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切萨雷·博吉亚 (1475 or 1476 - 1507),罗德里戈·博吉亚之子,与其父同为圣殿骑士的一员。后来,它成为了 教皇军的司令Captain General , 但是他密谋推翻父亲来取得 罗马, 随后就是 意大利全境 .[1]

甚至在他父亲死亡之前,他就声称自己有圣殿骑士团的至尊大师地位, 并在父亲死亡之后正式篡夺了这个头衔. 尽管他对圣殿骑士教团忠心耿耿,但是与他自己对伊甸苹果的控制欲望相比,其他所有的事情的重要性只能排到第二.[2]



切萨雷·波奇亚于1475年生于罗马, 父母为当时的圣殿骑士至高大师,罗德里戈·波奇亚和他长期保持关系的情妇 Vannozza dei Cattanei.[1]

十八岁时, 切萨雷成为一位 红衣主教, 与此同时他的哥哥, 小胡安·波奇亚 (罗德里戈的最爱)成为了司令官 . 对哥哥权位和荣誉的妒忌和对红衣主教生活的极度不满足促使他安排了一次在台伯岛上与胡安的会面, ,在那他劝服了胡安与  交际花 菲奥拉·卡瓦扎共度一夜, 然而这个女人随后听从切萨雷的命令杀掉了胡安.[3]

之后他自认为教皇军总司令, 成为了全意大利最有权势的男人. 在他成为教皇军总司令后,切萨雷马上笼络了一匹有权势而又残忍的人; Ramiro d'Orco, Oliverotto da Fermo, 和 Vitellozzo Vitelli,但是他们都在不久后被切萨雷杀死.[3]



1498年,刺客Perotto Calderon和切萨雷的妹妹卢克雷齐娅相爱,不久卢克雷齐娅便怀孕了。然而切萨雷因为Perotto与他妹妹的亲密关系而监禁了他。后来Perotto成功逃脱了监禁并带走了他的儿子,但在逃之大吉之后,他所在的兄弟会成员以打破信条为罪名处决了他。切萨雷后来以某种方式夺回了那个孩子并将他收为养子,为他起名叫做乔瓦尼·波吉亚[5]


“We've had too much bloodshed. I think a cleansing is in order. So, consider this an invitation from my family... to yours.”
―Cesare Borgia to Ezio Auditore, just before killing Mario Auditore, 1500.[来源]

In January 1500, Cesare led an assault on Monteriggioni, the headquarters of the Assassins in Italy, in order to eliminate the Auditore family, who were the leaders of the Assassins. Besieging the city, Cesare's forces overwhelmed the fortress defenders and captured the Apple, Caterina Sforza, and Mario Auditore, the current leader of the Italian Assassins.[1]

The beaten Assassin walked through the gates of Monteriggioni before collapsing onto the ground, followed by Cesare and his allies; including his sister, Lucrezia, Micheletto Corella, Baron Octavian de Valois, and Juan Borgia.[1]


Cesare Borgia at Monteriggioni's gates with his sister Lucrezia, holding the Apple of Eden.

Cesare sheathed his sword and spoke out to Ezio himself, who had seen the Borgia's entrance and was running across the rooftops to aid Mario. The Borgia Captain General spoke of how the Pope had told him of the Assassins and Apple. He then turned and grabbed the Baron de Valois' firearm from him, a pistol that Ezio's good friend, Leonardo da Vinci, had been forced to fashion for them.[1]

Cesare stated that there had been too much bloodshed on both sides, and that a "cleansing was in order." Raising the pistol into the air, Cesare "invited" Ezio to come and face him in Rome, and killed Mario with a shot from the firearm.[1]

Ezio was then shot down and wounded by a team of arquebusiers. Cesare immediately had Mario decapitated, his severed head placed on a pike. During Ezio's escape, Cesare showed Mario's head to him, exclaiming that he would kill him next. With the battle was won. With Monteriggioni in ruins, Cesare and his army returned to Rome with their prize.[1]


Oliverotto:“I never wished you any harm, Cesare. It was entirely Vitellozzo's plan!”
Cesare:“Ha! Your sacrifice will prove invaluable to me.”
―Oliverotto pleading to Cesare before being killed by Micheletto, 1500.

Following the Siege of Monteriggioni, Cesare commanded Ramiro d'Orco, Vitellozzo Vitelli and Oliverotto da Fermo to lead his armies into Romagna and claim it for their Borgia master. However, all three generals eventually rebelled against Cesare, to which he responded by butchering Ramiro.[3]

His death panicked both Oliverotto and Vitellozzo, forcing them both to re-enter Cesare's service, after he accepted their every demand to return without consequences for the rebellion. However, with Romagna his, Cesare no longer required their service. Months later, Cesare threw a "dinner" in Vitellozzo and Oliverotto's honor.[3]

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Cesare greeting Vitelozzo and Oliverotto at the "dinner".

Once both generals arrived at the location Cesare given, he spoke out to them, thanking them for handing Romagna to him, but claimed it was time to shed his "bloody gloves".[3]

As several Papal Guards arrived at Cesare's side, they both realized that they had entered a ambush, thus they both charged into a fray immediately. Though outnumbered, both Oliverotto and Vitellozzo overpowered them. Cesare then armed himself with a crossbow, and, as a surviving Papal Guard wounded Vitellozzo, Cesare fired the bolt at Oliverotto's chest.[3]

Several hours later, both Vitellozzo and Oliverotto regained consciousness, recovering from their wounds. As they woke up, they realized that they were chained back-to-back. In front of them Cesare stood, aside Micheletto Corella. Though Oliverotto blamed Vitellozzo for the conspiracy against him, Cesare ultimately ordered Micheletto to strangle both Viellozzo and Oliverotto back-to-back, claming their "sacrifice" was invaluable to him.[3]


“He is ambitious, ruthless, and cruel beyond imagining. The laws of men mean nothing to him. The powerful Orsini and Colonna families have been brought to kneel at his feet, and the King of France stands at his side.”
Niccolò Machiavelli, regarding Cesare Borgia.[来源]

By 1500, Cesare had Rome under his iron fist as the commander of the Papal army, though he and his father occasionally disagreed on his choices. He used Borgia towers and their captains to keep control over the five districts of Rome, as he was often away for extended periods of time to oversee the advancement of his army, in a bid to unite all of Italy under his rule.[1]

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Cesare and Rodrigo arguing over the former's recent decisions.

During Ezio's infiltration of the Castel Sant'Angelo in late June 1501, Cesare was seen at the stables conversing with his three generals about their plans, where he told them to play along with his father's "tired old men's club," but to remember who they really served.[1]

Subsequently, he shared a romantic moment with his sister. Cesare asked if their father had considered the funds requested by his banker, though she claimed he was away from the Castel and may need convincing. Cesare then left the Castel for Romagna to continue his campaign.[1]

In 1502, Cesare continued to make use of Leonardo da Vinci's intellect, forcing him to design several war machines for his army. However, all of Leonardo's creations were eventually stolen and destroyed by Ezio Auditore, in secret, at Leonardo's own request.[1]

In 1503, Cesare attended Juan Borgia's pagan party, where he gave a brief speech on a soon to be united Italy. After Cesare commanded the party to begin, Rodrigo reminded him that they had not agreed to conquer Italy. However, Cesare stated that he was now in control, although not officially, and simply told his father to enjoy himself.[1]

Later that year, Cesare had his close friend, Francesco Troche, assassinated by Micheletto Corella, for telling his brother of Cesare's intentions for Romagna. Cesare then ordered Micheletto to assassinate the actor Pietro Rossi, Lucrezia's secret lover.[1]

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Cesare moments before killing his father.

In August of 1503, due to the interference of the Roman Assassins, Cesare's army and funds had significantly diminished. Enraged, Cesare confronted Rodrigo, demanding to know what had happened. There, Cesare and Rodrigo argued over the former's insatiable lust for power. Rodrigo commented that he had given Cesare all he had, yet his son was never satisfied.[1]

Cesare demanded that his father give him the Apple of Eden, but Rodrigo refused. At this point, Lucrezia barged in, crying out to her brother that their father was attempting to poison him with the bowl of apples he had left out.[1]

An outraged Cesare responded by charging Rodrigo and shoving the poisoned apple down his throat, suffocating him. Cesare then demanded the Apple's whereabouts from Lucrezia, who confessed under much pressure. However, Ezio beat Cesare to the Basilica di San Pietro, the Apple's location, and retrieved the Piece of Eden before him.[1]

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Cesare being dragged away by Papal guards.

Cesare's rule met a downward spiral from there. As a final stab from his father, Cesare had consumed enough of the poison to leave him weak for months. While he recovered, Ezio and the other Assassins used the Apple to dwindle his remaining forces, while the Vatican meanwhile fully rejected Cesare's request for support, seeing the Borgia's money as "tainted."[1]

Cesare sent Micheletto to retrieve his armies from the battlefield in order to reclaim Rome, however, he was confronted by the highest-ranking Assassins as he awaited his return. As the last of his followers fell, Fabio Orsini arrived with the Papal Guard and a warrant for Cesare's arrest by the order of Pope Julius II. Cesare was taken away, imprisoned, and later exiled to Spain.[1]


Subsequently following his arrest, Cesare was imprisoned in the Castel Sant'Angelo. However, he was able to escape the prison and flee. Though Cesare was later recaptured, Pope Julius II concluded that Cesare needed to be transferred to a more secure prison, and had the Templar moved to the Castillo de la Mota, Aragon, in Spain. Though Ezio had intended to kill Cesare despite his imprisonment, he was unaware of where Cesare had been transferred. He, Machiavelli, and Leonardo began tracking him down, while Micheletto, who had evaded imprisonment and remained loyal to Cesare, planned for his master's escape.[2]

In 1506, Micheletto bribed a prison guard at the Castillo. Having had rope smuggled in for him, Cesare climbed down from his window and sneaked past the main gate in his stolen guard uniform. Meeting with Micheletto, he was informed that Ezio was currently tracking him, though he said nothing on the matter. Micheletto then told his master that he had made arrangements in Valencia. With this, Cesare made his escape, and rode to Valencia with Micheletto.[2]


Cesare:“You got me out of La Mota, sure, and you up my hopes. But now look where you have got me!”
Micheletto:“Master, all my men are dead. I have done what I could.”
Cesare:“And failed!”
—Cesare before bursting into a tirade about Micheletto and killing him, Valencia, 1506.[来源]

Following his escape, Cesare began to rebuild his forces in Valencia, with men volunteering to enter his service and setting up a large military encampment. Whilst Cesare was raising a small army, he spent most of his time coordinating battle tactics at the Lone Wolf Inn. Ezio and Machiavelli soon discovered this, however, and were able to destroy the encampment and twelve ships with Leonardo's hand-held bombs.[2]

Later, they spied on him from the roof of the Lone Wolf. Cesare blamed Micheletto for the Assassins' attack, and insulted him as a dog, remarking that he should find somewhere to die. During his tirade against Micheletto, Cesare claimed that he would cross the borders and join his brother-in-law, King John III of Navarre to seek his aid.[2]

Though Micheletto begged Cesare, and reminded him of his loyal service, Cesare continued to insult him. However, this rebounded on Cesare, as Micheletto, realizing how much his service meant to his ungrateful master, attempted to murder Cesare by strangling him. However, Cesare was able to shove Micheletto away and shoot him in the head, killing him. Ezio and Machiavelli, who had watched the scene unfold, made a noise from above. Cesare, who heard this, fired his rifle and wounded Machiavelli.[2]

Ezio then took Machiavelli to a doctor instead of attacking Cesare, giving the Templar a chance to escape Valencia and cross the borders to the Kingdom of Navarre.[2]


“I will lead mankind into a new world! You cannot kill me! No man can murder me!”
―Cesare Borgia's last words, 1507.[来源]
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Cesare preparing to fight Ezio in Viana.

In March of 1507, Cesare tried to regain his lost honor by commandeering John III's vast army during the Siege of Viana, after which, should he be victorious, he would regain the support of the French. However, unbeknownst to him, Ezio caught wind of Cesare's involvement in the battle and set out for Viana.[1]

During the siege, Ezio located and charged Cesare on the battlefield, though Cesare held him back just long enough to dodge his Hidden Blade and flee. Ezio's pursuit was delayed by several cannonball impacts that stunned him, and incapacitated the other soldiers in the area.[1]

Ezio soon caught up to him on the outskirts of the castle walls, where Cesare had his soldiers kill a civilian woman, who was crying for him to help her son, who had been injured. Ezio eventually faced Cesare on the walls of Viana's Castle and fought against him, with Cesare wielding a sword and a pistol.

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Cesare, seconds before being thrown from the castle walls.

Though Cesare attacked with speed and skill, while also periodically calling reinforcing troops, Ezio nevertheless defeated him, eventually pinning him to the ground. When Cesare vowed not to die at the hands of man, Ezio declared that he would leave Cesare "in the hands of Fate," and threw him off of the castle wall to his death.



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Cesare and Lucrezia kiss.





Ezio Cesare

Cesare Borgia's final moments.

  • Cesare: 王座属于我!
  • Ezio: 对某种东西的渴求并不会使他变成你的.
  • Cesare: 你知道什么?
  • Ezio: 真正的统治者会将权力交给他的人民.
  • Cesare:我会领导人类进入一个新纪元!
  • Ezio: Che nessuno ricordi il tuo nome. ( 但愿没人记得你的恶名.) Requiescat in pace. (安息吧.)
  • Cesare: 你无法杀死我. 没有人类可以杀死我!
  • Ezio: 那么我就把你交与命运之手.



  • 在兄弟会小说中,切萨雷的面部有明显的畸形,他不得不佩戴面具以遮掩。但在游戏中,切萨雷从未带过面具,脸上也没有畸形。
    • 历史上,切萨雷曾染上过梅毒。他在公共场合一般都带面具。
  • 根据兄弟会小说的描述,切萨雷擅长斗牛。马基雅维利认为他对这项运动感兴趣的原因是他的西班牙血统以及好斗的天性。
  • 历史上,切萨雷一共有11个子嗣,其中好几个是私生子。


  • 刺客信条:传承计划和刺客信条:权势中切萨雷都擅用十字弩,但在兄弟会中他却从未使用过此武器。
  • 在游戏中跳杀,反击和边缘刺杀都对切萨雷无效。最好的攻击手段是破防后连续进攻。用手枪也可以对他造成伤害。


  • 他的名字"Cesare" 在意大利语中读作"Cheh-ser-ay." 就是凯撒。
  • 切萨雷认为流血事件是一种“清洗”,这与 Abstergo名称的本意的惊人地相似。在拉丁语中 Abstergo的意思是“清洗”。
  • 历史上,马基雅维利非常敬仰切萨雷。在刺客信条:兄弟会中,尽管马基雅维利认同切萨雷的行事方式,但作为刺客的一员,他旨在帮助埃齐奥消除切萨雷和他的家人。
  • 切萨雷曾被与另外的罗马圣殿骑士掌权者作比较。乔瓦尼·博吉亚通过渗透效应重现了马库斯·尤尼乌斯·布鲁图斯的记忆并将切萨雷误认为盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·凯撒,从而试图用一把小刀杀死切萨雷。[5]埃齐奥·奥迪托雷曾通过他们在高傲和自我中心的人格的共同点上将切萨雷与卡利古拉对比。[2]
  • 当重现在维也纳的记忆,埃齐奥把切萨雷的尸体从城墙上扔下去的过场动画之后时,他的尸体可以在记忆结束之前可以从城垛上向下而看见。
  • 在避难所和肖恩对话时,他会说切萨雷发给了教皇一封关于那晚他与他的法国妻子的婚礼以及他们“完事了八次”的信。
  • 切萨雷在刺客信条:启示录的“王子的遗赠”中也被提及,当时埃齐奥乔装成一个吟游诗人并且唱了有关切萨雷之死的歌
  • 有一个可买到的切萨雷可动手办由英国的亚马逊零售商供应并销售。


