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15世纪80年代末,伊沙克·帕夏开始招募奥斯曼平民进入兄弟会。[[优素福·塔齐姆]]便是其中之一,他的父亲也曾是一名刺客。<ref name="ACR" />1495年,伊沙克·帕夏带着一支由他最优秀的刺客组成的小分队前往[[西班牙]]执行一项秘密任务,拦截拜占庭圣殿骑士和[[圣殿骑士组织西班牙分册|西班牙圣殿骑士]]之间的贸易协议。他们的目标是从圣殿骑士们手中夺回[[尼科洛·波罗]]的日记《[[秘密圣战]]》,这本日记中包含了有关[[马斯亚夫钥匙]]的位置的关键情报。然而,这些奥斯曼刺客和他们的[[西班牙刺客兄弟会|西班牙兄弟]]发现这其实是一个陷阱,拜占庭圣殿骑士们已经把这本日记带到了别处。<ref>《[[刺客信条:燎原]]》 – 《[[奥斯曼的人脉]]》</ref>1497年,伊沙克·帕夏去世。奥斯曼刺客的领导权随后转移到了优素福·塔齐姆手上,他那时已经成为了一名[[刺客大师]]。<ref name="ACR" />
15世纪80年代末,伊沙克·帕夏开始招募奥斯曼平民进入兄弟会。[[优素福·塔齐姆]]便是其中之一,他的父亲也曾是一名刺客。<ref name="ACR" />1495年,伊沙克·帕夏带着一支由他最优秀的刺客组成的小分队前往[[西班牙]]执行一项秘密任务,拦截拜占庭圣殿骑士和[[圣殿骑士组织西班牙分册|西班牙圣殿骑士]]之间的贸易协议。他们的目标是从圣殿骑士们手中夺回[[尼科洛·波罗]]的日记《[[秘密圣战]]》,这本日记中包含了有关[[马斯亚夫钥匙]]的位置的关键情报。然而,这些奥斯曼刺客和他们的[[西班牙刺客兄弟会|西班牙兄弟]]发现这其实是一个陷阱,拜占庭圣殿骑士们已经把这本日记带到了别处。<ref>《[[刺客信条:燎原]]》 – 《[[奥斯曼的人脉]]》</ref>1497年,伊沙克·帕夏去世。奥斯曼刺客的领导权随后转移到了优素福·塔齐姆手上,他那时已经成为了一名[[刺客大师]]。<ref name="ACR" />
由于未知的原因,奥斯曼刺客似乎在君士坦丁堡没有任何影响。1501年,埃齐奥派遣一些招募者在此处建立公会。<ref name="ACB">《[[刺客信条:兄弟会]]》</ref>一年之后,一队包括塔齐姆的奥斯曼刺客和[[威尼斯]]刺客在[[希腊]]会面,计划结束威尼斯-奥斯曼战争,而他们在1503年达成了这一行动。<ref name="ACR" /><ref name=":0">《[[刺客信条:传承计划]]》 – 契约</ref>
由于未知的原因,奥斯曼刺客似乎在君士坦丁堡没有任何影响。1501年,埃齐奥派遣一些招募者在此处建立公会。<ref name="ACB">《[[刺客信条:兄弟会]]》</ref>一年之后,一队包括塔齐姆的奥斯曼刺客和[[威尼斯]]刺客在[[希腊]]会面,计划结束[[奥斯曼-威尼斯战争]],而他们在1503年达成了这一行动。<ref name="ACR" /><ref name=":0">《[[刺客信条:传承计划]]》 – 契约</ref>
意大利刺客们意识到圣殿骑士正在向新大陆扩张。为确保他们能控制好自己的活动,他们需要一副美洲的地图。他们闯进了著名奥斯曼制图师[[雷耶斯皮里]]的工作室,此时皮里被召去执行海军任务。他们找到了绘制非常详细的地图,并发现地图追踪到了他们共同的敌人到了新大陆,刺客们也在之后登上了这些航程以跟进。<ref name="ACB" /><ref name=":0" />
意大利刺客们意识到圣殿骑士正在向新大陆扩张。为确保他们能控制好自己的活动,他们需要一副美洲的地图。他们闯进了著名奥斯曼制图师[[雷耶斯皮里]]的工作室,此时皮里被召去执行海军任务。他们找到了绘制非常详细的地图,并发现地图追踪到了他们共同的敌人到了新大陆,刺客们也在之后登上了这些航程以跟进。<ref name="ACB" /><ref name=":0" />

2020年4月7日 (二) 12:58的版本


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奥斯曼刺客兄弟会Ottoman Brotherhood of Assassins),已知又称为塞尔柱刺客Seljuk Assassins[1]君士坦丁堡刺客Constantinople Assassins[2]Suikastchi [来源请求] 土耳其刺客Turkish Assassins)或简易的奥斯曼刺客Ottoman Assassins),也在奥斯曼帝国的时候被称为塞尔柱刺客或奥斯曼刺客,是位于土耳其的刺客兄弟会,该组织至少在13世纪后就已存在。

















Fight with the Byzantine remnants

“When the Templars take control of a district, they flaunt their presence, hanging banners, extorting the merchants. It's a constant battle to keep them at bay, and they rub our noses in every victory.”
―Yusuf Tazim, talking about their struggle with the Templars in Constantinople, 1511.[来源]
Upgrade 3

Yusuf introducing Ezio to the Ottoman Assassins

Following the earthquake in Constantinople in 1509, Templar remnants of the Byzantine Empire returned to the city, hoping to restore their fallen empire. The Assassins became engaged in a direct conflict with the Byzantines in the following years, though they also used the hatred between the Byzantines and Ottomans to their advantage, often purposely creating conflict between these factions.[2]

In 1511, the Mentor of the Italian Asassins, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, journeyed to the Ottoman Assassins' headquarters in Constantinople with the intention of finding the five keys needed to open Altaïr's library underneath Masyaf fortress. Greeted by Yusuf Tazim, Ezio was quickly taken in and introduced to various techniques that the Ottoman Assassins used, including bombs and Hookblades.[2]

Though Yusuf still led the Ottoman Assassins, it was Ezio who took a leading role over the Brotherhood against the Byzantine Templars. Recruiting many new Assassins and taking back Constantinople from Byzantine control, Ezio even sent his apprentices to various regions across the Mediterranean, thwarting the Templars' plans and taking over cities from Templar control.[2]

Prince's banquet 6

Ezio, Yusuf and other Assassins disguised as minstrels

In late 1511, Yusuf led a group of Assassins to attend a cultural exposition held in Topkapı Palace by Ottoman Prince Suleiman, knowing that the Templars were going to infiltrate it. Joined by Ezio, the Assassins went disguised as minstrels from Italy, with Ezio distracting the guests and discovering the Templar infiltrators using his Eagle Sense. Successfully locating all Templars before they could bring harm to Suleiman, the Ottoman Prince and Ezio became friends and allies in the process.[2]

In early 1512, the Ottoman Assassins aided Ezio Auditore in setting sail for Cappadocia to find the last Masyaf key, as the Janissaries were blocking the port to make sure Ezio did not leave the city. While destroyed the Great Chain spanned across the Golden Horn Ezio burned the Ottoman boats blocking the boat, Yusuf and a group of other Assassins kept the Ottoman guards at bay. Ezio successfully opened the harbor, and joined Piri Reis on the boat to Cappadocia.[2]

Conflict with Shehzade Ahmet

“The whole city rises against us, while Yusuf's murderer waits and watches from the arsenal, laughing. Fight with me, and show him what it means to cross the Assassins!”
―Ezio Auditore, rallying the Ottoman Assassins against Shehzade Ahmet, 1512.[来源]
Discovery 2

Ezio, giving Yusuf his last rites

Though before Ezio left, he asked Yusuf to protect a woman named Sofia Sartor, a bookseller Ezio expressed interest in. Yusuf agreed, and he and several other Assassins had taken up positions around Sofia's bookstore to ensure her safety. Though Ezio was able to eliminate Manuel Palaiologos in Cappadocia, marking the fall of the Palaiologi and the ultimate destruction of the Byzantine Empire, the Byzantine Templars became under the full control of Ottoman Prince Ahmet, the favored son of Sultan Bayezid II who had secretly made plans for the Templar Order from within the royal house. On order of Ahmet, the Templars attacked Sofia's store to capture her, knowing she was close to Ezio. Though managing to kill a large group of Templars, Yusuf was eventually stabbed fatally in his back. Ezio discovered the body upon his return to the city, which served as a large motivator for the Assassins to strike back at Ahmet and the Templars, who were hiding in the city's arsenal.[2]

The Assassins led a full-on assault on the arsenal, and numerous Assassins and Templars faced off against each other. Ezio reached Ahmet deep inside the arsenal, but had to spare his life in order to find out Sofia's location. Offering a deal to trade Sofia for the Masyaf keys, Ahmet and the Templars left the arsenal.[2]

Before going to the exchange near Galata Tower, Ezio appointed Tazim's lieutenant Dogan to become the new leader of the Ottoman Assassins.[7] Suspecting the exchange to be a trap, Ezio had the Assassins take up positions around the perimeter, and they jumped in as soon as Ezio's suspicions became true. Nonetheless, Ezio managed to successfully rescue Sofia, and the two of them chased after Ahmet in the countryside around Constantinople. After a long chase, Ezio and Ahmet ultimately found themselves falling from a cliff, only to be saved by Ezio using one of his parachutes. Right afterwards, they were joined by Ahmet's brother Selim, Suleiman's father, who had just become Sultan and was on his way back to Constantinople. Selim attacked and strangled Ahmet, and eventually shoved Ahmet off another cliff to his death. Only for his son's respect for the Assassins, Selim spared Ezio's life, but ordered him to permanently leave Constantinople.[2]

Nonetheless, Ezio and Sofia returned to Constantinople, with Suleiman's knowledge and Selim's temporary consent. Ezio made preparations to leave and to stabilize the Assassins in the city. Azize, a female Assassin who had taken care of Sofia's bookshop in her absence, was allowed to run the shop full-time and the Brotherhood bought it from Sofia. With Dogan as the leader of the Ottoman Assassins, Ezio knew that the Brotherhood would continue to thrive. Eventually, Ezio left for Rome with Sofia, who had become his fiancée.[7]

Origins and appearance

Exchange 7

Ezio with a group of Ottoman Assassins

By the 16th century, the Ottoman Assassins wore tanned white Assassin robes with an orange chest-plate, and blue pants. In some cases, Assassins also wore Ottoman masks underneath their hoods, and some Assassins always wore their hood down, like Yusuf Tazim, in contrast to common Assassin custom. Each of them were equipped with a Hidden Blade and a Hookblade, which they used for fast and easy climbing and for transporting via ziplines, so they could make their way to their destination fast.[2]

During the time of the Ottoman Empire, people from various countries and regions around Turkey were attracted to the empire, which resulted in the Assassin Brotherhood containing members from various different cultures and ancestries.[2]


Sentinel P1 2

An Ottoman Assassin performing double assassination

The basic techniques of the Ottoman Assassins were similar to those of the Levantine Assassins, their spiritual forebearers. However, the Ottoman Assassins invented their own upgraded version of the Hidden Blade, called the Hookblade, which allowed for faster climbing and faster travel via Constantinople's ziplines.[2]

The Ottoman Assassins were also introduced to various types of bombs, by trade from China. They trained themselves in their usage, and the Master Assassin Piri Reis eventually created more specialized bombs with experience gained in the Ottoman navy.[2]


Allies and puppets

Byzantine-Ottoman wars
