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刺客的信条(The Creed)刺客组织的法规和行事哲学,从第三次十字军东征时被创造至现代一直在使用。它禁止对无辜者的无谓杀戮,维护个人和组织的声望,在个人的心中和整个世界上创造和平。

The Creed first begun to take shape in 38 BCE when Bayek of Siwa, founder of the Hidden Ones–a predeccessor to the Assassins Brotherhood–enforced a veil of secrecy over his order.[1] 刺客们一代一代地通过口述将信条传递下去,并保证刺客组织的每一位成员都深刻地理解其内涵并严格遵守其内容。阿尔穆林,刺客组织曾经的领导者,就说过“如果不跟随信条,我们什么都不是。”






刺客组织最重要的目标之一就是世界和平。刺客们认为刺杀腐败的官员可以为百姓带来真正的安宁。杀戮无辜的旁观者和平民会导致冲突,同时毁坏刺客组织的名声。[2] It also prevented them from achieving their higher purpose, as a precise killer instead of an indiscriminate butcher. This tenet was implemented by Bayek of Siwa after Gamilat, the leader of the Nabatean rebels in the Sinai Peninsula used the slaughter of innocents as martyrs to recruit more people to the cause.






“你的行动不能威胁到我们 , 不管是直接的还是间接地。”



“Do we bend the rules in service to a greater good? And if we do, what does it say of us?”
―Altaïr's Codex, page 4.[来源]

The three great ironies were observations that described the contradictions between the Creed, and the actions of the Assassins who followed it. They were:

  1. The Assassins seek to promote peace, but commit murder.
  2. The Assassins seek to open the minds of men, but require obedience to rules.
  3. The Assassins seek to reveal the danger of blind faith, yet practice it themselves.

Though seemingly hypocritical, the ironies did not undermine the Assassins' cause. Rather, they demonstrated the way in which they embraced contradiction, "that one may be two things – opposite in every way – simultaneously."[3] Another core part of the Creed is the importance of knowledge, which allows one to learn and advance. This was reflected on by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad when about to kill a target who was ordering a mass burning of books.


Initiation Rome 1


“万事皆虚,万事皆允。(Nothing is true,everything is permitted.)”是信条的核心部分(格言)。[2]这句话是在11世纪由记录中的第一位的刺客导师哈桑-伊·萨巴赫所提出的。

Al Mualim taught Altaïr that the maxim commanded the Assassins not to be free, but to be wise. Altaïr later explained that for a person to abide by the maxim, they had to transcend the illusion which was the world, and to "recognize that laws do not arise from divinity, but reason".[2]

Ezio Auditore da Firenze once spoke of the maxim at length with Sofia Sartor, who found it rather cynical. However, he told her that the maxim was not a doctrine to be followed, but merely an observation of the world.[4]

This maxim was spoken by all Assassins present at every new Assassin's induction into the Order, and in its original Arabic by Ezio as he presided over each ceremony.[5]



AC 2


On most occasions, the breaking of one or more of the tenets of the Creed led to the execution of the involved Assassin, though there have been exceptions.[2] Before the restructuring of the Order, Levantine Assassins were known to take their own life if necessary rather than compromise the Brotherhood.

During Saladin's siege of Masyaf, Ahmad Sofian was captured and interrogated by the Saracens about the identity of the Assassin who infiltrated the camp. Ahmad broke and gave the name of Umar Ibn-La'Ahad. This resulted in him breaking the third tenet of the Creed, as Umar was executed for this, and though he was spared Ahmad could not bear the shame and guilt and took his own life. Umar himself also technically broke the first and third tenets as well by killing a Saracen nobleman, who was not his target and which resulted in the Saracens electing to continue the siege unless he surrendered himself, which would have resulted in many Assassin deaths. Umar elected to give himself up for execution to save his fellow Assassins.


Upon his return to Masyaf, Altaïr was publicly chastised and executed via stabbing as punishment by his Master. However, the execution was only an illusion, as Al Mualim wished to grant him a second chance. Instead, Altaïr was merely stripped of all his weapons and equipment, and demoted to the lowest rank of novice, forced to re-earn his rank through the Hunt for the Nine.[2]

Following his return from exile, Altaïr decided to eliminate those of Abbas Sofian's followers who had compromised the Brotherhood by harming civilians, while leaving alive those that still lived by the Creed.[4]


“Our tenets are clear. One of our brothers has decided to disobey them and must pay with his life.”
―An Assassin of Jerusalem.[来源]



While in the Ottoman Empire during the early 16th century, one of Ezio's apprentices broke the first tenet after mistaking a cleric for the Templar Cyril of Rhodes and rashly assassinating him. Instead of punishing him, Ezio ordered him to reflect on his mistake and gave him the chance to redeem himself when they confronted Cyril again.[4]

During this time, an Assassin of Jerusalem broke the Creed, and the Ottoman Assassins were asked to intervene. Despite his treachery, the other Assassins of his guild asked that he be executed covertly with a crossbow.[4]


In 1791, Eseosa sentenced fellow Assassin Jeannot Bullet to death for breaking the first tenet of the Creed.[7]


In 1793, the French Assassin Council expelled Arno Dorian from the Brotherhood for repeatedly assassinating targets without consulting them. He was accused of compromising the Brotherhood and pursuing a personal vendetta.[8] However the expulsion was temporary as the Council decided to reinstate the young Assassin years later,[8] after he had matured and demonstrated true fidelity to the Creed.[9]



“From this day, no Hidden One will raise a sword against an innocent. So it shall be written.”
―Bayek to Gamilat[来源]

The first tenet was written down after the Hidden One Gamilat provoked Romans to kill villagers to inspire the people to fight back against them. After Bayek killed him, Gamilat realized what he had done and said he deserved this. Bayek assured him from now on, all Hidden Ones will stay their blades from the flesh of the innocent.[1]



After the shame of his demotion, Altaïr more closely followed the Creed by never killing anyone other than guards or his assigned assassination targets, and remaining discreet as he performed his investigations. He was also careful to never compromise the Brotherhood, by avoiding Assassin bureaus when under pursuit.[2]

BoA 8




Robert attempted to convince Richard to join forces with Saladin in an attack against Masyaf; wherein he planned to recover the Piece of Eden that he had lost to Al Mualim at Solomon's Temple. However, Altaïr's subduing of Robert in front of Richard convinced him not to attack the Assassins, and Altaïr went unpunished for this transgression.[2]

After becoming the leader of the Assassins, Altaïr began bringing the Order underground in extension of the second tenet, believing their obligation was to hide and shape the world in secret. His Assassins disagreed, but Altaïr countered that having them become a public organization had led them to be simply branded as madmen.[3]





在埃齐奥剩下的刺客生涯中,他都小心翼翼地遵守着信条,杀死目标之后都盖上了他们的眼睛,并说‘Requiescat in Pace’(拉丁语:愿灵魂安息),表达对死者的尊重。[3]

Ezio unwittingly violated the Creed twice during his later years, killing Tarik Barleti after a case of mistaken suspicion, and then killing many civilians when he started a fire in Derinkuyu to draw out Manuel Palaiologos. Regardless, he espoused the virtues of the Creed to his apprentices, advising them to be patient in planning their assassinations so as to not compromise the Brotherhood.[4]


“For if nothing is true, then why believe anything? And if everything is permitted... why not chase every desire?”
―Edward Kenway to the Mentor Ah Tabai, 1722[来源]

During the 18th century in the West Indies, the pirate Edward Kenway, upon first hearing of the Creed, used it to justify his selfish pursuit of gold and glory - in his words, "thinking what I like and acting how I please" - even though the Assassins he came into contact with advised that he was misinterpreting its meaning. When Kenway informally joined the Brotherhood in 1720, he expressed his new belief in the Creed to the Mentor Ah Tabai; that it was only a first step to understanding, and not its final form.[10]

Edward's ally and fellow Assassin Mary Read, when telling Edward of the Creed, said that it did not call for the Assassins to act or submit, but to be wise and to choose for themselves when and how to act.[10]

The Assassin Adéwalé was another who followed the Creed's words, particularly in regards to innocents as he freed many hundreds of slaves from plantations and ships, where they endured cruel and often short lives. After a slave ship was scuttled deliberately to prevent the liberation of its cargo, Adéwalé furiously vowed revenge on the man responsible, the Marquis de Fayet of Port-au-Prince, stating that the Creed demanded his death as retribution. When he assassinated the governor, he technically violated the Creed's peace accord by stating that he wanted De Fayet to suffer and beg for his life before tearing his stomach with a machete, ensuring the man's painful death.


“Assassins are meant to be quiet. Precise. We do not go announcing conspiracies from the rooftops to all who pass by!”
Achilles Davenport to Connor.[来源]

During the American Revolutionary War, Connor allied himself with the Continental Army and became close friends with George Washington. However, his mentor Achilles deplored the idea of telling Washington of the Assassins and Templars, as he felt the Assassins should be a secretive group.[11]

On the other hand, Connor's Kanien'kehá:ka upbringing, which taught him compassion and respect for all living things, led him to extend the first tenet of the Creed to trying to spare the Templars, including William Johnson and his father Haytham Kenway. Achilles had to repeatedly remind his protege that the Assassins deemed it necessary for people like them to die.[11]

Achilles warned against Connor's hope to reconcile with his father, the Colonial Grand Master.[11] After killing his father, Connor chose to compromise in a small way by acknowledging Haytham was right about human nature, but would hope for a better future instead of lapsing into following Templar logic.[12]




During the search for the second prong of the Trident of Eden, the Assassin Yanmei enlightened Natalya Aliyev, who disagreed with Assassins' absolute obedience to the Creed, on the ironies of the Creed and how it truly commands them to be wise.[13]























Wake up. Be the chaos that comes to be. Gods are just like you and me.




Nothing is REAL, everything is permitted.


  • 在《刺客信条》中,阿泰尔可以随便杀死马斯亚夫的守卫,但不会失去同步。
    • 同样地,完成主线后阿泰尔可以随意杀死平民。
  • “万事皆虚,万事皆允(Nothing is True,Everything is Permitted)”一语来自弗拉基米尔·巴托(Vladimir Bartol)所著《鹰之巢(Alamut)》,刺客信条的主要灵感来源。在书中,这条格言是伊斯玛仪派信徒的至高信仰,而这派信徒后来变成了历史上的哈萨辛派。
  • The maxim of the Creed was translated and used in both Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed II, in the words exchanged with the final target. "Laa shay'a waqi'un moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine" was spoken by Altaïr to Al Mualim, and "Nulla è reale, tutto è lecito" was spoken by Ezio to Rodrigo Borgia.
  • 阿拉伯语的格言仍然在文艺复兴时期的新人入会仪式中使用;马里奥·奥迪托雷在埃齐奥·奥迪托雷的入会仪式上,以及在埃齐奥在罗马的学徒时期。
  • 2017年,蕾拉·哈桑在通过便携式Animus探索巴耶克的基因记忆时发现了传讯者传达给她的讯息。在传讯者最终留言的最后,一个男性传讯者这样对蕾拉说道:化身将成之为混沌,你我无异于诸神。无物为真,诸行皆可。Be the chaos that comes to be, Gods are just like you and me. Nothing is REAL, everything is permitted.)这与刺客信条的“Nothing is ture”有一字之差。虽然都有“真实”的含义,“true”偏向真理之真,“real”偏向现实之真。Nothing is real 更侧重的是虚拟与现实之间的关系,或许是在启发蕾拉重新认识其所在的现实世界。


