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1509年,一场地震袭击了奥斯曼帝国的中心,[[君士坦丁堡]]。紧随着城市遭到毁灭,苏丹[[巴耶济德二世]]又和自己的儿子[[Selim I|赛利姆一世]]为了继承权打得不可开交,圣殿骑士打着拜占庭帝国的旗号回到了这座城市。起初,在曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯的领导下,圣殿骑士的事业得到了很多对奥斯曼帝国失望之极的人的共鸣与支持。而苏丹的长子[[艾哈迈德]]王子,<ref name="ACRV" /> 他的叔叔[[杰姆]]就是一为圣殿骑士。<ref name="ACRC">''[[Assassin's Creed: Recollection]]''</ref>已经厌倦了人与人之间互相对立的艾哈迈德凭借着自己的领导能力和号召力,顺利地成为了拜占庭圣殿骑士的最高大师。<ref name="Encyclopedia" />
1509年,一场地震袭击了奥斯曼帝国的中心,[[君士坦丁堡]]。紧随着城市遭到毁灭,苏丹[[巴耶济德二世]]又和自己的儿子[[Selim I|赛利姆一世]]为了继承权打得不可开交,圣殿骑士打着拜占庭帝国的旗号回到了这座城市。起初,在[[曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯]]的领导下,圣殿骑士的事业得到了很多对奥斯曼帝国失望之极的人的共鸣与支持。而苏丹的长子[[艾哈迈德]]王子,<ref name="ACRV" /> 他的叔叔[[杰姆]]就是一为圣殿骑士。<ref name="ACRC">''[[Assassin's Creed: Recollection]]''</ref>已经厌倦了人与人之间互相对立的艾哈迈德凭借着自己的领导能力和号召力,顺利地成为了拜占庭圣殿骑士的最高大师。<ref name="Encyclopedia" />
[[File:TAG 1.png|thumb|250px|与[[Tarik Barleti|塔里克·巴列蒂]]进行交易的沙阿库卢与曼努埃尔]]
[[File:TAG 1.png|thumb|250px|与[[Tarik Barleti|塔里克·巴列蒂]]进行交易的沙阿库卢与曼努埃尔]]
大约于1511年,圣殿骑士找到了[[尼科洛·波罗]]的日志《[[秘密圣战]]》,发现了[[阿泰尔图书馆]]的存在。因为首先着手处理帝国内部事务,艾哈迈德派曼努埃尔替他去寻找作为马斯亚夫图书馆[[Masyaf Keys|钥匙]]的五枚[[记忆封印]]。有了这五枚记忆封印,就可以打开阿泰尔图书馆的大门。艾哈迈德认为,图书馆里会有能够指引他们前往[[大神殿]]的知识。 <ref name="ACRV" />
大约于1511年,圣殿骑士找到了[[尼科洛·波罗]]的日志《[[秘密圣战]]》,发现了[[阿泰尔图书馆]]的存在。因为首先着手处理帝国内部事务,艾哈迈德派曼努埃尔替他去寻找作为马斯亚夫图书馆[[Masyaf Keys|钥匙]]的五枚[[记忆封印]]。有了这五枚记忆封印,就可以打开阿泰尔图书馆的大门。艾哈迈德认为,图书馆里会有能够指引他们前往[[大神殿]]的知识。 <ref name="ACRV" />
艾哈迈德的密友[[Hasan Pasha|哈桑·帕夏]]成功地在[[托普卡匹宫]]地下找到了一枚记忆封印,<ref name="ACRC" />但他们从[[Yerebatan Cistern|地下水宫殿]]和[[公牛广场]]取回记忆封印的计划被埃齐奥·奥迪托雷挫败了。 埃齐奥是为了取得记忆封印打开图书馆大门而来到了奥斯曼帝国。在寻找记忆封印的过程中,埃齐奥阻止了圣殿骑士绑架当时还是王子的[[苏莱曼一世]]。 而按照圣殿骑士的计划,本来该是艾哈迈德来“救”他的。埃齐奥还在[[Derinkuyu|德林库尤]]地下的拜占庭圣殿骑士总部里杀死了曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯和后者的手下[[沙阿库卢]]。<ref name="ACRV" />
Ahmet's confidante [[Hasan Pasha]] managed to find one underneath [[Topkapı Palace]],<ref name="ACRC" /> though their attempts to obtain the Memory Seals from the [[Yerebatan Cistern]] and [[Forum of the Ox]] were thwarted by Ezio Auditore, who had journeyed to the empire with the same goal of unlocking the library. In the process, Ezio thwarted the Templars' attempt to abduct [[Suleiman I|Prince Suleiman]], who would then be "rescued" by Ahmet, and killed Manuel Palaiologos and his right-hand [[Shahkulu]] at the Byzantine Templar headquarters in the underground city of [[Derinkuyu]].<ref name="ACRV" />
[[File:Escape 1.png|thumb|250px|left|艾哈迈德在德林库尤威胁埃齐奥]]
[[File:Escape 1.png|thumb|250px|left|艾哈迈德在德林库尤威胁埃齐奥]]
之后,艾哈迈德下令让手下的圣殿骑士去绑架埃齐奥的恋人[[索菲亚·萨尔托]]。奥斯曼刺客领袖[[优素福·塔齐姆]]因此被杀。艾哈迈德提出了一项交易,让埃齐奥用已经集齐的五枚记忆封印来交换索菲亚。他最后从埃齐奥手里得到了记忆封印,并离开君士坦丁堡,动身前往马斯亚夫。埃齐奥和索菲亚则紧随其后。<ref name="ACRV" />
After Ahmet ordered his Templars to abduct Ezio's romantic interest [[Sofia Sartor]], during which the Ottoman Assassin leader [[Yusuf Tazim]] was killed, Ahmet offered to exchange Sofia for the five Masyaf keys, which Ezio had gathered. He obtained the keys from Ezio, and left Constantinople for Masyaf, with Ezio and Sofia in pursuit.<ref name="ACRV" />
埃齐奥与艾哈迈德二人在一番争执之后跌落了悬崖,在埃齐奥[[降落伞]]的帮助下才幸存了下来。而艾哈迈德王子遇到了自己战胜了父亲凯旋归来的兄弟赛利姆一世。为了避免艾哈迈德与自己争夺奥斯曼帝国的王位,赛利姆将艾哈迈德丢下了附近的悬崖,身为圣殿骑士领袖的艾哈迈德因此跌死,圣殿骑士在奥斯曼帝国境内的势力也因此遭到了大幅削弱。<ref name="ACRV" />
Ezio and Ahmet fell off a cliff during their altercation, only to be saved by Ezio's [[Parachutes|parachute]], and the prince was confronted by his brother Selim, returning from his victory over their father. To prevent his brother from laying claim to the Ottoman throne, Selim threw him off a nearby cliff, and the Templar leader plunged to his death, effectively dismantling the Templar presence in the empire.<ref name="ACRV" />
{{Quote|Margaret of York has died a "peaceful" death. Outside the Brotherhood, King Henry alone knows of our involvement. We will let him believe our services were bought with royal coin, but, in truth, we have dealt a major blow to the Templar scheme in England.|An Assassin surrounding their attempts against Yorkist Templars, 1503.|Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy}}
自十五世纪晚期开始,圣殿骑士意在将统治英格兰的权力从[[Henry VII|亨利七世]]手上夺走,为此意图恢复约克王朝作为皇室正统的身份。1487年,圣殿骑士发动了一场叛乱,拥立[[Lambert Simnel|兰伯特·西姆内尔]]成为新的国王,而亨利七世则挫败了他们的计划。1490年,圣殿骑士又以[[Perkin Warbeck|珀金·沃贝克]]的名义发动了另一场叛乱,但珀金·沃贝克因此于1497年被捕,并在1499年被处以绞刑。<ref name="ACPL" />
Since the late 15th century, the Templars aimed to wrestle control over England from King [[Henry VII of England|Henry VII]], by attempting to reinstate the House of York as the royal family. In 1487, they instigated a rebellion to install their puppet [[Lambert Simnel]] as the new king, though King Henry stopped their attempt. In 1490, the Templars started a second attempt through a rebellion in the name of [[Perkin Warbeck]], though he was captured in 1497 and hanged in 1499.<ref name="ACPL" />
与他们同谋的[[约克女公爵玛格丽特]]也在1503年被成为亨利七世盟友的刺客所杀。作为反击,圣殿骑士引起了公众的动荡不安。最终叛乱被刺客们平息,作为亨利七世秘密星室法庭部分成员的圣殿骑士也被消灭了。<ref name="ACPL" />
Their co-conspirator, [[Margaret of York]], was killed in 1503 by the Assassins as part of their alliance with King Henry. The Templars caused public unrest in retaliation. Eventually, the rebellion was stopped by the Assassins, and the Templars that were part of King Henry's secret Star Chamber were also eliminated.<ref name="ACPL" />
到了十六世纪五十年代中期,圣殿骑士通过亨利八世的孙女女王[[Mary I of England|玛丽一世]],重新夺回了对英格兰的控制权。他们的胜利十分短暂,玛丽在1558年就被刺客们所杀,王位也由刺客盟友[[伊丽莎白一世]]继承,伊丽莎白一世日后借助一枚伊甸苹果带领英国迎来了黄金时代。<ref name="AC2" />
By the mid-1550s, the Templars managed to regain control over England through King Henry VII's granddaughter, Queen [[Mary I of England|Mary I]]. Their victory was short-lived, as Mary was killed by the Assassins in 1558, and succeeded by their ally Queen [[Elizabeth I of England|Elizabeth I]], who led England into a golden age using an Apple of Eden.<ref name="AC2" />
{{Quote|Brother. I have succeeded in my task. Captain Pizarro will give us everything we have asked. I pray by the time you read these words you will have succeeded in yours and Manco will be dead.|One of Pizarro's conspirators writing to Tuti Cusi, 1536.|Assassin's Creed (Titan Comics)}}
Since at least 1503, after the discovery of the Americas by European explorers, the Templars sought to spread their influence to the New World. The Assassins, in return, sought to equally represent themselves there.<ref name="ACPL">''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]''</ref> By the early 1500s, both groups had managed to establish presences in the New World through both old and newly recruited members.<ref name="DYL">''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations – Discover Your Legacy]]''</ref>
最晚从1503年开始,在欧洲探险家发现美洲大陆之后,圣殿骑士就开始向新大陆散布自己的势力。相对的,刺客同样希望在新大陆上建立起对抗圣殿骑士的力量。<ref name="ACPL">''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]''</ref> 到了十六世纪早期,圣殿骑士与刺客双方都成功地在新大陆上建立起了自己的组织,并在新旧大陆上招募各自的新成员。<ref name="DYL">''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations – Discover Your Legacy]]''</ref>
到了1510年,圣殿骑士操纵了西班牙征服者[[Juan Ponce de León|胡安·庞塞·德·莱昂]],令后者为圣殿骑士组织的计划效力。为此,1521年,庞塞·德·莱昂出发前去寻找伊甸碎片[[青春之泉]]。当他即将要发现青春之泉在[[佛罗里达]]的确切位置时,当地刺客兄弟会成员[[米格尔·拉蒙卡洛·德·卢戈|米格尔·拉蒙·卡洛·德·卢戈]]拦住了他的去路,并对他射出了毒箭。庞塞·德·莱昂随后因为自己的伤势与中毒而死。<ref name="DYL" />
By 1510, the Templars were manipulating the Spanish conquistador [[Juan Ponce de León]] to work towards the Order's plans. To this end, in 1521, Ponce de León sought to discover the [[Fountain of Youth]], a Piece of Eden. As the conquistador was close to discovering its location in [[Florida]], he was stopped by [[Miguel Ramón Carlo de Lugo]], a member of the local Assassin Brotherhood, and fired upon with poison arrows. Ponce de León later succumbed to his injuries.<ref name="DYL" />
The Templars similarly influenced the Spanish conquistador [[Francisco Pizarro]], who subdued the Incan Empire.<ref name="AC2" /> In 1536, Pizarro started a conspiracy to assassinate [[Manco Inca Yupanqui]], Emperor of the Neo Incan Empire. However, before Pizarro's Incan ally [[Tuti Cusi]] could enact the plan, the conspiracy was unravelled and disrupted by the Incan chasqui [[Quila]] and the Assassin [[Gonzalo Pardo]].<ref name="ACvol2">''[[Assassin's Creed (Titan Comics)|Assassin's Creed]]'' – ''[[Assassin's Creed Volume 2: Setting Sun|Volume 2: Setting Sun]]''</ref> In 1541, Pizarro himself was killed by the Assassins.<ref name="AC2" />
圣殿骑士还影响了西班牙征服者[[Francisco Pizarro|弗朗西斯科·皮扎罗]],后者征服了印加帝国。<ref name="AC2" />1536年,皮扎罗谋划刺杀{{Wiki|新印加帝国}}皇帝[[曼科·印加·尤潘基]]。但在皮扎罗的印加盟友图提·库西执行计划之前,刺杀阴谋就被印加查斯基(信使)[[奎拉]]和刺客[[贡萨洛·帕尔多]]揭露并挫败。<ref name="ACvol2">''[[Assassin's Creed (Titan Comics)|Assassin's Creed]]'' – ''[[Assassin's Creed Volume 2: Setting Sun|Volume 2: Setting Sun]]''</ref>1541年,皮扎罗本人被刺客所杀。<ref name="AC2" />
{{Quote|China is just a piece of the prize. We will rule the world, and the box you so kindly presented us, will be yet another tool to achieve a time of peace.|Zhang Yong to Shao Jun during their final confrontation, 1532.|Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China}}
在十六世纪早期,[[八虎]]——明朝[[正德]]年间朝中实力强大的宦官组织——成员之一[[张永]],成为了圣殿骑士组织的一员。1510年,八虎的领导人[[刘瑾]]被指密谋谋权篡位,而张永因此在刘瑾被处刑之后继承了他的位置。随着[[朱厚照|正德帝]]于1521年4月20日驾崩,但因为他没有合法的继承人,整个国家暂时陷入了混乱之中。在寻找王位继承者的过程中,八虎利用自身的势力,拥立他们的傀儡——正德帝朱厚照的侄子,被后世称为嘉靖皇帝的[[朱厚熜]]继承了王位。1524年,八虎利用自己的新势力发动了[[大礼议]],一场消灭了包括刺客在内的所有敌对八虎的势力的清洗运动。之后,八虎任命[[严嵩]]担任他们权力的对外代表,同时维持着自身对朝政的控制,并继续搜寻着先行者遗物。<ref name="ACCC">''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China]]''</ref>
During the early 16th century, [[Zhang Yong]], a member of the [[Eight Tigers]], a group of powerful Chinese eunuchs in the court of the [[Zhengde Emperor]], was recruited into the Templar Order. In 1510, the Eight Tigers' leader [[Liu Jin]] was accused of conspiring against the emperor, and Zhang Yong succeeded him following his execution. After the Emperor died heirless on 20 April 1521, the country was momentarily left in a state of chaos. During the search for a successor, the Eight Tigers used their influence to install their puppet [[Jiajing Emperor|Jiajing]], Zhengde's nephew. In 1524, the Tigers used their new influence to initiate the [[Great Rites Controversy]], a purge which led to the extermination of their enemies including the Assassins. They installed [[Yan Song]] as the public face of their administration, while they maintained their control and hunted for Precursor artifacts.<ref name="ACCC">''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China]]''</ref>
[[File:ACCC Zhang Yong box.png|thumb|250px|手持着先行者之盒,站在王阳明尸体旁的张永]]
[[File:ACCC Zhang Yong box.png|thumb|250px|手持着先行者之盒,站在王阳明尸体旁的张永]]
1526年,刺客领袖[[王阳明]]和他往日的弟子[[邵君]]在兄弟会几近覆灭之时回到了中国。在邵君假意被八虎所抓之后,八虎得到了她身上的[[先行者之盒]]。在接下来的几年时间里,邵君和王阳明开始追杀八虎成员。但张永和[[丘聚]]最后还是对身为圣殿骑士敌人的刺客发动了反击,导致王阳明去世,邵君几乎被捕。<ref name="ACCC" />
In 1526, the Assassins' leader [[Wang Yangming]] and his former student [[Shao Jun]] returned to China following their Brotherhood's decimation. After Jun allowed herself to be captured by the Tigers, they came to acquire the [[Precursor box]] from her. Over the course of the next few years, the Assassins hunted down the Eight Tigers, though Zhang Yong and [[Qiu Ju]] eventually counter-acted their enemies' attacks, resulting in the death of Wang Yangming and the near-capture of Shao Jun.<ref name="ACCC" />
到了1532年,张永成了八虎中幸存下来的唯一一人。出于对于邵君的蔑视与挑衅,张永计划让[[俺答汗]]指挥[[Mongol Empire|蒙古]]军队穿过[[长城]]的城门进攻中原。邵君挫败了他的计划,并在长城上杀死了张永,终结了圣殿骑士对中国的控制。<ref name="ACCC" />
By 1532, Zhang Yong was the only surviving Tiger and, in a final act of defiance against Shao Jun, planned to let the [[Mongol Empire|Mongol]] army of the [[Altan Khan]] through the gates of the [[Great Wall of China|Great Wall]] into China. The Assassin thwarted his plan, and killed the Templar on top of the Great Wall, decimating the Templars' hold over China.<ref name="ACCC" />
{{Quote|These converts are our foothold in this country.|The Jesuit Alessandro Valignano about the Templars' influence in Japan.|Assassin's Creed: Memories}}
在十六世纪上半世纪被刺客连续击败之后,圣殿骑士开始寻找新的扩张势力的地区。约在1549年,耶稣会士[[方济各·沙勿略]]将注意力转向了[[日本]],发现了传播天主教与圣殿骑士理念的机会。在战国时代中期抵达日本的圣殿骑士通过一系列斗争取得了稳固的落脚点,决定不仅仅利用他们能找到的对他们的理念抱有同感的日本人。听闻圣殿骑士出现在日本的消息,刺客也很快做出了回应,开始在日本忍者氏族中寻找盟友。<ref name="ACM" />
After suffering multiple defeats at the hands of the Assassins during the first half of the 16th century, the Templars searched for new areas to expand their influence. Circa 1549, the Jesuit [[Francis Xavier]] turned his attention to [[Japan]], seeing an opportunity to spread both Christianity and the Templar ideology. Landing in Japan in the middle of the Warring States era, the Templars struggled to gain a strong footing in the country, resolving instead to utilize the few native sympathizers they could find. After hearing of the Templars' presence in Japan, the Assassins quickly followed suit, finding allies among the ninja clans.<ref name="ACM" />
[[File:ACM Chiyome 2.png|thumb|200px|望月千代女与她麾下的女忍]]
[[File:ACM Chiyome 2.png|thumb|200px|望月千代女与她麾下的女忍]]
日本圣殿骑士之一,大名[[上杉谦信]]与自己的对手,伊甸宝剑的持有者[[武田信玄]]之间展开了一系列的战斗。他们之间的战斗持续到了1573年。这一年,德川氏和刺客刺杀了武田信玄,而上杉谦信也在1578年被刺客[[服部半藏]]刺杀。意大利圣殿骑士与耶稣会士[[范礼安]]此时在日本境内已经形成了一定的势力,并继续招募信众和圣殿骑士的新成员。当弗朗西斯科·卡布拉尔发现范礼安与圣殿骑士有关的活动时,范礼安强迫[[Francisco Cabral|弗朗西斯科·卡布拉尔]]放弃他耶稣会传教士会长的职位。<ref name="ACM" />
One of the Japanese Templars, the warlord [[Uesugi Kenshin]], fought various battles with his rival [[Takeda Shingen]], the owner of a Sword of Eden. Their rivalry ended when Shingen was assassinated in 1573 by the Tokugawa and the Assassins, and Kenshin himself was killed by the Assassin [[Hattori Hanzō]] in 1578. The Italian Templar and Jesuit [[Alessandro Valignano]] meanwhile maintained a presence in the country, continuing to gain converts and Templar recruits. He forced [[Francisco Cabral]] to resign his post as Superior of the Jesuit Mission when the latter found out about Valignano's Templar activities.<ref name="ACM" />
到了十六世纪九十年代,圣殿骑士招募了武田信玄手下的间谍大师,女忍[[望月千代女]],建立起了在日本各地传播圣殿骑士理念与思想的信息网。然而,望月千代女也被刺客服部半藏所杀。不久之后,服部半藏在1596年死于[[风魔小太郎]]之手。<ref name="ACM" />
By the 1590s, the Templars had managed to recruit the kunoichi [[Mochizuki Chiyome]], Shingen's spymaster, gaining a vast information network that helped spread their philosophy throughout Japan. However, she was also killed by the Assassin Hattori Hanzō, shortly before his own death in 1596 at the hand of [[Fūma Kotarō]].<ref name="ACM" />

2019年1月7日 (一) 17:04的版本

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圣殿骑士组织(Templar Order),也被称作圣殿骑士团(Order of the Knights Templar),是一个通过力量与控制,致力于保证新世界秩序诞生的秘密组织。在十二世纪到十四世纪早期,圣殿骑士主要以骑士军事组织的形式存在。到了二十世纪中叶,圣殿骑士组织则继阿布斯泰戈工业成立,演化为了一个企业巨头。








在公元前75000年前的多峇巨灾之后,亚当夏娃之子该隐谋杀了他的弟弟亚伯,夺走了亚伯手上的伊甸苹果。根据推测,该隐可能是一名圣殿骑士,或者他对于圣殿骑士组织的成立起了很大的推动作用。该隐之印也成为了日后圣殿骑士组织的标志,而最早的那些圣殿骑士自称为“该隐之子”。 [8]


ACO Order of the Ancients




在公元前五世纪,秩序神教向阿契美尼德王朝的第四代皇帝大流士一世提供了帮助,推翻了帝国的篡位者,登上了波斯帝国的王座。秩序神教还为大流士一世的儿子及继承人薛西斯一世提供协助,镇压了埃及巴比伦地区的起义,并征服了希腊的大片土地。[8] 薛西斯一世于公元前465年被早期刺客大流士所刺杀,是历史记载当中第一个被袖剑所刺杀的人。[10]




在公元前四世纪,上古维序者将一把伊甸权杖交给了亚历山大大帝。亚历山大使用这把权杖使自己成为了史上最为成功的征服者之一。[8] 此外,他还使用了伊甸三叉戟的力量。[11]凭借着所获得的先行者的知识,亚历山大发现了位于赫拉特的先行者神殿,并在神殿上方建造了赫拉特城堡[12]

然而,他的征服行动使得他成为了刺客兄弟会前身组织的一个目标。巴比伦人伊尔塔尼开始追踪亚历山大,并最终在公元前323年杀死了他。[10] 在亚历山大大帝死后,他和伊甸碎片一起被埋葬在了亚历山大[1]而伊甸三叉戟的三个戟尖则被分别交给了他手下的将军们。[11]









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Hugh de Payns







Siege of Masyaf Templars
















Tragedy of Jacques de Molay 12






公元1321年,圣殿骑士为了取回阿泰尔·伊本-拉阿哈德的手札,杀死了意大利刺客当中的著名成员但丁·阿利吉耶里,同时也将他们仍旧存在这一事实告知了刺客。这些圣殿骑士雇佣了一群海盗,跟踪后来以多梅尼科·奥迪托雷这个名字出名的刺客前往奥特朗托港口,去取得那本手札。但多梅尼科早已拆散了手札,并将手札各页都藏了起来。到了公元1324年,圣殿骑士已经杀死了多梅尼科·奥迪托雷的父亲、马可·波罗以及其他意大利兄弟会的重要成员。 [10]

AC5EC Numa and Templars 2


公元1340年,埃及圣殿骑士从当时统治埃及的巴赫里王朝皇室处窃取了阿赛特节杖,并将这件神器秘密转移到了他们位于卡纳克的藏身处。[20]1341年6月7日,苏丹阿尔-纳西尔·穆罕默德被圣殿骑士特工莱拉所杀。不久之后,节杖被刺客努马·阿尔卡姆辛取回。在莱拉被捕之后,她受了伤,和努马被关在了同一间牢房里。 [21]


数年之后,1348年,一个名为“十字兄弟会”的圣殿骑士团体去往欧洲各地,为人们提供抵抗黑死病的办法;而他们同时还暗中寻找着先行者神器——永生十字架(安卡,the Ankh)。两年之后,十字兄弟会以及刺客卢卡斯·楚尔堡一同消失了,再也没有出现过。[23]








公元1476年,红衣主教罗德里格·博吉亚成为了意大利圣殿骑士的最高大师。[25] 但是,在他的领导下,圣殿骑士失去了对他们对于和平这一真正目标的追求,转而出于对权力的渴求与贪婪而意图控制整个意大利;圣殿骑士日后将这段时期成为“圣殿骑士组织的中世纪(黑暗时代)”。[8] 在罗德里格的监管之下,圣殿骑士编排了若干次阴谋,废除了意大利各个城邦的权力,[10]在这种种阴谋里首当其冲的就是圣殿骑士在1476年12月26日顺利刺杀了米兰公爵加莱佐亚·马里亚·斯福尔扎[5]随后则是三天后刺客乔瓦尼·奥迪托雷·达·佛罗伦萨和儿子 费代里科彼得鲁乔佛罗伦萨被处决。[10]

BoF 9




罗德里格按照阿泰尔手札部分页面上记载的信息在1486年7月11日派出随从,前去塞浦路斯取回那枚苹果。1488年,圣殿骑士在塞浦路斯取得了苹果并带回了意大利。但很快,埃齐奥和意大利刺客就把苹果偷走了。[10] 失去苹果之后,罗德里格开始关注成为教皇候选人一事,想要将教会的权力独揽于一身,并利用自己的同僚在选举之中作弊。[27]1491年,想要将北美洲作为圣殿骑士的秘密隐藏起来的罗德里格没能阻止克里斯托弗·哥伦布发现并抵达西印度群岛。 [28]


The Inquisitions Army





ACM Apple of Eden Torquemada



一段时间之后,托尔克马达在自己的宫殿里遭遇了埃齐奥·奥迪托雷。他谎称自己根本不知道圣殿骑士,顺利地逃走了,而埃齐奥也没有去追杀他。[28]1498年,刺客们最后还是杀死了托尔克马达。 [10]






Roads lead to 2



不久之后,他从圣天使城堡越狱逃脱,但随即又再次被逮捕,关进了西班牙瓦伦西亚附近的德拉莫塔城堡里。在米凯莱托·科雷拉的协助下,他在1506年顺利越狱。在埃齐奥、马基雅维利与莱昂纳多三人指挥发动的攻势之后,切萨雷位于瓦伦西亚一带的部队几乎全军覆没,而切萨雷也抛弃了自己的得力臂膀米凯莱托并杀死了后者。身为最高大师的切萨雷前往纳瓦拉,去寻求他连襟纳瓦拉国王胡安三世的支持。[32] 在为胡安三世带军于1507年3月进行比亚纳围城战时,切萨雷被埃齐奥·奥迪托雷所杀,意大利圣殿骑士彻底陷入了群龙无首的状态之中。[31]



1509年,一场地震袭击了奥斯曼帝国的中心,君士坦丁堡。紧随着城市遭到毁灭,苏丹巴耶济德二世又和自己的儿子赛利姆一世为了继承权打得不可开交,圣殿骑士打着拜占庭帝国的旗号回到了这座城市。起初,在曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯的领导下,圣殿骑士的事业得到了很多对奥斯曼帝国失望之极的人的共鸣与支持。而苏丹的长子艾哈迈德王子,[6] 他的叔叔杰姆就是一为圣殿骑士。[26]已经厌倦了人与人之间互相对立的艾哈迈德凭借着自己的领导能力和号召力,顺利地成为了拜占庭圣殿骑士的最高大师。[8]



大约于1511年,圣殿骑士找到了尼科洛·波罗的日志《秘密圣战》,发现了阿泰尔图书馆的存在。因为首先着手处理帝国内部事务,艾哈迈德派曼努埃尔替他去寻找作为马斯亚夫图书馆钥匙的五枚记忆封印。有了这五枚记忆封印,就可以打开阿泰尔图书馆的大门。艾哈迈德认为,图书馆里会有能够指引他们前往大神殿的知识。 [6]

艾哈迈德的密友哈桑·帕夏成功地在托普卡匹宫地下找到了一枚记忆封印,[26]但他们从地下水宫殿公牛广场取回记忆封印的计划被埃齐奥·奥迪托雷挫败了。 埃齐奥是为了取得记忆封印打开图书馆大门而来到了奥斯曼帝国。在寻找记忆封印的过程中,埃齐奥阻止了圣殿骑士绑架当时还是王子的苏莱曼一世。 而按照圣殿骑士的计划,本来该是艾哈迈德来“救”他的。埃齐奥还在德林库尤地下的拜占庭圣殿骑士总部里杀死了曼努埃尔·帕里奥洛格斯和后者的手下沙阿库卢[6]

Escape 1











最晚从1503年开始,在欧洲探险家发现美洲大陆之后,圣殿骑士就开始向新大陆散布自己的势力。相对的,刺客同样希望在新大陆上建立起对抗圣殿骑士的力量。[33] 到了十六世纪早期,圣殿骑士与刺客双方都成功地在新大陆上建立起了自己的组织,并在新旧大陆上招募各自的新成员。[23]








ACCC Zhang Yong box







ACM Chiyome 2






Parris:“Reverend? What harm do you wish to inflict? The people here will not condone–”
Stoughton:“The people? The people? Why, an excellent notion, Master Parris. Why endanger Templar blood when we have so many here that would see killing him as God's work?”
―Samuel Parris and William Stoughton surrounding their pursuit of Thomas Stoddard, 1692.[来源]

By 1692, word had reached Templars in the American colonies that some girls in the Puritan town of Salem were exhibiting strange behaviour. Upon investigation, the Templars believed their afflictions to be caused by a Piece of Eden. In order to control the town's Puritan citizens, Templars William Stoughton and Samuel Parris started the Salem witch trials in order to find clues leading to the artifact's location.[36]

The Templars imprisoned the young girls and boys they believed might lead them to the Piece of Eden, though eventually they faced opposition from a local member of the Assassin Brotherhood, Jennifer Querry, and the British Assassin Thomas Stoddard. To stop their interference, the Templars rallied the townspeople against the Assassins, claiming them to be the servants of the Devil.[36]

After allowing them to escape, the Templars witnessed that the girl Dorothy Osborne had some connection to the Isu Consus and recaptured the group. Stoughton intended to kill Stoddard and Querry in Salem, which led Osborne to kill herself to stop the altercation. Parris subsequently shot Stoughton to stop him from causing more bloodshed in the town, believing their actions to be against the ideals of the Order.[36]


“For two decades now I have endeavored to locate this Observatory... a place rumoured to contain a tool of incredible utillity and power. [...] With this device, there would be no secrets among men. No lies. No trickery. Only justice. Pure justice.”
―Laureano de Torres y Ayala to his fellow Templars, 1715.[来源]

During the later part of the 17th century, the Templar Counsel had entrusted Laureano de Torres y Ayala, Grand Master of the Templar Order in the West Indies, with finding the Observatory, an ancient First Civilization complex with the power of monitoring the life of any individual. By 1673, Torres had managed to determine that the complex was linked to "Sages" – humans born with the genetic code and memories of Aita, the Observatory's architect. That year, Torres encountered a Sage known as Thom Kavanagh among Peter Beckford's employees, though the man was abducted by the Assassin leader Bahlam and kept out of the Templars' reach.[37]

A Man They Call The Sage 5


By 1715, word had reached Torres that another Sage had been sighted in the West Indies. To further his goals, he began recruiting new members for the West Indies Rite, including pirate hunter Woodes Rogers, smuggler Julien du Casse, and Duncan Walpole, a British Assassin who intended to switch sides. Unbeknownst to Torres, the pirate Edward Kenway had killed Walpole and impersonated him at the new member's induction into the Order. Soon after, the captured Sage Bartholomew Roberts arrived in Havana, and the Templars kept him out of Assassin hands. Kenway's treachery was soon revealed after he was caught trying to break Roberts out of imprisonment, though the Sage had already escaped by his own means.[37]

The Templars continued to locate the Sage while meanwhile opposing the various Assassin bureaus spread throughout the West Indies. Many of the members of the Rite, including du Casse, were killed by Kenway, who had begun a reluctant alliance with the Assassins. Torres meanwhile managed to locate Roberts in the employ of the slaver Laurens Prins, though Roberts again fled before he could be find by the Templars or Kenway.[37]

Ever a Splinter 8


After another failed attempt to capture Roberts on the African island of Príncipe, the Order's numbers were culled more by Kenway. Eventually, the Templars deduced Roberts had returned to Príncipe, which Rogers divulged to Kenway when the latter attempted to kill him. To set the Templars back, Kenway killed the Sage and destroyed his body, preventing access to the Observatory. Nonetheless, Torres managed to access the Precursor site with the use of brute force, triggering the site's defense mechanisms. In the ensuing chaos, the Grand Master was killed by Kenway, putting a temporary end to their search for Sages.[37]


“It could contain certain knowledge. Perhaps a weapon. Or something as yet unknown, unfathomable in its construction and purpose. It could be any of these things. Or none of them. [...] But of one thing I am certain: whatever waits behind those doors shall prove a great boon to us all.”
―Grand Master Reginald Birch of the British Rite talking about the Grand Temple, 1754.[来源]
A Deadly Performance 13


By the 1730s, Grand Master Reginald Birch of the British Templars, the assistant of Edward Kenway, chose to preoccupy himself with finding First Civilization artifacts from across the world.[24] In so doing, he orchestrated Kenway's murder to retrieve his journal, from which he learned of the Grand Temple, located in the New World. He also took Kenway's son Haytham under his wing to teach him in the Templar ways.[38]

Birch employed Master Templar Lawrence Washington with operations in the New World, and started reaching out to Rites across the world for aid in procuring leads and artifacts. To the same extent, he sent John Harrison across the globe. The Templars' search failed to find any Precursor sites in the Orient and Lisbon, though they recruited William Johnson of the East India Company, the Spanish scientist Antonio de Ulloa and the Louisianan noblewoman Madeleine de L'Isle in the process, the latter of which was soon tasked with finding Precursor artifacts in Chichen Itza in Yucatán.[24]

In November 1751, Washington stole the Precursor box and manuscript from François Mackandal, Mentor of the Haitian Assassins. The Templars in North America soon faced opposition from the Colonial Assassins, as Shay Cormac assassinated Washington, Samuel Smith and James Wardrop to retrieve the artifacts.[24] Around the same time, Haytham Kenway retrieved the Grand Temple's key and was sent to Boston by Birch, where he established the Colonial Rite of the Templar Order. After Haytham killed his old rival Templar Edward Braddock in 1755, he was led to the Grand Temple by his ally Kaniehtí:io, but after realizing the key could not open its door, believed that it was not the Grand Temple's location.[39]

Non Nobis Domine 17


The next year, Shay Cormac allied himself with the Templars to stop the Assassins from triggering more earthquakes like the ones caused by the Port-au-Prince and Lisbon Temples, resulting in a conflict heavily intertwined with the Seven Years' War.[24] In October 1757, Haytham and his sister Jennifer, whom Birch had sold into slavery, killed the British Grand Master in retaliation for their father's murder.[38]

In the colonies, Shay initiated a hunt for his former Brothers alongside Haytham, resulting in the deaths of the most prominent members of the Assassins in the colonies. Their quest culminated in a confrontation at a Precursor site in the Arctic, where the Mentor Achilles Davenport had travelled in hopes of obtaining a Piece of Eden. Achilles was left crippled by Haytham,[24] and by 1763, the Colonial Assassins were decimated.[39]

Reconciliation 1


Meanwhile, the Templars under Madeleine de L'Isle had set up a working colony in Chichen Itza, and ensured the installation of their puppet Jean-Jacques Blaise d'Abbadie as Governor of Louisiana. The Mentor Agaté, Mackandal's former pupil, employed Madeleine's stepdaughter and Assassin Aveline de Grandpré with his assassination in 1765, and the next year with the murder of Baptiste, Agaté's former Brother and a Templar ally. In 1769 Aveline disrupted the Chichen Itza colony's operations by killing Rafael Joaquín de Ferrer, and visited the colony again in 1772, recovering two havels of a Prophecy Disk ahead of the Templars. In 1777, Madeleine was forced to reveal her Templar identity to her stepdaughter, who then pretended to join the Templars in order only to kill her during the feigned initiation.[40]


Ratonhnhaké:ton:“Freedom IS peace.”
Haytham Kenway:“Oh, no. It's an invitation to chaos. Only look at this little revolution your friends have started. I have stood before the Continental Congress and listened to them stamp and shout. All in the name of liberty. But it is just noise.”
―Ratonhnhaké:ton and his father Haytham Kenway, 1778.[来源]
ACIII-TriptoBoston 12


At the onset of the American Revolution, the Colonial Rite of Templars saw an opportunity to create a Templar nation independent of the British Empire in the Thirteen Colonies. During the culmination of several fights between Boston natives and British soldiers on 5 March 1770, Haytham Kenway orchestrated a violent provocation by having his right-hand Charles Lee fire a shot, resulting in the Boston Massacre. This was the first time the Colonial Templars again faced opposition from the Colonial Assassin Brotherhood, when the exiled Mentor Achilles Davenport's protegé Ratonhnhaké:ton, the son of Haytham and Kaniehtí:io, unsuccessfully attempted to stop the Templars' scheme.[39]

On 16 December 1773, the Colonial Templars' financial operations were disrupted when Ratonhnhaké:ton and members of the Sons of Liberty movement dumped William Johnson's tea from the East India Company into the Boston harbor. Johnson was subsequently killed by Ratonhnhaké:ton in 1774 when trying to buy land from the Iroquois Confederacy. As the revolution began to formally erupt, the Templars sought to install Lee as the Commander of the Continental Army; however, Lawrence Washington's brother George was instead chosen at the Second Continental Congress. When the first battles of the American Revolutionary War were fought, the Templars were again struck a major blow when John Pitcairn, a British marine officer, was killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill.[39]

ACIII-Laststand 18


After discovering Ratonhnhaké:ton was his son, Haytham Kenway chose to join forces with him in 1778 to find and kill the Templar turncoat Benjamin Church,[39] to Lee's dissatisfaction.[38] Their alliance ended when Haytham revealed that Washington was behind the Ratonhnhaké:ton's village in 1760, as his son believed that he had known the information for far longer. Haytham then returned to his residence at the Templars' headquarters in Fort George, New York, which was in 1781 besieged by Ratonhnhaké:ton with aid from the French Navy.[39] Seeking to protect Lee, Haytham entrusted him with the Grand Temple's key and stayed behind and fend off his son's attack. Despite his hopes of reconciliation,[38] Haytham was killed in the ensuing battle with his son, and Lee became the next Grand Master.[39]

While speaking at Haytham's funeral, the procession was disrupted by Ratonhnhaké:ton, seeking a confrontation with Lee. Lee had the Assassin captured, and after the Grand Master left, Ratonhnhaké:ton eliminated out his captors. Afraid the Assassin might take his life, Lee attempted to flee the country, but Ratonhnhaké:ton tracked him down to the Boston harbor. After their confrontation left them both heavily wounded, Lee fled to a tavern in Monmouth, where he shared one final moment with Ratonhnhaké:ton and perished at his hand,[39] leaving Shay Cormac as the last member of the Colonial Rite.[24]


“For centuries we've focused our attentions on the trappings of power: the titles of nobility, the offices of Church and State. [...] When our brother Templars see the old institutions crumble, they will adapt. They will retreat to the shadows and we will, at last, be the Secret Masters we were meant to be.”
―François-Thomas Germain about the Templar Order, 1794.[来源]

By the late 18th century, the Templars in Paris, under the leadership of François de la Serre, had built up a steady relationship with King Louis XVI and the Assassins under the leadership of the comte de Mirabeau. A member of the order, the Sage François-Thomas Germain, began suffering from strange visions of the time of the First Civilization, and later found the Codex Pater Intellectus in Jacques de Molay's vault. Feeling a connection to de Molay through their Sage genetics, Germain was inspired to reshape the Templar Order in his vision, by removing the power of the aristocracy and the church and distributing it to the middle class, but was cast out by de la Serre for his radical ideas circa 1778.[7]

High Society 12


Germain secretly managed to gain the support of other members of the Order, and orchestrated the Grand Master's assassination at the Palace of Versailles on 5 May 1789. Now effectively the new Grand Master, Germain continued to face opposition from the conservative Templars Chrétien Lafrenière and the former Grand Master's daughter, Élise de la Serre.[7]

Germain was imprisoned within his own workshop by Lafrenière, where he was rescued by the unwitting Assassin Arno Dorian, seeking revenge for the murder of his adoptive father, the old Grand Master. Germain convinced Arno that Lafrenière was the perpetrator, and Lafrenière's subsequent death destroyed much of the opposition.[7]

Per Germain's plan, the French population began to rise up, fueled by inflation of grain prices by Marie Lévesque. Eventually, the Templar Louis-Michel le Peletier cast the final vote that condemned King Louis to death at the National Convention. On 21 January 1793, the Grand Master attended the King's execution by guillotine at the Place de la Révolution, and later entrusted control of the new French Republic to the Templar Maximilien de Robespierre, a leading figure in the radical Jacobin Club. Robespierre proceeded to enforce Templar rule through the Reign of Terror, resulting in the execution by guillotine or imprisonment of thousands of citizens.[7]

ACU The Temple 3


At the Festival of the Supreme Being on 8 June 1794, held by Robespierre, Arno Dorian and Élise de la Serre managed to turn public opinion against Robespierre, and Germain abandoned him. After escaping from the National Guard on 27 July, Robespierre fled to his Jacobin supporters, but was forced to give the location of the Templar headquarters at the Temple.[7]

Arno and Élise infiltrated the Temple, where they confronted Germain in Jacques de Molay's vault. Managing a final stand utilizing de Molay's Sword of Eden, Germain killed Élise, but in turn lost his life at the hands of Arno, leaving the French Templars leaderless. Nonetheless, Germain was convinced that his Templar brothers would embrace his vision for the Order.[7]



“The man is a fool. Our adversaries will assuredly arrive soon and take his head, and the Koh-i-Noor. We cannot allow that to happen.”
―Tavis Olier to Jan van der Graff about Sultan Selim III, 1808.[来源]

At some point around the early 19th century, the Black Cross Tavis Olier was sent to investigate and retrieve the Koh-i-Noor diamond, a powerful Piece of Eden, from Sultan Selim III in Tripoli. He was captured and imprisoned, after which the next Black Cross Solomon Bolden was sent to Tripoli in 1805 to save Olier and acquire the artifact.[41]

ACT Akhbar Koh-i-Noor


En route to Tripoli, Bolden became acquinted and allied himself with Jan van der Graff, secretly an agent of Emperor Napoleon. Van der Graff agreed to help Bolden enter the palace, but the two were caught and the Black Cross were executed. Van der Graff shared a cell with Olier, who trained the former for three years in the ways of the Black Cross and the Templar Order.[41]

In 1808, Olier sacrificed himself to allow Van der Graff's escape. Van der Graff witnessed how Selim's assistant Ahkbar, secretly an Assassin, poisoned the Sultan and stole the artifact. Van der Graff killed the Assassin, and when more members of the Brotherhood showed up, pretended to hand over the artifact. In reality, he escaped with the artifact, intending to keep it safe as the new Black Cross.[41]


“Our historic assembly will be held on Saint John's Day— a date the Oppressors value so much! How ironic.”
Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan, about Duvernay's soirée, 1834.[来源]

During the early 19th century, British Templars operated as the Château Clique, a group of wealthy families in Lower Canada, which held control over the administration of Quebec. In response, the Assassins, fighting for French Canadian independence from the Templars' oppression, financed the journalist Ludger Duvernay in 1832 to write several articles accusing the administration of serving the Clique.[23]

The Templars had Duvernay arrested, and hired vagrants and laborers to mob the jail in protest of the journalist's writings. The Assassins managed to turn the populace against the Templars, likely with the usage of an Apple of Eden. The Brotherhood secured Duvernay's release, and in 1834, he founded the Société Aide-toi et le ciel t'aidera.[23] On 24 June of that year, Duvernay held a soirée for the society to stand up against the "Oppressors", which the Templars attempted to disrupt.[33]


“You're one of a kind. Benevolent, they say. All castes and creeds under one roof. You haven't even the temper to order the death of one lowly thief. It takes more nerve than that to bring the world to order.”
―General Francis Cotton to Maharaja Ranjit Singh, 1839.[来源]

By 1839, the British Templars had turned their attention towards India, hoping to gain control of the region through Great Britain's conquests. In 1839, the Sikh Empire remained the last bastion of resistance to the British Empire in the Indian subcontinent. Seeing an opportunity to take control of India under the banner of the British banner, the Templars focused on removing Maharaja Ranjit Singh from power,[8] and taking the Koh-i-Noor, a powerful Piece of Eden, from his possession.[42]

ACBM Singh Cotton


On 27 June 1839, William Hay Macnaghten and his companion, General Francis Cotton, a Templar, attended a feast at the Maharaja's summer palace, secretly intending to poison him in order to weaken the Sikh Empire's power. During their meeting with the Maharaja that evening, Cotton poisoned his tea, which would later kill him, but faced opposition from the Assassin Arbaaz Mir. In the following conflict, Princess Pyara Kaur activated the Koh-i-Noor and temporarily transformed into the Precursor Durga. After Cotton shot at her, Durga unleased a burst of energy, killing Cotton and the palace guards.[42]

Two years later, Cotton's successor, administrator William Sleeman, a Master Templar, and his right hand Alexander Burnes kidnapped the Mentor Hamid and stole the Koh-i-Noor. Sleeman took the artifact and a Precursor box into the Precursor temple in Amritsar, where the artifacts showed him a map leading to another temple in Herat. Sleeman and Burnes journeyed there, but were instead distracted by Arbaaz Mir, who had followed the Templars to Afghanistan.[12]

ACCI Quest Begins (3)


Though the Assassin was captured, he later escaped, but opted to let Burnes live after deating him in a duel and retaking the artifacts. Sleeman had journeyed back to Amritsar to kidnap Mir's lover Pyara Kaur to exchange her for the artifact, holding her ransom inside the summer palace. The Assassin confronted Sleeman and handed over the artifacts, though the princess stabbed swiftly stabbed Sleeman, allowing Mir to retake the Koh-i-Noor, leaving the Templars with only the Precursor box.[12]

Several years later, the Templar plan to weaken the Sikh Empire was a success, and control of the region ultimately fell to the Templars, under the British banner, after the empire's downfall in 1849.[42]


During the 1860s, at the start of the American Civil War, the American Rite of the Templar Order was under the control of Grand Master William M. Tweed. Tweed was the "boss" of Tammany Hall, the Democratic Party political machine, through which he directly influenced the Confederate States of America. In order to regain a stronger position over the Assassins since their eradication during the American Revolution, the Templars hoped to create chaos in the political climate to reclaim power.[11]

To this end, Tweed orchestrated the New York City draft riots with the aid of Templars controlling the police and the army. Templar agent Cudgel Cormac managed to influence the New York gangs to instigate chaos and mayhem. The Grand Master knew the rioters would eventually turn against the black citizens of the city, which conflicted with his own opposition to race segregation, but was deemed a necessary evil to realize their goals.[11]

After Tweed received intel the Assassins intended to locate a Dagger of Eden, one of the prongs of the Trident of Eden, the Grand Master sent Cormac to intercept them and acquire the artifact. Cormac was unable to succeed in his mission and was stopped by the Assassin Varius and his ally Eliza, Tweed's maid.[11]

The Assassins handed the Dagger of Eden to General Ulysses S. Grant to turn the civil war in the favor of the Union against the Confederacy.[11] The Templars later ordered John Wilkes Booth to kill President Abraham Lincoln of the Union in April 1865. Booth himself was killed by the Assassins the same month.[10]

After Grant's 1868 election as President of the United States, the Templar Order infiltrated his administration. The Templars helped Grant master the powers of the Dagger, by granting him access to a Precursor box and pages of the Voynich manuscript.[43]


“This tea was brought to me from India by a ship, then, up from the harbor to a factory, where it was packaged and ferried by carriage to my door, unpacked in the larder and brought upstairs to me. All by men and women who work for me. Who are indebted to me, Crawford Starrick, for their jobs, their time, the very lives they lead. They will work in my factories and so too shall their children.”
―Crawford Starrick talking about his influence in London, 1868.[来源]
ACS Overdose 10


Since the death of Edward Kenway in 1735, the British Templars dominated over London, the capital of the British Empire. As a result, the Templars' influence over the Empire was unmatched by the Assassins, and the Templars took a leading role in steering the Industrial Revolution. By the mid 1860s, the British Templars had fallen under the leadership of Grand Master Crawford Starrick, a London businessmen with influence over every aspect of London society, and was at the head of a criminal gang known as the Blighters.[44]

By 1868, the British Templars had learned of an artifact hidden in London, a Shroud of Eden. While Starrick retained his control over the city, he and Lucy Thorne endeavoured to find the artifact's location. Around the same time, two young twin Assassins, Jacob and Evie Frye, journeyed to the city to retake it from Templar control, with the aid of local Assassin Jayadeep Mir and a network of connections through the city.[44]

Over the course of several months, Starrick saw his network of lieutenants eliminated, as the Assassins eliminated Rupert Ferris, David Brewster, John Elliotson, Malcolm Millner, Pearl Attaway, Philip Twopenny, James Brudenell and Maxwell Roth. The Templars' attempt on the life of Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, who opposed their interests, was also thwarted, while the Blighters also lost their territory to the Assassins' gang, the Rooks. Their search for the Piece of Eden was also severely hindered after Evie eliminated Thorne and was able to secure a First Civilization key.[44]

Starrick is back in the fight M4


With his power severely dwindled, Starrick made a last endeavour to oppose the Assassins, by planning to kill Queen Victoria and other high profile guests at a party at Buckingham Palace. Having discovered the artifact was located in a vault beneath the palace, Starrick stole the key from Evie and obtained the artifact while the Assassins were busy taking down the Grand Master's agents at the party.[44]

Ultimately, though, the Shroud was unable to prevent Starrick's death at the hands of the Assassins during their subsequent confrontation, and Templar control over the British Empire temporarily ceased.[44]


“Russia has made some very powerful friends. She will be a new Eden on Earth.”
―Tsar Alexander III of Russia on his alliance with the Templars, 1888.[来源]

By the late 19th century, the Templars managed to hold sway over Russia through their influence over Tsar Alexander II, until his death on 13 March 1881 during a bomb attack by the Narodnaya Volya, a front for the Russian Assassins. His son and successor, Alexander III, became a willing ally of the Templars and was entrusted with a Staff of Eden, which became the Imperial Scepter.[45]

ACTF Templars Tunguska


On 29 October 1888, Tsar Alexander III was confronted by the Assassin Nikolai Orelov while travelling by train to Saint Petersburg, and Alexander was stabbed in the kidney during their fight, which resulted in the Borki train disaster. Alexander died of kidney failure in 1894, and was succeeded by his son Nicholas II.[45] In order to continue holding influence over the Russian Imperial court, the Templar agent Grigori Rasputin grew close to the Imperial family, and retrieved the Imperial Scepter,[10] taking it to a Templar research facility in Tunguska.[45]

On 30 June 1908, the Assassins raided the facility, and their ally Nikola Tesla unleashed a burst of electricity to the facility, destroying the artifact and resulting in a huge explosion. Rasputin retrieved a splinter of the artifact, which he utilized to continue holding sway among the Romanov family,[45] until he was killed by the Assassins in 1916. The Assassins eventually managed to help the rise of the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution.[8]


“We may have struck a blow against the enemy, but London is still riddled with German agents. Currently, there's a new group, unlike anything I've seen before. Theirs is a fanatical, almost religious, fervor.”
Winston Churchill to Lydia Frye about the Master Spy's network, 1916.[来源]


In 1914, the First World War broke out, pitting the Allied Powers and Central Powers against one another. Throughout the war, the Templars' presence was strong within the ranks of the German Empire, using their forces as a means to further their plans.[44] Throughout the war, the Templars and Assassins continued opposing each other's plans. To that extent, on 29 December 1914, during the Christmas truce, the German Templar general Erich Albert was assassinated by an Assassin operating as a medic in the British Army.[33]

In 1916, a group of Templars started operating a spy network in London, England. The network, led by the Master Spy, a Sage secretly serving the interests of Juno as her Instrument, spread its influence through the Tower Bridge area. On orders of Winston Churchill, the Assassin Lydia Frye killed the members of the network and the Master Spy.[44]


Templar #1:“Sverdlov already had the Tsar and his wife killed. The kids are next, if they don't talk.”
Templar #2:“The Tsar is dead? I need to see that.”
―Two Templars discussing their involvement in the shooting of the Romanov family, 1918.[来源]

Near the end of the First World War, the Bolsheviks' communist movement in Russia led to the Russian Revolution in February and October 1917. While the Templars opposed communism, the Assassins supported the working class in installing a populist government and pressured Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate.[8]

ACCR DotT (9)


In 1918, the Russian Templars discovered that the royal family was in possession of a Precursor box, and on 17 July they infiltrated their Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg. A Templar team led by Yakov Yurovsky massacred the entire royal family, except the Tsarevich's daughter Anastasia Nikolaevna, who escaped with the artifact and the help of Nikolai Orelov.[46]

The Templars were contacted by Leon Trotsky, a friend of Nikolai's who intended to hand Anastasia over to the Templars for the sake of the Revolution. Amidst the Kazan Operation, Trotsky betrayed Nikolai when he arrived seeking aid. Though the Templars managed to capture Nikolai, he was saved by Anastasia who had acquired the consciousness of Shao Jun through interaction with the Precursor box.[46]

Ten years later, with Russia now transformed into the communist Soviet Union, the Templars had managed to work their way into the government led by Joseph Stalin by infiltrating the Politburo. The Templar Yuri Petrovich Figatner started a counter-revolutionary commission to root out the Assassin presence in the Soviet Union, a plot which would ensure the Templars held the upper hand over the Assassins in Russia until 1953, when Stalin was killed by the Assassins.[25]


“If [the Nine] want to come here and see all the squabbling nation-states we have to deal with, the warlords in the countryside, the communists and gangsters in the back alleys... let them see how bloody easy it is to keep order in this cesspool, I say!”
―Coxworth about the state of Shanghai and China, 1925.[来源]

In the early 20th century, the Chinese Templars were led by Grand Master Sun Yat-sen, the Provinsial President of the Republic of China. Under his leadership, he managed to maintain good relations with the communists, preserving the peace between them and the nationalists in Shanghai. In 1925, Sun was killed by the Assassin Brotherhood and Stirling Fessenden became the new Grand Master. However, the Shanghai Rite was looking to induct Sun's successor Chiang Kai-shek into the Order and grant him the position of Grand Master.[47]

As Chiang was more opposed to communism than Sun, tensions between Chiang's Nationalist Party and the Communist Party rose in Shanghai. Around the same time, Grand Master Thaddeus Gift of the British Rite was killed by the Black Cross Albert Bolden for corruption. To make up for his father's mistakes, Darius Gift was sent to Shanghai to deliver a box which contained, unbeknownst to him, the severed finger of his father wearing a Templar ring.[47]

ACT Chiang and Fessenden


After eliminating the traitor Yuri Dolinsky, who planned to use the Templar train Great Wall against the Templars,[48] the Black Cross rescued Darius Gift after he lost the box and was harassed by corrupt policemen. While Gift endeavoured to receive the box, the Black Cross sought to discover who betrayed Gift's location. Gift retrieved the box from Ruan Lingyu, and the Black Cross became entangled in a conflict with underworld boss Du Yuesheng and his Green Gang.[47]

The Black Cross discovered that Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the Templars, having no interest to accept their invitation and instead allying himself with Du Yuesheng against the communists. After Gift discovered it was the Black Cross who killed his father, Gift shot his fellow Templar, believing his subsequent fall from a rooftop to have killed him.[47]


“Few people can survive direct contact with the Koh-i-Noor. Fewer still can control it. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say [Grosvenor] plans to control you in order to control the gem.”
―Albert Bolden to Ignacio Cardona, 1937.[来源]

Around 1936, the Templar Rufus Grosvenor, a former disciple of the Master Spy and secretly an Instrument of Juno, stole the Koh-i-Noor from the Black Cross Albert Bolden. As his former master did research into bloodlines with high concentrations of Precursor DNA, Grosvenor decided to locate the Assassin Ignacio Cardona, who was involved in the Spanish Civil War, and have him unlock the artifact's secrets. Meanwhile, Bolden followed Grosvenor to Spain, hoping to keep the artifact safe.[49]

ACU Koh-i-Noor powers


A master manipulator, Grosvenor persuaded the Assassin Norbert Clarke, a British Assassin sent to aid the Spanish Brotherhood, into taking his own life and the Templar stole his identity, working his way into Cardona's Assassin cell in Barcelona. After internal fighting broke out between the Republicans and communists and the Assassins were unsure of who to join, Grosvenor convinced Cardona to use the Koh-i-Noor to calm them; however, the Assassin dropped swiftly dropped the artifact. Bolden, watching the affair, attacked Grosvenor and escaped with an unconscious Cardona.[49]

Convincing Cardona of Grosvenor's identity and intentions, the Assassin joined Bolden to take the artifact from Grosvenor. However, Grosvenor had persuaded the other Assassins to his cause, leading to an eventual confrontation in a run-down church in the countryside. Grosvenor granted a defeated Cardona another opportunity to unlock the artifact's power, and the Assassin created bulls from its energy to destroy the church, causing the rogue Assassin to flee and leaving the artifact buried. After Bolden and Cardona continued fighting in the civil war, Bolden served as the protector of the site.[49]


“H. has [the Apple of Eden], so I assume the war will begin as soon as he can take over. We'll let him have his fun (Lord knows, that kind of purge will be good for Europe) and then end it with a bang, as planned. Out of the chaos of war a new order will emerge!”
―Henry Ford in a letter to Thomas Edison, 1930s.[来源]

During the 1930s, Henry Ford, one of the Order's leaders, shipped one of the Templars' Apples of Eden to Germany to pass it onto Adolf Hitler, who would go on to become the leader of Nazi Germany. Having already laid the groundworks for the Second World War, several of the Order's most influential businessmen founded Abstergo Industries as its public front in 1937. Their intention for the company was to act as a global conglomerate secretly dominating the capitalist market in the wake of the war, and to dismantle communist governments.[31]

In 1939, Hitler used his Apple of Eden to ignite the Second World War. Alongside Hitler, the war's other most prominent leaders – Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin – were all secretly manipulated by the Templars into creating a worldwide state of chaos and disorder to allow the Order to take control.[10] At the start of the war, Obbergruppenführer Gero Kramer, a high-ranking Templar, started a secret project called Die Glocke, using the German nuclear project to disguise his true intentions, employing the aid of the Nazis' Apple of Eden and Nikola Tesla, whose death they staged.[50]

On 27 February 1943, the Assassin Eddie Gorm infiltrated the Nazi heavy water facility in Vemork, where Die Glocke was secretly located. Eventually confronted by Kramer, the Templar overpowered the Assassin easily and placed him inside the Animus, intending for him to relive the lives of his ancestors to find more Pieces of Eden, ensuring Kramer would take a leading role in creating their New World Order. The experiment failed, and Kramer fled during the ensuing chaos that was caused by an Allied attack on the facility.[50]

By July 1943, the Templars had reached an alliance with Pash in order to collaborate on assassinating Hitler, who had become too powerful and erratic for the Templars to manipulate and control. Nonetheless, Kramer was assassinated on 15 July at the hands of Gorm and Julia Dusk on Pash's orders, who claimed the Apple of Eden for himself. The Templar scientist John von Neumann subsequently worked with Pash on the USS Eldridge on the Project Rainbow, an attempt to use Die Glocke and the Apple of Eden to go back in time and kill Hitler before his rise to power. Gorm killed Tesla on board the ship, setting the project back. It was ultimately a failure, and the Templars moved von Neumann to the Manhanttan Project to improve the Allies' position over the Axis.[50]

In July 1944, at the height of the war, economic agents of the Templars met at the Bretton Woods conference to launch the next phase of the Plan, and the World Bank was subsequently established.[31] On 30 April 1945, as Hitler left the Führerbunker, he was killed by the Assassins. Two months later, Abstergo sanctioned the Manhattan Project's tests of the atomic bomb, and on 6 and 9 August of that year two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan.[10] Amidst the resulting chaos of the war, the Templars were able to guide the world's economic rebuilding towards the goals of their New World Order.[31]


“Democracy must die to ensure the stability of the world. Capitalism will end it. [...] The capitalists will do whatever we tell them to. We print the dollars they worship after all.”
―An unknown Templar regarding their plans to dismantle democracy.[来源]

Following the war, one of the Templars' first acts was orchestrating the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, who had risen up against the British rule in India using an Apple of Eden, in 1948.[10] Several months later, Harry Dexter White was killed by his fellow Templars, after he decided to betray them and tried to reveal their capitalist plans to the Soviet Union.[31]

The Chinese Civil War continued after the end of World War II, and the Templars inevitably decided to exert their influence over Chiang Kai-shek's communist rival Mao Zedong, who became the new leader of China.[31] Meanwhile, the Templars' grip on the Soviet Union had weakened, culminating in the fatal poisoning of Joseph Stalin at the hands of the Assassins in 1953.[25]

That same year Abstergo planned the overthrow of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh of Iran to prevent the nationalization of the country's oil industry. In June 1954 the Templars again killed one of their own members, Alan Turing, for disobeying their order to not build a robot to prevent mass unemployment and lower birth rates, and they also overthrew the communist President of Guatemala, Jacobo Árbenz.[31]

AC2 Moon landing negative


The following decade, President John F. Kennedy of the United States was killed by the Templar sleeper agent Lee Harvey Oswald to prevent the Americans' joint venture to the Moon with the Soviet Union. This paved the way for NASA, one of Abstergo's puppet companies, to organize the Apollo 11 spaceflight and retrieve an Apple of Eden from the Moon's surface.[10]

Five years following the coup d'état in Chile was saw the death of communist President Salvador Allende in 1973,[31] Abstergo scientist Warren Vidic created the first version of Animus, a device capable of reading the genetic memory of its user.[37] The Animus Project, aimed at discovering information about Pieces of Eden and the Assassins through genetic memory, was formally started in 1980.[25] As part of this project, Abstergo kidnapped a young boy – later named Daniel Cross – in 1983 to use him as its fourth subject,[45] and Vidic experimented on the boy's mind using a Piece of Eden replica[31] to implant an impulse to kill the Mentor of the Assassin Brotherhood. He was subsequently released into the world as an unwitting sleeper agent sent to infiltrate the Assassins.[45]

In 1991, Abstergo took a leading role in the overthrow of President Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union after realizing he did not have Abstergo's interests at heart. The Templars orchestrated the downfall of the Soviet Union and installed their puppet Boris Yeltsin as the first President of Russia. Nine years later, they helped Vladimir Putin gain power and become his successor.[31]



“We have turned over a rock and sent the insects scurrying, but we will stamp on them before they can hide again. I am confident that we will soon witness the fall of the Order of Assassins, and we may fullfill our ambitions unimpeded.”
―Dr. Warren Vidic in an email to Alan Rikkin, 2000.[来源]


By 2000, Daniel Cross had become an official member of the Assassin Brotherhood, believing it to be his goal to find their Mentor after experiencing a vision in 1998. After travelling the world to gain support from the other Assassins in his quest, the Mentor met Daniel at his office in Dubai on 6 November 2000. Acting on the impulse in his brain, Daniel killed the Mentor when the latter handed him a ceremonial hidden blade.[45]

The Assassins were left in a state of chaos,[45] which allowed to the Templars to gain the upper hand in the American Presidential election the next day and install their puppet George W. Bush.[31] On 21 November, Daniel returned to Abstergo's Philadelphia facility and gave them the locations of the Assassin safehouses he visited, after which the Templars initiated the Great Purge – a woldwide operation that resulted in the near-annihiliation of the Assassin Brotherhood.[45]

The Templars spent the next several years routing out the remaining Assassin cells and safehouses. In 2002, Daniel recovered the Prophet's Codex, a book written by Ezio Auditore da Firenze, from a hidden library beneath Moscow, and first learned of the Assassin's descendant "Desmond".[51]


“We've found a perfect candidate named Desmond Miles. His ancestral tree fits the data gathered from Subject 16's memory of Ezio Auditore. But it is quite likely that he won't cede essential details freely. Desmond is the key to the location of the Pieces of Eden. Our scientists have been running tests. If we were to place just one within a satellite and angle it toward the Earth... well, utopia would be within our grasp.”
―Dr. Warren Vidic about the Animus Project's intent, 2012.[来源]
Keeping an eye on humanity


Meanwhile, Vidic continued the Animus Project, uncovering new information about the Pieces of Eden for their Eye-Abstergo, a satellite powered by a Piece of Eden meant to enforce their New World Order, set for launch in 2012.[31] In 2005, the Assassins sent Lucy Stillman to infiltrate Abstergo as a new employee and gain insight into the Animus Project,[17] though she was eventually turned by the Templars.[52]

The Assassin Clay Kaczmarek allowed himself to be captured for the Animus Project on the orders of their leader William Miles in 2011, and through reviewing his genetic memories, Vidic discovered a lead on Ezio Auditore da Firenze's Apple of Eden. Clay killed himself in 2012, after Lucy's new allegiance prevented her from allowing him to escape,[52] the Templars sought out and kidnapped Desmond Miles as the new subject for their project.[25] Eventually, the Templars allowed Desmond to escape to the Assassins with Lucy, to encourage his willingness at finding Ezio's Apple of Eden.[52] However, when they recovered the artifact from the Colosseum Vault, the Precursor Juno forced Desmond to kill Lucy[31] to prevent the Templars from obtaining the artifact and finding the Assassins.[39]

AC3 Abstergo Suicide Squad


Meanwhile, the Assassins engaged in several altercations with Templar teams led by Daniel Cross and their new agent Juhani Otso Berg.[25] Desmond's Assassin team had taken shelter inside the Grand Temple, and began looking for power sources to activate the ancient temple.[39]

Their search ultimately resulted in William Miles' capture by Berg's Sigma Team.[25] During the exchange at the Abstergo Campus in Rome to trade William for the Apple, his son Desmond killed Daniel Cross and instead used the artifact to kill Vidic and the guards. The Eye-Abstergo project was postponed indefinitely in light of Vidic's death.[39]


“Using Animus technology, Precursor history will be open to us for the first time ever. Ancient languages will be unlocked and ancient technology will be ours for the taking. Imagine what will be possible if we master the technology underpins the Pieces of Eden. Such discoveries would surpass one-hundredfold the splitting of the atom.”
―Narration of Abstergo Industries' internal Phoenix Project video, 2014.[来源]

On 21 December 2012, Desmond Miles sacrificed himself in the Grand Temple in order to save the world from destruction by an incoming solar flare.[39] Several hours after his death, Abstergo agents recovered his body from the temple;[25] utilizing the DNA from his genetic memories, his genetic sample became the basis for Abstergo Entertainment's Sample 17 Project, aimed at exploring Desmond's rich ancestry. By 2013, Abstergo had released the Animus as a consumer product as the Animus glass,[37] and in India as the Brahman V.R., which would automatically upload a user's genetic memory to the Abstergo Cloud.[42]

ACBM Guardians Mumbai


In November 2013, the Sample 17 Project was sabotaged by one of their employees, the Sage John Standish, who was ultimately killed by Abstergo guards following an altercation between Standish and another employee.[37] Simulatenously, Juhani Otso Berg was dispatched to India to find Jot Soora, presumably the descendant of Arbaaz Mir after following a lead from the Brahman project, hoping to secure the Koh-i-Noor diamond. However, the Assassin's true descendant Monima Das, Jot's fiancée, was killed during the Abstergo agents' pursuit of Jot Soora and his Assassin captors, and Arbaaz's memories were wiped from the Abstergo Cloud.[42]

The recovery of John Standish's body greatly helped Abstergo's Phoenix Project, aiming to sequence a full First Civilization triple-helix genome with the ultimate goal of unlocking the secrets of the Pieces of Eden.[37] Abstergo agents and Assassin cells continued their renewed search for the ancient artifacts, resulting in the Assassins' failed attempt to secure the Precursor box from an Abstergo facility in Rotterdam, Juhani Otso Berg's fruitless search for the Ankh in Germany, and his excavation of the remains of the Observatory in Jamaica. In October, the Assassins on the Altair II under Assassin leader Gavin Banks destroyed the Abstergo facility holding John Standish's body in Paris,[24] and Abstergo started looking for the remains of a new Sage.[7]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Assassin's Creed: Origins
  2. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为ACFrC#2的引用提供文字
  3. 3.0 3.1 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为AC的引用提供文字
  4. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为ACII的引用提供文字
  5. 5.0 5.1 Assassin's Creed: Lineage
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 Assassin's Creed: Unity
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia
  9. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 Assassin's Creed II
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
  13. Assassin's Creed: OriginsThe Hidden Ones
  14. Assassin's Creed: Origins comic
  15. 15.0 15.1 Assassin's Creed: Heresy
  16. Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Assassin's Creed
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 Assassin's Creed: Memories
  19. 19.0 19.1 Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants – Fate of the Gods
  20. 20.0 20.1 Assassin's Creed 4: Hawk
  21. Assassin's Creed 5: El Cakr
  22. Assassin's Creed 6: Leila
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 Assassin's Creed: Revelations – Discover Your Legacy
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 Assassin's Creed: Rogue
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 Assassin's Creed: Initiates
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Assassin's Creed: Recollection
  27. Assassin's Creed: Renaissance
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Assassin's Creed II: Discovery
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Assassin's Creed: The Movie
  30. Assassin's Creed: Rebellion
  31. 31.00 31.01 31.02 31.03 31.04 31.05 31.06 31.07 31.08 31.09 31.10 31.11 31.12 31.13 31.14 31.15 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  32. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood novel
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy
  34. Assassin's CreedVolume 2: Setting Sun
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 Assassin's CreedVolume 1: Trial by Fire
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Assassin's Creed: Forsaken
  39. 39.00 39.01 39.02 39.03 39.04 39.05 39.06 39.07 39.08 39.09 39.10 39.11 Assassin's Creed III
  40. Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Assassin's Creed: TemplarsVolume 2: Cross of War
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 Assassin's Creed: Brahman
  43. Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants – Locus
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 44.6 Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 45.7 45.8 Assassin's Creed: The Fall
  46. 46.0 46.1 Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 Assassin's Creed: TemplarsVolume 1: Black Cross
  48. Assassin's Creed: Great Wall
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 Assassin's Creed: UprisingVolume 2
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 Assassin's Creed: Conspiracies
  51. Assassin's Creed: The Chain
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 Assassin's Creed: RevelationsThe Lost Archive