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|related = [[Templars|圣殿骑士]]
|related = [[Templars|圣殿骑士]]
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|notable = [[Ahmet|艾哈迈德]]<br>[[Manuel Palaiologos|曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯]]|collapsed = 1512年}}'''圣殿骑士组织拜占庭分册'''(Byzantine Rite of the Templar Order)<ref name="Encyclopedia">''[[Assassin's Creed: The Essential Guide]]''</ref>,通常简称为'''拜占庭分册''',是[[圣殿骑士组织]]内一个自治派系。他们曾经统治[[拜占庭帝国]],直到1453年,[[奥斯曼帝国]] 攻陷了首都[[君士坦丁堡]],皇帝君士坦丁十一世战死,历时一千余年的拜占庭帝国就此灭亡。圣殿骑士组织打着拜占庭的旗号重新出现在城市中,并以武力推翻奥斯曼帝国及重新建立拜占庭帝国。
|notable = [[Ahmet|艾哈迈德]]<br>[[Manuel Palaiologos|曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯]]|collapsed =1512年 |reorganized = }}'''圣殿骑士组织拜占庭分册'''(Byzantine Rite of the Templar Order)<ref name="Encyclopedia">[[刺客信条:基本指南]]</ref>,通常简称为'''拜占庭分册''',是[[圣殿骑士组织]]内一个自治派系。他们曾经统治[[拜占庭帝国]],直到1453年,[[奥斯曼帝国]] 攻陷了首都[[君士坦丁堡]],皇帝君士坦丁十一世战死,历时一千余年的拜占庭帝国就此灭亡。圣殿骑士组织打着拜占庭的旗号重新出现在城市中,并以武力推翻奥斯曼帝国及重新建立拜占庭帝国。
尚不明确拜占庭分册形成的确切时间,也不清楚其与拜占庭帝国的关系。末代皇帝[[Constantine XI Palaiologos|君士坦丁十一世]]曾下令在领土内抓捕并处决刺客,但不知他前任皇帝是否也这样做过。<ref name="ACRV" />
16世纪早期,拜占庭分册成为了当时最重要的圣殿分册,因[[圣殿骑士组织罗马分册|组织的罗马分册]]已被[[意大利刺客兄弟会]]击垮。拜占庭圣殿骑士在卡帕多细亚的地下城[[德林库尤]]建立了他们总部;他们最终目的是铲除奥斯曼蒂托,夺回前首都[[君士坦丁堡]]。然而有一段时间,他们保持了相对的安分。<ref name="ACRV">《[[刺客信条:启示录]]》</ref>
During the early 16th century, after the Templars were driven from [[Italy]] by the [[Assassins]], the members of the Templar Order were able to seize control of the remnants of the Byzantine Empire. Now in command, the Templars set up their primary headquarters at the underground city of [[Derinkuyu]] in Cappadocia, where the Byzantines' ultimate aim was to uproot the Ottoman Empire and retake control of Constantinople. For a time, however, they remained relatively quiet.<ref name="ACRV">''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]''</ref>
===Search for the Masyaf Keys===
1509年[[君士坦丁堡]]地震后,圣殿骑士在[[拜占庭帝国|拜占庭]]的旗帜下重新出现在城市中。因苏丹[[巴耶济德二世]]在地震后就离开了这座城,拜占庭圣殿骑士们很容易就能融入城市中,并在位于德林库尤的老巢开始他们接管[[奥斯曼帝国]]的计划。<ref name="ACRV" /> 他们最初由曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯领导,但拜占庭很快注意到了巴耶济德的儿子以及帝国太子[[艾哈迈德]]。艾哈迈德加入了圣殿骑士组织,并因他的年轻与个人魅力使自己成为了领袖,而曼努埃尔则成了二把手。<ref name="Encyclopedia">''[[Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia]]''</ref>
Following the {{Wiki|1509 Istanbul earthquake|earthquake}} in [[Constantinople]] in 1509, Templars reappeared in the city under the [[Byzantine Empire|Byzantine]] banner. Due to Sultan [[Bayezid II]]'s disappearance from the city following the earthquake, the Byzantine Templars could easily integrate into the city and start their plans for taking over the [[Ottoman Empire]], while operating from their headquarters in Derinkuyu.<ref name="ACRV"/> Initially led by [[Manuel Palaiologos]], the Byzantine Templars quickly caught the eye of Prince [[Ahmet]], Bayezid's son and supposed successor. Ahmet joined the Templar Order, and his youth and charisma allowed him to slip into the position of leader while Manuel was forced to become a second-in-command.<ref name="Encyclopedia"/>
拜占庭圣殿骑士们从[[西班牙异端审判庭]]手中得到意大利探险家兼刺客[[尼科洛·波罗]]的日记《[[秘密圣战]]》后,<ref name=":0">《[[刺客信条:燎原]]》 – [[奥斯曼的人脉]]</ref> 他们得知了马斯亚夫的[[阿泰尔图书馆]]的存在,并且需要[[马斯亚夫钥匙|钥匙]]将其开启。艾哈迈德任命曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯负责马斯亚夫远征,并在君士坦丁堡内寻找钥匙的踪迹,而艾哈迈德自己则继续他的计划确保圣殿骑士在帝国中的权力。<ref name="ACRV" />
The Templars somehow recovered "[[The Secret Crusade]]", the journal of the Italian explorer and secret Assassin [[Niccolò Polo]], from which they found out about the existence of the [[library of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad]] in Masyaf and the [[Masyaf Keys|keys]] needed to open it. Ahmet placed Manuel Palaiologos in charge of the Masyaf expedition to find the Masyaf Keys throughout Constantinople, while Ahmet himself continued his plans to secure the Templars' power in the Empire.<ref name="ACRV"/>
[[File:The Wounded Eagle 3.png|thumb|250px|Leandros giving instructions to the Templars]]
[[File:The Wounded Eagle 3.png|thumb|250px|莱安德罗斯对圣殿骑士下达指令]]
到1511年,圣殿骑士已经从[[托普卡匹宫]]地下获得了一枚钥匙,并占据了马斯亚夫。在没有得到其他钥匙之前,圣殿骑士只好对图书馆大门进行挖掘,企图挖出一条路,但没有成功。1511年冬,埃齐奥·奥迪托雷·达·佛罗伦萨来到马斯亚夫,也想进入图书馆。但他被[[莱安德罗斯]]率领的拜占庭圣殿骑士伏击,并被制服、俘虏。接着圣殿骑士将他带到马斯亚夫的瞭望塔,即将将他吊死。但在最后一刻他击倒了莱安德罗斯,在他准备套上绳索时反击并跳到了下方的脚手架。埃齐奥的踪迹便消失在风雪中,于是莱安德罗斯决定转移,坐着马车离开。埃齐奥追了上去,抓住了莱安德罗斯马车的绳子,最后也登上了一辆马车。<ref name="ACRV" />
By 1511, the Templars had managed to obtain one of the Masyaf Keys from underneath [[Topkapı Palace]], and had taken full occupation of Masyaf. Without the other Keys in their possession, the Templars had resorted to digging their way into the library, with no success. In the winter of 1511, Ezio Auditore da Firenze arrived in Masyaf, also wanting to access the library. He was ambushed by Byzantine Templars led by [[Leandros]], and was overpowered and captured. The Templars subsequently led him to Masyaf's watchtower, where he was to be hanged. At the very last moment, he fought back against Leandros, who was tying the noose around Ezio's neck. Ezio threw the noose around Leandros' neck instead, and Ezio jumped down to a scaffolding below. With no sign left of Ezio in the thick snowstorm that was brewing, Leandros instead decided to focus on other matters and was about to leave on a horse cart. Ezio gave chase, and jumped to a rope hanging on Leandros' cart, eventually procuring his own cart to keep up with his pursuit.<ref name="ACRV"/>
莱安德罗斯在[[阿特拉斯村]]附近撞毁了埃齐奥的马车,派其他圣殿骑士去干掉埃齐奥,同时自己进入了村子。然而受伤的埃齐奥还是穿过卫兵,艰难来到村中心,到达莱安德罗斯避难的地方。莱安德罗斯派出更多士兵,但他最后还是在塔顶被埃齐奥杀死,《秘密圣战》也被夺走。<ref name="ACRV" />
Leandros crashed Ezio's cart near [[Atlas Village]] in the mountains, and made his way into the village while sending the other Templars to deal with Ezio. However, the wounded Ezio made his way through the guards and into the village's center with some difficulty, coming to the area where Leandros had taken refuge. Leandros, sending more of his men at Ezio, was ultimately confronted and killed by Ezio on top of the village's watchtower, where Ezio took "The Secret Crusade" from him.<ref name="ACRV"/>
====Struggle in Constantinople====
而在君士坦丁堡也存在着圣殿骑士,他们与[[奥斯曼刺客兄弟会|奥斯曼刺客]]们进行着激烈的战斗,占领了城中多个[[刺客据点]]并寻找着能找到马斯亚夫钥匙的秘密地点。这些圣殿骑士们发现有两把钥匙分别位于[[地下水宫殿]]和[[公牛广场]],但埃齐奥在圣殿骑士之前就拿到了这些钥匙。<ref name="ACRV" />
In Constantinople, the Templars were still ever present, engaging in heavy combat with the [[Turkish Assassins]], occupying numerous [[Assassin Dens]] throughout the city and searching for the secret locations in the city leading to the Masyaf Keys. The Templars discovered that two of the Masyaf Keys were located in the [[Yerebatan Cistern]] and the [[Forum of the Ox]], but Ezio Auditore recovered the artifacts before the Templars could.<ref name="ACRV"/>
艾哈迈德亲自设计让人在托普卡帕宫绑架侄子王孙[[苏莱曼一世|苏莱曼]],以便能让艾哈迈德“营救”他然后获得奥斯曼公民对于他登上王位相较于弟弟[[塞利姆一世|塞利姆]]的支持。然而优素福·塔齐姆和土耳其刺客们偶然知道了圣殿骑士的计划,并伪装成意大利吟游诗人,找到并杀死了隐藏在人群中的圣殿骑士,阻止了这一计划。不过此时艾哈迈德的圣殿骑士身份仍然是秘密,他指责[[禁卫军]]队长[[塔里克·巴列蒂]]阻止袭击不力。<ref name="ACRV" />
Ahmet personally devised a plan to have his nephew [[Suleiman I|Prince Suleiman]] kidnapped at a feast in the Topkapı Palace, allowing Ahmet to "rescue" him and gain the Ottoman citizens' favor over his brother [[Selim I|Selim]] for the Ottoman throne. However, [[Yusuf Tazim]] and the Turkish Assassins learned of the Templars' plan and plotted to stop their plan. With the help of Ezio Auditore, the Turkish Assassins—dressed as Italian minstrels—found and killed all of the Templars hidden amongst the party goers. Ahmet, whose Templar affiliation remained a secret, instead accused [[Tarik Barleti]], the captain of the [[Janissaries]], of being unable to stop the 'attack' of the Italian minstrels.<ref name="ACRV"/>
[[File:TAG 1.png|thumb|left|250px|Manuel and Shahkulu making the deal with Tarik]]
[[File:TAG 1.png|thumb|left|250px|曼努埃尔和沙阿库卢与塔里克交易]]
过了一段时间,曼努埃尔来到君士坦丁堡从塔里克和他的禁卫军那里为自己在卡帕多细亚的军队购买枪支。在土库曼叛徒、圣殿[[沙阿库卢]]的陪同下,曼努埃尔检查了[[Harbor of Theodosius|军械库]]的武器,并在返回卡帕多细亚之前完成了交易。不久后,埃齐奥·奥迪托雷在苏莱曼的命令下刺杀了塔里克,然而他们对于塔里克是圣殿一伙的判断是错误的,塔里克一直在暗中监视卡帕多细亚的圣殿骑士,以挫败他们。他的死很快就被认为是艾哈迈德策划的,而这损害了他的公众形象。<ref name="ACRV" />
Some time later, Manuel journeyed to Constantinople to purchase guns from the Tarik and the Janissaries for his forces in Cappadocia. Accompanied by the Turkmen renegade and Templar [[Shahkulu]], Manuel inspected the weapons in the city's [[Harbor of Theodosius|arsenal]] and successfully closed the deal before returning to Cappadocia. Tarik was assassinated by Ezio Auditore some time later on Suleiman's orders, after the two came to the wrong conclusion that he was in league with the Templars when in reality, he had been spying on the Templars in Cappadocia in order to thwart them. His death was quickly believed to have been orchestrated by Ahmet, damaging his public image.<ref name="ACRV"/>
1511年,刺客和圣殿骑士争夺[[Bursa|布尔萨]]的控制权。圣殿骑士绑架了苏丹巴耶济德二世的三儿子[[Korkut|科尔库特]],而他后来被埃齐奥·奥迪托雷从君士坦丁堡派出的刺客所救。圣殿骑士开始失去对布尔萨的控制,而刺客开始接管。<ref name="Mediterranean Defense">《刺客信条:启示录》 - [[地中海防御]]</ref>
In 1511, the Assassins and Templars battled for control of [[Bursa]]. The Templars kidnapped Sultan [[Bayezid II]]'s third son [[Korkut]]a, though he was saved by Assassins sent by [[Ezio Auditore da Firenze]] from [[Constantinople]].<ref name="Mediterranean Defense">''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]'' - [[Mediterranean Defense]]</ref> Templars started to lose control of Bursa, and the Assassins moved in to take control.<ref name="Mediterranean Defense"/>
====Collapse of Cappadocia====
1512年3月,曼努埃尔和沙阿库卢回到卡帕多细亚的德林库尤,继续强化拜占庭军队的势力,同时抓来大量的奥斯曼人处决掉。<ref name="ACRV" />
In March 1512, Manuel and Shahkulu returned to Derinkuyu in Cappadocia, where they continued building up the Byzantine army's strength while capturing and executing numerous Ottomans.<ref name="ACRV"/>
而曼努埃尔不知道的是,埃齐奥·奥迪托雷也跟踪至此,而他们捉住的一名叫做[[迪拉拉]]的奥斯曼女间谍也逃了出来,并指引埃齐奥。沙阿库卢是一名虐待狂,当埃齐奥从上方刺杀他时他正在享受公开给人处刑带来的快感。不过沙阿库卢的厚铠保护他免受死亡,最终埃齐奥在决斗中杀死了沙阿库卢,并解救了城中被处决的奥斯曼间谍。<ref name="ACRV" />
Unbeknownst to the Manuel, Ezio Auditore had trailed him to there, and one of their captured Ottoman spies, a woman named [[Dilara]], had managed to escape. Shahkulu, a sadist, was reveling in his public executions when Ezio air assassinated him from above, though much to the Assassin's surprise, Shahkulu's armor protected him from the strike. Ultimately, Ezio killed Shahkulu after a duel and simultaneously stopped the torture and execution of the Ottoman spies in the city.<ref name="ACRV"/>
[[File:Last Palaiologi 2.png|thumb|250px|Manuel and a Byzantine spotting Ezio]]
[[File:Last Palaiologi 2.png|thumb|250px|曼努埃尔和拜占庭人认出埃齐奥]]
埃齐奥奥迪托雷引爆了藏在城中的炸药和火器,让圣殿骑士陷入恐慌。曼努埃尔发现了埃齐奥的踪迹,便仓皇逃跑,命令圣殿骑士杀掉他。圣殿骑士士兵根本挡不住埃齐奥的势头,埃齐奥在码头将曼努埃尔逼入绝境,并杀掉了他。曼努埃尔在死前将钥匙给了他,称他活不到进入图书馆的那一天。此事,艾哈迈德乘船来到现场,透露他的圣殿骑士身份,并威胁埃齐奥让他交出马斯亚夫钥匙,要不然他就抓捕埃齐奥的心仪对象[[索菲亚·萨尔托]]。<ref name="ACRV" />
The Templars panicked when Ezio Auditore blew up the ammunition and armaments hidden inside the city, and Manuel Palaiologos tried to calm the city's citizens. Upon spotting Ezio, Manuel fled and sent the Templars to kill Ezio. The Templar soldiers proved no match for Ezio, and the Assassin confronted Manuel after the latter ran to a dead end on a jetty. Manuel was easily slain and gave up his Masyaf Key to Ezio, cynical that he would survive long enough to enter the library. At that very moment, Ahmet arrived on the scene by boat, revealing his Templar allegiance and threatening to capture Ezio's love interest [[Sofia Sartor]] if Ezio did not surrender the Masyaf Keys.<ref name="ACRV"/>
====Fall of the Byzantines====
没过多久,艾哈迈德就返回了君士坦丁堡,并派一队圣殿骑士前往索菲亚的书店将其掳走。书店被优素福·塔齐姆以及其他刺客守卫着,而圣殿骑士们最终得胜,并杀死了优素福。埃齐奥发现优素福的尸体后,他召集起愤怒的刺客们攻打在[[Harbor of Theodosius|狄奥多西港口]]设防的艾哈迈德以及圣殿骑士。埃齐奥杀到艾哈迈德那里,愤怒地要求得知索菲亚的下落,而人质在手的艾哈迈德只是以她作为要挟。埃齐奥放下他后,艾哈迈德开始自己的说辞:他们都希望世界和平,只是方法不同,所以他们并不应该一开始就成为敌人。他接着维护自己的信念,说即使人们得到了真理,他们也并不会加以承认与运用。但这并没动摇埃齐奥对于自由与多样性的信念,所以艾哈迈德没有多说什么,开门见山提出要求:让埃齐奥将马斯亚夫钥匙带到加拉达塔,不然他就弄死索菲亚。<ref name="ACRV" />
Ahmet returned to Constantinople not too long afterwards and sent a battalion of Templars to capture Sofia from her book shop. The book shop was guarded by Yusuf Tazim and other Assassins, though the Templars emerged victorious, killing Yusuf in the process. Upon discovering Yusuf's lifeless body, Ezio rallied the Assassins against Ahmet and the Templars, who had fortified themselves at the [[Harbor of Theodosius]]. When Ezio reached Ahmet, he furiously demanded for the whereabouts of Sofia, to which the latter reminded him that harming him would cost him the chance to save her. As Ezio let him go, Ahmet lectured that since they both dreamed of world peace, with only their methods differing, it was unreasonable for them to ever have been enemies in the first place. He then asserted his belief that even when people acquire the truth, they are reluctant to acknowledge it. This failed to sway Ezio from his convictions in liberty and diversity, and so without further ado, Ahmet moved on to his real point: an ultimatum demanding that Ezio bring the Masyaf keys to the Galata Tower, lest he have Sofia executed.<ref name="ACRV"/>
在加拉塔旁的城墙上,艾哈迈德和一小队圣殿骑士等着埃齐奥,而他也的确带着钥匙来换索菲亚了。然而艾哈迈德让[[阿齐塞]]<ref name="ACRV novel">《[[刺客信条:启示录(小说)]]》</ref>穿成索菲亚的样子,让拜占庭士兵罩住头部,而真正的索菲亚则在附近的广场正被吊着。当拿到钥匙之后,艾哈迈德便离开了城市,开始他前往马斯亚夫的旅程。<ref name="ACRV" />
On the wall of the Galata Tower, Ahmet and a group of Templars waited for Ezio, who indeed arrived with the keys in exchange for Sofia. However, Ahmet instead had [[Azize]]<ref name="ACRV novel">[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations (novel)|''Assassin's Creed: Revelations'' novel]]</ref> dressed in Sofia's clothing with a bag hidden over her head held by the Byzantine soldier, while the real Sofia was being hanged on a nearby plaza. With this success, Ahmet made his leave out of the city with the Masyaf Keys, and started his journey to Masyaf to open the library.<ref name="ACRV"/>
[[File:End road 22.png|thumb|250px|left|Selim killing Ahmet]]
[[File:End road 22.png|thumb|250px|left|塞利姆杀死艾哈迈德]]
他们离开君士坦丁堡外围之前,埃齐奥救下索菲亚并和她追了上来,开始了马车追逐战。刺客撞毁了其他圣殿马车,但被艾哈迈德从自己车上摔了下来,不过他设法用[[降落伞]]以绳子将自己维系在马车上。当艾哈迈德继续向前的时候,索菲亚驾驶着马车继续追赶。他们在山区追逐,但艾哈迈德终于甩掉了索菲亚,而埃齐奥来到附近的岩台上跳上艾哈迈德的马车,让两人一同坠下悬崖。<ref name="ACRV" />
Before he had even left the outskirts of Constantinople, Ahmet and his Templar entourage were tailed by Ezio and Sofia, the latter who had been rescued by Ezio, and a chase on horse carts ensued. The Assassin took out the other Templar horse carts, only to be knocked off his own carriage by Ahmet, but he managed to keep himself anchored to the cart with a rope. While Ahmet continued his way forward, with Sofia—now as the driver of Ezio's carriage—in rapid pursuit, Ezio deployed his [[Parachutes|parachute]] so as to safely tow behind his cart. After a long chase through the mountains, Ahmet obliterated Sofia's cart. Ezio landed on a nearby hill and from there jumped onto Ahmet's cart, causing the two to fall off a cliff side together.<ref name="ACRV"/>
两人在跌落的过程中继续打斗,然后他们在接近地面时,埃齐奥打开另一个降落伞,让两人缓冲跌落地面。两人安全着陆,但都显出疲态。此时塞利姆带着军队来到此处,来到艾哈迈德那里。艾哈迈德看到弟弟接近,害怕地要求见苏丹,坚持认为禁卫军应该听从苏丹的命令而非塞利姆的指挥。接着塞利姆告诉哥哥,他现在是苏丹了,并开始掐住艾哈迈德,将他推下悬崖,确保王位继承不再有冲突。随着艾哈迈德死亡,拜占庭圣殿最终也被解散了。<ref name="ACRV" />
The two continued to fight one another during their free fall, until at last when they neared too close to the ground, Ezio deployed another parachute to effect a safe landing, with Ahmet managing to hold on safely to him. They both landed safely, but showed signs of heavy fatigue. At that moment, Selim arrived with his army from battle with his father, and strolled up to Ahmet. At his brother's approach, Ahmet fearfully demanded for the presence of the Sultan, insisting that the Janissaries were to obey only his command, not Selim's. It was then that Selim, revealing that he in fact was now the Sultan, started choking Ahmet before throwing him off a precipice to ensure that there would be no conflicts for succession. With Ahmet's death, the Byzantine Templars were ultimately dissolved.<ref name="ACRV"/>
<div style="float:left; width:48;">
*艾哈迈德<ref name="ACRV">''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]''</ref>
*[[达马特·阿里帕夏]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[阿纳克莱托斯]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[法比奥拉·卡瓦扎]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[杰姆]]<ref name="RE">《[[刺客信条:回忆]]》</ref>
*[[罗得岛的西里尔]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[米蕾拉·久里察]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[杜尔卡马拉]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[奥达伊·邓卡斯]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[伊芙琳·格拉]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[卡迪尔]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[萨米拉·哈迪姆]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[“穿刺者”弗拉德三世·德拉库尔斯蒂|弗拉德·采佩什]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[奥达伊·邓卡斯]]<ref name="ACRV" />
<div style="float:right; width:48%;">
*[[乔治斯·科斯塔斯]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[莱安德罗斯]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[吕西斯特拉忒]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[Andreas Palaiologos|安德烈亚斯·帕里奥洛格斯]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[Hasan Pasha|哈桑·帕夏]]<ref name="RE" />
*[[奥科萨娜·拉辛]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[塞拉福]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[沙阿库卢]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[谢沃拉·斯皮纳]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[背叛者瓦力]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[阿列克谢·吉玛]]<ref name=":0" /> {{C|背叛}}
*[[Theodorus Komnenos|西奥多勒斯·科姆内诺斯]]<ref name="ACRV" />
*[[布莱兹·勒罗格]]<ref name="ACRV" />
<gallery captionalign="center" position="center" spacing="small" widths="180">
<gallery captionalign="center" position="center" spacing="small" widths="180">
Ahmet (1465 – 1512).png|[[艾哈迈德]]<br>奥斯曼帝国王子和圣殿骑士首领<br>(1465 – 1512)
Ahmet (1465 – 1512).png|[[艾哈迈德]]<br>奥斯曼帝国王子和圣殿骑士首领<br>(1465 – 1512)
第68行: 第106行:
Vali cel Tradat.png|[[背叛者瓦利]]<br>瓦拉几亚贵族和前刺客<br>(? – 1511)
Vali cel Tradat.png|[[背叛者瓦利]]<br>瓦拉几亚贵族和前刺客<br>(? – 1511)
240px-Damat-ACRDatabaseRender-TST.png|[[达马特·阿里帕夏]]<br>前苏丹巴耶济德二世的大臣和仆人<br>(? – 1511)
240px-Damat-ACRDatabaseRender-TST.png|[[达马特·阿里帕夏]]<br>前苏丹巴耶济德二世的大臣和仆人<br>(? – 1511)
Cyrilofrhodes-render.png|[[米蕾拉·久里奇]]<br>窃贼和算命师<br>(? – 1511)
Mirela Djuric.png|[[米蕾拉·久里奇]]<br>窃贼和算命师<br>(? – 1511)
Mirela Djuric.png|[[罗得岛的西里尔]]<br>前东正教神父<br>(? – 1511)
Cyrilofrhodes-render.png|[[罗得岛的西里尔]]<br>前东正教神父<br>(? – 1511)
Odai Dunqas.png|[[奥代·敦卡斯]]<br>豐吉蘇丹國苏丹的堂兄<br>(? – 1511)
Odai Dunqas.png|[[奥代·敦卡斯]]<br>豐吉蘇丹國苏丹的堂兄<br>(? – 1511)
Georgios Kostas.png|[[乔治斯·科斯塔斯]]<br>希腊运动员<br>(? – 1511)
Georgios Kostas.png|[[乔治斯·科斯塔斯]]<br>希腊运动员<br>(? – 1511)

2020年3月10日 (二) 05:35的版本


圣殿骑士组织拜占庭分册(Byzantine Rite of the Templar Order)[1],通常简称为拜占庭分册,是圣殿骑士组织内一个自治派系。他们曾经统治拜占庭帝国,直到1453年,奥斯曼帝国 攻陷了首都君士坦丁堡,皇帝君士坦丁十一世战死,历时一千余年的拜占庭帝国就此灭亡。圣殿骑士组织打着拜占庭的旗号重新出现在城市中,并以武力推翻奥斯曼帝国及重新建立拜占庭帝国。







1509年君士坦丁堡地震后,圣殿骑士在拜占庭的旗帜下重新出现在城市中。因苏丹巴耶济德二世在地震后就离开了这座城,拜占庭圣殿骑士们很容易就能融入城市中,并在位于德林库尤的老巢开始他们接管奥斯曼帝国的计划。[2] 他们最初由曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯领导,但拜占庭很快注意到了巴耶济德的儿子以及帝国太子艾哈迈德。艾哈迈德加入了圣殿骑士组织,并因他的年轻与个人魅力使自己成为了领袖,而曼努埃尔则成了二把手。[1]

拜占庭圣殿骑士们从西班牙异端审判庭手中得到意大利探险家兼刺客尼科洛·波罗的日记《秘密圣战》后,[3] 他们得知了马斯亚夫的阿泰尔图书馆的存在,并且需要钥匙将其开启。艾哈迈德任命曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯负责马斯亚夫远征,并在君士坦丁堡内寻找钥匙的踪迹,而艾哈迈德自己则继续他的计划确保圣殿骑士在帝国中的权力。[2]

The Wounded Eagle 3














Last Palaiologi 2






End road 22









  1. 1.0 1.1 刺客信条:基本指南引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Encyclopedia”使用不同内容定义了多次
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 刺客信条:启示录引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“ACRV”使用不同内容定义了多次
  3. 3.0 3.1 刺客信条:燎原》 – 奥斯曼的人脉
  4. 《刺客信条:启示录》 - 地中海防御
  5. 刺客信条:启示录(小说)
  6. 6.0 6.1 刺客信条:回忆