Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
Awesome Ritual of Awesomeness
(Horns sounds, Cello enters the talk page, crowd goes nuts)

Thank you! Thank you!

(Cello gestures and crowd cheers slow a bit)

Do you know why we're here?

(Crowd goes nuts again, Cello laughs)

In those days when spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri, people wanted power not for showing, but for power's sake. Over the eons, two kinds of people gathered that power: the normal people - who used it to themselves and fell alone, never accomplishing a thing - and the leaders: people who knew how to put others above themselves, who build communities and awesome feats out of dust and triumphed, gathering more and more followers and changing history forever. One of those leaders, Cellus Serberus Maximus, once said: "build it, and they will come". And come they have!

(Crowd screams and applaud loudly)

Now, I have the honor to bring one more such awesome person into my company, a position of guidance, one person who has what can be called the gift of leadership.

Through difficult times, he led the Istruttorium. At first unsure of his skills, and progressively growing confident, he tackled challenge after challenge fabulously, until the fanatical day when he met a huge challenge alone -- no guidance, no one to ask for help, he took the decisions by himself and made through victorious. On that day, he gained his confidence and my trust -- and grew to became my most trusted adviser. But what's more amazing is that he showed his potential not in a ruling position, but as an assistant. And today, after months of hard work, I'm honored to announce the new Direttore of the Istruttorium: Assassin-Rayne!

(Rayne enters the stage in a full throttle while the crowd cheers so loudly that kangaroos in Australia listen and run scared. People start dying of excitement and women start to take off their clothes and thrown them at Cello's handsome body and fine-tailored suit)

That's right, ladies and gentlemen... and ladies (I'm on hotel room 913, go wait for me there after the cerimony).

(Audience screams and starts having epileptic seizures out of pleasure)

Also, for the position of his second in command and Camerlengo, Rayne chose Vatsa -- which in himself is a whole other awesome history.

Vatsa has been with us for a long time now, and recently entered the apprentice initative. His technical skills are unmatched on this wiki, and his work has never gone unnoticed. After all his contribution to the wiki and his progress on the apprentice initiative (not to mention his almost single-handed care and rebirth of Prototype Wiki, you people should check it out), I have met with my circle of high officers composed by Sima, Blaidd, War and Rayne, and through unanimous decision, we have decided to promote Vatsa to the rank of Istruttorium, allowing him to take his duties as Camerlengo, effective immediately!

(Place goes crazy as Vatsa enters and joins Rayne, someone in the crowd screams "I love you guys!" and is swarmed by jealous Cello's groupies)

Ciao, fratellos. (The three shook hands) Lovely people, huh? Let me just finish this and we'll go meet those swedish nurses.

(Audience's voice is in agony cause of the cheering, but they keep cheering even louder and risk bleeding out)

Okay, okay! Thank you guys! Now, one last thing -- usually the former Direttore is promoted to the rank of sysop after serving his term, but due to heavy absence and inability to perform his duties, Thief decided to step down from his post and we will all miss him.

And that's all for today!
Folks, look at the comments later for their acknowledgment speech.
Thank you everyone, and good night!

(Cello off the microphone: "Someone gets a medic in here, that guy is bleeding. Hey you, blondie chick in the black dress, my room, champagne and intercourse, NOW!")

Laa shay'a waqi'un moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine.
These are the words spoken by our ancestors - that lay at the heart of our creed.
Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember... nothing is true.
Where other men are limited, by morality or law, remember... everything is permitted.
We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are assassins.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
posted on: 02:31, July 2, 2011 (UTC)