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《刺客信条:圣殿骑士》(Assassin's Creed: Templars),另外简称为《圣殿骑士》,是由《泰坦漫画》正在持续发行的系列漫画书。作者为Fred Van Lente、插图为Dennis Calero,该系列第一期在 2016 年 3 月出版。

该系列主要专注于圣殿骑士团一方,该现代故事设定在 2013 年 11 月,而历史故事是在 1927 年并由被称为黑色十字的圣殿骑士作为主角。[1]




“刺客信条是游戏业界中最热门的系列作品之一,自 2007 年首次亮相以来赢得了无数的奖项和好评。”

“作者 Fred Van Lente (漫威活死人、钢铁侠)和绘者 Dennis Calero (牛仔&异形、漆黑 X战警) 在纽约漫画展(NYCC)创造了特殊的刺客信条漫画封面,并宣布泰坦将推出持续性漫画系列,刺客信条:圣殿骑士。”[2]



2016/03/23 - “来自刺客信条的全新冒险。在1927年,达利斯·吉福特抵达了上海,开始了圣殿教团给他的第一个任务。年轻人意识到自己的一个小小的错误害他被卷入公共租界的黑社会当中,以及遇见了一位神秘、如谜般的黑色十字...”





2016/04/27 - “在上海繁华的街道,达利斯·吉福特因为一位有着绝色笑容的漂亮女子而转过头,因为如此,他搞砸了。身为新任圣殿教团的成员,他的薄弱地位受到了威胁,直到他被神祕的黑色十字给救起...”




2016/06/15 - “在统治上海夜生活的声名狼藉游乐塔,大世界,黑色十字与三合会在城市夜间展开了一场追逐战。随着时间的流逝,黑色十字必须找到缺失的信息,以了解中国将发生什么大事...”



27/07/2016 - “上海街道因为黑色十字为了摆脱杜月笙的党羽而变的混乱,他前往了公共租界查看上海分册陷入了什么麻烦当中,他亦见识到他无法想像的腐败程度。...”



07/09/2016 - “随着上海分册的腐败,木偶大师是个危险的政治人物。由于教团的荣誉处于危险当中,黑色十字被迫把事情交付在自己的手上。但是一时的疏忽可能会导致他一去不回。”






19/10/2016 - 全新纪元!全新的角色们!在这爆炸性开启全新的纪元中,上海发生的事件具有全新的意义,圣殿骑士联络上了尤哈尼·奥措·贝格,传说中的西格马小队领导,试图寻找关于神秘最后一位黑色十字的真相。...


1805: 地中海。在船上,奴隶商人所罗门·波登从意大利前往利比亚旅行。他认识了纺织商人 Jan Van Der Graff。他们讨论他们的旅程,Graff 暗示两人都有秘密,应该互相帮助。这艘船在夜间被寻找黑色十字的海盗袭击。波登换了服装揭露了他的真实身份,随后杀死了海盗。Graff 指出,这些海盗一定是苏丹派来的,而他刚好知道一条进入苏丹宫殿的路。

2016: Andre awakens from the Animus, immediately taking down two guards as he leaves the facility in disgust over the experience of the supposed therapy. Later that night, Otso Berg visits Andre at his home. He apologises, and reveals the real reasons for the use of the Animus. Promising a possible resolution to both of their issues, Andre agrees to return to the facility to help with the project. Meanwhile, Violet Da Costa sits in the Animus maintenance room. She overrides the system and successfully uploads a copy of the data retrieved from Andre to... somewhere. Or someone![3]

16/11/2016 - Under the watchful eyes of Abstergo, Dre Bolden has been viewing the memories that Otso Berg hopes hide the missing piece in the puzzle threatening to dismantle the Templars. As Dre relives the experiences of his Barbary coast based ancestor, he realizes how much he has to learn about the people who hold his life in their hands.

2016: With the revelation that Solomon Bolden was not Andre's ancestor, Otso Berg discusses how to proceed with an analysis of Graff instead. Andre re-enters the Animus, as Violet raises her concerns about revealing too much of their secrets to the outsider.

1805: Finally reaching the land, Graff and Bolden depart the ship and travel by camel to Tripoli. They attend a small bar, discussing how to access the Sultan's palace before drinking heavily. They eventually make way to the secret tunnel, where they are ambushed by guards. Solomon is slain, but advises Graff to seek out the real Black Cross in his dying breath. Graff is captured.[3]

07/12/2016 - Things are not all they seem in the Abstergo facility - not for Dre, and definitely not for Otso. When Dre realises he hasn't been told the whole truth, it's time for his survival instincts to kick in... only question is: who can he trust?

2016: Andre drowns his sorrows at a bar, where he is joined by Otso Berg. Otso reveals the truth of the situation to him, regarding the Templars, Assassins and the Pieces of Eden. Andre does not buy the full story, and leaves the bar - walking directly into a driveby shooting. Otso pulls him to cover just in time, before assailing the car and eliminating its occupants.

Meanwhile, Violet meets a contact within a darkened car park. The contact is concerned that Otso is too close to locating the Koh-i-noor, and desires that she eliminate Andre before its location is revealed. Violet protests that Otso will suspect things, before she takes a call from Mr Berg himself informing of the shooting. All parties, including the contact and Caitlin Gift return to the facility.

Andre attempts to re-enter the Animus immediately as Otso fears a leak, but immediately cries out as it is evidently a torture memory. They move the memories forward to a few days afterward.

1805: Graff awakens after his torture ordeal. He is surrounded by several tortuers, and Lord Selim - who immediately labels him a Templar infiltrator. He mentions that the time to use the Koh-i-noor is near, and that they should hide him deeper into the dungeons where the Assassins cannot find him. Graff is subsequently thrown into a new cell, with a mysterious individual who is citing the Father of Understanding. Graff sadly passes out before identifying them.

2016: Hours after the session ends, within the lab, Caitlin Gift is strangled by Violet's contact and presumably dies. Violet meets with Andre, and confirms most of what Otso told him. She also gives him the former Pin of the Black Cross, stating that it belongs to him now. Otso takes a call that there has been an incident at the lab...[3]

25/01/2017 - With the reality of his situation now almost preternaturally clear to Dre, there is only one possible course of action... he needs to get away from Abstergo. With no clue how to do this, he lets his instincts take over, and finds that he has hidden depths he never knew of... and skills he couldn't have imagined!

2016: Otso and Violet arrive at the lab, only to find the murdered body of Caitlin Gift lying on the lab floor. Otso finds the situation confusing, as Violet attempts to explain how Caitlin has been contacting a third party on her computer. It is clear Otso has his concerns, and he orders Violet to track down the 'mole' within the lab. In the meantime, he convinces Andre to once more enter the Animus.

1805: Graff discovers that the mysterious man inhabiting his cell is in fact the current Black Cross. He tells Graff of the ways of the Templar Order, and how he must keep it in check. Graff begins to train under his tutelage.

Meanwhile, the Sultan holds onto the Koh-i-noor, even displaying its power as he creates multiple illusions of himself. When their next meal is brought by guards, the Black Cross sacrifices himself against three men, in order for Graff to escape through the opened door. He promptly makes his way to the Sultan's room, dispatching guards quietly on his way. A servant by the name of Ahkbar convinces the Sultan that he should move on from the palace, before word of the relic reaches the ears of the Assassins. The Sultan reluctantly agrees, leaving just himself and Ahkbar - whom reveals himself to be an Assassin, and having already poisoned the Sultan by the very tea he just drank. With the Sultan dead, Ahkbar claims the Koh-i-noor as Graff enters the room. Even creating illusions is not enough of a distraction, and Graff throws a blade into Ahkbar's heart having given away his true self by the sound of his feet. Several Brotherhood Assassins then emerge from the shadows having heard the conversation. Stating that he does not desire the relic, Graff turns over the supposed bag it contains. However, he secretly retains the relic, and leaves by a ship set for America.

2016: Andre emerges from the Animus, and Otso reflects on how they have achieved little in their search for the Koh-i-noor. Andre states that this is a war he can no longer be part of, and passes the Black Cross pin to Otso. Otso agrees, and with a reflection on his conversation with Violet that he can trust no-one, he dutifully decides that he is now the Templar Order's Black Cross.[3]



  1. BleedingCool.com — NYCC '15: Titan Announces Assassin's Creed 'Templars' Comic Written By Fred Van Lente
  2. Titan Comics Tumblr — Titan Comics Announces Assasin's Creed: Templars
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 期刊故事简介由 Sorrosys 在Ubisoft论坛上发表 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Sorrosys”使用不同内容定义了多次 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Sorrosys”使用不同内容定义了多次 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Sorrosys”使用不同内容定义了多次 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Sorrosys”使用不同内容定义了多次 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Sorrosys”使用不同内容定义了多次 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Sorrosys”使用不同内容定义了多次 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Sorrosys”使用不同内容定义了多次 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Sorrosys”使用不同内容定义了多次
  4. Amazon.com
  5. Amazon.com
