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克劳迪娅·奥迪托雷 (1461 - 未知) 文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨贵族,是刺客组织的成员。她是埃齐奥意大利刺客导师的妹妹。


在1500年1月,蒙特利久尼被在切萨雷·博吉亚指挥下的博吉亚军围攻并被大面积破坏,使得奥迪托雷家族无家可归。有违她哥哥让克劳迪娅和母亲去故乡佛罗伦萨的期望,克劳迪娅和母亲玛丽亚 跟随埃齐奥到了罗马。在那里,她成为了馨香玫瑰 ——罗马最有名妓院的老板娘。

最终,在证明了她对她哥哥来说是一个有价值的战士之后,埃齐奥让克劳迪娅加入刺客组织 。第二年,克劳迪娅被博吉亚顽固分子俘获。后来他被埃齐奥和马基雅维利救出。在这段时间她辞去了馨香玫瑰老板娘的职务,和她的朋友保拉呆在佛罗伦萨休养直到1507年。

克劳迪娅在1510年,当他哥哥启程去中东旅行,寻找传说中据说在马斯亚夫阿泰尔 的图书馆时,被授予意大利刺客 的临时控制权直到她哥哥在1512年晚些时候回来。之后埃齐奥退出刺客组织并指派了一名继承者。




克劳迪娅在1461年1月2日出生于佛罗伦萨 ,是佛罗伦萨银行家乔瓦尼·奥迪托雷和他妻子玛丽亚的女儿。她有两个哥哥,费代里科埃齐奥,还有一个弟弟叫彼得鲁乔[1]





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第二天早上,克劳迪娅生日那天,蒙特利久尼被罗德里戈的儿子切萨雷指挥下的博吉亚军围攻, Captain General of the Papal army. Claudia secured her mother and several other villagers in the sanctuary underneath her villa, but was found and attacked by Borgia soldiers upon leaving the villa. She was saved by her heavily-wounded brother, who led the survivors through a secret passage underneath Monteriggioni. Upon arriving outside safely, Ezio informed Claudia and Maria that Cesare had killed Mario, and told them to go to Florence. However, they both wished to aid Ezio, so they secretly followed him to Rome, the heart of Borgia and Templar power.[2]


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克劳迪娅和玛丽亚成功到达了台伯岛的刺客据点,在那里见到了马基雅维利。马基雅维利怀疑埃齐奥在拜访馨香玫瑰娼妓 ,把妇女引到妓院去。[2]

Conversing with the courtesans, Claudia and Maria were joined by Ezio, who had just came back from a failed attempt to save the brothel's owner, Madonna Solari, from slave traders. Without anyone to lead the courtesans, Claudia offered to take over the ownership of the brothel, much to Ezio's dissatisfaction.[2]

On Maria's request, Ezio agreed, and Claudia and her courtesans started retrieving intelligence for the Assassin Order from the Borgia, beginning to attain information on the location of Caterina Sforza. Meeting with Ezio and the other guild leaders at the Assassin hideout with the necessary information, the Assassins decided that their next step was to assassinate Rodrigo and Cesare Borgia.[2]

Claudia continued to lead the courtesans for the coming years, and in 1503, she joined the Assassins at the hideout again, where she revealed that a senator named Egidio Troche was closely related with Cesare's "Banker". Claudia pointed Ezio in the senator's direction, and set her courtesans to follow Ezio when he went to assassinate the Banker, taking his money with them to the Rosa in Fiore.[2]

However, these courtesans were followed by Borgia guards, and they infiltrated the brothel. Determined to protect her girls, Claudia armed herself with a knife, and single-handedly took out all the guards, right before Ezio entered the brothel in the hopes of saving her. Ezio was amazed by Claudia's efforts, and in August 1503, he called Claudia to the hideout again.[2]

Entering the ceremony hall, Ezio inducted Claudia into the Assassin Order in the presence of the other Assassins, while Ezio himself was promoted to Mentor and leader of the Italian Assassins. Claudia proceeded to perform a Leap of Faith into the Tiber from the top of the hideout.[2]

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Ezio infiltrated the Castel Sant'Angelo soon afterwards, aiming to kill Rodrigo and Cesare. To his astonishment, however, Ezio witnessed Cesare kill Rodrigo with a poisoned apple, and without his father's power in the Church, Cesare saw his control over Rome weakening immensely.[2] Shortly after, Claudia informed Ezio that a French cardinal, Georges d'Amboise, revealed that he was to meet with Cesare soon, and Ezio left to interrupt the meeting.[3] Subsequently, Claudia joined Ezio, Niccolò, La Volpe and Bartolomeo d'Alviano in defeating the last of Cesare's supporters, and witnessed his arrest at the hands of Fabio Orsini and the Papal Guard.[2]

The next year, Maria grew weak and started talking of Giovanni, Federico and Petruccio again, and some time later, she died due to illness. With this, Claudia was left in sole control of the courtesans, but in the same year, she was captured by a group of Borgia remnants, led by a Templar spy named Bruno.[3]

Bruno pretended to work for Niccolò, and directed both him and Ezio to where Claudia was being held captive, saying it was a secret Templar hideout. Claudia, held by ropes, saw her clothes get ripped off by one of the Templars, until Ezio and Niccolò joined them. Niccolò and Ezio were able to overcome the Borgia fanatics and rescue Claudia, but she eventually chose to resign as the Madame of the Rosa in Fiore. Claudia left for Florence, where she stayed with Paola to recover from the ferocious Templar attack. In response, La Volpe arranged for Rosa, a Venetian thief, to take on her role as Madame.[3]


“It's true. This job wears one out. The Blessed Mother knows, I've only been doing it in your stead for two short years, but I have come to realize what you have been carrying on your shoulders for so long.”
―Claudia about the hardship of leading the Assassins.[来源]

Ezio continued to chase after Cesare, and eventually managed to kill the Templar Grand Master during the Siege of Viana in 1507. Returning to Rome from Spain, Ezio asked Machiavelli to send Claudia back to Rome as soon as he would reach Florence. Claudia returned to Rome some time later, having grown to love the city more than her home of Florence.[3]

Claudia continued to serve the Assassins, acting as an advisor to Ezio. In 1510, Ezio discovered a letter from their father, which detailed the location of the library of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, the Mentor of the Levantine Assassins and one of the most legendary Assassins of the Order. Though not showing the letter to Claudia, Ezio revealed that he aimed to travel to Masyaf in hopes of finding the library. Wishing Ezio luck on his journey and asking him to write to her occasionally, Claudia was temporarily left in control of the Italian Assassin Brotherhood.[4]

Occasionally, Claudia received letters from her brother detailing the progress of his journey, which eventually led him to Constantinople. He also revealed to her the feelings he was starting to have for a Venetian woman named Sofia Sartor.[5]

In Ezio's absence, Claudia faced the problem of Pope Julius II's declining health, which troubled the Assassins due to Julius having been their protector for numerous years. Additionally, she received a letter from Desiderius Erasmus, a Dutch scholar and the leader of the Northern European Assassins.[4]

In late 1512, Ezio returned to Rome with Sofia, who had become his wife after their marriage in Venice. Claudia revealed to him the good news of Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici, son of Ezio's late friend and ally Lorenzo de' Medici, being close to the Papacy, and showed him Erasmus' letter.[4]

Additionally, Claudia congratulated Ezio on his marriage, approving of his wife, "even if she [was] a Venetian." Ezio, having decided to resign from the Order, revealed that he had chosen Lodovico Ariosto as his successor as Mentor. Claudia, pointing out Ariosto's relationship to Alfonso d'Este and his wife Lucrezia Borgia, heavily protested against this, and was even more infuriated upon hearing of Ezio's desire to build his own vineyard and to start writing.[4]





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克劳迪娅在小时候明显被乔瓦尼宠坏了, and was unafraid to be violent when a girl merely "looked at her boyfriend." Due to her temper, Giovanni was forced to raise her dowry by 1,000 florins, since she scared off all of her suitors. At times, she was also seen to be immature, complaining petulantly after Mario assigned her to manage Monteriggioni's finances.[1]

Regardless, Claudia was quite capable of handling and keeping track of the town's bankroll, as well as of her brother's purchases and earnings.[1] Her capability in business management again became useful when she volunteered - despite Ezio's initial protest - to take over the brothel in Rome. Under her leadership, the Rosa in Fiore became the most popular brothel in the city, as well as an effective intelligence-gathering arm for the Assassins.[2]

Claudia was also kind with her family, being especially emotional over her father and brothers' execution, her mother's emotional trauma, and leaving her home and her friends in Florence. Claudia was Ezio's only sister, and unlike her brothers, who were executed on the orders of Rodrigo Borgia to prove a point to the Assassins, she was spared, likely because of her gender.[1]



  • 克劳迪娅和游戏中的大多数人一样,在23年的时间内没有任何外貌上的变化,并且她始终呆在奥迪托雷别墅的那张桌子后。自从她向艾齐奥抱怨不想工作后,她与艾齐奥的唯一对话就是问他是否要看庄园的财政薄。
  • 自从艾齐奥给蒙特利久尼赚取收入后,克劳迪娅说她会全力存钱。但她从未告诉艾齐奥存款的去向。
  • 克劳迪娅在大部分时间中她都呆在奥迪托雷别墅,在虚荣之火事件中艾齐奥可以用鹰眼在奥迪托雷宅邸看到她的影像。
  • 游戏中有一个BUG,艾齐奥在跑动中可以撞到并击倒克劳迪娅,此时她会呼叫城市守卫,尽管这一切看起来不可思议。
  • 马里奥在刺客信条:文艺复兴中提到过克劳迪娅已有家室,但未提及她丈夫和孩子的姓名。


  • 克劳迪娅看起来还很年轻,其实在游戏刚开始的时候她已经38岁了。她的皮肤看起来比以前更苍白。
  • 当克劳迪娅加入刺客组织时,她的服装和玛利亚·索普在刺客信条II中的服装很相似。
  • Like her brother, Claudia wielded a knife with an icepick grip, as shown in the memory "Paper Trail."


