Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

UJ112013 UJ112013 26 March 2019

Did someone completed the Codex Scrolls in Assassin's Creed: Identity?

I have played this game for a while, and I couldn't complete the Codex Scrolls (as Database in this game).

I tried to contact Ubi Support, and they reply me that game had no issue about the Codex and keep play the game.

I can say, when this game has no longer to play like other AC games on mobile, it will be the first AC game that can't complete the Database entries.

I do find someones were asking the same question on Ubi Forums and ACID Wikia. Some entries I don't have that I saw from the officials' posts. (you can find the posts that I added on the ACID Wikia page.)

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