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[[File:Eden 2 v.png|thumb|250px|伊述成员正使用伊甸苹果控制人类]]
[[File:Eden 2 v.png|thumb|250px|伊述成员正使用伊甸苹果控制人类]]
'''伊甸碎片'''(Piece of Eden) 是由[[伊述]]创造的高科技设备,通过[[人类创造计划|植入]][[人类]]脑中的[[神经递质]]网络发挥作用。除了[[裹尸布]]这个值得注意的特例以外,绝大多数伊甸碎片被设计出来的主要目的是在精神与物理两方面控制人类的思想、情感和行为。因此它们也成为伊述驱使人类作为[[奴役|奴隶劳动力]]的主要工具.
'''伊甸碎片'''(Piece of Eden) 是由[[伊述]]创造的高科技设备,通过[[人类创造计划|植入]][[人类]]脑中的[[神经递质]]网络发挥作用。除了[[裹尸布]]这个值得注意的特例以外,绝大多数伊甸碎片被设计出来的主要目的是在精神与物理两方面控制人类的思想、情感和行为。因此它们也成为伊述驱使人类作为[[奴役|奴隶劳动力]]的主要工具.
第14行: 第13行:
伊甸碎片有着悠久的历史,贯穿人类的历史。在[[统一战争]]期间,伊述成员[[赫菲斯托斯]]为这场战争创造了伊甸宝剑。他的学徒[[康苏斯]]创造了用来治疗士兵的[[第一裹尸布|裹尸布]]。<ref name="ACS">《[[刺客信条:辛迪加]]》</ref>后来,康苏斯将自己的意识上传到了这件神器里。伊甸苹果被用来控制人类。人类是[[法涅斯]]在[[人类创造计划]]中作为伊述的[[奴役|奴隶]]创造出来的新物种。<ref name="JoA" />
伊述成员[[朱诺]]和她的丈夫[[艾塔]]对人类使用了[[亚特兰蒂斯神器]],开展[[奥林匹斯计划]],创造出了一系列杂交怪物。[[波塞冬]]知道这件事之后,将这两人驱逐出了[[亚特兰蒂斯]],但朱诺和艾塔仍在秘密地进行这项实验。<ref name="JoA">《[[刺客信条:奥德赛]]》–《[[亚特兰蒂斯的命运:亚特兰蒂斯的审判]]》</ref>
{{Quote|‘这……这银器驱逐了[[亚当]]与[[夏娃]]。它曾将木棍变成蛇,分开并合上了红海,[[厄里斯]]用它点燃了特洛伊的战火,借由它,一名贫困的木匠将水变成了酒’。|[[拉希德丁·锡南|阿尔莫林]]就苹果对[[阿泰尔·伊本-拉阿哈德|阿泰尔]]说。|Assassin's Creed|Assassination (Majd Addin)}}
作为人类已知最伟大的工具之一,通过交互影响位于人类大脑深处的一种神经递质,伊甸苹果能控制人类的意志。其他伊甸碎片则有扭曲现实、创造幻象、确保完全服从以及治疗物理伤害的能力。<ref name="AC2">《[[刺客信条II]]》</ref><ref name="ACPL">《[[刺客信条:传承计划]]''</ref> 圣殿骑士和刺客都相信历史上那些传说和奇迹都是由伊甸碎片引起的,例如{{Wiki|en:the Parting of the Red Sea|分离}}[[红海]]的壮举、[[特洛伊战争]]、[[耶稣基督]]创造的奇迹以及圣经中席卷[[埃及]]的大瘟疫。<ref name="AC">《[[刺客信条]]》</ref>根据[[阿尔瓦罗·格拉玛提卡]]博士的话来说,所有伊甸碎片都是由一种未知的类似金银的金属制成的,阿布斯泰戈将其称之为[[刚金|霸索瑞卡]]。<ref>《[[刺客信条:辛迪加]]》 – [[Database: Reconstructed Data 002|数据库:数据重建002]]</ref>
[[File:Eden 3 v.png|thumb|left|250px|夏娃手持伊甸苹果]]
然而,人类和伊述族的通婚杂交导致了[[混血儿]]这一种族的产生,这些混血儿能够免疫伊甸碎片的催眠作用。公元前75010年,[[亚当]]和[[夏娃]]这两个混血儿从他们的主人那里盗走了一个伊甸苹果,并逃离了[[伊甸]]的囚禁。不久之后,[[人类-伊述战争|战争爆发]],人类开始反抗他们的创造者。<ref name="AC2">《[[刺客信条II]]》</ref>
当其他伊述成员全身心地投入与人类的战争时,[[朱庇特]]、朱诺和[[密涅瓦]]受命寻找一种方法来抵御即将到来的[[多峇巨灾|太阳风暴]]的威胁。他们前往[[大神殿]](现位于[[Turin, New York|纽约州都灵]])<ref name="ACR">《[[刺客信条:启示录]]》</ref>——一个只能用[[6号伊甸苹果|伊甸苹果]]进入的设施。开启神殿内部的大门则需要另一个名为[[大神殿钥匙]]的伊甸碎片。<ref name="AC3">《[[刺客信条III]]》</ref>
那时,伊述人已经可以通过作为戒指佩戴在手上的[[伊甸残片]]制造小型的磁场。运用类似的技术,他们希望制造一个巨大的磁场来保护[[地球]]免遭[[太阳]]风暴的破坏。然而,他们缺乏实行这个方法所需的资源,尽管他们尝试制造磁场保护地球的小部分区域,但最终还是失败了。<ref name="AC3" />
[[File:AC3 Juno Enthrallment Solution.png|thumb|250px|朱庇特用伊甸苹果控制人类的投影影像]]
伊述人很快就发现,当足够多的人类在伊甸碎片的奴役下并迫使他们相信某件事时,人们的想法就会变为现实。朱庇特、朱诺和密涅瓦考虑了集中人类想象力拯救地球的可能性。这个尝试也被认为失败了。<ref name="AC3" />
作为第三个备选方案,他们将一个伊甸苹果发射进了轨道。当它到位之后,便会发出“让我们安全”的信号。当他们的第一次尝试失败后,他们又发射了十几个苹果。这个举动也失败了,因为他们无法将碎片释放的能量束引导到地球上。<ref name="AC3" />
在人类反抗开始的仅仅十年之后,太阳风暴袭击了地球,地球表面化作一片火海,不计其数的人在灾难中丧生,只有约一万名人类和更少的伊述人幸存了下来。<ref name="ACR" />残存下来的伊述人被人类当作神祗崇拜;由于知道等待着他们的必然是灭亡,这些伊述人开始反过来帮助人类,指导他们发展自己的文明,试图在人类遭遇另一次[[2012年日冕物质抛射|灾难]]之前帮助他们。<ref>《[[刺客信条百科全书]]》</ref>
[[File:Mentor's wake 13.png|thumb|left|250px|阿泰尔解除苹果的作用]]
虽然第一文明在创造人类时附带了一种神经递质,使人类被迫接受伊甸碎片的意志,但最后神与他们的奴隶之间的通婚生育了一个混血种族。这些新人类拥有他们的神所拥有的[[鹰眼视觉|某些本能]],而最明显的一点是,他们还从约束人类服从伊甸碎片意志的神经递质压迫下获得了自由。<ref name="AC2" />
已知最早的两位生来具有碎片效应免疫力的人类个体是亚当与夏娃,他们后来偷走了一个伊甸苹果,并促成了随后发生的战争。<ref name="AC2" />其家系成员也遗传了先行者的特殊本能,并且对伊甸碎片的意志控制力免疫,虽然碎片的物理操纵能力对他们依然有效。<ref name="AC" />像阿泰尔、埃齐奥和戴斯蒙德这些个体都具有此类强化能力,并且对伊甸碎片的效用有抵抗力。<ref name="AC2" />
很久以前,被称作[[伊西斯]]的伊述成员使用[[伊甸十字架]]使她的丈夫[[欧西里斯]]短暂复活,并在他再次离世之前与其共度良宵。<ref name="Aquilus">《[[刺客信条2:阿奎卢斯]]》</ref>
在21世纪早期,圣殿骑士意识到,部分人类对伊甸苹果的意志控制力免疫,就此,他们开始主动寻找其他设备来弥补这个缺陷。至少有一次,阿布斯泰戈工业公司的雇员[[沃伦·韦迪克]]博士,收到了一封由某个身份不明的人发送的[[Emails|电子邮件]],此人并没有受到苹果的力量影响,并且威胁要曝光他所看到的一切。<ref name="AC" />
许多神话传说和重大事件都与伊甸碎片有着一定联系。在[[希腊]],英雄[[珀耳修斯]]使用伊甸宝剑对抗作为[[奥林匹斯计划]]产物的[[扭曲邪灵]]——它在希腊神话中被称作[[戈耳贡]][[美杜莎]]。<ref name="ACOD">《[[刺客信条:奥德赛]]》</ref>[[赫拉克勒斯]]的[[Labours of Hercules|十二大功]]之一就是取回了伊甸苹果,而伊阿宋和他的[[阿尔戈号诸勇士]]的主要任务就是找到一件被称作“金羊毛”的伊甸裹尸布。<ref name="Glyph7">《刺客信条II》– [[字形|字符#7:“继续观察,你将发现”]]</ref>神话中的英雄中曾有些人与奥林匹斯计划所缔造的杂交怪物战斗过,如国王[[忒修斯]]杀死了[[弥诺陶洛斯]];[[奥德修斯]]弄瞎了[[独眼巨人]];[[俄狄浦斯]]则智胜[[斯芬克斯]]。<ref name="ACOD" />[[特洛伊战争]]也是由伊甸苹果引起的。<ref name="AC" />
在希伯来圣经中,许多人用伊甸碎片创造了奇迹。雅各之子[[约瑟]]拥有一件伊甸裹尸布;先知[[摩西]]使用伊甸权杖创造出了他分开又合起[[Red Sea|红海]]的幻象;[[大卫|大卫王]]在他与[[歌利亚]]大战时使用了伊甸裹尸布。<ref name="Glyph7" />
在1191年看到伊甸苹果显示所有伊甸碎片位置的投影图后,阿泰尔复制了一份地图,藏在手札中,只有他的后继者才能发现地图。<ref name="AC" />
伊甸苹果都能控制人类的心灵,制造幻觉,并在一定程度上能够控制肉体。<ref name="AC" />苹果可以和一根权杖组合起来,可以增加两件伊甸碎片的力量。其他碎片包括裹尸布,能够在细胞水平上治愈接触者的伤口;[[安卡]]能够短暂复活死者;宝剑能够发出能量冲击波并增强其持有者的魅力。几个世纪以来,许多伟大统治者都拥有过宝剑,包括[[亚瑟王]]、[[孛儿只斤·铁木真|成吉思汗]]以及[[阿提拉|匈人王阿提拉]]。<ref name="AC2" />1307年那时圣殿骑士团也拥有一把宝剑,并之后封存在了[[巴黎]][[圣殿塔]]的地下。几个世纪之后,最高大师兼[[圣者]][[弗朗索瓦-托马·日耳曼]]发现了这把剑。<ref>《[[刺客信条:团结]]》</ref>
[[File:ACII-Idun and the Apples.jpg|thumb|250px|伊登与伊甸苹果]]
在北欧神话中,女神[[伊登]]守护着一种能让人永葆青春的苹果。实际上,那些苹果就是伊甸苹果。<ref name="Glyph1">《刺客信条II》– [[字形|字符#1: “原初之时”("In The Beginning")]]</ref>主神[[奥丁]]将一把伊甸宝剑刺入了一棵名为“子嗣之柱”的树中,这把剑后来被勇士[[西格蒙德]]拔出。<ref name="Glyph5">''[[刺客信条II|AC2]]'' – [[字形|字符#5: “力量之器”(“instrument of power”)]]</ref>
[[File:Connor CryB 1.png|thumb|250px|拉通哈给顿使用水晶球,并带着大神殿钥匙]]
[[水晶头骨]]则分散在中美和[[南美洲]](中国也有一个),允许持有者通过心灵感应进行交流。有一次,乔瓦尼·博吉亚得到了一个水晶头骨,并在1542年使用了它的力量。<ref name="ACPL" />被称为[[水晶球]]的类似遗物也允许使用者进入同步核心并与伊述成员交流。<ref name="ACPL" /><ref name="AC3">《[[刺客信条III]]》</ref>刺客[[拉通哈给顿]]就曾使用过一枚水晶球与朱诺交流过。<ref name="AC3" /> 此外,刺客[[艾弗琳·德·格朗普雷]]在[[奇琴伊察]]的伊述神殿中发现了两瓣[[预言碟]],碟中播放了夏娃被选为人类反抗伊述运动的领袖。<ref>《[[刺客信条III:解放]]》</ref>
[[File:ACO CotP Nefertiti Aten.png|thumb|250px|left|Queen Nefertiti holding an Apple of Eden]]
During the 14th century BCE, the Pharaoh [[Akhenaten|Amenhotep IV]] acquired an [[Akhenaten's Apple of Eden|Apple of Eden]]. Believing it was the god [[Aten (deity)|Aten]] itself, he took the name Akhenaten and, with his wife [[Nefertiti]], introduced a new monotheistic religion to [[Egypt]].<ref name="CotP">''[[Assassin's Creed: Origins]]'' – ''[[The Curse of the Pharaohs]]''</ref> When he died, his son [[Smenkhkare]] created the [[Order of the Ancients]] with the aim of identifying and exploiting the Pieces of Eden.<ref name="ACO">''[[Assassin's Creed: Origins]]''</ref> After his death, his brother [[Tutankhamun]] restored the traditional polytheistic religious system in Egypt and gave the Apple to the High Priests of [[Amun (deity)|Amun]] in [[Karnak]].<ref name="CotP" />
[[威廉·基德]]发现了一枚[[伊甸戒指]],能够在佩戴者周围形成一圈磁性屏障,排斥所有金属物体,从而创造其“无敌”的神话,并最终将其埋在了北美的[[橡木岛]]。还有一个大神殿钥匙,当它和四块能量源共同使用时,可以让使用人进入大神殿的内厅。<ref name="AC3" />
At the end of the 8th century BCE, the Pharaoh of Egypt [[Shabataka]] possessed a Staff of Eden.<ref name="Glyph5" />
[[File:ACII Codex Eagle V.png|thumb|250px|left|手札中的碎片地图]]
在海盗黄金时代,刺客[[塞缪尔·贝拉米]]在海盗同伴[[奥利佛·莱维塞尔|奥利弗·勒瓦瑟]]和[[阿朗佐·巴提拉]]的帮助下将圣殿骑士拥有的一件[[伊甸断片|未被确认的伊甸碎片]]盗走。之后,在与圣殿骑士[[克里斯托弗·康丹特]]的对峙中,巴提拉使用了这件遗物,增加了船只的攻击和防御能力,让其发出金色的光芒,并最终轻易击沉了康丹特更为强大的战舰。<ref name="Pirates">《[[刺客信条:海盗]]》</ref>
[[File:Hermes Trismegistus.jpg|thumb|250px|Hermes and his staff]]
During the 6th century BCE, the Greek scholar [[Pythagoras]] was contacted by the Isu [[Hermes Trismegistus]], who gave him his [[Staff of Hermes Trismegistus|Staff]], granting him immortality. One of his disciples, [[Kyros of Zarax]] met the Isu [[Aphrodite]] and received an Apple of Eden that he used to win a race against [[Atalanta]] and marry her.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' – [[Divine Science: Chapter 2 – Kyros of Zarax]]</ref>
根据戴斯蒙德·迈尔斯在2012年阅读的[[Emails|电子邮件]],至少有一枚伊甸碎片有着操纵时间的能力。然而出于对可能导致的时间悖论的担忧,阿布斯泰戈工业将其拒之门外。<ref name="AC" />沃伦·韦迪克有一个自己设计的伊甸碎片原型,他用其给丹尼尔·克罗斯洗脑,让他想成为一名高阶刺客,如此便能接近并杀死[[导师(2000)|导师]]。[[Sebastian Monroe|塞巴斯蒂安·门罗]]的小队也发现了强大的[[伊甸三叉戟]]的存在,其可以控制人类的情感——恐惧、忠诚以及信仰。<ref>《[[刺客信条:末裔]]》</ref>
Later, Pythagoras found the [[Hermeticists|Cult of Hermes]], a group dedicated to the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. A faction of Hermeticists led by [[Agamemnon]] broke away to form the [[Cult of Kosmos]]. Under the [[Sanctuary of Delphi]], they uncovered a [[Pyramid (Isu)|pyramidal Piece of Eden]] which could share memories and visions of the future. With its power, the Cult forced the [[Pythia]] to serve as their puppet and sow discord across Greece for their own interests.<ref name="ACOD" />
During the invasion of Greece by King [[Xerxes I of Persia]], King [[Leonidas I of Sparta]], led the Spartans into war against the Persians with an [[Spear of Leonidas|Isu spear]] in his hand. When he made his last stand at the [[Battle of Thermopylae]] in 480 BCE, the shaft of the spear was broken, but the spearhead was recovered and given to his daughter [[Myrrine]] who in turn passed it onto to her daughter, [[Kassandra]]. Kassandra grew up to become a legendary ''[[mercenary|misthios]]'' at the height of the [[Peloponnesian War]], using the Spear of Leonidas in all her military escapades. Conversely, the [[Sword of Damokles]], a Sword of Eden, found its way into the hands of her half-brother [[Alexios]] who was abducted by the Cult of Kosmos, renamed Deimos, and indoctrinated into becoming their most powerful warrior.<ref name="ACOD" />
With the Spear, Kassandra fought and destroyed the Cult of Kosmos, defeated [[Alexios]], and destroyed the Pyramid. She also recovered the Atlantis artifacts by killing the hybrids of the Olympos Project and sealed the Atlantis with it. After that, the Isu [[Aletheia]] sent a message to her father Pythagoras asking him to give her the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. Kassandra became immortal and learned how to use the Staff through Aletheia's simulations. When the power of the spear faded away, Kassandra gave it to her friend [[Herodotos]] who was buried with it.<ref name="ACOD" />
<gallery captionalign="center" position="center" spacing="small" widths="180">
ACU Apple of Eden 1 render.png|link=1号伊甸苹果|'''[[1号伊甸苹果]]'''
ACO Apple of Eden.png|link=2号伊甸苹果|'''[[2号伊甸苹果]]'''<br>{{c|已被摧毁}}
ACIII Apple of Eden 3 render.png|link=3号伊甸苹果|'''[[3号伊甸苹果]]'''
Apple of Eden.png|link=4号伊甸苹果]|'''[[4号伊甸苹果]]'''<br>{{c|推测已被摧毁}}
Apple of Eden.png|link=5号伊甸苹果|'''[[5号伊甸苹果]]'''
Ezio's Apple render.png|link=6号伊甸苹果|'''[[6号伊甸苹果]]'''<br>{{c|在[[威廉·迈尔斯]]处}}
ACM Aguilar's Apple of Eden Render.png|link=阿吉拉尔的伊甸苹果|'''[[阿吉拉尔的伊甸苹果]]'''<br>{{c|在[[卡勒姆·林奇]]处}}
ACO Akhenaten's Apple of Eden Render.png|link=阿肯那顿的伊甸苹果|'''[[阿肯那顿的伊甸苹果]]'''
ACV SoG Apple.png|link=古尔的伊甸苹果|'''[[古尔的伊甸苹果]]'''
Treasure Hunter's Apple.png|link=Treasure Hunter's Apple of Eden|'''[[Treasure Hunter's Apple of Eden|寻宝者的伊甸苹果]]'''<br>{{c|已被摧毁}}
Isle of Skye Apple.png|link=Isle of Skye's Apple of Eden|'''[[Isle of Skye's Apple of Eden|斯凯岛的伊甸苹果]]'''<br>{{c|推测已被摧毁}}
<gallery captionalign="center" position="center" spacing="small" widths="180">
During the 4th century BCE, the Order of the Ancients entrusted to the King [[Alexander the Great]] the [[Trident of Eden]], a [[Alexander's Staff of Eden|Staff of Eden]] combined with three prongs which had different powers: Faith, Fear and Devotion. With the Trident, Alexander conquered Egypt and [[Iran|Persia]].<ref name="LD" /> After his assassination by [[Iltani]], Alexander was buried in [[Tomb of Alexander the Great|his tomb]] at [[Alexandria]] with the staff while the prongs were shared between his generals.<ref name="ACO" /> [[Ptolemy I Soter]] received the Faith prong while [[Seleucus I Nicator]] received the Fear prong, and the [[Makedonia|Macedonian]] people received the Devotion prong.<ref name="LD">''[[Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants]]''</ref>
ACOD Prize of the Cyclops.png|link=独眼巨人的奖励|'''[[独眼巨人的奖励]]'''<br>{{c|在[[失落之城的闸门口]]中}}
ACOD Prize of the Sphinx.png|link=美杜莎的奖励|'''[[美杜莎的奖励]]'''<br>{{c|在失落之城的闸门口中}}
ACOD Prize of the Sphinx.png|link=弥诺陶洛斯的奖励|'''[[弥诺陶洛斯的奖励]]'''<br>{{c|在失落之城的闸门口中}}
ACOD Prize of the Sphinx.png|link=斯芬克斯的奖励|'''[[斯芬克斯的奖励]]'''<br>{{c|在失落之城的闸门口中}}
By 49 BCE, the Order of the Ancients had acquired an [[Apple of Eden 2|Apple of Eden]]. A group led by the proconsul of [[Cyrenaica]], [[Flavius Metellus]], went to the remote Egyptian village [[Siwa]] and kidnapped the [[Medjay]] [[Bayek]] and his son [[Khemu]] to force him to open a [[Siwa Vault|Isu vault]] under the [[Temple of Amun]]. They had hoped that the mysteries within the vault would grant them more power or access to other Pieces of Eden. As the Medjay resisted, Flavius Metellus killed his son before leaving Bayek for dead. After that, the [[Oracle of Amun]] and Ancient [[Medunamun]] kept the artifact and tyrannized the village of Siwa. A year later, Bayek returned and beat to death Meduamun with the Apple. He subsequently journeyed to Alexandria, where he passed the Apple to his wife [[Aya]] who in turn entrusted the artifact to [[Apollodorus]], a loyal follower of the Pharaoh [[Cleopatra]].<ref name="ACO" />
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ACIII-RingofEden 1.png|link=伊甸戒指|'''[[伊甸戒指]]'''
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=海尼特尔|'''[[海尼特尔]]'''
[[File:Origins Quest22TheFinalWeighing Part17.PNG|thumb|250px|left|Flavius using the Staff to open the Siwa Vault]]
<gallery captionalign="center" position="center" spacing="small" widths="180">
During the [[Alexandrine Civil War]], the Ancients recovered the Staff of Alexander the Great and convinced [[Julius Caesar]] and Cleopatra to ally with them, lending the Staff to Cleopatra for a time after the end of the civil war. The Order seized back the Staff and murdered Apollodorus to recover the Apple. Returning to Siwa, Flavius Metellus opened the vault by combining the Apple and the Staff. Within the vault, he discovered a holographic map revealing the locations of other Pieces of Eden. This map was downloaded by the Apple. After that, the Ancient [[Lucius Septimius]] took the Staff to [[Rome]] where he gave it to the Order while Flavius Metellus kept the Apple and used its power to mentally enslave the people of Cyrenaica. When he was confronted by Bayek at the Temple of Mars, he again relied on the device to try to defeat the Medjay, but it was all for naught as his nemesis managed to slay him anyways. Later, the Medjay hid the Apple under the Library of Alexandria.<ref name="ACO" />
Philippi, Macedonia.png|link=第一裹尸布|'''[[第一裹尸布]]'''<br>{{c|已被摧毁}}
ACS Shroud of Eden.png|link=第二裹尸布|'''[[第二裹尸布]]'''<br>{{c|已被摧毁}}
In the meantime, Septimius himself had in his possession the [[Lucius Septimius' flails|Flails of Eden]]. Adopting these as his signature weapon, he wielded them in personal combat against Aya at the [[Theatre of Pompey]], but like Flavius Metellus before him, his advantage proved insufficient, and he was killed by Aya. Not long afterwards, Aya and Bayek founded the [[Hidden Ones]] to counter the Order of the Ancients, and she rallied a group of Roman senators to assassinate Julius Caesar.<ref name="ACO" /> When these senators, chief among them [[Marcus Junius Brutus]] and [[Gaius Cassius Longinus]], perished in the ensuing war against Caesar's adopted son [[Augustus|Octavian]], the Hidden Ones desperately tried to resurrect Brutus with the original Shroud of Eden. They were devastated to find that at most, they could only reanimate him for a brief moment.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy|AC: PL]]'' – [[Holidays: Chapter 1 – Ghosts of Christmas Past]]</ref>
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ACV Gungnir Full render.png|link=冈格尼尔|'''[[冈格尼尔]]'''
Spear of Leonidas.png|link=列奥尼达斯之矛|'''[[列奥尼达斯之矛]]'''<br>{{c|在[[刺客|刺客组织]]处}}
[[File: ACO Isidora Apple.png|150px|thumb|Isidora using the Apple]]
<gallery captionalign="center" position="center" spacing="small" widths="180">
In 38 BCE, the [[God's Wife of Amun]] [[Isidora]] used Akhenaten's Apple of Eden against the tomb robbers of the [[Valley of the Kings]] to avenge her mother's death. The power of the Apple created illusions of undead pharaohs who attacked the citizens of [[Thebes, Egypt|Thebes]], causing them to believe that there was a curse.<ref name="CotP" /> Bayek, having heard rumors of golden light on the road to Thebes, reached the [[Seth-Anat Tomb]] and fought undead soldiers. In the tomb, he met a man who tasked him to recover a [[Seth-Anat stone|stone]] which was in the tomb. After returning the stone, the man disappeared and Bayek was defeated by undead soldiers. When he woke up, a woman explained that he was found in the desert. As he tried to tell his story, the woman thought he had only been hallucinating. Bayek decided to investigate the city.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Origins|ACO]]'' – [[Lights Among the Dunes]]</ref>
Alexander's Staff of Eden.png|link=亚历山大的伊甸权杖|'''[[亚历山大的伊甸权杖]]'''
AC The Fall Imperial Sceptre Render.png|link=沙皇权杖|'''[[沙皇权杖]]'''<br>{{c|已被摧毁}}
AC2 Staff of Eden render.png|link=教皇权杖|'''[[教皇权杖]]'''<br>{{c|在[[西斯廷礼拜堂]]地下}}
Hermes' Staff render.png|link=赫尔墨斯·特利斯墨吉斯忒斯的权杖|'''[[赫尔墨斯·特利斯墨吉斯忒斯的权杖]]'''<br>{{c|在[[巴辛姆·伊本·伊沙克]]处}}
ACReb Staff of Eden.png|link=破碎的伊甸权杖|'''[[破碎的伊甸权杖]]'''<br>{{c|已被摧毁}}
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=Venetian Staff of Eden|'''[[Venetian Staff of Eden|威尼斯的伊甸权杖]]'''<br>{{c|在[[大竞技场密室]]地下}}
Sceptre Aset.png|link=阿赛特节杖|'''[[阿赛特节杖]]'''<br>{{c|在[[埃及]][[埃德富]]附近的一口井中}}
Bayek received a letter from Aya who explained to him that a Piece of Eden was hidden in Thebes. Just when he arrived, he was attacked by a vision of Nefertiti. While investigating the city to find the Piece of Eden, Bayek met Isidora, who hid the truth and told him that he must fight the curse by appeasing the pharaohs in the afterlife, that is the [[Aaru]] and the [[Aten (afterlife)|Aten]]. When Bayek uncovered the truth, he killed Isidora and tasked the robber [[Sutekh]] to hide the Apple. Later, Bayek found the corpse of Sutekh, not knowing if he accomplished his mission.<ref name="CotP" />
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ACU Sword of Eden.png|link=1号伊甸宝剑|'''[[1号伊甸宝剑]]'''<br>{{c|在[[艾伦·里金]]的办公室中}}
Sword of Eden 2.png|link=2号伊甸宝剑|'''[[2号伊甸宝剑]]'''
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=珀尔修斯的伊甸宝剑|'''[[珀尔修斯的伊甸宝剑]]'''
ACOD Harpe of Perseus render.png|link=Harpe of Perseus (Odyssey)|'''[[Harpe of Perseus (Odyssey)|珀尔修斯镰剑]]'''
ACV Excalibur full render.png|link=断钢剑|'''[[断钢剑]]'''
ACOD Sword of Damokles.png|link=达摩克利斯之剑|'''[[达摩克利斯之剑]]'''
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During the 1st century CE, a man known as [[Jesus Christ]] came to possess a Shroud of Eden in [[Roman Empire|Roman]] [[Israel|Judea]] and became a religious reformer and a prophet to his followers. He was baptized by [[John the Baptist]], a man who in turn had a Staff of Eden. As the Order of the Ancients wanted the Shroud, they crucified Jesus to recover the artifact but his disciples recovered his body and used the Shroud on him in the hopes of reviving him. Three days later, his corpse disappeared.<ref name="Glyph5" /><ref name="Glyph7" />
AC2A - Ankh.png|link=Ankh|'''[[安卡]]'''
ACV Glenat - Codex of Eden 2.png|link=Codex of Eden|'''[[Codex of Eden|伊甸法典]]'''<br>{{c|已被摧毁}}
AC3 Crystall Ball.png|link=水晶球|'''[[水晶球]]'''
AC4 Crystal Skull render.png|link=水晶头骨|'''[[水晶头骨]]'''
Patience Gibbs' Charm.png|link=佩瑟丝·吉伯斯的项链|'''[[佩瑟丝·吉伯斯的项链|先见符]]'''
DYL-Fountain of Youth.png|link=青春之泉|'''[[青春之泉]]'''
ACV Freya's Medallion.png|link=芙蕾雅的吊坠|'''[[芙蕾雅的吊坠]]'''
ACV DoR HugrRip Render.png|link=Hugr-Rip|'''[[Hugr-Rip|夺魄护腕]]'''
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=传国玉玺|'''[[传国玉玺]]'''
ACBM Koh-I-Noor Render.png|link=光之山|'''[[光之山]]'''<br>{{c|在[[伊利亚]]处}}
ACV The Cost of Betrayal 15.jpg|link=命运之石|'''[[命运之石]]'''<br>{{c|已被摧毁}}
ACRev Memory Seal Masyaf Key.png|link=记忆封印|'''[[记忆封印]]'''
ACV Mjolnir full.png|link=妙尔尼尔|'''[[妙尔尼尔]]'''
ACV Odin's Eye Render.png|link=奥丁之眼|'''[[奥丁之眼]]'''
ACRG Precursor box.png|link=先行者之盒|'''[[先行者之盒]]'''<br>{{c|推测已被摧毁}}
AC Twelve Trials Odyssey Q5 Pyramid Isu full.png|link=角锥体|'''[[角锥体]]'''<br>{{c|已被摧毁}}
ACUp Saturn's Scythe.png|link=伊甸之镰|'''[[伊甸之镰]]'''
Shard of Staff.png|link=伊甸残片|'''[[伊甸残片]]'''
ACFT - Pieces of Eden.png|link=Southeast Asian Pieces of Eden|'''[[Southeast Asian Pieces of Eden|东南亚伊甸碎片]]'''
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=Stone of Scone|'''[[斯昆石]]'''<br>{{c|在[[Iona Vault|爱奥那密室]]中}}
ACLD Trident of Eden render.png|link=伊甸三叉戟|'''[[伊甸三叉戟]]'''<br>{{c|在[[塞巴斯蒂安·门罗]]处}}
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=推背图|'''[[推背图]]'''
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=Vejovis' dagger|'''[[Vejovis' dagger|维迪奥维斯的匕首]]'''<br>{{c|一半被摧毁;<br>另一半在[[Joey|乔伊]]处}}
One of Jesus' disciples, [[Saint Peter]] possessed a [[Papal Staff of Eden|Staff of Eden]] and became the leader of the Christian community in Rome. Later, the Staff was passed to every leader of the community, who in time came to be known as the pope, the highest authority in Christendom.<ref name="Glyph5" />
At some point, Roman emperors recovered the Faith and Devotion prongs. They were later given to the popes.<ref name="LD" /> During the 3rd century CE, the bishop of [[Paris]] [[Denis]] seemed to have in his possession an [[Apple of Eden 1|Apple of Eden]] which was encased in a [[Head of Saint Denis|lantern]].<ref name="DK">''[[Assassin's Creed: Unity]]'' – ''[[Dead Kings]]''</ref>
In the 1st century CE, the Ankh of Eden was found by Roman looters in a [[Pyramid|pyramid]] before being sold to an Egyptian slave trader. The Roman Hidden One [[Lugos]] acquired the artifact and also the [[Scepter of Aset]]. During his journey on the [[Mediterranean Sea]], Lugos' ship sank. Before he died, the Hidden Ones recorded a message with the Ankh detailing the location of the Scepter.<ref name="Accipiter">''[[Assassin's Creed 3: Accipiter]]''</ref>
By 259 CE, the [[Alemanni]] Hidden Ones [[Accipiter]] was in possession of the Ankh. He gave the artifact to his cousin [[Aquilus]] who was also a Hidden Ones from [[Lugdunum]]. Aquilus entrusted the Ankh to his father [[Lucius]], but he was killed by the senator and member of the Order of the Ancients [[Caïus Fulvus Vultur]], who took the Ankh with him to Rome. <ref name="Aquilus" />
[[File:Ahnk Powers 01.jpg|thumb|250px|left|The Ankh projecting a hologram]]Later, Aquilus killed Vultur and took back the Ankh. When he tried to use it, a hologram of his father appeared, but it was stopped when Aquilus and his wife [[Valeria]] were arrested by Roman soldiers. Aquilus was executed but Valeria was saved by Accipiter who tasked her to hide the Ankh.<ref name="Accipiter" />
During the 5th century CE, [[Attila the Hun]] came to possess a Sword of Eden which permitted him to conquer a significant portion of [[Europe]]. A century later, the proto-Templar [[Arthur]] also possessed a [[Sword of Eden 1|Sword of Eden]] known as Excalibur which he used to fight the Saxon invaders.<ref name="Glyph5" />
During the 10th century, the emperor [[Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor|Otto I]] was in possession of the Devotion prong. In 965, he passed the artifact to the bishop [[Poppa]] who evangelized [[Denmark]] and baptized the Templar and King of Denmark [[Harald Bluetooth]]. For two decades, Harald kept the prong, using its power to subtly turn foes into allies. Until 984, when Harald was forced into an alliance by his brother-in-law, [[Styrbjörn the Strong]], who was immune to the power of the prong. During their war campaign against Styrbjorn's uncle, [[Eric the Victorious]], the Prince took Harald's prized prong as a guarantee to prevent the Danish King from betraying him. Harald nevertheless decided to flee, and Styrbjorn kept the artifact, unaware of its true power. Styrbjörn later offered, what he believed to be a Christian relic, to the gods during his wedding to [[Thyra Haraldsdottir]].<ref name="FotG">''[[Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants – Fate of the Gods]]''</ref>
Sent by Eric to assassinate the Prince, the Assassin [[Thorvald Hjaltason]] witnessed the wedding and took the "Aesir blade" from the shrine after their departure. After the Battle of Fyrisvellir during which Styrbjörn was defeated, Thorvald then entrusted the farmer and soldier [[Östen Jorundsson]] with hiding the prong where no one could find it. Östen buried the artifact on his lands where it remained for almost a thousand years.<ref name="FotG" />
During the 10th century, an [[Apple of Eden 4|Apple of Eden]] was used to develop [[firearm]]s in China.<ref name="Glyph4">''[[Assassin's Creed II|AC2]]'' – [[Glyphs|Glyph #4: "Infinite Knowledge"]]</ref>
{{Quote|What of these artifacts? Messages in a bottle? Tools left behind to aid and guide us? Or do we fight for control over their refuse, giving divine purpose and meaning to little more than discarded toys?|Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's Codex, page 5.|Assassin's Creed II}}
In the 12th century, the Knights Templar participated in the {{Wiki|en:Crusades|Crusades}}, aiming for the conquest of the Holy Land. By the time of the [[Third Crusade]], they were led by [[Grand Master of the Templar Order|Grand Master]] [[Robert de Sable]] and had focused their efforts on acquiring a particular Piece of Eden: the Apple of Eden of Bayek which was hidden in the ruins of [[Solomon's Temple]] beneath the city of [[Jerusalem]].<ref name="AC">《[[刺客信条]]》</ref>
Seeking the Apple to aid them in their mission and ensure their rule, the Templars used the cover of the Third Crusade to infiltrate the temple. However, one of their own betrayed them; [[Al Mualim]], the [[Mentor]] of the [[Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins|Assassin Order]] who had secretly been allied to them, had sent his best agents to procure the device. [[Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad]], [[Malik Al-Sayf]], and [[Kadar Al-Sayf]] intercepted the Templars, and the two parties engaged one another. While the Templars were able to eject Altaïr from the battle and kill Kadar, Malik successfully captured the Apple and spirited it back to the Assassin fortress in [[Masyaf]].<ref name="AC" />
[[File:Masyaf Confront.png|thumb|250px|left|Al Mualim using the Apple on Altaïr]]When Al Mualim had the Apple and wanted to use the power of the artifact to create what he considered to be lasting peace in the Holy Land. He began by bewitching the Assassins and villagers of Masyaf but was confronted by Altaïr when the Master Assassin discovered his treachery. Despite conjuring illusions with the Apple, he was slain by Altaïr. In his dying moments, he challenged his former prize pupil to destroy the Apple as he had said he would, but when it projected a hologram of the globe, Altaïr beheld its potential and both knew that he would lack the will to carry out his word.<ref name="AC" />
In the aftermath, Altaïr took Al Mualim's corpse outside to be cremated to the protests of some Assassins as this was against their customs. Seizing upon the dispute, the Assassin [[Abbas Sofian]] took the Apple of Eden from Altaïr but immediately lost control of its power as it unleashed waves of energy. Altaïr recovered the artifact from Abbas before it could kill them all.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]'' – [[The Mentor's Wake]]</ref>
Since he was unwilling to destroy the Apple, Altaïr decided to seal the Apple within the [[Templar Archive|Archives]] on [[Limassol]], [[Cyprus]]. Circumstances worked against this plan however, and he decided to keep the Apple for himself, not just to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands but also as a vital object of research.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines]]''</ref>
Over the course of his life, Altaïr gazed into the Apple frequently, basing new weaponry and assassination techniques on information gleaned from it. He recorded some of what he learned from the Apple in his [[Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's Codex|Codex]]. When Abbas Sofian who usurped leadership of the Assassins and tried to take the Apple again, Altaïr went into exile in [[Alamut]], where he studied the Apple for another twenty years. With the Apple, he created the [[Hidden Gun]], which he used to finally recover Masyaf and kill Abbas in 1247.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations (novel)]]''</ref>
[[File:The torch 5.png|thumb|250px|Altaïr using the Apple against the Mongols]]
In addition to knowledge useful for the Order's purposes, Altaïr witnessed visions of the past and future within the Apple, some of which greatly disturbed him.<ref name="AC2" /> In 1257, during the [[Fall of Masyaf|Mongol attack on Masyaf]], Altaïr used the power of the Apple to repel the Mongol troops for a time. After Masyaf's people had been evacuated, he sealed himself in [[Library of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad|his library]] with the Apple, securing the Piece of Eden within a secret compartment. He designed his library to be only accessible with his five [[Memory Seals]] that doubled as [[Masyaf Key|keys]]; these he entrusted to [[Niccolò Polo|Niccolò]] and [[Maffeo Polo]] who hid them beneath [[Constantinople]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]'' – [[Passing the Torch]]</ref>
[[File:ACM Genghis Khan 1.png|thumb|200px|left|Gengis Khan with the Sword of Eden 2]]At the beginning of the 13th century, [[Genghis Khan]] acquired a [[Sword of Eden 2|Sword of Eden]] which he used to conquer most part of [[Asia]] and [[Middle East]]. Altaïr and his family tried to steal the Sword during their mission in Mongolia but they only assassinated Genghis.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Reflections]]''</ref> Later, his grandson [[Hülegü Khan]] used the Sword during his conquest of the [[Levant]] in 1250. During the Fall of Masyaf, the Sword protected him from the power of Altaïr's Apple.<ref name="Memories">''[[Assassin's Creed: Memories]]''</ref>
By 1259, [[Möngke Khan]] was in possession off the Fear prong. When he was killed by the [[Chinese Brotherhood of Assassins|Chinese Assassin]] [[Zhang Zhi]], the Khan was buried with the artifact.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants – Tomb of the Khan]]''</ref>
Around 1250, the Scepter of Aset was recovered by an Italian fisherman. It then was entrusted by an [[Egyptian Assassin (1250)|Egyptian Assassin]] who gave the artifact to the [[Mamluks]] in [[Cairo]]. In 1257, [[Darim Ibn-La'Ahad]], Altaïr's son, gave an Apple of Eden to further help the Mamluks revolt.<ref name="FC" />
In 1341, the Templars tried to recover the scepter while the Assassin [[Numa Al'Khamsin]] impeded their efforts. His disciple [[Ali Al-Ghraib]] hid the scepter in a well where it stayed for centuries.<ref name="FC">''[[Assassin's Creed 6: Leila]]''</ref>
[[File:Tragedy of Jacques de Molay 11.png|thumb|250px|De Molay's advisor hiding the Sword]]At the beginning of the 14th century, the Grand Master Templar and [[Sage]] [[Jacques de Molay]] was in possession of the [[Sword of Eden 1]] and the [[Heart]], which granted more power to the Sword. During the [[Persecution of the Templars]] in 1307, the two artifacts were separated. The Sword was hidden in a vault under the [[Temple (Paris)|Temple of Paris]] by [[Jacques de Molay's advisor]] while the Grand Master carved the Heart in the wall of his cell in the Château de Chinon.<ref name="Heresy" />
In 1350, the [[Brothers of the Cross]], a Templar faction searched the Ankh of Eden in the city of [[Essen]] in [[Germany]]. The group mysteriously disappeared at the same moment than the Assassin [[Lukas Zurburg]].<ref name="DYL" />
In 1429, the peasant and Assassin ally [[Jeanne d'Arc]] recovered the Heart at Chinon and the Sword underneath the Church of [[Sainte-Catherine-de-Fierbois]] and used the artifacts during the [[Hundred Years' War]] to lead the French Army against the English. After the arrest of Jeanne, the Templars recovered the Sword while Jeanne gave the Heart to the former [[Courtesan|prostitute]] [[Fleur]] as she took her the place on the stake. As the Heart was found intact in the remains of the stake, the executioner [[Geoffroy Thérage]] threw it in the [[Seine]], believing to have killed a saint.<ref name="Heresy">''[[Assassin's Creed: Heresy]]''</ref>
During the 14th century, the Templar [[Geoffroy de Charny]] possessed the original Shroud of Eden and in 1356 the [[Italian Brotherhood of Assassins]] stole the Piece of Eden before hiding it under the [[Villa Auditore]] in [[Monteriggioni]].<ref name="PL">''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' – [[Holidays: Chapter 1 – Ghosts of Christmas Past]]</ref>
At the beginning of the 15th century, the Chinese Brotherhood of Assassins possessed an Apple of Eden that an apprentice was tasked to protect. After the [[1402 Chinese Assassin purge|Assassin purge of 1402]] launched by the [[Yongle Emperor]] and the Templars, the apprentice fled with the Assassin [[Li Tong]], who became the keeper of the Apple of Eden.<ref name="DYL">''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations – Discover Your Legacy]]''</ref>
[[File:ACCC Zhang Yong box.png|thumb|250px|left|Zhang Yong taking the precursor box on the body of Wang Yangming]]In 1526, the Assassin [[Shao Jun]] returned in China with a [[Precursor box]] gave by the retired Italian Mentor [[Ezio Auditore da Firenze]]. To approach her Templar targets, the [[Eight Tigers]], she decided to be captured with the box to assure her a chance to survive. The Tiger [[Gao Feng]] took the box and sent it to his Tiger brother [[Yu Dayong]] before being killed by Shao Jun. Later, the Assassin killed Yu Dayong in [[Macau]] and recovered the box. She entrusted the artifact to her Mentor [[Wang Yangming]] who went to [[Nan'an]] to find some people who can examine the box. Wang was killed by the leader of the Tigers [[Zhang Yong]] who took the box and sent it out of China to other Templars.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China]]''</ref>
By 1542, the [[Jiajing Emperor]] had come to possess a [[Crystal Skulls|Crystal Skull]]. Using the artifact, he initiated contact with the Italian Assassin [[Giovanni Borgia]], who had recovered another Crystal Skull from the [[Aztec Empire|Aztec]] city of [[Tenochtitlan]].<ref name="Rome 4">''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' – [[Rome: Chapter 4 – Giovanni Borgia]]</ref>
In June 1582, the Chinese Assassin [[Liu Yan (Chinese Brotherhood)|Liu Yan]] brought a Sword of Eden to China from [[Japan]] to ensure the protection of the artifact.<ref name="Memories" />
By 1453, an Apple of Eden had fallen into the hands of Sultan [[Mehmet II]] of the [[Ottoman Empire]]. Using its powers, Mehmet was able to conquer Constantinople and subdue the [[Byzantine Empire]], taking Constantinople as his new capital.<ref name="ACRC">''[[Assassin's Creed: Recollection]]''</ref> Mehmet II died in 1481 and he was succeeded by his oldest son, [[Bayezid II]]. Bayezid's brother [[Cem]], a secret Templar, discreetly took his father's Apple of Eden for himself, hoping to use it to further the Templars' goals. However, to his dissatisfaction, the Apple refused to communicate with him despite his attempts to use it.<ref name="ACRC" />
Cem eventually decided to leave the Apple for European Templars to retrieve later. While on his way to meet the [[Knights Hospitalier]] on [[Rhodes]], Cem made a stop in [[Cyprus]] and hid the Apple in the Templar Archive in Limassol, where the western Templars could find it.<ref name="ACRC" />
[[File:Message 2.png|thumb|250px|The Apple creating a Synch Nexus for Ezio]]In 1512, the Mentor Ezio Auditore da Firenze recovered the Seals to open the Library of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and discovered the Apple of Eden. When Ezio entered in contact with the artifact, he was connecting by a [[Synch Nexus]] to his descendant [[Desmond Miles]] to deliver a message from the Isu Tinia. After that Ezio left the Apple in the Library.<ref name="Message">''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]'' – [[The Message]]</ref>
In 1516, the [[Greek Brotherhood of Assassins]] was protecting an Apple of Eden. The rogue [[England|English]] Assassin [[Hiram Stoddard]] attacked the Assassin's hideout to recover the artifact and contact his deceased lover [[Elena]]. After killing the Assassins, Stoddard was ambushed by the Italian Assassin and old rival Giovanni Borgia who bested him and took the Apple before trying to convince him to return in the Brotherhood.<ref name="AC comic 12">''[[Assassin's Creed (Titan Comics)|Assassin's Creed]]'' – [[Assassin's Creed 12|Issue #12]]</ref>
In 1454, a [[Florence|Florentine]] army led by [[Federico da Montefeltro]] [[Defense of Monteriggioni|besieged Monteriggioni]] to take the Shroud of Eden. The town's ruler and leader of the Italian Assassins, [[Mario Auditore]], defeated the invaders and entered into the vault where the artifact was hidden. To protect the city, Mario entrusted the Shroud to his brother [[Giovanni Auditore da Firenze|Giovanni]], who gave it to a cell of Assassins led by [[Rinaldo Vitturi]] located in [[Agnadello]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' – [[Italian Wars: Chapter 3 – Mario Auditore]]</ref>
In 1488, the [[Roman Rite of the Templar Order]] led by the cardinal and Grand Master [[Rodrigo Borgia]] recovered the Apple of Eden left by Cem in the Templar library in Cyprus and brought the artifact to [[Venice]] to open the [[Vatican Vault]]. Ezio Auditore, who wanted to kill Rodrigo to avenge the deaths of his father Giovanni and his brothers [[Federico Auditore da Firenze|Federico]] and [[Petruccio Auditore da Firenze|Petruccio]], impersonated the escort of the artifact to approach the Grand Master. With the help of the Italian Assassins, Ezio scared away Rodrigo and recovered the Apple.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed II]]'' – [[Play Along]]</ref>
[[File:Leo work 4.png|thumb|250px|left|Leonardo seeing projections from the Apple]]After being formally inducted in the Brotherhood, Ezio and the Assassins brought the Apple to [[Leonardo da Vinci]] to study the artifact. After agreeing that the Apple would be dangerous if it fell in the wrong hands, Ezio was tasked with the Assassin [[Niccolò Machiavelli]] to escort the Apple to [[Forlì]] where it would be entrusted to their ally [[Caterina Sforza]]. When they arrived, the [[Battle of Forlì|city was attacked]] by the brothers [[Ludovico Orsi|Ludovico]] and [[Checco Orsi]], who were hired by Rodrigo to recover the artifact. During the battle, Checco stole the Apple to Caterina but was later killed by Ezio who was severely wounded. While he was unconscious, the Apple was taken by the monk [[Girolamo Savonarola]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed II]]'' – ''[[Battle of Forlì (DLC)|Battle of Forlì]]'' – [[Checcomate]]</ref>
[[File:Power to people 3.png|thumb|250px|Savonarola using the Apple on Florence's citizens]]In 1492, Rodrigo became pope under the name of Alexander VI and received the Staff of Eden which, combined with an Apple of Eden, could open the Vatican Vault. In 1494, Savonarola took control of Florence by using the Apple to bewitch his lieutenants. Alexander sent his men to recover the artifact. By 1497, Ezio arrived in Florence and with the Assassins created an uprising against Savonarola by killing the monk's lieutenants. In 1498, Ezio recovered the Apple after Savonarola was attacked by a mob.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed II]]'' – ''[[Bonfire of the Vanities (DLC)|Bonfire of the Vanities]]'' – [[Power to the People]]</ref>
In 1498, [[Lucrezia Borgia]], Rodrigo's daughter, gave birth to a malformed Giovanni Borgia. The father of the child, [[Perotto Calderon]], was an undercover Assassin agent sent to spy on the Borgia. He took his deformed son to Agnadello in the hopes of healing him with the Shroud. Knowing this would constitute a betrayal of the Brotherhood, Perotto killed the Assassins to access to the artifact and successfully cured his son before dying at the blades of the Assassins.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' – [[Italian Wars: Chapter 4 – Perotto Calderon]]</ref>
[[File:IBAL 14.png|thumb|250px|left|Ezio using the Staff and the Apple to open the vault]]In 1499, Ezio confronted Rodrigo in the [[Sistine Chapel]] in Rome. During their fight, the Templar used the power of the Staff while the Assassin used the power of the Apple. Rodrigo won the duel, took the Apple, combining it with the Staff to open the Vatican Vault without success. After a fistfight which the Assassin won, Ezio used the two Pieces of Eden to open the vault where he came into contact with the Isu Minerva who showed him the First Catastrophe and the Second that would occur centuries later.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed II]]'' – [[In Bocca al Lupo]]</ref> Leaving the vault, Ezio tried to recover the Staff, but it was sealed by a trap.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood]]'' – [[Mass Exodus]]</ref>
Returning to Monteriggioni, Ezio entrusted the Apple to his uncle Mario, but [[Cesare Borgia]], Rodrigo's son and General of the Papal Army, led a [[Siege of Monteriggioni|siege on the city]], killing Mario and taking the Apple for his father.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood]]'' – [[Vilified]]</ref> In Rome, Rodrigo forced Leonardo da Vinci to study the Apple while also letting his grandson Giovanni play with the Apple due to his contact with the Shroud of Eden.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' – [[Rome: Chapter 2 – Giovanni Borgia]]</ref>
[[File:Demilitarization 4.png|thumb|250px|Ezio using the Apple against Cesare troops]]In August 1503, Ezio, by then the Mentor of the Italian Brotherhood, recovered the Apple after Rodrigo was killed by his own son. Ezio used it to defeat the forces of Cesare in Rome. After the arrest of Cesare, Ezio used the Apple to foretell that Cesare would escape.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood]]'' – [[All Roads Lead To...]]</ref> Ezio used the Apple to find the Templar until in 1506 when he was tasked by the Apple to hide it under the [[Colosseum Vault]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood]]'' – [[A Seed]]</ref>
In 1509, during the [[Battle of Agnadello]], the [[condottiero]] [[Niccolò di Pitigliano]] stole the Shroud of Eden under the protection of the Brotherhood. A year later, the Assassin [[Francesco Vecellio]] was sent in the city of [[Lonigo]] to kill Niccolò and recover the Shroud, two things in which the Assassin succeeded.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' – [[Italian Wars: Chapter 2 – Francesco Vecellio]]</ref>
In 1515, a then retired Ezio Auditore assigned the Assassin apprentices Hiram Stoddard and Giovanni Borgia to take an Apple of Eden which was in the possession of the Templar [[Dei Petrucci]] in Florence. The two Assassins failed in their mission but the Apple was later recovered and sent in Greece.<ref name="AC comic 12" />
By 1524, Ezio was in possession of a [[precursor box]] that he gave to the Chinese Assassin Shao Jun when she left Italy after he trained her.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Embers]]''</ref>
Around 1458, the King [[Alfonso V of Aragon]] received the Prong of Faith from the pope [[Callixtus III]]. The prong was then handed to the Kings of Spain until 1519.<ref name="LD" />
At the end of the ''[[Reconquista]]'', the [[Spanish Rite of the Templar Order]] led by the [[Spanish Inquisition|Inquisitor General]] [[Tomás de Torquemada]] tried to take control of [[Spain]] using the Pieces of Eden. The Templar and inquisitor [[Gustavo Ramírez]] tried to localize three parts of a Staff of Eden in Spain. Ramírez found the first part at the St. Rafael Abbey and entrusted the second part to the monks of the Monastery of St. Lucia. The third part was in the possession of monks of the Asturias mountains who believed it was a part of [[James, son of Zebedee|Saint James]]' staff. [[Pedro Madruga]], a friend of the Monastery, hid the fragment in his castle of Sobroso to protect it from the Inquisition.<ref name="Rebellion">''[[Assassin's Creed: Rebellion]]''</ref>
The [[Spanish Brotherhood of Assassins]] tried to prevent the Templars from completing the Staff. A team of Assassins infiltrated the [[Sádaba Castle]] to steal the first part, but Ramírez fled with it. Then, the Assassins went to St. Lucia and succeeded in taking the second part. They entrusted it to their allies at the [[Salamanca]] University.<ref name="Rebellion" />
By 1491, Torquemada discovered that the Assassins had entrusted an [[Aguilar's Apple of Eden|Apple of Eden]] to the Sultan [[Muhammad XII of Granada]]. The Templars manipulated [[Ferdinand II of Aragon]] and [[Isabella I of Castile]] into [[Granada War|besieging]] [[Granada]]. To force the Sultan to give the artifact, the Templar [[Ojeda]] kidnapped his son [[Ahmed of Granada|Ahmed]] to proceed to an exchange during the surrender of Granada.<ref name="film">''[[Assassin's Creed (film)|Assassin's Creed: The Movie]]''</ref>
[[File:ACM Apple of Eden Torquemada.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Torquemada contemplating the Apple]]When Torquemada received the Apple from the Sultan, the Assassins [[Aguilar de Nerha]] and [[María]] intervened to take the artifact. During the confrontation, María and Ojeda were killed, but Aguilar fled the city with the Apple. Months later, Aguilar gave the Apple to an ally of the Brotherhood [[Christopher Columbus|Christoffa Corombo]] who kept the artifact during his travels to the New World until his death in 1506 and was buried with it.<ref name="film" />
After the end of the ''Reconquista'', the Templars tortured the monks of the Asturias mountains to uncover the location of the Staff's last section. The Assassins saved the monks who revealed to them where it was. The Assassin [[Diego de Alvarado]], who was a spy of Ramírez, led the Templars to the last part of the Staff before the Assassins. Later, Alvarado killed Ramírez and took the artifact's section in his possession. Alvarado broke into Salamanca University and stole the last section of the Staff.<ref name="Rebellion" />
Alvarado handed all the parts of the Staff to Torquemada, who completed the artifact. In 1498, Torquemada went to the Saint Thomas Aquinas' Monastery in [[Ávila]] which was constructed on top of an Isu forge. Using the Forge and the Staff, Torquemada created ghost-like guards and prepared to take control of Spain. The Assassins infiltrated the Forge, killed Torquemada and his ghost army, and destroyed the Staff which was buried under the ruins of the site as the Forge collapsed on itself.<ref name="Rebellion" />
In 1519, the conquistador [[Hernán Cortés]] received the prong of Faith from the King of Spain [[Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor|Carlos I]] to help him during his expedition in Mexico. During his campaign against the Aztec Empire, Cortés used the prong to give hope to his troops who were outnumbered and also turned some of the natives to his cause.<ref name="LD" />
[[File:Phrenology.PNG|thumb|250px|Giovanni and Bombastus studying the Crystal Skull of Mexico]]Posing as a chronicler and astrologer, the Assassin Giovanni Borgia infiltrated Cortés' expedition to recover Pieces of Eden in the New World. During the [[Night of Sorrows]], Giovanni assassinated a priest of Tenochtitlan to take a Crystal Skull in his possession. Later, Giovanni returned to Europe with the artifact.<ref name="Rome 4" />
In 1521, the conquistador [[Juan Ponce de León]] was influenced by the Templars to explore [[Florida]] in the search of the [[Fountain of Youth]], a Piece of Eden alleged to granted eternal youth. Ponce de León was killed by the Assassin [[Miguel Ramón Carlo de Lugo]] as the Brotherhood wanted to protect the artifact.<ref name="DYL" />
[[File:PL-HONESTY.jpg|thumb|250px|left|The Crystal Ball used by Edward Kelley]]By 1559, Altaïr's Apple was in the possession of the Queen [[Elizabeth I of England]]. One of her adviser, [[John Dee]], was aware of the nature of the artifact. By 1587, during his time in [[Czech Republic|Bohemia]], Dee worked with the English scientist and occultist [[Edward Kelley]], conducting alchemical experiments with the [[Book of Abraham]] and a [[Crystal Balls|Crystal Ball]] before returning to England. After the death of the Queen in 1603, Dee sent a cryptic message to Kelley's stepdaughter [[Elizabeth Jane Weston]] to inform her about the Apple of Eden.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' – [[Divine Science: Chapter 3 – Elizabeth Jane Weston]]</ref>
At the end of the Sengoku period, the daimyo [[Takeda Shingen]] was in possession of a Sword of Eden. In 1573, Takeda was killed by the [[Japanese Brotherhood of Assassins|Japanese Assassin]] [[Hattori Hanzō]] and the Sword was taken by the daimyo and Assassin ally [[Oda Nobunaga]].<ref name="Memories" />
In 1582, as Oda was using the Sword for his own profit, the Assassin [[Yamauchi Taka]] killed him and gave the Sword to Liu Yan from the Chinese Brotherhood, who brought the artifact back to her country.<ref name="Memories" />
By 1699, the English privateer Captain [[William Kidd]] was in the possession of a [[Rings of Eden|Ring of Eden]] which could deflect any metal projectile, giving him a reputation to be invincible. The Templars tried to recover the artifact but Kidd hid it on the [[Oak Island]] leaving hints to four members of his former crew.<ref name="Oak Island">''[[Assassin's Creed III]]'' – [[Oak Island (memory)|Oak Island]]</ref>
[[File:FragmentOfEdenAlonzoACP.png|thumb|150px|Alonzo Batilla holding the Fragment of Eden]]By 1717, the [[Netherlands|Dutch]] slaver and Templar ally [[Laurens Prins]] was in possession of the [[Fragment of Eden]], an artifact that could control individuals but also increased the speed and firepower of a ship. In February 1717, the [[United Kingdom|British]] Assassin and [[Piracy|pirate]] [[Samuel Bellamy]] attacked Prins' ship the ''[[Whydah]]'' and took the artifact. He entrusted it to the French pirate [[Alonzo Batilla]] who passed it to another French pirate, [[Olivier Levasseur]]. By 1718, Levasseur buried the Fragment on [[Caicos Islands]] in the [[Caribbean Sea]] to protect it from the Templars.<ref name="Pirates">''[[Assassin's Creed: Pirates]]''</ref>
In August 1718, Levasseur and Batilla recovered the artifact but were ambushed by the ship of the pirate and Templar [[Christopher Condent]]. Batilla used the power of the Fragment to sink Condent's ship. As a British fleet led by the Templar pirate-hunter [[Woodes Rogers]] arrived, Levasseur fled with the Fragment while Batilla attacked the fleet to give enough time to his friend to escape.<ref name="Pirates" />
[[File:AC4 Observatory In Use.png|thumb|250px|left|Roberts using the Crystal skull with the armillary sphere to see through Woodes Rogers' eyes]]In 1719, the Sage and pirate [[Bartholomew Roberts]] entered in the [[Observatory (Isu)|Observatory]] in [[Jamaica]] and took a Crystal Skull that he used with [[Blood vial]]s to spy important ship cargo and became the richest pirate of this time.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'' – [[The Observatory]]</ref> In 1722, the former pirate turned Assassin [[Edward Kenway]] killed Roberts and took the Crystal Skull.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'' – [[Royal Misfortune]]</ref> He used it to track the Grand Master of the [[West Indies Rite of the Templar Order]] [[Laureano de Torres y Ayala]] in [[Havana]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'' – [[Tainted Blood]]</ref> As it was a trap, Kenway returned the artifact to the Observatory where it would be watched over by the [[West Indies Brotherhood of Assassins]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'' – [[Ever a Splinter]]</ref>
After his journey in the [[Caribbean|West Indies]], Edward Kenway returned to England and settled in [[London]], becoming the co-leader of the [[British Brotherhood of Assassins]] around 1723. During his travels in Europe and the Middle-East exploring Isu sites, Edward discovered an Isu cache with a [[Shroud of Eden 2|Shroud of Eden]] in it. Edward secreted it away in the [[Tower of London]] while he hid the key in [[St. Paul's Cathedral]].<ref name="ACS" />
After Edward's death in 1735, the last leader of the British Brotherhood [[Miko]] possessed the [[Grand Temple]] [[Grand Temple Key|Key]], bearing it as an amulet. In 1754, Miko was killed by Edward's son, [[Haytham Kenway]], who was a member of the [[British Rite of the Templar Order]], and the Key was stolen. Later, Grand Master [[Reginald Birch]] tasked Haytham with finding the Grand Temple in the [[United States|British Colonies]] and entrusted him with the Key.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed III]]'' – [[A Deadly Performance]]</ref>
[[File:De Fayet's Last Stand 7.png|thumb|250px|Bastienne receiving the Precursor box from Adéwalé]]In 1735, a French [[Templar Admiral (1735)|Templar Admiral]] possessed Ezio's Precursor box. On his way to deliver it to the Madam of [[La Dame en Rose]] [[Bastienne Josèphe]] in [[Port-au-Prince]], the Admiral was killed by the Assassin and former pirate [[Adéwalé]] who recovered the artifact.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'' – [[Freedom Cry]] – [[The Calm Before the Storm]]</ref> After a tempest, Adéwalé's ship ''La [[Victoire]]'' shipwrecked on the shores of [[Haiti|Sant-Domingue]]. The Assassin entered in contact with Bastienne to help each other: Adéwalé will support the [[Maroon rebellion]] on the island while Bastienne will secure a way out for the Assassin to leave Port-au-Prince in exchange of the precursor box.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'' – [[Freedom Cry]] – [[A Common Enemy]]</ref> After two years, Adéwalé gave the Box to Bastienne before leaving the island.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'' – [[Freedom Cry]] – [[De Fayet's Last Stand]]</ref>
By November 1751, the Mentor of the [[Saint-Domingue Brotherhood of Assassins]] and [[Maroons]] leader [[François Mackandal]] received the Precursor box from Bastienne and used its power to decipher the [[Voynich manuscript]]. The Assassins discovered the location of an [[Port-au-Prince Temple|Isu Temple near Port-au-Prince]]. Mackandal sent his apprentice [[Vendredi]] in the Temple which triggered an [[1751 Port-au-Prince earthquake|earthquake]]. In the panic, the leader of the Templars in British Colonies [[Lawrence Washington]] infiltrated the Assassins' camp and stole the Precursor Box and the Manuscript.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]'' – [[Tinker Sailor Soldier Spy]]</ref>
During the sack of the Taj Mahal in 1739 by the Afsharid dynasty of Persia, [[Nāder Shāh]] found a piece of Eden shape like a diamond which he named [[Koh-i-Noor]] ''(Mountain of light)''.<ref name="Brahman">''[[Assassin's Creed: Brahman]]''</ref>
In 1747, Nāder was killed by the [[Persian Brotherhood of Assassins|Persian Assassin]] [[Salah Bey]] but the artifact fell in the hands of the [[Afghanistan|Afghan]] chief [[Ahmad Shāh Durrānī]] who founded the Durrānī Empire.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]'' – [[War Letters|War Letters: "The Fiend Nadir Shah"]]</ref>
[[File:Fiat Lux 6.png|thumb|250px|left|A World projection from the Precursor box]]After his travel in Saint-Domingue, Lawrence Washington returned in the British Colonies in 1752 and entrusted Ezio's Precursor box to the Templar [[Samuel Smith]] who went in Europe to meet scientists who could activate the artifact.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]'' – [[By Invitation Only]]</ref> Returning in America in 1754, Smith was killed by the [[American Brotherhood of Assassins|Colonial Assassin]] [[Shay Cormac]] who took the Box.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]'' – [[One Little Victory]]</ref> Later, Cormac and the Assassin [[Hope Jensen]] met the inventor [[Benjamin Franklin]] to activate the artifact with electricity. With the Voynich manuscript, the Assassins located a [[Lisbon Temple|Isu Temple]] in [[Lisbon]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]'' – [[Fiat Lux]]</ref>
The same year, Haytham Kenway arrived in the Colonies to find the Grand Temple. As the Templar [[William Johnson]] identified the marks on the Key similar to the [[Kanien'kehá:ka]], Haytham contacted the Kanien'kehá:ka [[Kaniehtí:io]] to help him in his search.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed III]]'' – [[Unconvinced]]</ref> In 1755, Kaniehtí:io and Haytham arrived before the door of the Grand Temple in the Province of [[New York]]. The Templar used the Key but as he saw it was ineffective, Haytham decided to pursue his search in other areas.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed III]]'' – [[The Braddock Expedition (memory)|The Braddock Expedition]]</ref>
In 1759, Hope Jensen reproduced Franklin's experience on the Box and the manuscript and localized an [[Arctic Temple| Isu Temple in the Arctic]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]'' – [[Caress of Steel]]</ref> Jensen gave the Box and the manuscript to the Assassin [[Liam O'Brien]] who then entrusted the Box to the Assassin [[Louis-Joseph Gaultier, Chevalier de la Vérendrye]] who secreted it away from the Colonies.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]'' – [[Non Nobis Domine]]</ref>
[[File:ACIII-Remember 5.png|thumb|250px|Ratonhnhaké:ton using the Crystal ball]]By 1769, the villagers of [[Kanatahséton]] were in possession of a Crystal ball. The young Kanien'kehá:ka [[Ratonhnhaké:ton]], Haytham and Kaniehtí:io's son, used the artifact and entered in contact with the Isu Juno through a Nexus. She tasked him to protect the Grand Temple against the Templars and to join the Colonial Brotherhood of the Assassin to protect his people.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed III]]'' – [[Something to Remember]]</ref>
In 1777, Ratonhnhaké:ton, then a fully-fledge Assassin, arrived in Oak Island to find Captain Kidd's treasure and recovered the Ring of Eden left by the pirate. The Assassin wore the artifact to deflect bullets.<ref name="Oak Island" />
During the [[American Revolution]], the [[Freemasons]] brought an [[Apple of Eden 3|Apple of Eden]] from Europe. By 1781, a British Officer in [[Yorktown]] was in possession of the Apple. After the [[Siege of Yorktown]], the Commander of the [[Continental Army]] [[George Washington]] recovered the artifact.<ref name="Inevitable Confrontation">''[[Assassin's Creed III]]'' – ''[[The Tyranny of King Washington]]'' – [[Inevitable Confrontation]]</ref>
In 1781, Haytham gave the Grand Temple Key to his Second in Command [[Charles Lee]] before confronting his son during the bombardment of [[Fort George]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed III]]'' – [[Laid to Rest]]</ref> A year later, Lee was killed by Ratonhnhaké:ton who took the Key. In 1783, the Assassin returned in his village which was deserted only leaving the Crystal ball for Ratonhnhaké:ton. He used it once again to speak to Juno who greeted him for accomplishing his task and ordered him to hid the Key. When the Nexus ended, the Crystal ball was destroyed. Ratonhnhaké:ton buried the Key in the grave of his [[Achilles Davenport|mentor]]'s [[Connor Davenport|son]] on the [[Davenport Homestead]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed III]]'' – [[Chasing Lee]]</ref>
[[File:ACIII-Warn 14.png|thumb|250px|left|King Washington using the Apple as a scepter]]
After the end of the [[American Revolutionary War]], Washington was haunted by visions of the Apple of Eden and decided to contact Ratonhnhaké:ton. By touching the Apple, the Assassin saw a reality where Washington became a tyrannical king of the United States using the power of the Apple and himself was forced to fight his rule. As the vision ended, the two agreed they needed to hide the artifact and Ratonhnhaké:ton threw the Apple in the sea.<ref name="Inevitable Confrontation" />
By 1784, the former slave [[Patience Gibbs]] received from her mother a [[Patience Gibbs' charm|charm]], a Piece of Eden which permitted to see into all things for a few seconds. The Templar [[Doctor]] [[Edmund Judge]] tried to recover the artifact but Gibbs gave him only a half of it. As the [[Louisiana Brotherhood of Assassins|Louisiana Assassin]] [[Aveline de Grandpré]] tried to recruit Gibbs in the Brotherhood on the behalf of Ratonhnhaké:ton, the two women decided to help each other. Aveline killed Judge and Patience recovered the artifact and accepted to go to the Davenport Homestead with Aveline.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'' – ''[[Aveline (DLC)|Aveline]]'' – [[The Tower]]</ref>
[[File:ACRG Shay Dorian.jpg|thumb|250px|Shay recovering the Precursor box on a dying Charles Dorian]]
In 1776, Ezio's Precursor box was entrusted to the French Assassin [[Charles Dorian]] in the [[Palace of Versailles]]. Shortly after receiving the artifact, Charles was killed by Shay Cormac, who joined the Templar 20 years ago after his [[1755 Lisbon earthquake|mission in Lisbon went wrong]]. Shay took the Box and brought it to the Templars in America.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Rogue]]'' – [[QXNzYXNzaW5hdGlvbg0K]]</ref>
Before the [[French Revolution]], the Sage and member of the [[Parisian Rite of the Templar Order]] [[François-Thomas Germain]] entered in the vault under Temple of Paris, guided by de Molay's memories. There, he found the Sword of Eden and [[Codex Pater Intellectus|de Molay's codex]]. He organized a coup against the Grand Master [[François de la Serre]] and took the control of the French Rite while manipulating the French Revolution to end the Monarchy and created a Capitalist society.<ref name="Temple" />
[[File:ACU The Temple 3.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Germain wielding the Sword of Eden]]During the [[Thermidorian Reaction]] in 1794, Germain was confronted at the Temple by de la Serre's ward, the former Assassin [[Arno Dorian]], and by [[Élise de la Serre]], François' daughter. Germain used the Sword to fight the duo and a powerful blast killed Élise and wounded Germain. Arno finish the Sage and recovered a depowered Sword, using it as a classic sword.<ref name="Temple">''[[Assassin's Creed: Unity]]'' – [[The Temple]]</ref>
A week later, the French General [[Napoleon Bonaparte]] tasked to the Captain [[Philippe Rose]] to recover the Apple of Eden under the Basilica of Saint-Denis. Bonaparte gave to Rose the key of the Temple that he took in the [[Tuileries Palace]] the [[10 August]] 1792.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Unity]]'' – ''[[Dead Kings]]'' – [[The Book Thief]]</ref> Rose was later contacted by a man who worked for Lady Eve who paid him to give her the artifact instead of Bonaparte.<ref name="Crown of Thorns">''[[Assassin's Creed: Unity]]'' – ''[[Dead Kings]]'' – [[A Crown of Thorns]]</ref>
[[File:ACU Sphere of Eden.png|thumb|250px|Arno uncovering the Apple of Eden]]Arno who was in the city at this moment foiled Bonaparte's plan, killing Rose and taking the Head of Saint-Denis. When he discovered the Apple of Eden in the lantern, Arno entrusted the artifact to an Assassin who sent it to the Mentor [[Al Mualim (1794)|Al Mualim]] in [[Cairo]].<ref name="Crown of Thorns" /> In 1798, Bonaparte led an expedition in Egypt and recovered the Apple. A year later he organized a coup in France with the Apple and later became Emperor of France.<ref name="Glyph2">''[[Assassin's Creed II|AC2]]'' – [[Glyphs|Glyph #2: "Sixty-Four Squares"]]</ref>
By 1805, the Ottoman Sultan [[Selim III]] possessed the Koh-i-Noor and secured it in his palace of [[Tripoli]] in [[Libya]]. The [[Black Cross]] [[Tavis Olier]] was sent by the Templar Order to recover the artifact but he was captured by the Sultan. Later, the new Black Cross [[Solomon Bolden]] went in Libya to save Olier and took the Koh-i-Noor. Bolden met the [[Belgium|Flemish]] agent [[Jan van der Graff]] who was sent by Emperor Napoleon to steal the diamond. The Templar and the spy worked together to infiltrate the palace but the Assassin and Selim's servant [[Ahkbar]] killed Bolden and imprisoned Graff with Olier.<ref name="Templar">''[[Assassin's Creed: Templars]]''</ref>
[[File:ACT Akhbar Koh-i-Noor.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Ahkbar using the power of the Koh-i-Noor]]In 1808, [[Libyan Brotherhood of Assassins]] wanted to buy the Koh-i-Noor to Selim. Learning that Olier and Graff prepared their escape to recover the Koh-i-Noor before the Assassin. As the Black Cross gave his life for their plan to succeeded, Graff became the new Black Cross as he was trained by Olier during their captivity. Ahkbar, who wanted the diamond for himself, killed Selim and took the artifact. As Graff confronted him, he used the Koh-i-Noor to creat many projections of himself. Graff saw through the illusion and killed Ahkbar. As the Assassins arrived, Graff gave an empty box to his enemies and convinced them that the diamond was in here. Graff later protected the Koh-i-Noor for the Templars.<ref name="Templar" />
By 1830, the founder of [[Sikh Empire]] [[Ranjit Singh]] came in possession of the Koh-i-Noor and hid it in the Isu Temple of [[Tosha Khana]] under his [[Ranjit Singh's summer palace|summer palace]] of [[Amritsar]]. In 1839, [[Francis Cotton]], the leader of the British Templars in [[India]], was in possession of Ezio's Precursor box and planned to kill the sultan to recover the diamond. At the same time, the [[Indian Brotherhood of Assassins|Indian Assassin]] [[Arbaaz Mir]] infiltrated the palace with his assistant [[Raza Soora]] to steal the artifact. The Assassin gave the Koh-i-Noor to Soora who then gave it to [[Pyara Kaur]], Ranjit's granddaughter.<ref name="Brahman" />
After he killed the sultan, Cotton confronted Pyara who activated the artifact and was possessed by the Isu [[Durga]]. The Templar shot on the Precursor and shattered the Koh-i-Noor. As an energy blast was released, a tiger form appeared and killed Cotton. The diamond reconstructed itself and was taken by Arbaaz who gave it to his Mentor [[Hamid (Amritsar)|Hamid]].<ref name="Brahman" />
[[File:ACCI Enemy Revealed (2).jpg|thumb|250px|Projection of a map by the Koh-i-Noor and the Precursor box]]In 1841, Cotton's successor [[William Sleeman]] took the Precursor box and with the help of the Templar [[Alexander Burnes]] kidnapped Hamid to take the Koh-i-Noor.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India]]'' – [[The Quest Begins]]</ref> Combining the two artifacts in Tosha Khana, Sleeman saw a map indicating another Piece of Eden in [[Herat Citadel]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India]]'' – [[The Enemy Revealed]]</ref> Arbaaz tried to recover the two Pieces of Eden while he tracked Sleeman in the [[Herat Temple]] but he was captured.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India]]'' – [[What Lies Beneath]]</ref>
Taken prisoner to [[Katasraj Temple]], Arbaaz freed himself taking the two artifacts with him.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India]]'' – [[The Thief Within]]</ref> Returning in Amritsar, Hamid announced to Arbaaz that Sleeman took Pyara in hostage. The Assassin rush to the summer palace to save his lover. There Sleeman asked Arbaaz to give the two Pieces of Eden. While the Assassin tossed the artifacts, Pyara wounded Sleeman, giving time to Arbaaz to take the diamond and leaving the place with Pyara. Sleeman fled with the Precursor box.<ref name="Rescue">''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India]]'' – [[The Rescue (India)|The Rescue]]</ref>
Later, Arbaaz entrusted the Koh-i-Noor to the British Assassin [[Ethan Frye]] who promised that the diamond's journey had only begun.<ref name="Rescue" />
By 1847, the Prince Consort [[Albert, Prince Consort|Albert]] recovered the cache containing the Shroud of Eden in the Tower of London. He hid it in a [[Buckingham Palace vault|vault]] he built under [[Buckingham Palace]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Syndicate]]'' – [[Change of Plans]]</ref>
In 1862, during the construction of London's Metropolitan Railway, the British Templars excavated an [[Apple of Eden 7|Apple of Eden]]. [[Charles Pearson]] who financed the construction, used the artifact as a cane's pommel. Pearson was killed by the Templar [[Cavanagh]] who wanted to use the Piece of Eden to usurp the position of Grand Master from [[Crawford Starrick]]. Cavanagh tried to use the Apple against the Assassin Ethan Frye and [[Jayadeep Mir]] but was killed by the Templar [[Marchant]] who recovered the artifact on the order of Starrick.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Underworld]]''</ref>
[[File:ACS A Simple Plan 14.png|thumb|250px|left|The Apple of Eden in Brewster's machina]]By 1868, the Apple was entrusted to the Templar scientist [[David Brewster]] for experimentation in his laboratory in [[Croydon]]. During one of his experiments, Brewster was killed by the Assassin [[Evie Frye]] and the laboratory was destroyed with the Apple.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Syndicate]]'' – [[A Simple Plan]]</ref>
During the same year, the Templar [[Lucy Thorne]] tried to find the Shroud of Eden in London for Starrick to take control of the city. Going to London with her twin-brother [[Jacob Frye|Jacob]], Evie made contact with Jayadeep to recover the artifact before the Templars. The two factions discovered the location of the cache's key and Lucy took it before being killed by Evie while searching for the Shroud in the Tower of London.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Syndicate]]'' – [[A Thorne in the Side]]</ref>
[[File:Starrick adquires superstrengh M4.JPG|thumb|250px|Starrick overpowering the Frye twins with the Shroud]]Later, the two groups uncovered the true location of the cache and infiltrated a party in Buckingham Palace to take it. Starrick stole the key to Evie and unlocked the cache. Wearing the Shroud, the Grand Master fought the Frye twins who stabbed him repeatedly but was immediately healed due to the Shroud. Starrick was surprised by an attack from Jayadeep. The twins took advantage to attack Starrick together, separating the Templar from the Shroud and killing him. The Assassins decided to lock the Shroud in the vault again and hide the key.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Syndicate]]'' – [[A Night to Remember]]</ref>
At some point, the co-founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn [[William Robert Woodman]] was in contact with the original Shroud of Eden and could speak with Consus.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' – [[Divine Science: Chapter 4 – Frater V.O.V.]]</ref>
After the Mexican-American War, the [[Aztec Club of 1847]] was in possession of the Faith Prong which was brought in [[New York City]]. In 1863, during the [[New York City draft riots|draft riots]], the American Assassin [[Varius]] infiltrated the Club and stole the artifact. The Assassin was ambushed by the American Templar [[Cudgel Cormac]], Shay's grandson, who took the Prong for the Grand Master [[William M. Tweed]].<ref name="LD" />
While Cudgel was on his way to hand the artifact, the Templar was confronted by Varius and his new apprentice [[Eliza]]. Cudgel used the power of the Prong to make Varius lose his faith in the Creed before stabbing him. Eliza paralyzed the Templar, saving her mentor and taking back the Prong. Later the two Assassins entrusted the artifact to the Union General [[Ulysses S. Grant]] to help him to end the [[American Civil War]].<ref name="LD" />
Years later, Grant became President of the United States and his administration was infiltrated by the Templars. They gave access to Ezio's Precursor box to Grant which he used to decipher some page of the Voynich manuscript.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants – Locus]]''</ref> Before his death, Grant hid the Prong under the floor of his house in Mount McGregor.<ref name="LD" />
[[File:MarkTwainandNikolaTesla.jpg|thumb|150px|left|Mark Twain and Nikola Tesla using the Apple during an experience]]
In 1874, the Serbian inventor [[Nikola Tesla]] found an Apple of Eden in Croatia. Going in America, Tesla used the power of the artifact to create a worldwide network that was able to transmit information and electricity to anywhere on the planet.<ref name="Glyph11">''[[Assassin's Creed II|AC2]]'' – [[Glyphs|Glyph #11: "The Inventor"]]</ref> In 1894, the American author [[Mark Twain]] visited Tesla's laboratory in New York and held for a brief moment the Apple.<ref name="Glyph12">''[[Assassin's Creed II|AC2]]'' – [[Glyphs|Glyph #12: "Titans of Industry"]]</ref>
The American Templar [[Thomas Edison]] launched a slandering campaign against Tesla's project which would be a serious impediment to the Templar goals. The Templars stole the Apple and used its power to drive Tesla insane. Later Edison granted the Apple to his Templar brother [[Henry Ford]] who used the artifact to exploit his salaries by making them believe he rose their pay while in fact he cut them.<ref name="Glyph12" />
By 1888, the Tsar [[Alexander III of Russia]] was in possession of a [[Imperial Sceptre|Staff of Eden]] that he used to maintain his power over [[Russia]]. During the [[Borki train disaster]], the Tsar taunted the [[Russian Brotherhood of Assassins|Russian Assassin]] [[Nikolai Orelov]] to kill him with the Staff. The Assassin tried to use the artifact but he was easily defeated by Alexander who took back the artifact.<ref name="Fall">''[[Assassin's Creed: The Fall]]''</ref>
[[File:Tungska fall v.png|thumb|150px|Tunguska explosion]]
By 1908, the [[Russian Rite of the Templar Order|Russian Templar]] [[Grigori Rasputin]] stole the Staff and replaced it by a replica. The artifact was brought in a Templar laboratory in [[Tunguska]] where he was being tested with electrical machines. A team of Assassins led by Orelov infiltrated the laboratory to steal the artifact. The Staff was activated by the electricity and Orelov heard voices from the past. At this moment, Tesla, who was in the Wardenclyffe Tower, used an immense burst of electricity to destroy the laboratory provoking the [[Tunguska explosion]]. In the detonation, the Staff was destroyed but protect Orelov, leaving him as the sole survivor.<ref name="Fall" />
A [[Shards of Eden|shard of the Staff]] was recovered by Rasputin giving him influence on the Romano family. In 1914, one of his disciples [[Khioniya Guseva]] stabbed him in the stomach. Rasputin used the shard to force Guseva to mutilate her face. He healed miraculously thanks to the shard.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]'' – [[DATA-DUMP S00.S02]]</ref> In 1916, the Russian Brotherhood assassinated Rasputin with difficulty due to the artifact and he was unknowingly buried with it.<ref name="Fall" />
During the [[Russian Revolution]] of October, Nikolai Orelov infiltrated the Winter Palace to recover what the Brotherhood think was the Staff of Eden. Assuring that it was a replica, Orelov was informed by the former Tsar [[Nicholas II of Russia|Nicholas II]] that Grigori Rasputin possessed a shard of the Staff. The Assassin dug up the body of Rasputin and recovered the artifact. Orelov kept the Shard instead of giving it to the Brotherhood.<ref name="Fall" />
[[File:ACCR RF (7).jpg|thumb|250px|left|The Precursor box and the shard reacting together]]By July 1918, the Romanov family was in possession of Ezio's Precursor box and secreted in their palace of [[Yekaterinburg]] where they had been put under house arrest. Orelov was tasked to recover the Box before the Templars. The 17 July, the Templar Order execute the Romanov family but [[Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia|Anastasia Romanova]] escaped from the slaughter with the Box. While Nikolai protected her from the Templars, the Shard and the Box interacted and created a [[Bleeding Effect]] on Anastasia, who accessed to Shao Jun's [[Genetic memory]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia]]'' – [[Red Fury]]</ref>
Nikolai and Anastasia fled Yekaterinburg and stoped to [[Kazan]] where the Assassin entrusted the Box to the young girl before meeting [[Leon Trotsky]] to find a way to go to [[Moscow]]. Trotsky decided to capture the Assassin to deliver Anastasia and the Box to the Templars. With the abilities of Shao Jun, Anastasia saved Nikolai and the two went to Moscow.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia]]'' – [[The Two-Faced Girl]]</ref> There, Nikolai entrusted the Box to the Assassin [[Sergei]] and Anastasia was taken in an Assassin laboratory in [[Moscow Kremlin]] in order to experiment on her in an attempt to extract the genetic memories.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia]]'' – [[In Safe Hands]]</ref> Nikolai saved her and the two parted away, fleeing Russia.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia]]'' – [[A Race to Freedom]]</ref>
Arriving in New York City with his family in 1919, Nikolai gave the Shard to his daughter [[Nadya Orelov|Nadya]]. During the [[Palmer Raids]] Nadya was deported back to Russia with her mother [[Anna Orelov|Anna]]. During all the 20th century Nadya kept the Shard.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: The Chain]]''</ref>
By 1926, the [[Hungary|Hungarian]]-American magician and escapologist [[Harry Houdini]] possessed the Apple of Napoléon and used it during his magic tricks to lure the public.<ref name="Glyph3">''[[Assassin's Creed II|AC2]]'' – [[Glyphs|Glyph #3: "Descendants"]]</ref> The Templar beat him to recover the Apple, leading to his death.<ref name="Glyph9">''[[Assassin's Creed II|AC2]]'' – [[Glyphs|Glyph #9: "Hat Trick"]]</ref>
In 1928 [[Rufus Grosvenor]], a British Templar who also an [[Instruments of the First Will]], blackmailed the former Black Cross [[Albert Bolden]] to receive the Koh-i-Noor. Bolden refused and recovered the diamond which he secreted in a safe in [[Switzerland]], bringing it to his home in the United States. Later, Grosvenor recovered the Koh-i-Noor, killing Bolden's family in the process.<ref name="Uprising">''[[Assassin's Creed: Uprising]]''</ref>
By 1930, the Indian political and spiritual leader [[Mahatma Gandhi]] was in the possession of Altaïr's Apple and used it to further the Indian Independence during the Salt March.<ref name="Glyph3" /> In 1933, Henry Ford entrusted Tesla's Apple to the leader of the Nazi Party [[Adolf Hitler]] to ensure his take of control in Germany and planning their [[New World Order]] with a new World War.<ref name="Glyph12" />
[[File:ACU Koh-i-Noor powers.jpg|thumb|250px|Cardona unleashing the power of the Koh-i-Noor]]In 1937 during the [[Spanish Civil War]], Grosvenor, impersonating the British Assassin [[Norbert Clarke]], entered in contact with the Spanish Assassin [[Ignacio Cardona]] to use his high concentration of Isu DNA to unlock the power of the Koh-i-Noor. Trick by Grosvenor to use the diamond to stop a fight between communists and anarchists, Cardona passed out after the artifact unleashed serpent-like creatures of energy to stop the fight.<ref name="Uprising" />
Later, Cardonna joined Bolden who revealed him the true nature of Grosvenor. Confronting the Instrument in a church, Cardonna used the Koh-i-Noor against Grosvenor. The power of the artifact made the old church collapsed on itself and the Koh-i-Noor was buried in his ruins after Cardonna made an illusion that it was destroyed to trick Grosvenor.<ref name="Uprising" />
At the beginning of [[World War II]], the American President [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]] was in possession of Washington's Apple of Eden and was manipulated by the Templars in their scheme for a New World Order.<ref name="Glyph3" />
By 1943, the Obergruppenführer and Templar [[Gero Kramer]] received Tesla's Apple to use it in various experiments. He kidnapped Nikola Tesla and with the knowledge of the Apple, they constructed [[Die Glocke]], a device powered by the artifact that could read the genetic memory of any individuals. The knowledge of the Apple was also used by the Templar ally and physician, [[Josef Mengele]] making a breakthrough in genetics and genes modification, upgrading Kramer with accelerated cellular regeneration and superhuman strength.<ref name="Conspiracies">''[[Assassin's Creed: Conspiracies]]''</ref>
[[File:ACConspirations Julia Dusk Apple of Eden.png|thumb|250px|left|Julia holding Tesla's Apple]]In 1943, Kramer was killed by the Assassins [[Eddie Gorm]] and [[Julia Dusk]] was recover the Apple for their superior, the American Colonel [[Boris Pash]]. When they discovered that Pash worked with the Templar [[John von Neumann]], Julia blew up herself with a hand-grenade to destroy the artifact but the Piece of Eden was still intact and was taken by Pash.<ref name="Conspiracies" />
The 28 October 1943 on the [[USS Eldridge]], Pash and Neumann used the Apple in the [[Philadelphia Project]], an attempt to change the time with Die Glock to kill Hitler before he started the War. Gorm infiltrated the ship and killed Tesla, preventing the good proceedings of the experience.<ref name="Conspiracies" /> The USS Eldridge instead temporarily manifested in a future state for approximately 18 minutes.<ref name="AC" /> After that, Neumann kept the Apple.<ref name="Bloodstone">''[[Assassin's Creed: Bloodstone]]''</ref>
By 1944, the Third Reich was in possession of an unidentified Piece of Eden. The [[Edelweiss Pirates]], a group of German resistants, stole this artifact and hid it in the spire of the Cologne Cathedral. Twelve of the Pirates were captured. One of them, [[Barthel Schink]], revealed the location of the artifact to his fellow member [[Miriam Kurtz]] and tasked her to brought the artifact to the Assassin in Paris.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]]'' – [[Noob's personal files]]</ref>
[[File:Milan, Italy.png|thumb|250px|Scipione examining the Shroud]]The same year, the original Shroud of Eden was in possession of the Baguttiani family in [[Milan]]. [[Abstergo Industries]], the front-company of the Templar Order, sent their employe [[Keith Scipione]] to buy the artifact. On the day of Christmas 1944, Scipione met a member of the Baguttiani to confirm the nature of the artifact. Using a metallic keychain, Scipione was able to identify the Shroud as a true Piece of Eden and acquired it for the company.<ref name="PL" />
By 1945, Hilter seemed to have another artifact that he was tasked to bring to the Templar after faking his death, but the Assassins killed him before.<ref name="Glyph17">''[[Assassin's Creed II|AC2]]'' – [[Glyphs|Glyph #17: "The Bunker"]]</ref>
In 1948, the Templar assassinated Mahatma Gandhi to recover Altaïr's Apple of Eden.<ref name="Glyph9" />
By 1957, Neumann was dying from cancer in Walter Reed Army Medical Center in [[Washington, D.C.]]. Boris Pash infiltrated the Center with the Assassin [[Alekseï Gavrani]] and killed Neumann to recover Tesla's Apple.<ref name="Bloodstone" />
By 1961, as a President of the United States of America, [[John F. Kennedy]] inherited of Washington's Apple of Eden. As he was against the Templar's interests, the director of the [[Central Intelligence Agency]] and member of the Templar [[William King Harvey]] ordered the assassination of the President to recover the artifact. Harvey was undercover in the Assassin Brotherhood, he implicated the [[Bloodstone Unit]], an extremist cell of Assassin working for the CIA led by Pash.<ref name="Bloodstone" /> For this plan, the agent of the United States Secret Service [[William Greer]], who was at the same time a member of the Templar Order and of the Bloodstone Unit, was trained with Altaïr's Apple to recover the Apple in the possession of the President.<ref name="Glyph9" />
[[File:ACBs - Greer holding Apple.png|thumb|250px|left|Greer holding the president's Apple after the assassination]]The 22 November 1963 in [[Dallas]], Kennedy was shot down by the Bloodstone Unit. While a Templar agent used Napoléon's Apple to create a "Phantom on the Hill" effect, Greer recovered Washington's Apple. While he was fled the scene, Greer was confronted by Gavrani who had left the Bloodstone Unit as he considered that Pash going too far. Gavrani stole the Apple and brought it to Harvey, unknowing that he was the mastermind behind the plot.<ref name="Bloodstone" />
In 1964 in the middle of [[Vietnam War]], Pash used Tesla's Apple on the Bloodstone member [[Julia Gorm]] to unlock the memory of her father Eddie. As Julia tried to kill Pash, Gavrani intervened to protect him from the Assassin in exchange for Tesla's Apple. While Gavrani and Julia fought, Pash fled with his pregnant lover and Assassin [[Zenia]] on the ''USS Maddox'' where he gave Tesla's Apple to Harvey who revealed his true nature. He later entrusted the artifact to the Templar and doctor [[Warren Vidic]], who used the Apple and Pash's newborn daughter [[Nathalie Chapman|Nathalie]] to develop his own research on Genetic Memory.<ref name="Bloodstone" />
In 1969, The Templar Order financed the [[Apollo 11 Moon landing]] to recover an [[Apple of Eden 5|Apple of Eden]] which was on the [[Moon]]. The Templar [[Buzz Aldrin]] took the artifact and brought it back to the Order.<ref name="Glyph10">''[[Assassin's Creed II|AC2]]'' – [[Glyphs|Glyph #10: "Apollo"]]</ref>
In 1977, Nathalie was one of the first test subjects of Vidic for his prototype of the [[Animus]], a device that could read Genetic Memory. Discovering that Vidic kidnapped her from her parents, Nathalie fled with the Animus' blueprint and Tesla's Apple.<ref name="Bloodstone" />
By 2012, Templar front group [[Abstergo Industries]] was in the midst of a project to recover the remaining Pieces of Eden. The [[Animus Project]] was set up with the sole intention of locating the Pieces of Eden through the use of the [[Animus]], a device based on Isu technology which allowed an individual to relive the [[Genetic memory|genetic memories]] of their ancestors.<ref name="AC" />
The Templars sought to manipulate the neurotransmitters that made humanity susceptible to the Pieces' hypnotic effects. To accomplish this goal, they devised the [[Eye-Abstergo]] project, which would end in the launch of an "all-in-one telecommunication" satellite into orbit around Earth. However, unbeknownst to the rest of humanity, the satellite would contain an Apple of Eden, and spread its power across the globe.<ref name="AC" />
[[File:Retrieval 18.png|thumb|250px|Desmond killing Lucy]]
On 10 October 2012, an Assassin team of [[Lucy Stillman]], Desmond Miles, [[Shaun Hastings]], and [[Rebecca Crane]] located the Apple of Eden [[Colosseum Vault|hidden]] by [[Ezio Auditore da Firenze|Ezio Auditore]] beneath the [[Santa Maria in Aracoeli|Santa Maria Aracoeli]] in 1506, discovered by Desmond as he relived Ezio's memories in the Animus. When Desmond touched the Apple, Juno gained access to his nervous system for a brief time. Under Juno's control, Desmond killed Lucy,<ref name="ACBH">''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood]]''</ref> who was secretly a Templar agent.<ref>''Assassin's Creed: Revelations - [[The Lost Archive]]''</ref>
Upon release from Juno's control, Desmond fell into a coma, but was able to regain consciousness through achieving a Synch Nexus.<ref name="ACR" /> Desmond, his father [[William Miles|William]], Shaun and Rebecca later arrived at the entrance of the Grand Temple in [[New York]], where Desmond used the Apple to open the central chamber gate. It was only then that the Assassins discovered the Grand Temple Key was needed to open the inner gate.<ref name="AC3">''[[Assassin's Creed III]]''</ref>
[[File:AC3 Abstergo Suicide Squad.png|thumb|250px|left|Desmond using the Apple in Abstergo]]
After William was captured by Templar agents in [[Cairo]] while looking for a power source for the Grand Temple, he was brought to Abstergo's [[Rome]] facility. [[Warren Vidic]], a member of the [[Inner Sanctum of the Templar Order]] and head of the Animus Project, proposed a deal with Desmond to exchange William for the Apple. Desmond travelled to Rome and entered the facility, killing the Abstergo agents and [[Daniel Cross]]. Arriving at Vidic's office, Desmond used the Apple to force the facility's guards to shoot Vidic and themselves, then released his father from confinement. Due to Vidic's death and failure to retrieve the Apple of Eden, the Eye-Abstergo project was put on hold indefinitely.<ref name="AC3" />
{{Quote|This... piece of silver cast out Adam and Eve. It turned staves into snakes. Parted and closed the Red Sea. Eris used it to start the Trojan War; and with it, a poor carpenter turned water into wine.|Al Mualim, speaking to Altaïr about the Apple.|Assassin's Creed|Assassination (Majd Addin)}}
[[File:Phrenology.PNG|thumb|250px|[[Bombastus]] observing a Crystal Skull]]
Amongst the greatest tools known to man, the Apples of Eden can control the human mind by interacting with a neurotransmitter located deep in the human brain. Other Pieces of Eden are capable of warping reality, creating illusions, ensuring total obedience and healing physical injuries.<ref name="AC2" /><ref name="ACPL">''[[Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy]]''</ref> Both Templars and the Assassins believe that the Pieces of Eden were responsible for many historical tales and miracles, such as {{Wiki|en:the Parting of the Red Sea|the Parting}} of the [[Red Sea]], the [[Trojan War]], the miracles enacted by [[Jesus Christ]], and the Biblical plagues that ravaged [[Egypt]].<ref name="AC" /> According to Dr. [[Álvaro Gramática]], all Pieces of Eden are made of an unknown metal resembling gold or silver that Abstergo dubbed 'Pathorica'.{{Fact|June 2019}}
Some Pieces of Eden were known to interact with and change the passage of time, possibly creating paradoxes. Others were able to "speak" to those who wielded them, as was the case with Ezio Auditore, [[Perotto Calderon]] and [[Giovanni Borgia]], who spoke with Ezio's Apple and the [[Shroud of Eden 1|Shroud]].<ref name="ACPL" /><ref>[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (novel)|''Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood'' novel]]</ref>
When activated, Apples of Eden are capable of extending a pulse of energy that can drive those in the surrounding area to insanity and death. Doing so has a detrimental effect on the physical health of the wielder if they are unskilled in the Apples' use, but a capable user is not as easily afflicted.<ref name="ACBH" /> Altaïr, for example, was able to use Apple #2 for a limited duration without adverse affects at age 92.<ref name="ACR" /> Using the Pieces' powers in short bursts can also minimize the negative effects dealt by the artifacts, though to what extent is unknown.<ref name="AC2" />
Following the destruction of Apple of Eden #2 during an experiment at the [[Denver]] International Airport, the Templars found themselves in need of another artifact with similar properties. Seeking access to a map that indicated the location of all Pieces of Eden, Abstergo kidnapped Desmond Miles in order to view the memories of his ancestor, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. This would allow them to see the very same map that Altaïr discovered in 1191.<ref name="AC" />
[[File:Tungaska Explod v.png|thumb|250px|left|The Tunguska explosion]]
Each of the Pieces of Eden contained a great deal of potential energy, and the destruction of one could cause an explosion on the scale of a nuclear blast. One such [[Tunguska explosion|explosion]] occurred in 1908, in the region of [[Tunguska]], [[Russia]]. The [[Imperial Sceptre]], one of the Staves of Eden, was seemingly destroyed when [[Nikola Tesla]] fired at the Tunguska facility with his wireless electric weapon, attempting to strike a blow against the Templars.<ref name="AC2" /><ref name="AC" /><ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: The Fall]]'' - Issue #2</ref>
However, the blast failed to totally destroy the Staff, and at least one shard remained.<ref>''Assassin's Creed: The Fall'' - Issue #3</ref> The Staff shard still possessed powers of mind control, as demonstrated by [[Grigori Rasputin]]. While he was in possession of the shard, he brainwashed {{Wiki|en:Alexandra Feodorovna|Alexandra Feodorovna}}, the wife of [[Nicholas II of Russia|Tsar Nicholas II of Russia]], as well as several disciples like [[Khioniya Guseva]].<ref name="ACPL" />
[[File:Mentor's wake 13.png|thumb|left|250px|阿泰尔解除苹果的作用]]
虽然第一文明在创造人类时附带了一种神经递质,使人类被迫接受伊甸碎片的意志,但最后神与他们的奴隶之间的通婚生育了一个混血种族。这些新人类拥有他们的神所拥有的[[鹰眼视觉|某些本能]],而最明显的一点是,他们还从约束人类服从伊甸碎片意志的神经递质压迫下获得了自由。<ref name="AC2" />
已知最早的两位生来具有碎片效应免疫力的人类个体是亚当与夏娃,他们后来偷走了一个伊甸苹果,并促成了随后发生的战争。<ref name="AC2" />其家系成员也遗传了先行者的特殊本能,并且对伊甸碎片的意志控制力免疫,虽然碎片的物理操纵能力对他们依然有效。<ref name="AC" />像阿泰尔、埃齐奥和戴斯蒙德这些个体都具有此类强化能力,并且对伊甸碎片的效用有抵抗力。<ref name="AC2" />
在21世纪早期,圣殿骑士意识到,部分人类对伊甸苹果的意志控制力免疫,就此,他们开始主动寻找其他设备来弥补这个缺陷。至少有一次,阿布斯泰戈工业公司的雇员[[沃伦·韦迪克]]博士,收到了一封由某个身份不明的人发送的[[Emails|电子邮件]],此人并没有受到苹果的力量影响,并且威胁要曝光他所看到的一切。<ref name="AC" />
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== 已知伊甸碎片位置 ==
AC4 Antikythera Mechanism.png|link=安提基特拉机械|'''[[安提基特拉机械]]'''
[[File:White2.png|thumb|250px|left|Niccolò di Pitigliano using the Shroud]]
AC4 Baghdad Battery.png|link=巴格达电池|'''[[巴格达电池]]'''
After seeing the Apple's projection indicating the location of all Pieces of Eden as of 1191, Altaïr copied the map and hid it within his Codex so that only his descendants might find it.<ref name="AC" />
ACI Blood vial.png|link=血瓶|'''[[血瓶]]'''
AC3 Juno The Eye Solution.png|link=眼|'''[[眼]]'''
ACIII-GTEnd 5.png|link=全球极光装置|'''[[全球极光装置]]'''<br>{{c|完好无损}}
AC3 Desmond Cube 2.png|link=能量源|'''[[能量源]]'''<br>{{c|在[[大神殿]]中}}
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=吗哪|'''[[吗哪]]'''
ACO Artifact Fragment.png|link=人造碎片|'''[[人造碎片|角锥体碎片]]'''<br>{{c|被装饰在列奥尼达斯之矛上}}
ACV TheSagaStone.png|link=传说之石|'''[[传说之石]]'''
ACV DoR Salakar Render.png|link=萨拉伽|'''[[萨拉伽]]'''
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=佛舍利|'''[[佛舍利]]'''
ACV DoR Silica Render.png|link=硅石|'''[[硅石]]'''
ACV Sunstone 1.jpg|link=Sunstone|'''[[Sunstone|日耀石]]'''
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=天志石|'''[[天志石]]'''
Apples of Eden are all capable of controlling the hearts and minds of humanity, creating illusions and, to a degree, permitting control over physical bodies.<ref name="AC" /> The Apples can be used in conjunction with a Staff, which increases the power of both the Pieces of Eden. Other Pieces include the Shroud, which heals the wounds of those it touches on a cellular level; the [[Ankh]], capable of resurrecting the dead; and the Sword, a Piece which can project energy blasts and enhance the charisma of its welders. It was possessed by many great rulers through the centuries, including [[Arthur|King Arthur]], [[Genghis Khan]] and [[Attila the Hun]].<ref name="AC2" /> A Sword was also in possession of the Knights Templar by 1307, and was subsequently entombed beneath the [[Temple (Paris)|Temple]] in [[Paris]]. Centuries later, it was recovered by the Grand Master and [[Sage]] [[François-Thomas Germain]].<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed: Unity]]''</ref>
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ACS The Aegis.jpg|link=埃癸斯|'''[[埃癸斯]]'''
File:ACOD FoA JoA Armor of the Dikastes.jpg|link=Armor of the Dikastes|'''[[Armor of the Dikastes|判官的铠甲]]'''<br>{{c|仅在模拟世界中登场}}
ACOD FoA Fallen Set.jpg|link=Armor of the Fallen|'''[[Armor of the Fallen|陨落者盔甲]]'''<br>{{c|仅在模拟世界中登场}}
ACV Fallen heroes set tier 3 render.png|link=Fallen Heroes set|'''[[Fallen Heroes set|陨落英雄套装]]'''
ACOD First Civilization Set front view.png|link=第一文明套装|'''[[第一文明套装]]'''<br>{{c|仅在模拟世界中登场}}
ACO Isu Armor 2.jpg|link=伊述铠甲|'''[[伊述铠甲]]'''
ACMir Milad's Outfit.png|link=伊述铠甲|'''[[伊述铠甲|米拉德的服装]]'''
ACV - Mythical Set - Thor Helmet.jpg|link=Thor's Set|'''[[Thor's Set|索尔套装]]'''
[[File:Connor CryB 1.png|thumb|250px|Ratonhnhaké:ton using a Crystal Ball and wearing the Grand Temple Key]]
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The Crystal Skulls were Pieces scattered throughout Central and [[South America|Southern]] America which allowed for unassisted telepathic communication between their owners. At one point, a Crystal Skull came into the possession of Giovanni Borgia, who made use of its power in 1542.<ref name="ACPL" /> Similar artifacts known as [[Crystal Balls]] allowed users to access the Nexus and communicate with members of the Isu.<ref name="ACPL" /><ref name="AC3" /> One of the Crystal Balls was notably used by the Assassin [[Ratonhnhaké:ton]] to communicate with Juno.<ref name="AC3" /> In addition, the Assassin [[Aveline de Grandpré]] discovered a [[Prophecy Disks|Prophecy Disk]] in the Isu Temple of [[Chichen Itza]], which showed her the election of Eve as the leader of humanity's rebellion against the Isu.<ref>''[[Assassin's Creed III: Liberation]]''</ref>
ACOD FoA ToH Crown of Hades.png|link=Crown of Hades|'''[[Crown of Hades|哈迪斯的王冠]]'''<br>{{c|仅在模拟世界中登场}}
ACOD FoA JoA Crown of Poseidon.png|link=Crown of Poseidon|'''[[Crown of Poseidon|波塞冬的王冠]]'''<br>{{c|仅在模拟世界中登场}}
ACOD FoA JoA Prototype Crown.png|link=Prototype Crown|'''[[Prototype Crown|王冠原型]]'''<br>{{c|仅在模拟世界中登场}}
In North America, [[William Kidd]] discovered a [[Rings of Eden|Ring of Eden]], which creates a magnetic shield around the user and repels all metallic objects, creating the myth of his "invincibility". There was also the Grand Temple Key which, when combined with three ancient power sources, allowed the holder to open the gate to the inner chambers of the Grand Temple.<ref name="AC3" />
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AC3 Grand-temple-key render.png|link=大神殿钥匙|'''[[大神殿钥匙]]'''
File:Wiki noimage.jpg|link=圣心|'''[[圣心]]'''<br>{{c|被[[阿布斯泰戈工业公司]]保管}}
ACL Heart of the Brotherhood.png|link=兄弟会之心|'''[[兄弟会之心|预言碟之钥]]'''
Saint-Denis Temple key.png|link=圣但尼神殿钥匙|'''[[圣但尼神殿钥匙]]'''
ACMir - Mysterious Shard.png|link=Isu Shards|'''[[Isu Shards|伊述碎片]]'''
ACOD Phaistos Disk.png|link=斐斯托斯圆盘|'''[[斐斯托斯圆盘]]'''
ACOD Key to Olympos.png|link=斯芬克斯奖章|'''[[斯芬克斯奖章]]'''
ACOD Key to Olympos.png|link=奥林匹斯之钥|'''[[奥林匹斯之钥]]'''
[[File:ACII Codex Eagle V.png|thumb|250px|left|The Codex Map of the Pieces]]
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During the Golden Age of Piracy, [[Fragment of Eden|an unidentified Piece of Eden]] in possession of the Templars was stolen by the Assassin [[Samuel Bellamy]], with the help of fellow pirates [[Olivier Levasseur]] and [[Alonzo Batilla]]. Later, during a confrontation with Templar [[Christopher Condent]], Batilla used the artifact, which increased his ship attacks and defenses, imbuing it with a golden aura, and allowing him to easily sink Condent's significantly more powerful vessel. <ref name="Pirates">''[[Assassin's Creed: Pirates]]''</ref>
ACV The Morrigan's Guard Mythical.png|link=摩莉甘的卫盾|'''[[摩莉甘的卫盾]]'''
According to [[emails]] read by Desmond Miles in 2012, at least one Piece of Eden existed that granted the ability to manipulate time. Concerns over possible paradoxes, however, led to Abstergo Industries locking it away.<ref name="AC" /> Warren Vidic had a prototype Piece of Eden of his own design, which he used to brainwash Daniel Cross with an impulse to become a high ranking Assassin, so as to get close enough to kill their [[Mentor (2000)|Mentor]]. [[Sebastian Monroe]]'s team discovered the existence of the powerful [[Trident of Eden]], which could manipulate the emotions of individuals -- fear, devotion and faith.{{Fact|June 2019}}
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ACOD Atlantean Blade.png|link=Atlantean Blade|'''[[Atlantean Blade|亚特兰蒂斯之刃]]'''
ACV Blazing Sword.jpg|link=燃烧之剑|'''[[燃烧之剑]]'''
ACV Gae bolg render.png|link=迦耶伯格|'''[[迦耶伯格]]'''
ACOD Hammer of Hephaistos.png|link=赫菲斯托斯的战锤|'''[[赫菲斯托斯的战锤]]'''
ACO Lucius Septimius' flails.png|link=卢修斯·塞普提米乌斯的连枷|'''[[卢修斯·塞普提米乌斯的连枷]]'''
ACOD Forged Mace of the Isu.png|link=Mace of Atlantis|'''[[Mace of Atlantis|亚特兰蒂斯之锤矛]]'''<br>{{c|仅在模拟世界中登场}}
ACOD Minotaur's Labrys render.png|link=Minotaur's Labrys|'''[[Minotaur's Labrys|米诺陶洛斯的双头斧]]'''
ACV Nodens' Arc.png|link=Nodens' Arc|'''[[诺登之弓]]'''
ACOD Polyphemos Cyclops Bludgeon.png|link=Polyphemos Cyclops Bludgeon|'''[[Polyphemos Cyclops Bludgeon|波利菲莫斯独眼巨人大头棒锤]]'''
ACMir Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar.png|link=祖母绿之剑|'''[[祖母绿之剑]]'''
ACOD FoA JoA Staff of the Dikastes.png|link=Staff of the Dikastes|'''[[Staff of the Dikastes|判官的权杖]]'''<br>{{c|仅在模拟世界中登场}}
ACMir The Samsaama.png|link=萨姆萨玛‎|'''[[萨姆萨玛‎]]'''
ACOD Poseidon's Trident Concept Art.png|link=波塞冬的三叉戟|'''[[波塞冬的三叉戟]]'''
ACOD Hades Bident Concept Art.png|link=Hades' Bident|'''[[Hades' Bident|哈迪斯的双叉戟]]'''
Wiki noimage.jpg|link=Swords of Fal|'''[[Swords of Fal|法尔之剑]]'''
[[File:Apple of Eden.png|thumb|One of the Apples of Eden]]
[[File:Apple of Eden.png|thumb|一枚伊甸苹果]]
*Al Mualim is the first known user and possible coiner of term.
*According to the [[Glyphs]] and [[The Truth|Truth files]], many legends and myths throughout human history are actually historically accurate. The supernatural or paranormal parts of each legend can be explained by the protagonist in each having acquired their own Piece of Eden (i.e. the Greek myth of [[Perseus]], King Arthur, etc).
*During his battle with [[Rodrigo Borgia]] in the [[Sistine Chapel]], Ezio created copies of himself, much like Al Mualim did against Altaïr. If Ezio's robes are [[Customization|customized]], or if the [[Armor of Altaïr]] is worn, his copies appeared with different sets of armor and colors. If he was not customized, each copy would be perfectly identical to the real Ezio, besides his weapon.
*Both the Codex map and the map projection show that there were only fifty Pieces of Eden at that time, though Subject 16 said the Shroud was Piece of Eden 66.
**In the French and German version of ''Assassin's Creed II'', the Shroud was referred to as number 36, not 66. This however, was an oversight.
*[[圣杯]]最初被认为是伊甸碎片之一;然而除了裹尸布,其他与圣经有关的器物都被证明只是文学加工。<ref name="AC" />
*[[Adha|The Chalice]] was initially thought to be a Piece of Eden; however, besides the Shroud, all other artifacts linked to the Christ-figure were confirmed to be merely literary tools.<ref name="AC" />
{{First Civilization}}
{{First Civilization}}
[[fr:Fragments d'Éden]]
[[fr:Fragments d'Éden]]

2024年2月21日 (三) 05:47的最新版本


PL ArtisanHQ 耐心点,兄弟们。不久我们就会揭开这幅图的秘密。


Eden 2 v


伊甸碎片(Piece of Eden) 是由伊述创造的高科技设备,通过植入人类脑中的神经递质网络发挥作用。除了裹尸布这个值得注意的特例以外,绝大多数伊甸碎片被设计出来的主要目的是在精神与物理两方面控制人类的思想、情感和行为。因此它们也成为伊述驱使人类作为奴隶劳动力的主要工具.







主要词条: 伊甸碎片的历史




作为人类已知最伟大的工具之一,通过交互影响位于人类大脑深处的一种神经递质,伊甸苹果能控制人类的意志。其他伊甸碎片则有扭曲现实、创造幻象、确保完全服从以及治疗物理伤害的能力。[1][2] 圣殿骑士和刺客都相信历史上那些传说和奇迹都是由伊甸碎片引起的,例如分离红海的壮举、特洛伊战争耶稣基督创造的奇迹以及圣经中席卷埃及的大瘟疫。[3]根据阿尔瓦罗·格拉玛提卡博士的话来说,所有伊甸碎片都是由一种未知的类似金银的金属制成的,阿布斯泰戈将其称之为霸索瑞卡[4]









Mentor's wake 13










Connor CryB 1


水晶头骨则分散在中美和南美洲(中国也有一个),允许持有者通过心灵感应进行交流。有一次,乔瓦尼·博吉亚得到了一个水晶头骨,并在1542年使用了它的力量。[2]被称为水晶球的类似遗物也允许使用者进入同步核心并与伊述成员交流。[2][6]刺客拉通哈给顿就曾使用过一枚水晶球与朱诺交流过。[6] 此外,刺客艾弗琳·德·格朗普雷奇琴伊察的伊述神殿中发现了两瓣预言碟,碟中播放了夏娃被选为人类反抗伊述运动的领袖。[7]


ACII Codex Eagle V






















Apple of Eden


  • 阿尔莫林可能是第一个创造并使用这一名称的人。
  • 根据字形真相档案,人类历史上许多传说和神话都是准确的。每个传说中超自然以及超常的部分都可以用主人公获得了伊甸碎片来解释。(如希腊神话中的珀尔修斯布立吞亚瑟王
  • 西斯廷礼拜堂罗德里戈·博吉亚的战斗中,埃齐奥制造了自己的幻影,就像当初阿尔莫林对阿泰尔做的那样。如果埃齐奥的长袍是个性定制的或是穿着阿泰尔铠甲,那么每个分身都会有着不同的护甲和服装颜色。如果他没有进行个性化定制,每个分身都会和埃齐奥本体相同,除了武器。
  • 手札地图和投影都显示那时只有五十件伊甸碎片,但16号实验体指出裹尸布是66号碎片。
    • 在法语和德语版的《刺客信条II》中,裹尸布被标为36号。然而这是个疏忽。
  • 圣杯最初被认为是伊甸碎片之一;然而除了裹尸布,其他与圣经有关的器物都被证明只是文学加工。[3]
