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第44行: 第44行:
在发现艾芙琳已于1759年加入刺客组织后,玛德琳利用其继女与本地刺客导师[[阿加特]]的关系来发现兄弟会活动的相关信息。这种联系让她得以在1764年确保自己在本地圣殿骑士团中的领导地位。<ref name="Encyclopedia">''[[Assassin's Creed: Encyclopedia]]''</ref>为了不让人们发现她的真实身份,玛德琳在以路易斯安那圣殿骑士首脑身份行事时,会化名“公司人”。 <ref name="AC3L" />
After discovering that Aveline had joined the Assassins in 1759, Madeleine took advantage of her stepdaughter's relationship with the local Assassin Mentor [[Agaté]] to uncover information relating to the Brotherhood's activities. This connection allowed her to secure the leadership of the local Templar Order in 1764.<ref name="Encyclopedia">''[[Assassin's Creed: Encyclopedia]]''</ref> To prevent people from finding out her true identity, Madeleine adopted the alias of the "Company Man" when acting as Louisiana's head Templar.<ref name="AC3L" />
玛德琳虽然主要负责奴隶与流浪者的运输工作,但她也会自己辨识出有潜力的工人,“救出”他们并将其发配至奇琴伊察。正是因此,艾芙琳将他视为一位激进的废奴主义者,却没有意识到奴隶们真正被送到了哪里。由于在对奴隶制上持有“相似”的观点,玛德琳和她继女的关系跟紧密了。<ref name="AC3L" />
Although she largely oversaw the transit of slaves and vagrants, Madeleine would also identify potential workers herself, "rescuing" them from enslavement and having her contacts escort them to Chichen Itza. In doing so, she became a progressive abolitionist in the eyes of Aveline, who was unaware of the slaves' true destination. With their "similar" views on slavery, Madeleine was able to strengthen her bond with her stepdaughter.<ref name="AC3L" />
[[File:The Safe House 4.png|thumb|left|250px|Madeleine reassuring Aveline]]
[[File:The Safe House 4.png|thumb|left|250px|玛德琳向艾芙琳保证]]
1765年,艾芙琳在不知情的情况下从玛德琳的一个部屋中救出了一个名为[[Thérèse|泰蕾丝]]的奴隶,并请求玛德琳照顾她。玛德琳打发继女进城买一些旅行用的衣服,然后治疗了泰蕾丝并瞒着艾芙琳把她送往奇琴伊察。在这之后不久,玛德琳依然装作不知道自己女儿刺客的身份,还请求艾芙琳帮忙使一个奴隶家庭团聚。<ref name="AC3L" />
In 1765, Madeleine was called upon by Aveline to treat a slave, [[Thérèse]], whom she had rescued from one of Madeleine's subordinates. Sending her stepdaughter into town to fetch traveling clothes, Madeleine treated the young slave and then had her transferred to Chichen Itza, unbeknownst to Aveline. Shortly thereafter, Madeleine, still pretending to be ignorant of her stepdaughter's identity as an Assassin, requested Aveline's help in reuniting an enslaved family.<ref name="AC3L" />
[[File:The_Colony's_Good_2.png|thumb|250px|De Ferrer with governor d'Abbadie]]
同年,德·费勒来到了新奥尔良,试图找到更多能发配往墨西哥的工人,同时控制这座城市。他随后与路易斯安那的[[法国]]总督[[让-雅克·布莱斯·阿巴底]]达成一笔交易。阿巴底想要继续执掌总督之位, 代价是将殖民地移交给圣殿骑士,并提供给德·费勒更多用于发掘奇琴伊察的工人。为了讨论协议的细节,他们在阿巴底的[[总督府(新奥尔良)|总督府]]见面,并开了一场宴会作为伪装。<ref name="AC3L" />
That same year, de Ferrer traveled to New Orleans, trying to find more ways of getting workers to Mexico, as well as take control of the city. He subsequently negotiated a deal with the [[France|French]] Governor of Louisiana, [[Jean-Jacques Blaise d'Abbadie]]. D'Abbadie was to remain in power as governor, provided he oversaw the handover of the colony to the Templars and supplied de Ferrer with more workers for the excavation site at Chichen Itza. To discuss the specifics of their arrangement, they arranged to meet at a party held at d'Abbadie's [[Governor's Mansion (New Orleans)|mansion]].<ref name="AC3L" />
二人不知道的是,艾芙琳通过一位德·费勒雇佣来在新奥尔良进出口货物的船长,[[卡洛斯·多明格斯]]之口得知了德·费勒来到了新奥尔良的消息,并[[窃听]]了他们的会议。德·费勒离开后,艾芙琳刺杀了阿巴底,避免了殖民地被移交给圣殿骑士,破坏了德·费勒的计划。<ref name="AC3L" />
Unbeknownst to the pair, their meeting was [[Eavesdropping|eavesdropped]] upon by the Aveline, who had found out about de Ferrer's presence in New Orleans through [[Carlos Dominguez]], a captain de Ferrer employed to transport goods to and from New Orleans. Following de Ferrer's departure, d'Abbadie was assassinated by Aveline to prevent the colony from being transferred to Templar control, sabotaging de Ferrer's plans.<ref name="AC3L" />
一年后,德·费勒与一名渴望投入圣殿骑士的刺客叛徒[[巴蒂斯特]]结盟。巴蒂斯特假冒他已死去的导师弗朗索瓦·麦坎达之名,聚集了一批[[Baptiste's followers|追随者]],试图控制[[路易斯安那河口]]中的走私行动并向新奥尔良的贵族阶级投毒。他这样做的根本目的是迫使阿加特现身,并将其俘虏解送到德·费勒处,以在圣殿骑士团中谋得一席之地。艾芙琳阻挡了巴蒂斯特并刺杀了他,使该计划付诸东流。<ref name="AC3L" />
A year later, de Ferrer secured the alliance of an ex-Assassin named [[Baptiste]], who had aspirations to defect to the Templar Order. Baptiste, using the name of his deceased Mentor François Mackandal to gather [[Baptiste's followers|followers]], attempted to take control of smuggling operations within the [[Louisiana Bayou]] and poison the nobles of New Orleans. His underlying goal was to force Agaté out of hiding so that he could be delivered to de Ferrer, which would earn Baptiste a position among the Order. This scheme was later foiled by Aveline, who confronted and assassinated Baptiste before he could put his plans in motion.<ref name="AC3L" />
[[File:A Governor No More 5.png|thumb|250px|left|Aveline interrogating de Ulloa]]
[[File:A Governor No More 5.png|thumb|250px|left|艾芙琳审问德·乌略亚]]
德·费勒随后决定返回奇琴伊察,从代他行事的监工那里收回权力,确保自己在阵营中的领导地位。接下来的两年,[[安东尼奥·德·乌略亚]],德·费勒的圣殿骑士盟友,也是路易斯安那的第一任西班牙总督,继续着德·费勒在新奥尔良所做的工作,绑架奴隶与流浪者并发配他们到墨西哥的工作点。然而,乌略亚最终也被艾芙琳追查到,使他不得不放弃圣殿骑士的事务并逃出了路易斯安那。<ref name="AC3L" />
De Ferrer subsequently decided to return to Chichen Itza to reassume his position of leadership at the camp, which he had previously handed to an overseer. In the next two years, [[Antonio de Ulloa]], de Ferrer's Templar ally and the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, would continue de Ferrer's previous efforts in New Orleans, kidnapping slaves and vagrants that were to be sent to the worksite in Mexico. However, de Ulloa was eventually tracked down by Aveline as well, leading the governor to abandon the Templar cause and flee Louisiana.<ref name="AC3L" />
[[File:The Secret of the Cenote 5.png|thumb|250px|Aveline killing de Ferrer]]
[[File:The Secret of the Cenote 5.png|thumb|250px|艾芙琳杀死德·费勒]]
In 1769, de Ferrer was still leading the worksite, trying to find the fabled Prophecy Disk, as well as dealing with the rising dissatisfaction among the workers. Meeting with the camp's overseer, de Ferrer suggested possible ways to appease the slaves, while, Aveline, who had found her way to Chichen Itza, listened in. Shortly thereafter, the two Templars went to deal with a runaway slave they had apprehended, though de Ferrer left the punishment itself to the overseer.<ref name="AC3L" />
In 1769, de Ferrer was still leading the worksite, trying to find the fabled Prophecy Disk, as well as dealing with the rising dissatisfaction among the workers. Meeting with the camp's overseer, de Ferrer suggested possible ways to appease the slaves, while, Aveline, who had found her way to Chichen Itza, listened in. Shortly thereafter, the two Templars went to deal with a runaway slave they had apprehended, though de Ferrer left the punishment itself to the overseer.<ref name="AC3L" />
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[[File:An Urgent Favor 2.png|thumb|left|250px|Madeleine requesting Aveline's help with freeing George]]
[[File:An Urgent Favor 2.png|thumb|left|250px|玛德琳请求艾芙琳帮助救出乔治]]
In 1776, Philippe discovered evidence of Templar interference in his business, though Madeleine reacted quickly and began poisoning him. That same year, Madeleine also freed a slave by the name of [[George Davidson]], though she demanded his servitude to the Templar Order in return. Securing his alliance, she aided her new recruit in his escape, but her plan went awry when George was discovered by soldiers. Madeleine then requested Aveline's help in escorting George out of the city, to the North.<ref name="AC3L" />
In 1776, Philippe discovered evidence of Templar interference in his business, though Madeleine reacted quickly and began poisoning him. That same year, Madeleine also freed a slave by the name of [[George Davidson]], though she demanded his servitude to the Templar Order in return. Securing his alliance, she aided her new recruit in his escape, but her plan went awry when George was discovered by soldiers. Madeleine then requested Aveline's help in escorting George out of the city, to the North.<ref name="AC3L" />
第86行: 第86行:
With Aveline journeying to Chichen Itza to ascertain its continued safety, Vázquez's troops had an opportunity to recover and soon grew in number once more. In 1776, the Spanish Governor of [[Louisiana]] decided to support the [[United States|American]] [[Patriots]] by having the smugglers send them supplies, an arrangement that Vázquez opposed. He subsequently ordered his men to steal the wares from the smugglers at the nearest opportunity, but in this too he failed, with Aveline once more obstructing his schemes.<ref name="AC3L" />
With Aveline journeying to Chichen Itza to ascertain its continued safety, Vázquez's troops had an opportunity to recover and soon grew in number once more. In 1776, the Spanish Governor of [[Louisiana]] decided to support the [[United States|American]] [[Patriots]] by having the smugglers send them supplies, an arrangement that Vázquez opposed. He subsequently ordered his men to steal the wares from the smugglers at the nearest opportunity, but in this too he failed, with Aveline once more obstructing his schemes.<ref name="AC3L" />
[[File:The Last Dance 6.png|thumb|250px|Vázquez dancing with Aveline]]
[[File:The Last Dance 6.png|thumb|250px|巴斯克斯与艾芙琳共舞]]
That same year, Vázquez, having managed to evade detection by the Assassins for roughly five years, attended a prestigious ball at a [[Sugar plantations|plantation]] in New Orleans. Unbeknownst to him, Aveline was also present at the ball, having come to track down and assassinate the Templar. After mingling with the guests, she managed to locate Vázquez and approached him.<ref name="AC3L" />
That same year, Vázquez, having managed to evade detection by the Assassins for roughly five years, attended a prestigious ball at a [[Sugar plantations|plantation]] in New Orleans. Unbeknownst to him, Aveline was also present at the ball, having come to track down and assassinate the Templar. After mingling with the guests, she managed to locate Vázquez and approached him.<ref name="AC3L" />
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Surprised, Aveline questioned his allegiances to the Templars and the British Army, but George replied that his freedom had been guaranteed by the Loyalists in return for his service. He and his men subsequently engaged Aveline in battle, though the Assassin easily dispatched George's subordinates. Before they could continue their fight, however, a sudden explosion, set off by Connor as a distraction for George's reinforcements, could be heard. George, deciding to run, locked Aveline inside the watchtower and fled the fort in a [[Wagon|gunpowder carriage]].<ref name="AC3L" />
Surprised, Aveline questioned his allegiances to the Templars and the British Army, but George replied that his freedom had been guaranteed by the Loyalists in return for his service. He and his men subsequently engaged Aveline in battle, though the Assassin easily dispatched George's subordinates. Before they could continue their fight, however, a sudden explosion, set off by Connor as a distraction for George's reinforcements, could be heard. George, deciding to run, locked Aveline inside the watchtower and fled the fort in a [[Wagon|gunpowder carriage]].<ref name="AC3L" />
[[File:A_Fool's_Errand_10.png|thumb|left|250px|George's final moments]]
However, Aveline managed to escape the watchtower and fired at one of the barrels inside George's carriage as he rode by, blowing it up and mortally wounding the Templar. In his final moments, George claimed that he had chosen his destiny, which he considered to be true freedom. Aveline then hesitated, before asking him who the Company Man truly was. With his dying breath, he told her that "the answer had been in her own backyard all along", prompting the Assassin to understand that the Company Man was her own stepmother, Madeleine.<ref name="AC3L" />
However, Aveline managed to escape the watchtower and fired at one of the barrels inside George's carriage as he rode by, blowing it up and mortally wounding the Templar. In his final moments, George claimed that he had chosen his destiny, which he considered to be true freedom. Aveline then hesitated, before asking him who the Company Man truly was. With his dying breath, he told her that "the answer had been in her own backyard all along", prompting the Assassin to understand that the Company Man was her own stepmother, Madeleine.<ref name="AC3L" />
第105行: 第105行:
Upon returning to New Orleans, Aveline confronted her stepmother in their mansion. During the encounter, Madeleine reacted with amusement, as she revealed that she had known all along of Aveline's affiliations, before pulling out a pistol and ordering her stepdaughter to sit down.<ref name="AC3L" />
Upon returning to New Orleans, Aveline confronted her stepmother in their mansion. During the encounter, Madeleine reacted with amusement, as she revealed that she had known all along of Aveline's affiliations, before pulling out a pistol and ordering her stepdaughter to sit down.<ref name="AC3L" />
[[File:Abandoning Pretense 4.png|thumb|250px|Madeleine beckoning Aveline to join the Templar Order]]
[[File:Abandoning Pretense 4.png|thumb|250px|玛德琳诱使艾芙琳加入圣殿骑士团]]
Furious, Aveline refused Madeleine's order to stay and ran outside, where the Assassin was quickly surrounded by her stepmother's guards. Forthwith, Madeleine warned her stepdaughter to cease her struggling or she would die, and the Brotherhood with her; she then proceeded to question Aveline's motivations. Maintaining an air of hostility, and her parasol gun's aim at her stepmother, Aveline retorted that Madeleine kept her slaves for her own selfish purposes, though Madeleine tried to convince Aveline that she had ended the operation and that de Ferrer did not represent the Templars.<ref name="AC3L" />
Furious, Aveline refused Madeleine's order to stay and ran outside, where the Assassin was quickly surrounded by her stepmother's guards. Forthwith, Madeleine warned her stepdaughter to cease her struggling or she would die, and the Brotherhood with her; she then proceeded to question Aveline's motivations. Maintaining an air of hostility, and her parasol gun's aim at her stepmother, Aveline retorted that Madeleine kept her slaves for her own selfish purposes, though Madeleine tried to convince Aveline that she had ended the operation and that de Ferrer did not represent the Templars.<ref name="AC3L" />
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Madeleine insisted that she genuinely cared for Aveline, but her stepdaughter angrily accused her of lying. In response, Madeleine defended herself, claiming that she had only been trying to protect her, and attempted to persuade Aveline to join the Templars. She then cited the broken relationship between Aveline and her Mentor as proof that their goals were the same.<ref name="AC3L" />
Madeleine insisted that she genuinely cared for Aveline, but her stepdaughter angrily accused her of lying. In response, Madeleine defended herself, claiming that she had only been trying to protect her, and attempted to persuade Aveline to join the Templars. She then cited the broken relationship between Aveline and her Mentor as proof that their goals were the same.<ref name="AC3L" />
[[File:Reconciliation 2.png|thumb|left|250px|Madeleine with the Prophecy Disk]]
[[File:Reconciliation 2.png|thumb|left|250px|玛德琳拿到预言碟]]
Ultimately, Aveline agreed and traveled to the bayou to confront Agaté while Madeleine convened the entire Louisiana chapter of Templars in the Saint Louis Cathedral. She later returned with his necklace as proof of his death, following which she handed Madeleine the Prophecy Disk. After inducting Aveline into the Order, Madeleine attempted to use the Prophecy Disk, but the artifact failed to work as she had intended it to, causing her to become frustrated, as she believed them to possess all of the pieces.<ref name="AC3L" />
Ultimately, Aveline agreed and traveled to the bayou to confront Agaté while Madeleine convened the entire Louisiana chapter of Templars in the Saint Louis Cathedral. She later returned with his necklace as proof of his death, following which she handed Madeleine the Prophecy Disk. After inducting Aveline into the Order, Madeleine attempted to use the Prophecy Disk, but the artifact failed to work as she had intended it to, causing her to become frustrated, as she believed them to possess all of the pieces.<ref name="AC3L" />
[[File:Erudito 9.png|thumb|250px|Aveline assassinating Madeleine]]
[[File:Erudito 9.png|thumb|250px|艾芙琳刺杀玛德琳]]
Seeing her chance, Aveline attacked, as her induction had merely been a ploy to eradicate the Templar Order from within. After she eliminated all the Templars present, the Assassin confronted a defeated Madeleine, who asked her why she had done what she had. Aveline responded by blaming her stepmother for secretly killing her father with poison, enslaving her mother and attempting to force Aveline into the Templar Order.<ref name="AC3L" />
Seeing her chance, Aveline attacked, as her induction had merely been a ploy to eradicate the Templar Order from within. After she eliminated all the Templars present, the Assassin confronted a defeated Madeleine, who asked her why she had done what she had. Aveline responded by blaming her stepmother for secretly killing her father with poison, enslaving her mother and attempting to force Aveline into the Templar Order.<ref name="AC3L" />
第139行: 第139行:
*According to [[Achilles Davenport]]'s wall of Templar intel, it seemed that he thought the leader of the Templar Order of [[New Orleans]] in the 1750s answered to [[Reginald Birch]].<ref name="ACRG">''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]''</ref>
*[[阿基里斯·达文波特]]的圣殿骑士秘密墙显示,他似乎认为18世纪50年代圣殿骑士在[[新奥尔良]]的团长是[[雷金纳德·伯奇]]<ref name="ACRG">''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]''</ref>
*In ''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'', the "Great Minds" [[Abstergo Entertainment research analyst's personal files|files]] that the player acquires via hacking gives the title of the Louisiana Rite's leader, Madeleine de L'Isle, as "Master Templar of the Southern Colonies". This contradicts the usual Templar organizational structure as expounded in ''[[Assassin's Creed: The Essential Guide]]'', where all rites are led by a Grand Master.
*In ''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'', the "Great Minds" [[Abstergo Entertainment research analyst's personal files|files]] that the player acquires via hacking gives the title of the Louisiana Rite's leader, Madeleine de L'Isle, as "Master Templar of the Southern Colonies". This contradicts the usual Templar organizational structure as expounded in ''[[Assassin's Creed: The Essential Guide]]'', where all rites are led by a Grand Master.

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圣殿骑士组织路易斯安那分册Louisiana Rite of the Templar Order[1],或称新奥尔良圣殿骑士Templar Order of New Orleans[2]是总部位于新奥尔良圣殿骑士组织分册。










玛德琳因为其冷酷和精干,在1751年左右被提拔为圣殿骑士大师。[3] 德·费勒后来成为玛德琳的副手,负责监督挖掘工作。当他分配到挖掘预言碟的任务时,他在奇琴伊察建立了一个工地,并组织了一场大规模的贩奴活动,从不同地区聚集劳力。[4]





玛德琳的诡计最终得逞,让娜陷入了恐惧之中。在向玛德琳求援后,让娜于1757年离开了新奥尔良,被护送到奇琴伊察的劳动营地,成为首批到达那里的奴隶之一。最后,德·费勒提拔她为领班。在和平社区的伪装下,她和其他人被要求挖掘遗迹,以找到圣殿骑士期望的宝物。[4] 在此过程中,他们发现了许多小型文物,包括一些残片戒指[5]然而在发现文物的性质后,让娜也开始怀疑她的雇主,并试图阻止他们的努力,最终导致她被德·费勒驱逐。[4]



在发现艾芙琳已于1759年加入刺客组织后,玛德琳利用其继女与本地刺客导师阿加特的关系来发现兄弟会活动的相关信息。这种联系让她得以在1764年确保自己在本地圣殿骑士团中的领导地位。[7]为了不让人们发现她的真实身份,玛德琳在以路易斯安那圣殿骑士首脑身份行事时,会化名“公司人”。 [4]


The Safe House 4



The Colony's Good 2


同年,德·费勒来到了新奥尔良,试图找到更多能发配往墨西哥的工人,同时控制这座城市。他随后与路易斯安那的法国总督让-雅克·布莱斯·阿巴底达成一笔交易。阿巴底想要继续执掌总督之位, 代价是将殖民地移交给圣殿骑士,并提供给德·费勒更多用于发掘奇琴伊察的工人。为了讨论协议的细节,他们在阿巴底的总督府见面,并开了一场宴会作为伪装。[4]



A Governor No More 5




The Secret of the Cenote 5


In 1769, de Ferrer was still leading the worksite, trying to find the fabled Prophecy Disk, as well as dealing with the rising dissatisfaction among the workers. Meeting with the camp's overseer, de Ferrer suggested possible ways to appease the slaves, while, Aveline, who had found her way to Chichen Itza, listened in. Shortly thereafter, the two Templars went to deal with a runaway slave they had apprehended, though de Ferrer left the punishment itself to the overseer.[4]

De Ferrer later found out about the overseer's death at the hands of Aveline and managed to track her down to First Civilization ruins, where she had acquired a piece of the Prophecy Disk he had been looking for. Using some explosives, he blasted an opening into the chamber and confronted her, claiming their goals were not as different as they might appear to be. He and his guards then attacked the Assassin, but they proved to be no match. De Ferrer was eventually blindsided by Aveline and stabbed in the chest, before being pushed over a cliff edge, into the cavern's depths. Following de Ferrer's death, the community in Chichen Itza was liberated from Templar influence.[4]


Focusing her efforts on maintaining control in New Orleans, Madeleine had Diego Vázquez come to the city in the 1770s and ordered him to take control of the Louisiana Bayou, which served as an important trade route. To achieve this, Vázquez sent out several men to bribe Spanish soldiers into serving the Templar cause. These practices eventually caught the attention of the Aveline causing her to investigate.[4]

Having tracked down and eliminated one of Vázquez's recruiters, Aveline learned of the Templar's plans and subsequently went to warn Agaté, who was based in the bayou. On his instruction, she made a patrol believe they had become the victim of a voodoo curse, which temporarily set back Vázquez's progress.[4]

Around the same time, Vázquez made plans to retake the worksite of Chichen Itza. To achieve this, he assigned a group of his men to divert a supply ship and use it to travel to Mexico. However, this scheme too was sabotaged by Aveline, who disabled the lighthouse on Lake Pontchartrain to make Vázquez's vessel run aground. Working together with the smugglers Élise Lafleur and Roussillon, she then plundered the supply ship's goods, finding documents aboard that led her to discover the Templar's plans for Chichen Itza.[4]


An Urgent Favor 2


In 1776, Philippe discovered evidence of Templar interference in his business, though Madeleine reacted quickly and began poisoning him. That same year, Madeleine also freed a slave by the name of George Davidson, though she demanded his servitude to the Templar Order in return. Securing his alliance, she aided her new recruit in his escape, but her plan went awry when George was discovered by soldiers. Madeleine then requested Aveline's help in escorting George out of the city, to the North.[4]

Madeleine would continue administering her bedridden husband an herbal tonic, laced with foxglove, which eventually proved fatal for Philippe. After informing Aveline, who had been out to track down Vázquez, Madeleine met with her stepdaughter and Gérald Blanc at Philippe's grave in Saint Peter's Cemetery. There, Madeleine, to whom the de Grandpré villa had been left, assured Aveline that she was still welcome to live at the mansion.[4]


With Aveline journeying to Chichen Itza to ascertain its continued safety, Vázquez's troops had an opportunity to recover and soon grew in number once more. In 1776, the Spanish Governor of Louisiana decided to support the American Patriots by having the smugglers send them supplies, an arrangement that Vázquez opposed. He subsequently ordered his men to steal the wares from the smugglers at the nearest opportunity, but in this too he failed, with Aveline once more obstructing his schemes.[4]

The Last Dance 6


That same year, Vázquez, having managed to evade detection by the Assassins for roughly five years, attended a prestigious ball at a plantation in New Orleans. Unbeknownst to him, Aveline was also present at the ball, having come to track down and assassinate the Templar. After mingling with the guests, she managed to locate Vázquez and approached him.[4]

Charmed by her noble appearance, the Templar danced with Aveline and then allowed her to lead him to a quiet balcony, where he was stabbed. With his dying breath, Vázquez revealed that he was not the Company Man, as Aveline believed, and that it was actually a woman, but died before he could reveal her identity.[4]


Feeling defeated, Aveline's resolve to discover the identity of the Company Man nevertheless stayed strong. However, without any leads, she struggled to find a trace of the Templar. In 1777, thanks to Gérald being in contact with the Colonial Assassins, Aveline learned of a Loyalist officer named Davidson, who was working for the Company Man, and subsequently headed north to find him.[4]

That year, George Davidson was based in a fort located in the New York Frontier, still fighting for the British. With the help of the Kanien'kehá:ka Assassin Connor, Aveline managed to locate and infiltrate George's fort, following which she confronted him in the watchtower.[4]

Surprised, Aveline questioned his allegiances to the Templars and the British Army, but George replied that his freedom had been guaranteed by the Loyalists in return for his service. He and his men subsequently engaged Aveline in battle, though the Assassin easily dispatched George's subordinates. Before they could continue their fight, however, a sudden explosion, set off by Connor as a distraction for George's reinforcements, could be heard. George, deciding to run, locked Aveline inside the watchtower and fled the fort in a gunpowder carriage.[4]

A Fool's Errand 10


However, Aveline managed to escape the watchtower and fired at one of the barrels inside George's carriage as he rode by, blowing it up and mortally wounding the Templar. In his final moments, George claimed that he had chosen his destiny, which he considered to be true freedom. Aveline then hesitated, before asking him who the Company Man truly was. With his dying breath, he told her that "the answer had been in her own backyard all along", prompting the Assassin to understand that the Company Man was her own stepmother, Madeleine.[4]


Upon returning to New Orleans, Aveline confronted her stepmother in their mansion. During the encounter, Madeleine reacted with amusement, as she revealed that she had known all along of Aveline's affiliations, before pulling out a pistol and ordering her stepdaughter to sit down.[4]

Abandoning Pretense 4


Furious, Aveline refused Madeleine's order to stay and ran outside, where the Assassin was quickly surrounded by her stepmother's guards. Forthwith, Madeleine warned her stepdaughter to cease her struggling or she would die, and the Brotherhood with her; she then proceeded to question Aveline's motivations. Maintaining an air of hostility, and her parasol gun's aim at her stepmother, Aveline retorted that Madeleine kept her slaves for her own selfish purposes, though Madeleine tried to convince Aveline that she had ended the operation and that de Ferrer did not represent the Templars.[4]

Madeleine insisted that she genuinely cared for Aveline, but her stepdaughter angrily accused her of lying. In response, Madeleine defended herself, claiming that she had only been trying to protect her, and attempted to persuade Aveline to join the Templars. She then cited the broken relationship between Aveline and her Mentor as proof that their goals were the same.[4]

Reconciliation 2


Ultimately, Aveline agreed and traveled to the bayou to confront Agaté while Madeleine convened the entire Louisiana chapter of Templars in the Saint Louis Cathedral. She later returned with his necklace as proof of his death, following which she handed Madeleine the Prophecy Disk. After inducting Aveline into the Order, Madeleine attempted to use the Prophecy Disk, but the artifact failed to work as she had intended it to, causing her to become frustrated, as she believed them to possess all of the pieces.[4]

Erudito 9


Seeing her chance, Aveline attacked, as her induction had merely been a ploy to eradicate the Templar Order from within. After she eliminated all the Templars present, the Assassin confronted a defeated Madeleine, who asked her why she had done what she had. Aveline responded by blaming her stepmother for secretly killing her father with poison, enslaving her mother and attempting to force Aveline into the Templar Order.[4]

Madeleine insisted that it had been for the benefit of humanity, but Aveline refused to serve her and stabbed Madeleine in the stomach with her Hidden Blade, eradicating the Templar Order of Louisiana.[4]




