byzantine Rite of the Templar Order|faction of Byzantines]]. Captured, Ezio escaped from his execution. He discovered that the Library was locked and the location of the keys was in the [[The Secret Crusade|journal of Niccolò Polo]] that the Templar captain, [[Leandros]], had with him. Ezio tracked him and killed him. While reading the journal, he knew that the [[Masyaf Keys]] were hidden by [[Niccolò Polo]] in [[Constantinople]] during the 13th century.<ref name="ACR">《[[刺客信条:启示录]]》</ref>
After the death of Cesare, Claudia returned to Rome and Ezio developed the Brotherhood in Italy. At some point, Ezio returned to the Villa Auditore to leave a clue to open the Colosseum vault.<ref name="ACB"/> In 1510, Ezio found a letter of his father to Mario which contained information about the [[Library of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad]]. The Mentor decided to travel to [[Masyaf]], the old citadel of the [[Levantine Assassins]]. Claudia took the lead of the Italian Assassin during his journey, entering in contact with [[Desiderius Erasmus]] who was the Mentor of the [[Northern European Assassins]].<ref name="RVnov"/> In March 1511, Ezio found that the castle was controlled by a Templar-affiliated [[Byzantine Rite of the Templar Order|faction of Byzantines]]. Captured, Ezio escaped from his execution. He discovered that the Library was locked and the location of the keys was in the [[The Secret Crusade|journal of Niccolò Polo]] that the Templar captain, [[Leandros]], had with him. Ezio tracked him and killed him. While reading the journal, he knew that the [[Masyaf Keys]] were hidden by [[Niccolò Polo]] in [[Constantinople]] during the 13th century.<ref name="ACR">《[[刺客信条:启示录]]》</ref>
[[File:Familiar face 3.png|thumb|250px|Ezio and Sofia meeting for the first time]]
[[File:Familiar face 3.png|thumb|250px|埃齐奥与索菲亚的初逢]]
Arriving in the city in May, Ezio joined the [[Ottoman Brotherhood of Assassins|Ottoman Assassins]] who were led by [[Yusuf Tazim]]. The Assassins were in war with the [[Byzantine Rite of the Templar Order|Byzantine Templars]] for the streets of the city. Ezio recruited new apprentices and defended the [[Assassin Den]]s. To find the Masyaf keys, Ezio explored the Polo trading post where a Venetian-Ottoman bookshop owner [[Sofia Sartor]] worked. After discovering a hidden path Ezio found the first key and a map indicating lost books in Constantinople which contained information on the other keys. Ezio gave the map to Sofia who would decipher it and in exchange, he gave her the books. Studying the key Ezio understood that it was an artifact of the First Civilization, a [[Memory Seals|Memory Seal]] which contained a memory of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.<ref name="ACR"/>
Arriving in the city in May, Ezio joined the [[Ottoman Brotherhood of Assassins|Ottoman Assassins]] who were led by [[Yusuf Tazim]]. The Assassins were in war with the [[Byzantine Rite of the Templar Order|Byzantine Templars]] for the streets of the city. Ezio recruited new apprentices and defended the [[Assassin Den]]s. To find the Masyaf keys, Ezio explored the Polo trading post where a Venetian-Ottoman bookshop owner [[Sofia Sartor]] worked. After discovering a hidden path Ezio found the first key and a map indicating lost books in Constantinople which contained information on the other keys. Ezio gave the map to Sofia who would decipher it and in exchange, he gave her the books. Studying the key Ezio understood that it was an artifact of the First Civilization, a [[Memory Seals|Memory Seal]] which contained a memory of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.<ref name="ACR"/>
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In Sofia's library, Ezio found the corpse of Yusuf. With the Assassins, Ezio attacked the Arsenal to confront Ahmet. The Templar bargained Sofia's life against the Memory seals. Ezio accepted but discovered that Ahmet lied on the location of Sofia. Ezio saved her and chased Ahmet. During the race, Ezio defeated the Templar and recovered the seals. Ahmet was killed by his brother [[Selim I]] and Ezio and Sofia went to Masyaf.<ref name="ACR"/>
In Sofia's library, Ezio found the corpse of Yusuf. With the Assassins, Ezio attacked the Arsenal to confront Ahmet. The Templar bargained Sofia's life against the Memory seals. Ezio accepted but discovered that Ahmet lied on the location of Sofia. Ezio saved her and chased Ahmet. During the race, Ezio defeated the Templar and recovered the seals. Ahmet was killed by his brother [[Selim I]] and Ezio and Sofia went to Masyaf.<ref name="ACR"/>
[[File:Message 3.png|thumb|250px|left|Ezio speaking to Desmond]]
[[File:Message 3.png|thumb|250px|left|埃齐奥对戴斯蒙德讲话]]
With the five seals, Ezio opened Altaïr's library, empty of books. There was only the skeleton of Altaïr with a memory seal. Reliving the last memory of Altaïr, Ezio discovered than the Mentor hid an [[Apple of Eden 2|Apple of Eden]]. Ezio decided to leave the piece of Eden there but the Apple created a [[Nexus]] between Ezio and his descendant Desmond. Remembering this name from the Vatican vault, Ezio understood that he accomplished his fate as the Prophet. While he put down his weapons, Ezio permitted to Desmond to enter in contact with the Isu [[Jupiter|Tinia]].<ref name="ACR"/>
With the five seals, Ezio opened Altaïr's library, empty of books. There was only the skeleton of Altaïr with a memory seal. Reliving the last memory of Altaïr, Ezio discovered than the Mentor hid an [[Apple of Eden 2|Apple of Eden]]. Ezio decided to leave the piece of Eden there but the Apple created a [[Nexus]] between Ezio and his descendant Desmond. Remembering this name from the Vatican vault, Ezio understood that he accomplished his fate as the Prophet. While he put down his weapons, Ezio permitted to Desmond to enter in contact with the Isu [[Jupiter|Tinia]].<ref name="ACR"/>
After that, Ezio and Sofia returned to Constantinople to sell the Polo's Library and hid the Memory seals. Then they went to Roma where Ezio announced that he gave the title of Mentor to [[Lodovico Ariosto]]. Claudia was against this decision but was happy that her brother was with Sofia. Later, Ezio and Sofia married. Installed in a vineyard in Toscana, the couple had two children, [[Flavia Auditore|Flavia]] in 1513 and [[Marcello Auditore|Marcello]] in 1514.<ref name="RVnov">《[[刺客信条:启示录(小说)]]》</ref>
After that, Ezio and Sofia returned to Constantinople to sell the Polo's Library and hid the Memory seals. Then they went to Roma where Ezio announced that he gave the title of Mentor to [[Lodovico Ariosto]]. Claudia was against this decision but was happy that her brother was with Sofia. Later, Ezio and Sofia married. Installed in a vineyard in Toscana, the couple had two children, [[Flavia Auditore|Flavia]] in 1513 and [[Marcello Auditore|Marcello]] in 1514.<ref name="RVnov">《[[刺客信条:启示录(小说)]]》</ref>
[[File:EzioWithFamily.png|thumb|250px|Ezio with Sofia and Flavia]]
After starting a family, Ezio stepped down as Mentor and retired from the Italian Brotherhood. However, he remained to train some recruits, as [[Giovanni Borgia]], Lucrezia's son, and the [[British Brotherhood of Assassins|English Assassin]] [[Hiram Stoddard]].<ref name="TitanC">《[[刺客信条(泰坦漫画)|刺客信条:刺客]]》</ref> At some point, Ezio became the protector of the [[Precursor box]], another piece of Eden. He also began to write his [[Prophet's Codex|own Codex]] to describe his own experiences as an Assassin. At some point, Ezio decided to no more be related to the Brotherhood affairs until in 1524 when the [[Chinese Brotherhood of Assassins|Chinese Assassin]] [[Shao Jun]] saw him in his villa. The young Assassin searched helped from the old Mentor as the [[China|Chinese]] Brotherhood was wiped out by the [[Chinese Rite of the Templar Order]] led by the [[Eight Tigers]]. Ezio was reluctant as he thought that his family was in danger. Later, he decided to help the young woman, training her and fighting the hitmen sent to kill her. Before Shao Jun returned to China, Ezio gave her the Precursor box to help her in her journey. Sometime later, Ezio died in Florence. Before dying Ezio left a letter for Sofia explaining that she was his driving force to live.<ref name="ACE"></ref>
After starting a family, Ezio stepped down as Mentor and retired from the Italian Brotherhood. However, he remained to train some recruits, as [[Giovanni Borgia]], Lucrezia's son, and the [[British Brotherhood of Assassins|English Assassin]] [[Hiram Stoddard]].<ref name="TitanC">《[[刺客信条(泰坦漫画)|刺客信条:刺客]]》</ref> At some point, Ezio became the protector of the [[Precursor box]], another piece of Eden. He also began to write his [[Prophet's Codex|own Codex]] to describe his own experiences as an Assassin. At some point, Ezio decided to no more be related to the Brotherhood affairs until in 1524 when the [[Chinese Brotherhood of Assassins|Chinese Assassin]] [[Shao Jun]] saw him in his villa. The young Assassin searched helped from the old Mentor as the [[China|Chinese]] Brotherhood was wiped out by the [[Chinese Rite of the Templar Order]] led by the [[Eight Tigers]]. Ezio was reluctant as he thought that his family was in danger. Later, he decided to help the young woman, training her and fighting the hitmen sent to kill her. Before Shao Jun returned to China, Ezio gave her the Precursor box to help her in her journey. Sometime later, Ezio died in Florence. Before dying Ezio left a letter for Sofia explaining that she was his driving force to live.<ref name="ACE"></ref>
===Later history===
It is unknown how many individuals bore the name of Auditore after the births of Ezio’s two children. Prior to 1554, the Auditore family regained control of Monteriggioni, though the town was betrayed in 1554 by [[Giovannino Zeti]], the keeper of the garrison and a Florentine exile, who was allowed to return to Florence in exchange for the keys to the city. Though the town was soon conquered by the Medici family of Florence, the Auditore were allowed to continue their leadership over Monteriggioni, due to their good relations with the Medici.<ref name="AC2"/><ref name="ACB"/>
It is unknown how many individuals bore the name of Auditore after the births of Ezio’s two children. Prior to 1554, the Auditore family regained control of Monteriggioni, though the town was betrayed in 1554 by [[Giovannino Zeti]], the keeper of the garrison and a Florentine exile, who was allowed to return to Florence in exchange for the keys to the city. Though the town was soon conquered by the Medici family of Florence, the Auditore were allowed to continue their leadership over Monteriggioni, due to their good relations with the Medici.<ref name="AC2"/><ref name="ACB"/>
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Most of the information about the Auditore family was erased from history by the Templar conspiracy, and the name itself, lost over the centuries. But the members of the House had an impact on European history and politics. By the actions of Ezio, the Borgia lost power in Italy and Europe, and when he went in Constantinople, the Templars lost their influence in the city and around the [[Mediterranean Sea]]. By saving Lorenzo de' Medici, Ezio permitted to the [[House of Medici]] to reign on the city for over two hundred years. The city of Venice and Rome were free of Templar's influences. By his discussions with Suleiman, Ezio forged in part the mentality of the future sultan, teaching him to not act quickly after the death of Tarik.<ref name="AC2"/><ref name="ACB"/><ref name="ACR"/>
Most of the information about the Auditore family was erased from history by the Templar conspiracy, and the name itself, lost over the centuries. But the members of the House had an impact on European history and politics. By the actions of Ezio, the Borgia lost power in Italy and Europe, and when he went in Constantinople, the Templars lost their influence in the city and around the [[Mediterranean Sea]]. By saving Lorenzo de' Medici, Ezio permitted to the [[House of Medici]] to reign on the city for over two hundred years. The city of Venice and Rome were free of Templar's influences. By his discussions with Suleiman, Ezio forged in part the mentality of the future sultan, teaching him to not act quickly after the death of Tarik.<ref name="AC2"/><ref name="ACB"/><ref name="ACR"/>
[[File:ACB Modern Villa.png|thumb|250px|left|Villa Auditore during the modern times]]
[[File:ACB Modern Villa.png|thumb|250px|left|现代的奥迪托雷别墅]]
The Auditore also had a great impact on the Assassin Brotherhood. Domenico revived the Italian Brotherhood by installing the headquarters of the Assassins in Monteriggioni for nearly two hundred years. Mario protected the city until his death while Ezio and Claudia restored it to its former glory.<ref name="AC2"/> The two siblings also helped the Spanish Brotherhood during the Inquisition.<ref name="Rebellion">《[[刺客信条:燎原]]》</ref> After the siege of Monteriggioni, Ezio went in Rome, where, with Claudia and others Assassins, he rebuilt the Brotherhood, recruiting in the population of the city. While liberating Rome, his apprentice Francesco Vecellio and his team stroke through Italy and other apprentices were sent through Europe and Asia to help the other brotherhoods. Some even created a [[Russian Brotherhood of Assassins|guild]] in [[Russia]] and [[West Indies Brotherhood of Assassins|another one]] in the [[Americas|New World]].<ref name="ACB"/> During his time in Constantinople, Ezio reinforced the local brotherhood, recruiting and training members against the Templars. He also sent apprentices through the Mediterranean Sea to install Assassin Dens and decrease the power of the Templars.<ref name="ACR"/> By training Shao Jun, Ezio permitted the rebirth of the Chinese Brotherhood.<ref name="China">《[[刺客信条编年史:中国]]》</ref>In 2012, the Villa Auditore and its sanctuary served as a safehouse for a Desmond Miles and the Assassins during they searched of the Apple of Eden.<ref name="ACB"/>
The Auditore also had a great impact on the Assassin Brotherhood. Domenico revived the Italian Brotherhood by installing the headquarters of the Assassins in Monteriggioni for nearly two hundred years. Mario protected the city until his death while Ezio and Claudia restored it to its former glory.<ref name="AC2"/> The two siblings also helped the Spanish Brotherhood during the Inquisition.<ref name="Rebellion">《[[刺客信条:燎原]]》</ref> After the siege of Monteriggioni, Ezio went in Rome, where, with Claudia and others Assassins, he rebuilt the Brotherhood, recruiting in the population of the city. While liberating Rome, his apprentice Francesco Vecellio and his team stroke through Italy and other apprentices were sent through Europe and Asia to help the other brotherhoods. Some even created a [[Russian Brotherhood of Assassins|guild]] in [[Russia]] and [[West Indies Brotherhood of Assassins|another one]] in the [[Americas|New World]].<ref name="ACB"/> During his time in Constantinople, Ezio reinforced the local brotherhood, recruiting and training members against the Templars. He also sent apprentices through the Mediterranean Sea to install Assassin Dens and decrease the power of the Templars.<ref name="ACR"/> By training Shao Jun, Ezio permitted the rebirth of the Chinese Brotherhood.<ref name="China">《[[刺客信条编年史:中国]]》</ref>In 2012, the Villa Auditore and its sanctuary served as a safehouse for a Desmond Miles and the Assassins during they searched of the Apple of Eden.<ref name="ACB"/>
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<gallery captionalign="center" position="center" spacing="small" widths="180">
<gallery captionalign="center" position="center" spacing="small" widths="180">
ACIAuditore.jpg|An Auditore crest featuring the [[Assassin insignia]]

2021年2月10日 (三) 18:32的版本


PL CraftyHQ 你无法通晓一切,只能怀疑。你一定以为自己错了,忽略了什么。


AssassinLogo 兄弟会需要你的帮助!

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奥迪托雷家族( House of Auditore )被认为是一个古老的意大利贵族家族,实际上是一支刺客血脉。它在历史上崭露头角的时间相对较短,持续了大概一两百年,但是它的活动,对意大利乃至欧洲政治都造成了持续的影响。其中一个著名的成员埃齐奥革新了意大利刺客兄弟会,将欧洲从博吉亚家族的影响下解放出来,间接地帮助了他的两个后裔克莱·卡茨马雷克戴斯蒙·迈尔斯阻止了2012年的全球灾难










15世纪,奥迪托雷家族成为佛罗伦萨的统治者美第奇家族的盟友。伊拉里奥·奥迪托雷科西莫‧德‧美第奇的亲密朋友,担任他的城市的Gonfaloniere (行政长官)。[1]





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1455年,在救起溺水的小洛伦佐·德·美第奇后,乔瓦尼成为了美第奇家族的亲密盟友。1473年,佛罗伦萨的奥迪托雷宅邸建成。1476年12月,乔瓦尼发现了一起圣殿骑士阴谋,他们想要通过刺杀洛伦佐的盟友米兰公爵加莱亚佐·马里亚·斯福尔扎来削弱美第奇的势力。乔瓦尼想要挫败这个图谋却失败了。他在威尼斯继续进行调查,他跟踪圣殿骑士马可·巴尔巴里戈派出的一名信使,但在还没问出情报之前,信使就用乔瓦尼的袖剑自杀了。乔瓦尼拿走了信,将他交给自己的朋友乌贝托·阿尔贝蒂和他的合伙人安东尼奥·马费伊进行解密。但是这两个人实际上圣殿骑士盟友,于是说自己无法解密这封信,迫使乔瓦尼亲自将信送往罗马。 在那,乔瓦尼遇到了意大利圣殿骑士最高大师罗德里格·博吉亚,他希望乔瓦尼能够加入到自己这边。乔瓦尼拒绝了他并和他的人打了起来,不过他被罗德里格扔出的飞所伤,袖剑也被折断。乔瓦尼回到佛罗伦萨知道他必须要保持警惕,开始编制一份圣殿骑士阴谋家的名单。 [1]

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乔瓦尼死后,剩余的奥迪托雷家族成员逃离了佛罗伦萨。克劳迪娅、玛丽亚与埃齐奥前往蒙特里久尼——那里由马里奥和他的雇佣兵军团保护着——寻求庇护。在路上,奥迪托雷家族成员受到了埃齐奥的死对头兼圣殿骑士,维耶里·德·帕齐及其手下的袭击。但马里奥与他的雇佣兵军团救出了自己弟弟剩下的一家,维耶里逃逸。马里奥对没有认出自己的侄子表示了欢迎,并告知自己知道佛罗伦萨发生的一切。在马里奥的指引下,玛丽亚、克劳迪娅和埃齐奥在奥迪托雷别墅定居下来。马里奥在与侄子的对话中得知,后者并未知晓他自己的刺客血脉与他们与圣殿骑士的战争。埃齐奥只想在别墅待上数日,然后就带着家人前往另一座城市,但马里奥说服他留在这里,接受剑斗训练以保护他的家人。之后的一年中,马里奥训练埃齐奥,并告诉了他他父亲的工作、刺客的目标与他们和圣殿骑士的斗争。埃齐奥仍坚持他要带家人前往西班牙以保护他们的立场。愤怒的马里奥离开了他,认为他辜负了他父亲的死亡。马里奥决定率领他的佣兵部队攻击在圣吉米尼亚诺的维耶里军团。埃齐奥对维耶里频繁进攻此地感到羞愧,便帮助他的伯伯渗透入城。在隐匿地接近后,马里奥和他的手下反而陷入了埋伏。在战斗中,马里奥指派埃齐奥找到维耶里。在屋顶上,埃齐奥看到了维耶里与他的父亲弗朗切斯科、叔祖父雅各布·德·帕齐和罗德里戈·博吉亚在一起。他察觉他们正计划带兵攻打佛罗伦萨,并随后在佛城碰头。其他三人离开此处后,埃齐奥对战维耶里并杀死了他。 [1]


In 1481, Ezio arrived in Venice where he planned to kill Emilio, but his palazzo was two heavily guarded. At the same moment, a group of thieves tried to infiltrate the palazzo but one of them Rosa received an arrow in the leg. Ezio protected her to the thieves' guild where he met their leader Antonio who was secretly an Assassin. Together, they allied to stop Emilio to unify all the merchants of Venice under his banner. In 1485, Ezio killed Emilio and the thieves took control of his palazzo. Ezio discovered another Templar ally, Carlo Grimaldi who had a meeting with others Templars, Silvio Barbarigo, Marco Barbarigo, and Rodrigo Borgia. The Templars wanted to kill the Doge of Venice Giovanni Mocenigo and replace him by Marco to take control of the Venetian fleet. Ezio infiltrated the Palazzo Ducale with the Flying Machine of da Vinci but he arrived too late. Carlo already poisoned the Doge and framed Ezio for the murder. Ezio killed Carlo and fled the city. A few months later, Ezio returned to Venice during the Carnevale and killed Marco Barbarigo who was the new doge. Afterwards, Ezio, with the help of the condottiero Bartolomeo d'Alviano, attacked the Arsenale di Venezia and killed Silvio Barbarigo and Dante Moro. The last revealed that the Templar sent a ship to Cyprus to find something.[1]

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In July 1488, at Ezio twenty-ninth's birthday, Rosa informed him that the ship returned to Venice the next day. Leonardo also revealed that he deciphered a strange prophecy on the codex pages including a Vault, two Pieces of Eden and a prophet who will be revealed in Venice. Ezio understands that what the Templar searched all these years and what his family was killed. The next days, Ezio followed the guards with the artifact and discovered that Rodrigo would come to take the Apple of Eden. Ezio impersonated a guard to approach Rodrigo. Mario also learned that the Apple was in Venice and decided with others Assassins to see who will be the Prophet. When the group of guards met Rodrigo, Ezio killed his men and confronted the Grand Master saying no Prophet appeared. The Templar claimed that he was the Prophet and began to fight Ezio with other guards. Mario and the others Assassins joined Ezio in the fight. At the moment when Ezio would deliver the killing blow, Rodrigo managed to escape. When Ezio wanted to pursue him, the Assassins restrained him explaining he had important things to do. Ezio didn't understand, the Assassins revealed their true allegiance and said that Ezio was the Prophet. Afterwards Ezio officially joined the Brotherhood.[1]


Leo work 1


After his induction, Ezio was sent by Mario to Forlì to protect the Apple from the Templar. With the Assassin Niccolò Machiavelli, Ezio met the Assassin ally Caterina Sforza, the new lord of Forlì. But when they arrived at the city, the brothers Orsi, two mercenaries hired by the Templars, attacked Forlì to reclaim a map created by Girolamo Riario, last husband of Caterina, which indicated the location of codex pages. After a battle, Ezio succeeded to kill the brothers but was wounded and lost the Apple. Before fainting, Ezio only saw a monk in a black robe with only four fingers at the left hand took the Apple. When he regained consciousness, he decided to track this monk and Caterina gave him the map of her last husband. Later Ezio discovered the identity of the mysterious man, Girolamo Savonarola, an monk from Florence.[3]

In 1491, Ezio was contacted by Antonio who wanted him to help Luis de Santángel and Christoffa Corombo who were in Venice to prepare an expedition to India by the west. The problem was that Corombo was contacted by the Templars and wanted to kill him. Ezio saved him, reclaimed his map and asked the two to flee Italy. Santángel informed Ezio that some Assassins in Spain was captured in by the Spanish Inquisition to be judge and executed. Ezio traveled in Barcelona and met the Assassin Raphael Sánchez who help him to save many Assassins. Ezio discovered that the Templars used the Inquisition to arrest the Assassins and branded them as heretics. Ezio also killed some Templars who led the Inquisition. With the help of Sánchez and Santángel, who was also an Assassin, Ezio stopped a Spanish attack on Granada which made an end to the Reconquista. Ezio saved another time Corombo from the Templars and decided to kill Tomás de Torquemada, the first Inquisitor General of Spain, but his target fled. Ezio understood that Torquemada was only a Templar puppet decided to not kill him and returned to Italy.[4]

Once Ezio collected the six seals of the Assassins' tombs, he unlocked the Armor of Altaïr and also a hidden exit via the Sanctuary. He succeeded in healing his mother from her mutism by collecting a hundred feathers.[1]

In 1497, Ezio returned in Florence where Savonarola installed a theocracy with the Apple of Eden. Ezio with the others Assassins started a rebellion and killed Savonarola's lieutenants corrupted by the Apple. In 1498, a mob arrested Savonarola and Ezio reclaimed the artifact. Before leaving the city, Ezio assisted to the execution of Savonarola and he killed him before the fire took his life.[5]

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At the end of the year 1499, the Assassins met in Monteriggioni to uncover the truth behind the codex pages. With the Apple, Ezio discovered a map indicating that the Vault was in Rome. Mario understood that the second artifact was a Staff of Eden and that Rodrigo became pope to take it and to be near the Vault. The Auditore with the others Assassins planned to distract the guard of Rome and Ezio would infiltrate the Sistine Chapel to take the Staff. When Ezio tried to kill Rodrigo, a duel began between the Assassin and the Templar where the Grand Master had the upper hand on Ezio. He stabbed Ezio, took the Apple and entered the secret room where the doors of the Vault remained close. Ezio regained consciousness, he followed Rodrigo and provoked him in a fistfight. When the Pope was at his mercy, Ezio spared his life knowing his death would not bring back his family. Ezio entered in the Vault with the Apple and there he met the Isu Minerva who explained to him she had a message for someone. She spoke about the beginnings of humanity, the Human-Isu War and the Toba catastrophe. She said that another catastrophe would happen in the future and that they need to find temples to stop this. Afterwards, Minerva disappeared greeting a man name Desmond to succeed in his mission. Ezio, confused, asked for more answers but the Isu was gone. Ezio returned in the room where he left Rodrigo but he was already gone. Ezio tried to took the Staff but it disappeared beneath the ground. Mario arrived and helped Ezio to flew the Vaticano keeping the Apple with them.[1]


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When they returned to Monteriggioni, Ezio and Mario explained to others Auditore and Machiavelli what happened in the Vault. When Ezio revealed he didn't kill Rodrigo, Machiavelli left the city anger. The next day, Monteriggioni was attacked by the Borgia's forces led by Cesare Borgia, Rodrigo's son. Mario tried to counter the attack with his mercenaries while Ezio used the cannons to protect the city walls. Mario, who protected the Apple, was captured and executed by Cesare and Ezio was shot in the shoulder. With the last citizens, Ezio and Claudia fled by the sanctuary. Wounded, Ezio decided to follow Cesare in Rome to reclaim the Apple. He ordered to his mother and sister to return to Florence. On the road, Ezio fell unconscious, Machiavelli found him and bring him back in Rome to be healed. When he woke up, Ezio met Machiavelli unaware he was him who saved his life. Together they decided to reform a network for the Assassin in the city. Ezio saw the courtesans of the Rosa in Fiore which her Madam, Madonna Solari was captured by slavers. Ezio decided to pay the ransom but the slavers killed the Madam. When Ezio returned to the brothel, his mother and sister were there. At first anger that they didn't follow his order, Ezio accepted the demand of his sister to run the Rosa in Fiore. With the courtesans, Ezio had information from their clients. Ezio also met the mercenaries of Bartolomeo and the thieves of La Volpe.[6]

In June 1501, Claudia's courtesans discovered that Caterina Sforza, who was captured during the siege of Monteriggioni, was sent to the Castel Sant'Angelo. Ezio infiltrated the castle to save her, killed Rodrigo and his son and reclaimed the Apple. But he arrived too late and he only saved Caterina. In his hideout, Ezio understood that Cesare was too powerful to be attacked in Romagna where his army stood. Ezio decided to recruit new apprentices for the Brotherhood and diminish Borgia power in Rome. He began the training of Francesco Vecellio that would be the leader of an Assassin team who stroke through Italy. Ezio also killed important Templar targets and destroyed War Machines created by Leonardo da Vinci.[6]

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In August 1503, Claudia identified the person who funded Cesare's army, a man named the Banker. Ezio followed one of his debtors, Egidio Troche, and found that the Banker was Juan Borgia, a cardinal and Cesare's cousin. During the night of his party, Ezio killed him and the courtesans took the money. Afterwards, guards attacked the Rosa in Fiore to reclaim the money but Claudia killed them. Later, Ezio killed Cesare's French ally, Octavian de Valois, who led an army in Rome which protected the Castel Sant'Angelo. Ezio obtained a key of the side entrance of the castle after saving the life of Pietro Rossi who was targeted by Cesare because he was the lover of his sister, Lucrezia Borgia. Ezio also discovered the man who betrayed him during the Siege of Monteriggioni, the thief Paganino who committed suicide with Ezio's blade when he was captured. With this information, Ezio prevented La Volpe to kill Machiavelli, as he believed the traitor was him. Later, Claudia was inducted in the Brotherhood and Machiavelli designated Ezio as the Mentor of the Assassins. After the ceremony, Machiavelli revealed that he helped Ezio all along even if he was not agreed with his methods. At this moment, a spy informed Ezio that Cesare returned to Rome.[6]

When Cesare returned to the Castel Sant'Angelo, Ezio infiltrated the Castel. He saw Cesare killed his own father after the last refused to give the Apple to his son but also tried to poison him. Ezio was informed by Lucrezia that the Apple was at St. Peter's Basilica. The Assassin ran and reclaimed the artifact before Cesare. During the end of the year, Ezio used the Apple to decrease Cesare's army and in December, after Ezio and others Assassins fought with Cesare's lieutenant, the Captain of the Papal Army was arrested by Fabio Orsini for murder, betrayal and incest.[6]

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In 1504, after a first attempt to escape his prison, Cesare was transferred in a prison in Spain. Ezio decided to kill after he had a vision with the Apple. While he pursued Cesare, Ezio fought the Borgia diehards who abducted Claudia. After saving her, he sent her to Florence to work with Paola, Rosa replacing her at the Rosa in Fiore. During the year Maria died of illness. Around 1506, Ezio captured Micheletto ad sent him to the Signoria's cell in Florence. There he was tortured and interrogated but he escaped from the prison before saying where was Cesare. Ezio used the Apple to know where was the Templar but he only saw a castle in Spain. After that, the Apple asked Ezio to hide it in the Colosseum Vault which the Mentor did. The artifact gave the last information, saying that Micheletto was in Naples to go in Spain.[7] Ezio decided to prepare a ship to Spain with the help of Leonardo. While he searched Leonardo's apprentice and lover, Salaì, Leonardo was captured by the Hermeticists who searched the Temple of Pythagoras. After retrieved five paintings of Leonardo with the help of Claudia, Ezio found a map leading to the Temple. Ezio killed the leader of the Hermeticists, Ercole Massimo and entered with Leonardo in the Pythagorean Vault which contained the coordinates of a temple.[8] Afterwards Ezio went to Spain with Leonardo and Machiavelli to stop Cesare during the battle of Valencia.[7] But Cesare flew to Viana where a siege was prepared by the Navarre Army. Ezio tracked down Cesare, defeated him and finally let him fall to his death from the wall of the castle.[6]


After the death of Cesare, Claudia returned to Rome and Ezio developed the Brotherhood in Italy. At some point, Ezio returned to the Villa Auditore to leave a clue to open the Colosseum vault.[6] In 1510, Ezio found a letter of his father to Mario which contained information about the Library of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. The Mentor decided to travel to Masyaf, the old citadel of the Levantine Assassins. Claudia took the lead of the Italian Assassin during his journey, entering in contact with Desiderius Erasmus who was the Mentor of the Northern European Assassins.[9] In March 1511, Ezio found that the castle was controlled by a Templar-affiliated faction of Byzantines. Captured, Ezio escaped from his execution. He discovered that the Library was locked and the location of the keys was in the journal of Niccolò Polo that the Templar captain, Leandros, had with him. Ezio tracked him and killed him. While reading the journal, he knew that the Masyaf Keys were hidden by Niccolò Polo in Constantinople during the 13th century.[10]

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Arriving in the city in May, Ezio joined the Ottoman Assassins who were led by Yusuf Tazim. The Assassins were in war with the Byzantine Templars for the streets of the city. Ezio recruited new apprentices and defended the Assassin Dens. To find the Masyaf keys, Ezio explored the Polo trading post where a Venetian-Ottoman bookshop owner Sofia Sartor worked. After discovering a hidden path Ezio found the first key and a map indicating lost books in Constantinople which contained information on the other keys. Ezio gave the map to Sofia who would decipher it and in exchange, he gave her the books. Studying the key Ezio understood that it was an artifact of the First Civilization, a Memory Seal which contained a memory of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.[10]

Working with the Assassins, Ezio protected the young Sehzade Suleiman who was targeted by the Templars during a party. Revealing his true nature, Ezio worked with Suleiman to uncover who let the Templars entered. His investigation led him to Tarik Barleti, the captain of the Janissaries, who treat with Manuel Palaiologos, the heir of the Byzantine throne. Discovering that Tarik gave guns and powder to the Byzantines, Suleiman ordered Ezio to kill the captain. In his last moment, Tarik revealed he was not a traitor but a mole, his goal was to destroy the Templars from within. Dying, he demanded to Ezio to pursue his mission in Cappadocia. Informing Suleiman of this, the young man accepted to help Ezio.[10]

Recovering the four seals in the city, Ezio flew Constantinople Harbor and went with Piri Reis to Derinkuyu. There, Ezio helped the spies of Tarik. Creating confusion in the city, Ezio found Manuel and killed him to take the last seal. After that, he discovered that the Prince Ahmet, Suleiman's uncle, was the true leader of the Templars. Ahmet flew after warning Ezio that he knew that Sofia worked with him. Ezio returned to Constantinople to save Sofia, as they developed a relationship.[10]

In Sofia's library, Ezio found the corpse of Yusuf. With the Assassins, Ezio attacked the Arsenal to confront Ahmet. The Templar bargained Sofia's life against the Memory seals. Ezio accepted but discovered that Ahmet lied on the location of Sofia. Ezio saved her and chased Ahmet. During the race, Ezio defeated the Templar and recovered the seals. Ahmet was killed by his brother Selim I and Ezio and Sofia went to Masyaf.[10]

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With the five seals, Ezio opened Altaïr's library, empty of books. There was only the skeleton of Altaïr with a memory seal. Reliving the last memory of Altaïr, Ezio discovered than the Mentor hid an Apple of Eden. Ezio decided to leave the piece of Eden there but the Apple created a Nexus between Ezio and his descendant Desmond. Remembering this name from the Vatican vault, Ezio understood that he accomplished his fate as the Prophet. While he put down his weapons, Ezio permitted to Desmond to enter in contact with the Isu Tinia.[10]

After that, Ezio and Sofia returned to Constantinople to sell the Polo's Library and hid the Memory seals. Then they went to Roma where Ezio announced that he gave the title of Mentor to Lodovico Ariosto. Claudia was against this decision but was happy that her brother was with Sofia. Later, Ezio and Sofia married. Installed in a vineyard in Toscana, the couple had two children, Flavia in 1513 and Marcello in 1514.[9]



After starting a family, Ezio stepped down as Mentor and retired from the Italian Brotherhood. However, he remained to train some recruits, as Giovanni Borgia, Lucrezia's son, and the English Assassin Hiram Stoddard.[11] At some point, Ezio became the protector of the Precursor box, another piece of Eden. He also began to write his own Codex to describe his own experiences as an Assassin. At some point, Ezio decided to no more be related to the Brotherhood affairs until in 1524 when the Chinese Assassin Shao Jun saw him in his villa. The young Assassin searched helped from the old Mentor as the Chinese Brotherhood was wiped out by the Chinese Rite of the Templar Order led by the Eight Tigers. Ezio was reluctant as he thought that his family was in danger. Later, he decided to help the young woman, training her and fighting the hitmen sent to kill her. Before Shao Jun returned to China, Ezio gave her the Precursor box to help her in her journey. Sometime later, Ezio died in Florence. Before dying Ezio left a letter for Sofia explaining that she was his driving force to live.[12]


It is unknown how many individuals bore the name of Auditore after the births of Ezio’s two children. Prior to 1554, the Auditore family regained control of Monteriggioni, though the town was betrayed in 1554 by Giovannino Zeti, the keeper of the garrison and a Florentine exile, who was allowed to return to Florence in exchange for the keys to the city. Though the town was soon conquered by the Medici family of Florence, the Auditore were allowed to continue their leadership over Monteriggioni, due to their good relations with the Medici.[1][6]


Most of the information about the Auditore family was erased from history by the Templar conspiracy, and the name itself, lost over the centuries. But the members of the House had an impact on European history and politics. By the actions of Ezio, the Borgia lost power in Italy and Europe, and when he went in Constantinople, the Templars lost their influence in the city and around the Mediterranean Sea. By saving Lorenzo de' Medici, Ezio permitted to the House of Medici to reign on the city for over two hundred years. The city of Venice and Rome were free of Templar's influences. By his discussions with Suleiman, Ezio forged in part the mentality of the future sultan, teaching him to not act quickly after the death of Tarik.[1][6][10]

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The Auditore also had a great impact on the Assassin Brotherhood. Domenico revived the Italian Brotherhood by installing the headquarters of the Assassins in Monteriggioni for nearly two hundred years. Mario protected the city until his death while Ezio and Claudia restored it to its former glory.[1] The two siblings also helped the Spanish Brotherhood during the Inquisition.[13] After the siege of Monteriggioni, Ezio went in Rome, where, with Claudia and others Assassins, he rebuilt the Brotherhood, recruiting in the population of the city. While liberating Rome, his apprentice Francesco Vecellio and his team stroke through Italy and other apprentices were sent through Europe and Asia to help the other brotherhoods. Some even created a guild in Russia and another one in the New World.[6] During his time in Constantinople, Ezio reinforced the local brotherhood, recruiting and training members against the Templars. He also sent apprentices through the Mediterranean Sea to install Assassin Dens and decrease the power of the Templars.[10] By training Shao Jun, Ezio permitted the rebirth of the Chinese Brotherhood.[14]In 2012, the Villa Auditore and its sanctuary served as a safehouse for a Desmond Miles and the Assassins during they searched of the Apple of Eden.[6]

The Auditore also had an important role in the delaying of the Second Disaster. Domenico broke and scattered Altaïr's Codex pages which contained a map of the Vatican vault, preventing the Templars to obtain it. Him and his descendants dedicated their lives to reclaim every pages of the Codex. Ezio recovered all the pages and also an Apple of Eden. Ezio discovered he was the Prophet who could open the vault. There he entered in communication with the Isu Minerva who gave information on the Second Disaster for his descendant, Desmond.[1] Later, Ezio hid the Apple in the Colosseum vault to be recovered by Desmond. With Leonardo Da Vinci, Ezio unknowingly found the GPS coordinates of the Great Temple.[6] In Altaïr's library, Ezio helped Desmond to enter in contact with the Isu Tinia.[10]

The most famous member of the House Auditore was Ezio, who became a legend during his lifetime. Known as a troublemaker during his youth in Florence, his reputation greatly change after the execution of his family and the assassination of Uberto Alberti. Through Italy, he was known as the Assassino, the population believing he is an urban legend.[1][5]Minstrels wrote songs about his adventures. Among the thieves, he was a role model for his agility and celerity.[6] Even during his first years as an Assassin, the Templars feared, and in some aspect, respected Ezio. In the Italian Brotherhood, Ezio was greatly respected for his skills and experiences, and was elected as their Mentor. Even the Brotherhood around the World knew him, as in Constantinople or in China.[10][14]Centuries after his death, Ezio remained an important figure of the Assassins. Before the American Revolution, when the Kanien'kehá:ka Ratonhnhaké:ton followed the instructions of Juno to joined the Assassins, the Colonial Assassin Achilles Davenport referred Ezio as the one who "uncorked the bottle" of the "spirits".[15] In 1868, the British Assassin Jacob Frye decided to take back London from the Templars with his own gang, the Rooks. His sister Evie told him it was a plot worthy of Ezio Auditore himself but Jacob didn't know who he was.[16]




  • “Auditore(奥迪托雷)”是一个意大利语单词,意思是“审计员”。审计员是检查和维持商业财务账目合理性的工作人员,这个姓氏很可能与家族从事的银行业有关。
  • 奥迪托雷家族信仰的宗教是罗马天主教,但可以肯定家族中有部分成员是无神论者。当向埃齐奥提到别墅里的礼拜堂时,马里奥说他“从来就不算个信徒”,而游戏中也可以看到玛丽亚会祈祷,并且在祈祷时画十字。[1]
    • 另外,在小说中,玛利亚和克劳迪娅把时间花在了女修道院里,而非呆在蒙特里久尼,克劳迪娅几乎成了一名修女。
  • 埃齐奥一出生,他的父亲就告诉他,他是一位奥迪托雷,而且他还是一名战士,暗示了家族的刺客背景。
  • 如果在虚荣之火DLC中造访奥迪托雷宅邸,埃齐奥会面对面看见他的家人,仿佛唤起了一段美好的回忆[1]

