Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

The Assassin's Creed Twitter Assassination Experience was released on July 23, 2009. The game was developed by Red Interactive Agency and is sponsored by Verizon Wireless. The interactive game features two primary modes - Tweet Mode and Aggressive (Aggro Mode).

Games Modes

Tweet mode

Tweet mode is a mode that uses the social networking tool Twitter. In this mode, network members are randomly assigned to be either a target or an assassin. Once you are in a match, messages appear on your mentions page (@ reply). You engage in combat through "reply tweets." Additional key words are unlocked as player's skill level goes up.

Tweet mode controls

During a match, players must tweet replies to the network member who is attacking them. The replies must include keywords for weapons, escape, or counter attacks. Messages also must include the target. Any additional content can be included as long as it follows this structure.

  • Issuing an attack: Attack with weapon keywords from your available weapons using this format:
    • @assassins_rome slice @ target
  • Issuing an escape: Escape using escape keywords available for your level:
    • @assassins_rome run @ target
  • Issuing a counter: Counting using counter keywords (Available after reaching Level 3). You can only counter after an attack.
    • @ assassins_rome poison @target

Aggro mode

Aggro Mode Interface

A screenshot of the Aggro Mode Interface.

In aggressive mode, or aggro mode, is played exclusively within the Twitter Assassination Experience site. Aggro mode is a quick and easy way to earn points and kills. Aggro mode is a player vs. player mini-match, where you can simultaneously attack and be attacked by five players.


Point Values

  • Successful attack: yields a kill and 100 points.
  • Successful escapes: 50 points.
  • Successful counters: yields a kill and 150 points.

Other features


The Visualizer


A screenshot of the Visualizer in action.

With the visualizer, a person can see all of the latest game activity as it happens. View all of the action of the Twitter matches and the current stats on number of players, matches, assassinations, escapes, and counters.

External Links
