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1192年,在第三次十字军东征结束而影响尚未结束的时候,圣殿骑士罢黜[[塞浦路斯]]原本统治者[[Isaac Comnenus|艾萨克·科穆尼努斯]],将塞浦路斯占为己有的狮心王理查处购得了岛国塞浦路斯。圣殿骑士成为了塞浦路斯正式的统治者,将塞浦路斯建设为自己新的根据地,在圣殿骑士巩固控制的过程中,医院骑士团的共同努力也不可缺少。但塞浦路斯当地的[[Cypriot Resistance|抵抗组织]]来势汹汹,已成为[[黎凡特刺客兄弟会]]新任领袖的阿泰尔·伊本-拉阿哈德到达塞浦路斯,更是让十字军对塞浦路斯的统治雪上加霜。到了年底,圣殿骑士以及作为他们盟友的医院骑士团已经被彻底地赶出了塞浦路斯。<ref name="ACBL">《[[刺客信条:血统]]》</ref>
1192年,在第三次十字军东征结束而影响尚未结束的时候,圣殿骑士罢黜[[塞浦路斯]]原本统治者[[Isaac Comnenus|艾萨克·科穆尼努斯]],将塞浦路斯占为己有的狮心王理查处购得了岛国塞浦路斯。圣殿骑士成为了塞浦路斯正式的统治者,将塞浦路斯建设为自己新的根据地,在圣殿骑士巩固控制的过程中,医院骑士团的共同努力也不可缺少。但塞浦路斯当地的[[塞浦路斯抵抗组织|抵抗组织]]来势汹汹,已成为[[黎凡特刺客兄弟会]]新任领袖的阿泰尔·伊本-拉阿哈德到达塞浦路斯,更是让十字军对塞浦路斯的统治雪上加霜。到了年底,圣殿骑士以及作为他们盟友的医院骑士团已经被彻底地赶出了塞浦路斯。<ref name="ACBL">《[[刺客信条:血统]]》</ref>
在失去阿卡之后,医院骑士团将自己的根据地转移到了[[罗德|罗德岛]]。在16世纪初,医院骑士团曾逮捕了一部分刺客,将他们囚禁在[[Palace of the Grand Master|最高大师之宫]]。作为回应,意大利刺客[[导师]][[埃齐奥·奥迪托雷|埃齐奥·奥迪托雷·达·佛罗伦萨]]派了一支[[奥斯曼刺客兄弟会|奥斯曼刺客]]小队前去解救他们的盟友。尽管他们取得了成功,但医院骑士团还是在不久之后杀害了刺客大师卡斯托,使得刺客对医院骑士团的据点发动了进攻。他们的房子被烧成了一片废墟,刺客们夺得了罗德岛的控制权,随后在岛上建立了自己的[[Assassin Dens|据点]]。<ref name="ACR">''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]''</ref>
在失去阿卡之后,医院骑士团将自己的根据地转移到了[[罗德|罗德岛]]。在16世纪初,医院骑士团曾逮捕了一部分刺客,将他们囚禁在[[Palace of the Grand Master|最高大师之宫]]。作为回应,意大利刺客[[导师]][[埃齐奥·奥迪托雷|埃齐奥·奥迪托雷·达·佛罗伦萨]]派了一支[[奥斯曼刺客兄弟会|奥斯曼刺客]]小队前去解救他们的盟友。尽管他们取得了成功,但医院骑士团还是在不久之后杀害了[[刺客大师]][[卡斯托]],使得刺客对医院骑士团的据点发动了进攻。他们的房子被烧成了一片废墟,刺客们夺得了罗德岛的控制权,随后在岛上建立了自己的[[刺客据点|据点]]。<ref name="ACR">''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]''</ref>
In 1522, the [[Ottoman Empire|Ottoman]] Sultan [[Suleiman]], an ally of the Assassins, succeeded in expelling the Hospitallers from Rhodes. He failed, however, to eradicate the Order, as they reorganized themselves on {{Wiki|en:Malta|Malta}} and prevented the Ottoman forces from {{Wiki|en:Great Siege of Malta|conquering the island}} in 1565. This event sparked a longtime grudge between the Hospitalier and the Ottoman Empire.<ref name="ACRG War Letters">''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]'' – [[War letters|War Letters]]</ref>
In 1522, the [[Ottoman Empire|Ottoman]] Sultan [[Suleiman]], an ally of the Assassins, succeeded in expelling the Hospitallers from Rhodes. He failed, however, to eradicate the Order, as they reorganized themselves on {{Wiki|en:Malta|Malta}} and prevented the Ottoman forces from {{Wiki|en:Great Siege of Malta|conquering the island}} in 1565. This event sparked a longtime grudge between the Hospitalier and the Ottoman Empire.<ref name="ACRG War Letters">''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]'' – [[War letters|War Letters]]</ref>

2019年7月12日 (五) 08:12的版本


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医院骑士团(Knights Hospitalier),正式名称为耶路撒冷、罗得岛及马耳他圣约翰主权军事医院骑士团(Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta),简称即为“Knights Hospitaller”(医院骑士团),[1]又称圣若翰骑士团(Order of St. John)、马耳他骑士团(the Knights of Malta)及马耳他骑士(Chevaliers of Malta),是当年组成十字军的天主教骑士团之一。医院骑士团的标志为置于黑色或红色背景上的白色十字。
















In 1522, the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman, an ally of the Assassins, succeeded in expelling the Hospitallers from Rhodes. He failed, however, to eradicate the Order, as they reorganized themselves on Malta and prevented the Ottoman forces from conquering the island in 1565. This event sparked a longtime grudge between the Hospitalier and the Ottoman Empire.[8]

After 1675, the Hospitalier in Malta had been severely damaged by a plague and lacked for resources and defences. During the Seven Years' War, the Templar Shay Cormac used his fleet to send some troops to the island.[9]

In 1747, Grand Master Manuel Pinto da Fonseca wrote a letter to Grand Master Reginald Birch of the British Rite of the Templar Order beseeching him for the aid of Templar agents in the Hospitallers' struggle against the Ottoman Empire, the Kingdom of France, and the Assassins.[8]

In 2011, the Animi Training Program of Abstergo Industries featured a simulated location of the Knights Hospitalier fortress of Rhodes in the 16th century, when the Hospitallers held sovereignty over the island.

To this day, the Hospitalier Order still exists as the Catholic Sovereign Military Order of Malta and as the four Protestant orders of the Alliance of the Orders of Saint John of Jerusalem.


Like the Knights Templar, the emblem of the Knights Hospitalier consisted of a cross, only the colors differed, with a white cross on a black background as opposed to a red cross on a white background. Alternatively, they also utilized a white cross on a red background, which eventually became the design of their flag of Malta.

The standard armor and uniform of the Knights Hospitalier during the Crusades was nearly identical to that of other Christian military orders, such as the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights, bearing their emblem at the center. Regular soldiers typically donned black gambesons with a white cross over their chainmail while sergeants wore surcoats of the same design instead. The highest-ranking soldiers, such as the captains, exclusively equipped themselves with plate armor, a great helm, and in solidarity with the others soldiers, a black surcoat with a white cross over the armor.[6] Other Hospitallers instead donned red surcoats with white crosses instead, favoring the order's alternative emblem, with the garrison of Hospitallers on Cyprus being notable examples of this practice.[7]


  • The French-inspired "Knights Hospitalier" has generally been preferred in the Assassin's Creed series over the English "Hospitaller", being the exclusive variant used in Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade. However, the order is instead referred to as "Knights Hospitaller" in the Mediterranean Defense minigame of Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
  • In the story trailer of Assassin's Creed, the Hospitalier overseeing the execution of an individual who was killed by Altair wears an armor with a cape with the Hospitalier insignia similar to Robert de Sable but no such guard could be fought in the game's final version.
  • The Knights Hospitalier in Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines wear the white cross over red color alternative color scheme instead of the original white cross over black design of Hospitallers in Assassin's Creed. This is anachronistic since this color scheme was not adopted before the fall of Acre in 1291.
  • In the Captain's Cabin minigame of Assassin's Creed: Rogue, several ships feature the alternative emblem of the Knights Hospitaliers: a white cross on a red background. Flags and banners inside the cabin instead feature the original emblem of the Hospitaliers: a white cross and a black background.





  1. 1.0 1.1 刺客信条:启示录引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“ACR”使用不同内容定义了多次
  2. 2.0 2.1 刺客信条:阿泰尔编年史
  3. 刺客信条II
  4. 刺客信条:官方游戏指南
  5. 5.0 5.1 刺客信条:秘密圣战
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 刺客信条
  7. 7.0 7.1 刺客信条:血统
  8. 8.0 8.1 Assassin's Creed: RogueWar Letters
  9. Assassin's Creed: Rogue – Naval Campaign