第1行: 第1行:
{{Quote|They called themselves "moderate", but the Girondists were never moderate, my friends! I ask you, where is the moderation in calling for war?|Andrés de Guzmán criticizing the Girondists, 1794.|Assassin's Creed: Unity}}
{{Faction Infobox
{{Faction Infobox
|image = ACU Girondists.png
|image = ACU Girondists.png
|founder = [[Jacques Pierre Brissot]]
|founder = [[Jacques Pierre Brissot|雅克·皮埃尔·布里索]]
|leader =
|leader =
|related = [[Assassins]]<br>[[Paris Commune]]
|related = [[刺客]]<br>[[巴黎公社(1789 - 1795)|巴黎公社]]
|religion =
|religion =
|formed = 1791
|formed = 1791
|collapsed = 1793
|collapsed = 1793
|notable = Jacques Pierre Brissot<br>[[Nicolas de Condorcet]]<br>[[Marie-Jeanne Phlippon Roland]]}}
|notable = 雅克·皮埃尔·布里索<br>[[Nicolas de Condorcet|尼古拉·德·孔多塞]]<br>[[Marie-Jeanne Phlippon Roland|玛丽-让娜·费里蓬·罗兰]]}}
'''吉伦特派'''(法语:Girondins,英语:Girondists),又称'''布里索派'''(Brissotins)或'''长棍面包派'''(Baguettes)<ref>[https://www.allhistory.com/detail/58296ee405c3fb6c04030571 全历史 - 吉伦特派]</ref>,是[[法国]]在[[法国大革命]]时期的一个政治派系,源自于法国的吉伦特省,主要在[[Legislative Assembly|立宪议会]]与[[National Convention|国民公会]]中活动。
The '''Girondists''' (French: ''Girondins''), also referred to as the '''Brissotins''', were a political faction in [[France]] at the time of the [[French Revolution]], operating within the [[Legislative Assembly]] and the [[National Convention]].
最初,吉伦特派拥有绝大部分的政治权力,希望能够像当时刚刚建立不久的[[美国]]一样,建立起相似的联邦制国家。他们还支持对[[奥地利]]等[[欧洲]]国家发动[[French Revolutionary Wars|战争]],对外传播革命。<ref name="ACU">《[[刺客信条:团结]]》</ref>
Initially, the Girondists held most of the political power, hoping to establish a federalist government similar to that of the, at the time, newly-formed [[United States]]. They also supported [[French Revolutionary Wars|wars]] with foreign countries such as [[Austria]], to spread the Revolution.
但是,法国的对外战争未能成功,再加[[10 August|袭击杜伊勒里宫]]与[[九月屠杀]]等政治上的重大失败,吉伦特派逐渐失势。而吉伦特派失势的局面催生出了由[[马克西米连·罗伯斯庇尔|马克西米连·德·罗伯斯庇尔]]、[[让-保尔·马拉]]与[[乔治·丹东]]等人领导的更为激进的[[雅各宾派|山岳派]]。<ref name="ACU" />
However, France's lack of success in this department, along with several other political defeats, including the [[10 August|Storming of the]] [[Tuileries Palace]] and the [[September Massacres]], caused the Girondists to gradually lose favor. Their fall from grace led to the rise of the more radical [[Jacobins|Montagnards]], led by [[Maximilien de Robespierre]], [[Jean-Paul Marat]] and [[Georges Danton]].
罗伯斯庇尔痴迷于阴谋诡计,在对抗政敌时尤是如此。他下令逮捕所有吉伦特派人士,抓捕行动在1793年6月1日与2日进行。[[巴黎]][[National Guard (France)|国民卫队]]总指挥官[[弗朗索瓦·安利奥]]带着[[火炮]]与成群的[[Sans-culottes|无套裤党人]]来到国民公会,将不少吉伦特派人士带去软禁,有效地消除了吉伦特派的政治势力。<ref name="ACU" />
Due to his obsession with conspiracies, especially among his political opponents, Robespierre ordered an insurrection against the Girondists, which took place on June 1 and 2, 1793. Commander General of the [[Paris]] [[National Guard (France)|National Guard]] [[François Hanriot]] arrived at the National Convention with [[cannons]] and a throng of [[sans-culottes]] in tow to put several Girondists under house arrest, effectively removing the group's political power.
被软禁在家中的吉伦特派人士随时会被人送去监狱,之后还会被送上[[Guillotine|断头台]]处死。根据[[刺客议会]]的命令,[[阿尔诺·多里安]]等[[刺客]]为吉伦特派人士提供帮助,让他们得以在被安利奥逮捕之前逃离巴黎。<ref name="ACU" />
Trapped in their own homes, the Girondists were being prepared to be sent to prison and from there, to their deaths via [[guillotine]]. On the orders of the [[Assassin Council]], [[Arno Dorian]] and a team of [[Assassins]] helped as many Girondists escape from Paris as they could before Hanriot could arrest them.
这场抓捕风波之后,一部分幸存下来的吉伦特派人士计划谋杀了雅各宾派的领袖之一让-保尔·马拉,并派了[[Theron Brignac|泰龙·布里尼亚克]]前去动手。但是泰龙赶到的时候已经迟了,马拉已经被同情吉伦特派的[[夏绿蒂·科黛]]为了阻挠雅各宾派而刺杀。四天后,被抓获的夏绿蒂以谋杀的罪名被处决。<ref name="ACU" />
Around the same time, some Girondists plotted to kill the Jacobin leader [[Jean-Paul Marat]], sending [[Theron Brignac]] to do so. However, he arrived too late, as Marat had already been assassinated by Girondist sympathizer [[Charlotte Corday]] in an effort to disrupt the Jacobins. She was executed for this act four days later.
1793年10月,包括组织建立者[[Jacques Pierre Brissot|雅克·皮埃尔·布里索]]在内的23名吉伦特派人士以叛国的罪名被处决。之后,激进革命家[[Andrés de Guzmán|安德烈·德·古兹曼]]针对吉伦特派与吉伦特派的政策发表了态度狂热的演说,被遵从[[巴黎刺客兄弟会]]命令行动的阿尔诺刺杀。<ref name="ACU" />
In October 1793, 23 Girondists, among them the group's founder [[Jacques Pierre Brissot]], were executed for treason. Later, [[Andrés de Guzmán]], a radical revolutionary, would hold passionate speeches criticizing the Girondists and their policies, for which he was assassinated by Arno, who acted on the orders of the [[French Assassins|Parisian Brotherhood]].
1794年的[[热月政变]]后,热烈支持布里索的[[戴洛瓦涅·德·梅丽古尔]]以在雅各宾派残党逃出巴黎之前将他们全部消灭的形式为吉伦特派复了仇。<ref name="ACU" />
Following the [[Thermidorian Reaction]] in 1794, [[Théroigne de Méricourt]], an ardent supporter of Brissot, would take revenge for the Girondists by pursuing the last of the Jacobins before they could escape Paris.
*''[[Assassin's Creed: Unity]]''
*''[[Assassin's Creed: Unity]]''

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