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Assassin's Creed Wiki
ACO Trireme Stranding Camp

Trireme Stranding Camp

Trireme Stranding Camp was a military base located in Uab Nome, Egypt during the 1st century BCE.

In 48 BCE, the Medjay Bayek of Siwa discovered a corrupt cult of Sobek working in Krokodilopolis; the cult fed civilians to crocodiles in secret 'parties' called Sobek's Secret Feasts[1], they had the tame crocodiles at the Temple of Sobek, especially the great albino Petsuchos, poisoned[2], and even slaughtered crocodiles and used their badly mummified corpses to smuggle gold and valuables.[3]

Whiel in the camp, Bayek eliminated the soldiers and came across papyruses that confirmed his suspicions of a corrupted cult of Sobek, one of which was endorsed by the Nomarch of Faiyum.[3]


