第29行: 第29行:
1496年,教皇亚历山大六世与[[House of Orsini|奥尔西尼家族]]宣战,意图夺取罗马北部的土地,切萨雷也参与了战斗。而有一名刺客[[巴尔托洛梅奥·德·阿尔维阿诺]]也身在敌营当中。当巴尔托洛梅奥之剩下三个堡垒时,切萨雷切断了他的补给。正当胜利似乎触手可及之时,[[Carlo Orsini|卡洛·奥尔西尼]]率军抵达增援了巴尔托洛梅奥,击退了教皇军,并击伤了切萨雷的脸。<ref name="AC2">《[[刺客信条II]]》</ref>
1496年,教皇亚历山大六世与[[House of Orsini|奥尔西尼家族]]宣战,意图夺取罗马北部的土地,切萨雷也参与了战斗。而有一名[[刺客]][[巴尔托洛梅奥·德·阿尔维阿诺]]也身在敌营当中。当巴尔托洛梅奥之剩下三个堡垒时,切萨雷切断了他的补给。正当胜利似乎触手可及之时,[[Carlo Orsini|卡洛·奥尔西尼]]率军抵达增援了巴尔托洛梅奥,击退了教皇军,并击伤了切萨雷的脸。<ref name="AC2">《[[刺客信条II]]》</ref>
1498年,刺客[[佩罗托·卡尔代龙]]和切萨雷的妹妹[[卢克雷齐娅·博吉亚|卢克雷齐娅]]展开了一段亲密的关系,最终导致了卢克雷齐娅怀孕。然而切萨雷监禁了佩罗托,因为他和妹妹关系过于紧密,并且带走了他们的孩子。佩罗托设法逃脱并取回了孩子,然而他最终因为违反[[信条]]被兄弟会处决。切萨雷之后设法找回了这个孩子,将他作为自己的义子抚养,为他起名[[乔瓦尼·博吉亚]]。<ref name="ACPL">''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]''</ref>
1498年,刺客[[佩罗托·卡尔代龙]]和切萨雷的妹妹[[卢克雷齐娅·博吉亚|卢克雷齐娅]]展开了一段亲密的关系,最终导致了卢克雷齐娅怀孕。然而切萨雷监禁了佩罗托,因为他和妹妹关系过于紧密,并且带走了他们的孩子。佩罗托设法逃脱并取回了孩子,然而他最终因为违反[[信条]]被兄弟会处决。切萨雷之后设法找回了这个孩子,将他作为自己的义子抚养,为他起名[[乔瓦尼·博吉亚]]。<ref name=":1">[[刺客信条:传承计划]]》 - [[罗马:第二章-乔瓦尼·博吉亚]]</ref>
1499年之前,切萨雷就开始着手建立属于自己的反刺客组织。他派遣了一群孤儿前去瓦隆布罗萨修道院,欺骗经验丰富的刺客[[拉斐尔·桑切斯]]训练他们至少五年,让他们“成为刺客”。接着切萨雷任命他的盟友[[希鲁斯·法费罗]]成为这个新的名为“[[黑鸦部队]]”的反刺客队伍的头领。<ref name="ID">《[[刺客信条:本色]]》</ref>
1499年之前,切萨雷就开始着手建立属于自己的反刺客组织。他派遣了一群孤儿前去瓦隆布罗萨修道院,欺骗经验丰富的刺客[[拉斐尔·桑切斯]]训练他们至少五年,让他们“成为刺客”。接着切萨雷任命他的盟友[[希鲁斯·法费罗]]成为这个新的名为“[[黑鸦部队]]”的反刺客队伍的头领。<ref name="ID">《[[刺客信条:本色]]》</ref>
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而在招募菲奥拉之后,在1497年到1502年的这段时间,他经常派遣菲奥拉去联络自己的圣殿特务手下以及招徕其他人成为自己的[[多人游戏/ACBH|圣殿特务]]。<ref name=":0" />
而在招募菲奥拉之后,在1497年到1502年的这段时间,他经常派遣菲奥拉去联络自己的圣殿特务手下以及招徕其他人成为自己的[[多人游戏/ACBH|圣殿特务]]。<ref name=":0" />
===Siege of Monteriggioni===
{{Quote|我们之间有太多的血腥冲突了,我觉得是时候清洗一下。所以,把这当作我们家族对你们家族的……邀请吧。|1500年,切萨雷在杀死马里奥·奥迪托雷之前对埃齐奥·奥迪托雷呼告道。|Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood|Vilified}}
{{Quote|We've had too much bloodshed. I think a cleansing is in order. So, consider this an invitation from my family... to yours.|Cesare Borgia to Ezio Auditore, just before killing Mario Auditore, 1500.|Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood|Vilified}}
1500年1月,切萨雷领导了对刺客在意大利的总部[[蒙特里久尼]]的[[蒙特里久尼围城战|袭击]],来完成对刺客领导核心的[[奥迪托雷家族]]的清洗。切萨雷的军队包围了城市,击溃了堡垒的守军,并夺得了苹果,俘获了[[卡特琳娜·斯福尔扎]]以及当时的[[意大利刺客兄弟会|意大利刺客]]首领[[马里奥·奥迪托雷]]。<ref name="ACB" />
In January 1500, Cesare led [[Siege of Monteriggioni|an assault]] on [[Monteriggioni]], the headquarters of the Assassins in Italy, in order to eliminate the Auditore family, who were the leaders of the Assassins. Besieging the city, Cesare's forces overwhelmed the fortress defenders and captured the Apple, [[Caterina Sforza]], and [[Mario Auditore]], the current leader of the [[Italian Brotherhood of Assassins|Italian Assassins]].<ref name="ACB" />
被击败的马里奥徒劳走回城中大门,然后瘫倒在地,切萨雷和他的同僚们紧紧跟上:他的妹妹卢克雷齐娅,他的头号杀手[[米凯莱托·科雷拉]],奥克塔维安·德·瓦卢瓦男爵以及老胡安·博吉亚。<ref name="ACB" />
The beaten Assassin walked through the gates of Monteriggioni before collapsing onto the ground, followed by Cesare and his allies; including his sister, Lucrezia, [[Micheletto Corella]], Baron [[Octavian de Valois]], and [[Juan Borgia the Elder|Juan Borgia]].<ref name="ACB" />
[[File:ACBH Cesare Apple of Eden.png|thumb|left|250px|Cesare with the Apple of Eden during the Siege of Monteriggioni]]
[[File:ACBH Cesare Apple of Eden.png|thumb|left|250px|切萨雷在蒙特里久尼围城战期间拿出苹果]]
切萨雷收剑回鞘,对埃齐奥呼告,而埃齐奥看到了大门的情景,连忙[[自由奔跑|穿过屋顶跑来]]营救马里奥。切萨雷说到,教皇早就告知了他刺客和苹果的事情,接着他回身拿来瓦卢瓦男爵的[[枪械|手枪]]——由埃齐奥的密友[[莱昂纳多·达·芬奇]]被迫打造。<ref name="ACB" />
Cesare sheathed his sword and spoke out to Ezio himself, who had seen the Borgia's entrance and was [[Freerunning|running across the rooftops]] to aid Mario. The Borgia Captain General spoke of how the Pope had told him of the Assassins and Apple. He then turned and grabbed the Baron de Valois' [[Firearms|firearm]] from him, a pistol that Ezio's good friend, [[Leonardo da Vinci]], had been forced to fashion for them.<ref name="ACB" />
切萨雷声称,双方的冲突过于剧烈,并称“清洗已经就绪”。将手枪举到空中,将这次围攻称作一次“邀请”,接着爆了马里奥的头,杀死了他,接着埃齐奥被一堆[[火绳枪兵]]射伤。<ref name="ACB" />
Cesare stated that there had been too much bloodshed on both sides, and that a "''cleansing was in order''". Raising the pistol into the air, Cesare "invited" Ezio to come and face him in Rome, and killed Mario with a shot from the firearm.<ref name="ACB" />
之后守军节节败退,埃齐奥率领民众进入了底下[[圣堂]]的密道。切萨雷斩下了马里奥的头颅,并率军追了上来。在前路被阻断之后,他向埃齐奥展示了马里奥的首级,声称下一个就会杀了他。在将蒙特里久尼移为废墟之后,切萨雷和他的军队以及将领团回到了罗马。<ref name="ACB novel" />
Ezio was then shot down and wounded by a team of [[arquebusiers]]. Cesare immediately had Mario decapitated, his severed head placed on a pike. During Ezio's escape, Cesare showed Mario's head to him, exclaiming that he would kill him next. With Monteriggioni in ruins, Cesare and his victorious army returned to Rome with their prize.<ref name="ACB" />
===Campaigning in Italy===
切萨雷享受着教皇和法王的支持,并得到了{{Wiki|en:Duke of Valentinois|瓦伦蒂诺公爵}}的头衔,他开始在意大利中部建立自己的势力。他推翻那些名义上是反对教皇命令的贵族们,他在1497年赶走自己妹妹的前夫[[乔瓦尼·斯福尔扎]],让他离开罗马,后来又将他驱逐出了{{Wiki|en:Pesaro|佩萨罗}},将{{Wiki|en:Pandolfo Malatesta|潘多尔福·马拉泰斯塔}}赶出了{{Wiki|en:Rimini|里米尼}};在征服了{{Wiki|en:Faenza|法恩扎}}之后,他又将俘虏的年轻王子[[阿斯托雷三世·曼弗雷迪]]淹死在了[[台伯河]]中。<ref name="ACB" /> 他成为了罗马涅公爵,并被佛罗伦萨雇佣去征服[[Piombino|皮翁比诺]]以及[[Iacopo IV Appiani|雅可波四世·阿皮亚尼]]。<ref name=":2">《[[刺客信条:传承计划]]》 - [[罗马:第三章-弗朗切斯科·韦切利奥]]</ref> 1501年,他在教皇的帮助下,兵不血刃地征服了[[Urbino|乌尔比诺]]。在教皇征用了乌尔比诺的炮兵之后,切萨雷轻松征服了乌尔比诺。最后在1502年,他将[[Guidobaldo da Montefeltro|圭多巴尔多·达·蒙泰费尔特罗]]驱逐出乌尔比诺,将[[朱利奥·切萨雷·达·瓦拉诺]]驱逐出[[Camerino|卡梅里诺]]。他之后让米凯莱托杀死了朱利奥·切萨雷以及他的三个儿子。<ref name="ACB" />
Enjoying decisive support by the Pope and the [[Louis XII of France|King of France]], who had named him {{Wiki|Duke of Valentinois}}, Cesare started to carve out a state of his own in central Italy by systematically deposing the local lords, who nominally were rebellious Papal vicars. He ousted his former brother-in-law [[Giovanni Sforza]] from {{Wiki|Pesaro}} and {{Wiki|Pandolfo Malatesta}} from {{Wiki|Rimini}}; {{Wiki|Faenza}} surrendered and Cesare later had its captive young prince [[Astorre III Manfredi]] drowned in the [[Tiber]].<ref name="ACB" /> He became Duke of Romagna and was hired by [[Florence]] to vanquish [[Iacopo IV Appiani]] and conquer [[Piombino]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' - [[Rome: Chapter 3 - Francesco Vecellio]]</ref> Finally, in 1502, he expelled [[Guidobaldo da Montefeltro]] from [[Urbino]] and [[Giulio Cesare da Varano]] from [[Camerino]]. He later had the latter killed along his three sons by [[Micheletto Corella]].<ref name="ACB" />
===Suppressing rebellion===
===Suppressing rebellion===
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In 1502, Cesare continued to make use of Leonardo da Vinci's intellect, forcing him to design several [[War Machines|war machines]] for his army. However, all of Leonardo's creations were eventually stolen and destroyed by Ezio Auditore, in secret, at Leonardo's own request.<ref name="ACB" />
In 1502, Cesare continued to make use of Leonardo da Vinci's intellect, forcing him to design several [[War Machines|war machines]] for his army. However, all of Leonardo's creations were eventually stolen and destroyed by Ezio Auditore, in secret, at Leonardo's own request.<ref name="ACB" />
Around that time, Cesare invited his presumed ally, Fiora Cavazza, to dinner in order to interrogate her about the recent deaths of some of his agents, mainly [[Il Lupo]] and [[Baltasar de Silva]]. However, Fiora denied to have any knowledge regarding their deaths. The same night, Cesare's presumed son Giovanni discovered Fiora trying to steal Cesare's Apple of Eden, and Cesare was alerted by the clamor, thus discovering Fiora, who had been frozen by its power. Cesare advanced on the immobilized Fiora, calmly telling Giovanni that he would hurt her.<ref name="ACPL" />[[File:In and Out 8.png|thumb|250px|Cesare and Rodrigo at the pagan party]]In 1503, Cesare attended Juan Borgia's pagan party, where he gave a brief speech on a soon to be united Italy. After Cesare commanded the party to begin, Rodrigo reminded him that they had not agreed to conquer Italy. However, Cesare stated that ''he'' was now in control, although not officially, and simply told his father to enjoy himself.<ref name="ACB" />
Around that time, Cesare invited his presumed ally, Fiora Cavazza, to dinner in order to interrogate her about the recent deaths of some of his agents, mainly [[Il Lupo]] and [[Baltasar de Silva]]. However, Fiora denied to have any knowledge regarding their deaths. The same night, Cesare's presumed son Giovanni discovered Fiora trying to steal Cesare's Apple of Eden, and Cesare was alerted by the clamor, thus discovering Fiora, who had been frozen by its power. Cesare advanced on the immobilized Fiora, calmly telling Giovanni that he would hurt her.<ref name=":0" />
[[File:In and Out 8.png|thumb|250px|Cesare and Rodrigo at the pagan party]]
In 1503, Cesare attended Juan Borgia's pagan party, where he gave a brief speech on a soon to be united Italy. After Cesare commanded the party to begin, Rodrigo reminded him that they had not agreed to conquer Italy. However, Cesare stated that ''he'' was now in control, although not officially, and simply told his father to enjoy himself.<ref name="ACB" />
Later that year, Cesare had his close friend, [[Francesco Troche]], executed by Micheletto Corella, for telling his [[Egidio Troche|brother]] of Cesare's intentions for Romagna. Cesare then ordered Micheletto to assassinate the actor [[Pietro Rossi]], Lucrezia's secret lover.<ref name="ACB" />
Later that year, Cesare had his close friend, [[Francesco Troche]], executed by Micheletto Corella, for telling his [[Egidio Troche|brother]] of Cesare's intentions for Romagna. Cesare then ordered Micheletto to assassinate the actor [[Pietro Rossi]], Lucrezia's secret lover.<ref name="ACB" />
第141行: 第144行:
Cesare was a skilled manipulator, amassing many followers under his campaigns. While some followers merely used Cesare to further their own personal gains, Cesare himself was manipulating them, with plans to dispose his followers should they either betray him or outlive his usefulness.<ref name="ASD" /> Even his once manipulative and powerful father became nothing more than a figurehead in Cesare's quest for power. Machiavelli himself admitted respect for Cesare's skill in consolidating his power. Ezio also was well aware of what Cesare was capable of, that as long as he lives, whether he be imprisoned or removed from power, he would always remain a threat.<ref name="ACB" />
Cesare was a skilled manipulator, amassing many followers under his campaigns. While some followers merely used Cesare to further their own personal gains, Cesare himself was manipulating them, with plans to dispose his followers should they either betray him or outlive his usefulness.<ref name="ASD" /> Even his once manipulative and powerful father became nothing more than a figurehead in Cesare's quest for power. Machiavelli himself admitted respect for Cesare's skill in consolidating his power. Ezio also was well aware of what Cesare was capable of, that as long as he lives, whether he be imprisoned or removed from power, he would always remain a threat.<ref name="ACB" />
Cesare was armed with a [[Schiavona]] while in Rome, though chose to wield a [[Common Sword]] during the [[Siege of Viana]]. Cesare also wielded a wheelock pistol as well as a dagger.<ref name="ACB novel" /> He was also skilled in wielding a crossbow as well.<ref name="ASD" />
Cesare was armed with a [[Schiavona]] while in Rome, though chose to wield a [[Common Sword]] during the [[Siege of Viana]]. Cesare also wielded a wheelock pistol as well as a dagger.<ref name="ACB novel" /> He was also skilled in wielding a crossbow as well.<ref name="ASD" /><ref name=":2" />
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*His given name is the Italian variation of the name Caesar.
*His given name is the Italian variation of the name Caesar.
*Historically, it is said that Niccolò Machiavelli greatly admired Cesare. However, in ''Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood'', while Machiavelli respects his ability to enforce his will, he also seeks to eliminate Cesare and his family members alongside Ezio. Despite this, he does write a book based partially on Cesare's political life.
*Historically, it is said that Niccolò Machiavelli greatly admired Cesare. However, in ''Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood'', while Machiavelli respects his ability to enforce his will, he also seeks to eliminate Cesare and his family members alongside Ezio. Despite this, he does write a book based partially on Cesare's political life.
*Cesare has been compared to other Roman Templar rulers. Giovanni Borgia relived the memories of [[Marcus Junius Brutus]] through the [[Bleeding Effect]] and mistook Cesare for [[Gaius Julius Caesar|Julius Caesar]], attempting to kill Cesare with a knife.<ref name="ACPL" /> Ezio Auditore compared Cesare to [[Caligula]], due to the similarities in their arrogant, narcissistic personalities.<ref name="ACB novel" />
*Cesare has been compared to other Roman Templar rulers. Giovanni Borgia relived the memories of [[Marcus Junius Brutus]] through the [[Bleeding Effect]] and mistook Cesare for [[Gaius Julius Caesar|Julius Caesar]], attempting to kill Cesare with a knife.<ref name=":1" /> Ezio Auditore compared Cesare to [[Caligula]], due to the similarities in their arrogant, narcissistic personalities.<ref name="ACB novel" />
*It is suggested that Cesare was a pagan. When he confronted Ezio at Viana, he boasted that Fortuna will not fail him. Fortuna was an ancient Roman goddess of Luck though Fortuna also meant fortune in Italian.
*It is suggested that Cesare was a pagan. When he confronted Ezio at Viana, he boasted that Fortuna will not fail him. Fortuna was an ancient Roman goddess of Luck though Fortuna also meant fortune in Italian.
*Historically, Cesare was killed by an ambush of four Vianan Knights during the Siege of Viana where they stripped him of his luxurious garments and jewels including his mask that he covered in his face when he contracted syphilis and the knights only left him a red tile to cover up his gentiles.
*Historically, Cesare was killed by an ambush of four Vianan Knights during the Siege of Viana where they stripped him of his luxurious garments and jewels including his mask that he covered in his face when he contracted syphilis and the knights only left him a red tile to cover up his gentiles.

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切萨雷·博吉亚Cesare Borgia ,1475 – 1507)是一名意大利佣兵将领,贵族,以及政治家。他是罗德里戈·博吉亚的私生子,也是刺客埃齐奥·奥迪托雷·达·佛罗伦萨的死敌。他和父亲一样都是圣殿骑士组织的成员。他最终成为了教皇军队的统帅,但他还是密谋对抗父亲,接管罗马并征服整个意大利。[2]



















ACBH Cesare Apple of Eden






切萨雷享受着教皇和法王的支持,并得到了瓦伦蒂诺公爵的头衔,他开始在意大利中部建立自己的势力。他推翻那些名义上是反对教皇命令的贵族们,他在1497年赶走自己妹妹的前夫乔瓦尼·斯福尔扎,让他离开罗马,后来又将他驱逐出了佩萨罗,将潘多尔福·马拉泰斯塔赶出了里米尼;在征服了法恩扎之后,他又将俘虏的年轻王子阿斯托雷三世·曼弗雷迪淹死在了台伯河中。[2] 他成为了罗马涅公爵,并被佛罗伦萨雇佣去征服皮翁比诺以及雅可波四世·阿皮亚尼[9] 1501年,他在教皇的帮助下,兵不血刃地征服了乌尔比诺。在教皇征用了乌尔比诺的炮兵之后,切萨雷轻松征服了乌尔比诺。最后在1502年,他将圭多巴尔多·达·蒙泰费尔特罗驱逐出乌尔比诺,将朱利奥·切萨雷·达·瓦拉诺驱逐出卡梅里诺。他之后让米凯莱托杀死了朱利奥·切萨雷以及他的三个儿子。[2]

Suppressing rebellion

Oliverotto:“I never wished you any harm, Cesare. It was entirely Vitellozzo's plan!”
Cesare:“Ha! Your sacrifice will prove invaluable to me.”
―Oliverotto pleading to Cesare before being killed by Micheletto, 1500.

Following the Siege of Monteriggioni, Cesare commanded Ramiro d'Orco, Vitellozzo Vitelli and Oliverotto da Fermo to lead his armies into Romagna and claim it for their Borgia master. However, all three generals eventually rebelled against Cesare, to which he responded by butchering Ramiro.[4]

His death panicked both Oliverotto and Vitellozzo, forcing them both to re-enter Cesare's service, after he accepted their every demand to return without consequences for the rebellion. However, with Romagna his, Cesare no longer required their service. Months later, Cesare threw a "dinner" in Vitellozzo and Oliverotto's honor.[4]

Cesare screenshot large

Cesare greeting Vitelozzo and Oliverotto at the "dinner"

Once both generals arrived at the location Cesare given, he spoke out to them, thanking them for handing Romagna to him, but claimed it was time to shed his "bloody gloves".[4]

As several Papal Guards arrived at Cesare's side, they both realized that they had entered an ambush, thus they both charged into a fray immediately. Though outnumbered, both Oliverotto and Vitellozzo overpowered them. Cesare then armed himself with a crossbow, and as a surviving Papal Guard wounded Vitellozzo, Cesare fired the bolt at Oliverotto's chest.[4]

Several hours later, both Vitellozzo and Oliverotto regained consciousness, recovering from their wounds. As they woke up, they realized that they were chained back-to-back. In front of them Cesare stood, aside Micheletto Corella. Though Oliverotto blamed Vitellozzo for the conspiracy against him, Cesare ultimately ordered Micheletto to strangle both Viellozzo and Oliverotto back-to-back, claiming their "sacrifice" was invaluable to him.[4]

War in Rome

“He is ambitious, ruthless, and cruel beyond imagining. The laws of men mean nothing to him. The powerful Orsini and Colonna families have been brought to kneel at his feet, and the King of France stands at his side.”
Niccolò Machiavelli, regarding Cesare Borgia.[来源]-[记忆]

By 1500, Cesare had Rome under his iron fist as the commander of the Papal army, though he and his father occasionally disagreed on his choices. He used Borgia towers and their captains to keep control over the five districts of Rome, as he was often away for extended periods of time to oversee the advancement of his army, in a bid to unite all of Italy under his rule.[2]

CCrasher 4


During Ezio's infiltration of the Castel Sant'Angelo in late June 1501, Cesare was seen at the stables conversing with his three generals about their plans, where he told them to play along with his father's "tired old men's club", but to remember who they really served.[2]

Subsequently, he shared a romantic moment with his sister. Cesare asked if their father had considered the funds requested by his banker, though she claimed he was away from the Castel and may need convincing. Cesare then left the Castel for Romagna to continue his campaign.[2]

In 1502, Cesare continued to make use of Leonardo da Vinci's intellect, forcing him to design several war machines for his army. However, all of Leonardo's creations were eventually stolen and destroyed by Ezio Auditore, in secret, at Leonardo's own request.[2]

Around that time, Cesare invited his presumed ally, Fiora Cavazza, to dinner in order to interrogate her about the recent deaths of some of his agents, mainly Il Lupo and Baltasar de Silva. However, Fiora denied to have any knowledge regarding their deaths. The same night, Cesare's presumed son Giovanni discovered Fiora trying to steal Cesare's Apple of Eden, and Cesare was alerted by the clamor, thus discovering Fiora, who had been frozen by its power. Cesare advanced on the immobilized Fiora, calmly telling Giovanni that he would hurt her.[5]

In and Out 8

Cesare and Rodrigo at the pagan party

In 1503, Cesare attended Juan Borgia's pagan party, where he gave a brief speech on a soon to be united Italy. After Cesare commanded the party to begin, Rodrigo reminded him that they had not agreed to conquer Italy. However, Cesare stated that he was now in control, although not officially, and simply told his father to enjoy himself.[2]

Later that year, Cesare had his close friend, Francesco Troche, executed by Micheletto Corella, for telling his brother of Cesare's intentions for Romagna. Cesare then ordered Micheletto to assassinate the actor Pietro Rossi, Lucrezia's secret lover.[2]

Apple a day 4

Cesare arguing with Rodrigo

In August of 1503, due to the interference of the Roman Assassins, Cesare's army and funds had significantly diminished. Enraged, Cesare confronted Rodrigo, demanding to know what had happened. There, Cesare and Rodrigo argued over the former's insatiable lust for power. Rodrigo commented that he had given Cesare all he had, yet his son was never satisfied.[2]

Cesare demanded that his father give him the Apple of Eden, but Rodrigo refused. At this point, Lucrezia barged in, crying out to her brother that their father was attempting to poison him with the bowl of apples he had left out.[2]

An outraged Cesare responded by charging Rodrigo and shoving the poisoned apple down his throat, suffocating him. Cesare then demanded the Apple's whereabouts from Lucrezia, who confessed under much pressure. However, Ezio beat Cesare to St. Peter's Basilica, the Apple's location, and retrieved the Piece of Eden before him.[2]

Roads lead to 5

Cesare being arrested

Cesare's rule spiraled downward from there. Cesare had consumed enough of the poison to leave him weak for months; while he recovered, the Assassins used the Apple to dwindle his remaining forces, while the cardinals of the Curia refused to support the Templar, branding the Borgia's money "tainted".[2]

Cesare sent Micheletto to retrieve his armies from the northern battlefield in order to reclaim Rome, however, he was confronted by the highest-ranking Assassins as he awaited his return. As the last of his followers fell, Fabio Orsini arrived with the Papal Guard and a warrant for Cesare's arrest by the order of Pope Julius II. Cesare was taken away, imprisoned, and later exiled to Spain.[2]

From Rome to Spain

“This is not how it ends! Chains will not hold me! I will not die by the hand of man!”
―Cesare Borgia, during his arrest, 1503.[来源]-[记忆]

Subsequently following his arrest, Cesare was imprisoned in the Castel Sant'Angelo. However, he was able to escape the prison and flee. Somehow, Cesare managed to go to Firenze in order to execute a weaponsmith called Demetrio, who had refused to continue creating Corvix Blades for the Crows and was plotting to kill Cesare after the latter cut his tongue, however, an Assassin saved Demetrio before he could be executed.[8] Though Cesare was later recaptured, Pope Julius II concluded that Cesare needed to be transferred to a more secure prison, and had the Templar moved to the Castillo de la Mota, Aragon, in Spain. Though Ezio had intended to kill Cesare despite his imprisonment, he was unaware of where Cesare had been transferred. He, Machiavelli, and Leonardo began tracking him down, while Micheletto, who had evaded imprisonment and remained loyal to Cesare, planned for his master's escape.[3]

In 1506, Micheletto bribed a prison guard at the Castillo. Having had rope smuggled in for him, Cesare climbed down from his window and snuck past the main gate in his stolen guard uniform. Meeting with Micheletto, he was informed that Ezio was currently tracking him, though he said nothing on the matter. Micheletto then told his master that he had made arrangements in Valencia. With this, Cesare made his escape, and rode to Valencia with Micheletto.[3]

Attack on Valencia

Cesare:“You got me out of La Mota, sure, and you up my hopes. But now look where you have got me!”
Micheletto:“Master, all my men are dead. I have done what I could.”
Cesare:“And failed!”
—Cesare before bursting into a tirade about Micheletto and killing him, Valencia, 1506.[来源]

Following his escape, Cesare began to rebuild his forces in Valencia, with men volunteering to enter his service and setting up a large military encampment. Whilst Cesare was raising a small army, he spent most of his time coordinating battle tactics at the Lone Wolf Inn. Ezio and Machiavelli soon discovered this, however, and were able to destroy the encampment and twelve ships with Leonardo's hand-held bombs.[3]

Later, they spied on him from the roof of the Lone Wolf. Cesare blamed Micheletto for the Assassins' attack, and insulted him as a dog, remarking that he should find somewhere to die. During his tirade against Micheletto, Cesare claimed that he would cross the borders and join his brother-in-law, King John III of Navarre to seek his aid.[3]

Though Micheletto begged Cesare, and reminded him of his loyal service, Cesare continued to insult him. However, this rebounded on Cesare, as Micheletto, realizing how little his service meant to his ungrateful master, attempted to murder Cesare by strangling him. However, Cesare was able to shove Micheletto away and shoot him in the head, killing him. Ezio and Machiavelli, who had watched the scene unfold, made a noise from above. Cesare, who heard this, fired his rifle and wounded Machiavelli.[3]

Ezio then took Machiavelli to a doctor instead of attacking Cesare, giving the Templar a chance to escape Valencia and cross the borders to the Kingdom of Navarre.[3]

Siege of Viana and death

“I will lead mankind into a new world! You cannot kill me! No man can murder me!”
―Cesare Borgia's last words, 1507.[来源]-[记忆]
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Cesare fighting Ezio in Viana

In March of 1507, Cesare tried to regain his lost honor by commandeering John III's vast army during the Siege of Viana, after which, should he be victorious, he would regain the support of the French. However, unbeknownst to him, Ezio caught wind of Cesare's involvement in the battle and set out for Viana.[2]

During the siege, Ezio located and charged Cesare on the battlefield, though Cesare held him back just long enough to dodge his Hidden Blade and flee, screaming at his men to kill the Assassin as he retreated. Ezio's pursuit was delayed by several cannonball impacts that stunned him, and incapacitated the other soldiers in the area.[2]

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Ezio letting Cesare fall to his death

Ezio soon caught up to him on the outskirts of the castle walls, where Cesare had his soldiers kill a civilian woman, who was crying for him to help her son, who had been injured. Ezio eventually faced Cesare on the walls of Viana Castle and fought against him, with Cesare wielding a sword and a pistol.

Though Cesare attacked with speed and skill, while also periodically calling reinforcing troops, Ezio nevertheless defeated him, eventually pinning him to the ground. When Cesare vowed not to die at the hands of man, Ezio declared that he would leave Cesare "in the hands of Fate", and threw him off of the castle wall to his death.

Personality and characteristics

Rodrigo:“We did not agree to conquer Italia.”
Cesare:“If your brilliant Captain General says we can do it, why not rejoice and let it happen?”
―Rodrigo and Cesare Borgia, discussing Cesare's ambitions, 1503.[来源]-[记忆]

Cesare was born into the Templar Order and, like many of his siblings, was raised by his father as his personal weapon. However, Cesare was a charismatic, cruel, aggressive, and ambitious man. He was utterly ruthless in that he would do anything—including having his own family and friends murdered - to obtain power.[4]

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Cesare and Lucrezia kissing

Cesare maintained an incestuous relationship with his sister, Lucrezia Borgia, and promised her that she would be his queen when he ruled Italy. As such, he frequently descended into jealous rage due to her many dalliances with other men – those of which she would normally woo in order to spite her unfaithful brother.[2]

However, in his attempts to discover the location of the Apple, Cesare physically assaulted her, answering her tearful question if he had ever loved her by saying, "You are my sister, nothing more." Despite this, Cesare maintained contact with Lucrezia until death, promising her that he would return to power.[2]

Cesare also developed a god-complex personality, believing that he would not be bound nor killed by a normal man. He also believed that he was more powerful than the Pope himself, seemingly unaware that his father's status as Pope was the only reason he had any power in the first place. He maintained this belief throughout his life, even in his final moments, despite being aware that his death was imminent. [2]

Equipment and Skills

Ezio:“Is that admiration I hear in your voice?”
Machiavelli:“He knows how to exercise his will. A rare virtue in the world today.”
―Ezio and Mchiavelli, discussing Cesare's leadership abilities, 1500.[来源]
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Cesare struggling to fend of Ezio's attack

Cesare, as Captain General of the Papal armies, was a capable leader, and gained many victories. Cesare was a skilled swordsman, killing several Vianese soldiers with ease, and capable of fighting on even ground with Ezio Auditore in a sword-fight that nearly ended in a stalemate, in spite of being afflicted with the "New Disease". Cesare was also a competent bullfighter, being able to kill a bull without the need of aid from his assistants.[3]

Cesare was a skilled manipulator, amassing many followers under his campaigns. While some followers merely used Cesare to further their own personal gains, Cesare himself was manipulating them, with plans to dispose his followers should they either betray him or outlive his usefulness.[4] Even his once manipulative and powerful father became nothing more than a figurehead in Cesare's quest for power. Machiavelli himself admitted respect for Cesare's skill in consolidating his power. Ezio also was well aware of what Cesare was capable of, that as long as he lives, whether he be imprisoned or removed from power, he would always remain a threat.[2]

Cesare was armed with a Schiavona while in Rome, though chose to wield a Common Sword during the Siege of Viana. Cesare also wielded a wheelock pistol as well as a dagger.[3] He was also skilled in wielding a crossbow as well.[4][9]


Appearance and behavior
  • In the novelization of Brotherhood, Cesare's face had been apparently deformed by the "New Disease", and he had resorted to wearing a mask. However, in the game, he is never seen with either said deformity or mask.
    • Historically, Cesare was infected by the recent outbreak of syphilis and resorted to wearing a mask in public.
  • According to the Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood novel, Cesare excelled at bullfighting. Machiavelli believed he showed such an interest in the sport due to its origins in Spain, and his aggressive nature.
  • Cesare Borgia was married to Charlotte d'Albret, who bore him a daughter named Louise. This is never mentioned in the game, although Ezio visits her in the novelization. He actually died while fighting for her brother, John d'Albret of Navarre.
  • Despite being shown to be adept with a crossbow in both Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy and Assassin's Creed: Ascendance, Cesare never wields the weapon in Brotherhood.
  • Since Cesare is immune to executions or counters, and would even harm Ezio on the Assassin's attempts to counter-kill him, Cesare could only be killed by whittling down his defense through attacking repeatedly or by being shot by Ezio's Hidden Gun.
Mobile game
  • In the non-canonical mobile adaptation of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Cesare Borgia attacks Monteriggioni, kills Mario Auditore, and steals the Apple of Eden in 1486, the year the entire game, along with the mobile prequel is set. Unlike the canonical game, Cesare Borgia is not confronted by the Assassins at the Piazza del Popolo in 1503 after losing the Apple only to be arrested by Fabio Orsini, nor is he killed by Ezio Auditore in personal combat years later in 1507 at the Siege of Viana. Instead, he is confronted by Ezio Auditore in 1486 at the Roman Colosseum after the assassination of all his allies but still with the Apple in hand, which he uses in his duel with Ezio. The fight is separated into two stages:
    • In the first stage, Cesare, augmented by the Apple, performs several techniques, some lightning-themed.
      • He charges his sword in an upward swing followed by two more rapid slashes, all while emitting lightning bolts in an expanding radius around him.
      • He charges at Ezio with an augmented burst of speed.
      • He fires his pistol.
      • Once he has nearly lost half his health, he holds out the Apple to blast Ezio away with an explosion of lightning around him.
      • From then on, he adds an additional combat maneuver to his arsenal: that of throwing cross-shaped energy grenades that detonate in electric shockwaves upon impact.
    • Eventually over-exhaustion from the Apple of Eden sets in, giving Ezio the opportunity to trounce him before stabbing him through the gut with his sword. The critically injured Cesare does not succumb to this wound, and fueled by the Apple, is able to not only partially recover, but flee to upper stages of the stadium where Ezio catches up to him for a resumption of their duel. At this point, Cesare outright absorbs the Apple of Eden, which transforms him into a powered-up state with an orange aura. In this state he is capable of the following feats, which he employs in his fight in addition to those he performed in the previous stage:
      • He hovers off the ground, with a pool of lightning beneath him.
      • He charges a ball of lightning in his hand, which he then thrusts at Ezio by charging at him with augmented speed.
      • He slashes with his lightning-empowered sword, only unlike his initial combo, this focuses the lightning bolt outward in a focused direction: towards Ezio.
      • By slamming the ground, he summons a trap of dark lightning from underneath Ezio, which, after shocking him with electric tendrils, crucifies him in a cross entirely composed of electricity.
    • All of these attacks are unblockable to Ezio, who is forced to evade them all. Cesare is also invulnerable to damage in his state. Only after casting his lightning crucifixion technique does he become weakened enough to be injured—which Ezio exploits after breaking free of the trap through force of will alone.
    • The pattern repeats until Cesare is at last mortally wounded; Ezio then finishes him by first kicking his face, then grabbing him by his neck with one hand, choking him, whereby he proceeds to use his other hand to stab him three times and slash him two times with his Hidden Blade. After seizing the Apple of Eden, Ezio immediately uses it to unleash a pillar of lightning around him that blasts Cesare away. As Cesare is blown away, Ezio utilizes his Apple-augmented speed to rapidly dash behind him and kick him back, then dash forward to intercept him once more and slam his body into the ground. From there, he executes his archenemy with one final thrust of his sword down into his head. Unlike the main game, Ezio in the mobile version is expressly motivated to kill Cesare and his allies only out of vengeance for Mario's death.
  • His given name is the Italian variation of the name Caesar.
  • Historically, it is said that Niccolò Machiavelli greatly admired Cesare. However, in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, while Machiavelli respects his ability to enforce his will, he also seeks to eliminate Cesare and his family members alongside Ezio. Despite this, he does write a book based partially on Cesare's political life.
  • Cesare has been compared to other Roman Templar rulers. Giovanni Borgia relived the memories of Marcus Junius Brutus through the Bleeding Effect and mistook Cesare for Julius Caesar, attempting to kill Cesare with a knife.[7] Ezio Auditore compared Cesare to Caligula, due to the similarities in their arrogant, narcissistic personalities.[3]
  • It is suggested that Cesare was a pagan. When he confronted Ezio at Viana, he boasted that Fortuna will not fail him. Fortuna was an ancient Roman goddess of Luck though Fortuna also meant fortune in Italian.
  • Historically, Cesare was killed by an ambush of four Vianan Knights during the Siege of Viana where they stripped him of his luxurious garments and jewels including his mask that he covered in his face when he contracted syphilis and the knights only left him a red tile to cover up his gentiles.
  • When replaying the memory in Viana, after the cutscene in which Ezio drops Cesare from the castle walls, his body can be seen when looking down from the battlements before the memory fades out.
  • When talking to Shaun in the Sanctuary, he mentions that Cesare sent the Pope a letter about the night of his wedding with his French wife, and that he had "done the deed eight times".
  • In the novelization, Cesare's personal crest was described as "two red bulls quartered with fleur-de-lis", the coat of arms of Duke of Valentinois. In the game however, he wasn't given a personal crest.
  • Cesare is mentioned in Assassin's Creed: Revelations during "The Prince's Banquet", where Ezio disguises himself as a minstrel and sings about Cesare's death.
  • There is an action figure of Cesare available, supplied by the UK branch of the Amazon retailer.
  • Cesare is represented in two mnemonic sets in Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy: the "Borgia Family" set, and the "Shroud of Turin" set.
  • Cesare can be seen very briefly in the introduction to Assassin's Creed III, holding the Apple of Eden.



