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Assassin's Creed Wiki

William Johnson was an altered representation of one of Ratonhnhaké:ton's genetic memories, relived by a research analyst at Abstergo Entertainment through the Animus.


First dialogue

  • Connor: My next target will be William Johnson.
  • Achilles: He claims to be a friend of the natives.
  • Connor: He is no friend. He has put together money in an attempt to buy land from the Iroquois.
  • Achilles: Isn't it better to be bought than be taken by force?
  • Connor: Johnson has no right to buy the land. No one does.
  • Achilles: The rules and politics of this world are changing, Connor. Whether you want them to or not. Your victory here may only delay the inevitable.
  • Connor: So I should do nothing?
  • Achilles: You should do what you think is best.
  • Connor: Then I will put a stop to this.


  • William Johnson: What are you doing? I have only the best interests of your people in mind.
  • Connor: That is your opinion, not ours.
  • William Johnson: The correct opinion, you mean. One that would see them safe.
  • Connor: You should concern yourself with your own safety, for I will return.


  • William Johnson: Look what you've done. I was trying to help these people.
  • Connor: The Iroquois do not need your help.
  • William Johnson: They do. You just can't see it yet. Do you think the Colonists will be kind to them?
  • Connor: Why wouldn't they?
  • William Johnson: Another will eventually come to claim their land. It is only a matter of time. And when it happens, it will not be someone who respects their interests as I do.
  • Connor: You speak of respect, yet you came with armed soldiers.
  • William Johnson: I had hoped to not resort to them.
  • Connor: As I had hoped you could leave my people in peace.
  • William Johnson: Yes. You have made it abundantly clear that hope and reality do not always align.


Assassin's Creed: Memories memories
Third Crusade
Teutonic Captain - Tamir - Sibrand - Robert de Sablé - Al Mualim
Mongol Empire
Alexander Nevsky - Ilkhanate Captain - Jochi Khan - Hülegü Khan - Ögedei Khan
Renaissance Italy
Papal Guard - Charles de la Motte - Emilio Barbarigo - Juan Borgia - Cesare Borgia
Sengoku Period
Ashigaru Kashira - Shima Sakon - Mochizuki Chiyome - Mōri Motonari - Oda Nobunaga
Golden Age of Piracy
Laurens Prins - El Tiburón - Benjamin Hornigold - Bartholomew Roberts - Laureano de Torres y Ayala
Colonial America
British Officer - William Johnson - Benjamin Church - Charles Lee - Haytham Kenway
Empire of the Great Khan - Last Days of the Taikō