Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Well guys, this is it. My final Polls. It's been a good run, although not without hiccups (*cough*time-travelling velociraptors*cough*), but hopefully with some laughs and good times too.

As I said several weeks ago, I have been planning to end now for some time. Why now? Why at all? Well, now because I will be away next week, and can't be bothered for my penultimate Polls to be a fill-in. Plus, in two weeks, it'll be Christmas, New Year, et al, and I simply don't think I could find the motivation to do this. Which leads me onto my other question: why at all? Well, because it's gotten too much. Since I started A-Levels, with their extra work, I've found myself coming on the Wiki less and less, and, as Crimson put it in the final original Polls, "I don't want this to impede my education or my social life to a larger degree". Essessentially, the Polls have become slowly more of a chore than a joy for me, and that is why I am ending them. Today.

Of course, should anyone want to take on the role of "POLL MASTER", I'm sure Crimson would be happy for you to create a third season of Crimson Polls, and I know I would be. As for me though, my time here has come to an end. But I suppose I must thank everyone for coming to these Polls and supporting them along the way, whilst providing some quality banter in the comments.

Anyway, shall we be on to the Polls? There are 10 this week.


This Week's Polls

Answer's Poll[]

My Polls[]

Question of the Week=[]

  1. "Would you like to work for Abstergo Entertainment when given the chance?" - Asked by Answeration
  2. What is the single best thing about Assassin's Creed, for you? I know it's a big question, but I'm just curious.

Caption Contest=[]

Hm. Last Caption Contest. So, which winning caption was the best?

The Pit=[]

So, the final. Where is the best location in Assassin's Creed?

Can't say I predicted any other final, to be honest.

Last Little Thing=[]

And so, my time as "POLL MASTER" has indeed drawn to a close. I'm not really one for emotional speeches, especially after I wrote a fair amount in the intro to these Polls. So, instead, I'll keep this closing speech short and sweet: it's been a good year, and you guys have helped make it even better. Have a good one, and bye-bye for now.

 - kabutsu Enter the Animus The Crimson Polls II 18:43, December 13, 2013 (UTC)