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The Treasures of Britain were a set of thirteen Welsh artifacts dating to the 6th century. In the same period, tablets made from Precursor material and corresponding to twelve of these treasures were hidden throughout Great Britain. The images of each of these treasures were inscribed onto the tablets, and their locations were encoded through clues written in verses. These tablets were keys to a mechanism that secured the thirteenth treasure, the Sword of Eden Excalibur, which was kept within the Isu Barracks under Stonehenge that were accessed via Myrddin's Cave.[1]


By the 870s, eleven of the tablets were scattered across Britain, some concealed in various locations and some in the possession of Zealots working for the Order of the Ancients. These tablets were later collected by the Viking shieldmaiden Eivor Varinsdottir of the Raven Clan and brought to the mechanism, where she found the twelfth tablet already in place in order to claim the Sword.[1]


Tablet Name Clue Location
ACV Treasure of Britain 01
The White-Hilt of the Sword of Rhydderch Hael Alone I rot in inky black;
The end of a shadow-maze;
In the hand of one born well;
I blaze with boundless flame
Grime's Graves
ACV Treasure of Britain 03
The Horn of Brân Galed from the North Here lies a thirsty Giant,
His mouth in need of a drink.
Quench his thirst tenfold;
to obtain his precious trinket.
An Old Cellar in Essexe
ACV Treasure of Britain 04
The Chariot of Morgan Mwynfawr [citation needed] Kept by the Zealot Heike
ACV Treasure of Britain 05
The Halter of Clydno Eiddyn Kept by the Zealot Woden
ACV Treasure of Britain 06
The Knife of Llawfrodedd Farchog Kept by the Zealot Hrothgar
ACV Treasure of Britain 07
The Cauldron of Dyrnwch the Giant To claim the Giant's vessels
You must be as brave as he
Plunge like salmon where iron thrives
And hold that which gives you life
In the Santlache Mine
ACV Treasure of Britain 08
The Whetstone of Tudwal Tudglyd To find the blade-keener
Be surefooted as a mountain goat
First blood means final breath
To those who test your mettle
In Deoraby Spar Cavern
ACV Treasure of Britain 09
The Coat of Padarn Beisrudd Only a stout and fearless heart;
Finds the scarlet robe;
Darkness is your cloak;
And light will be your shroud.
In Wocig in Hamtunscire
ACV Treasure of Britain 10
The Crock and the Dish of Rhygenydd the Cleric A bountiful feast awaits;
The bold, unfaltering step;
Beware foul fowl and beast;
Revenge is the dish they serve.
In Wiccan's Cave in Eurviscire
ACV Treasure of Britain 11
The Chessboard of Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio Strategy is needed
To find the fair maid's game
Follow in the footsteps of the Knight
Your path is set in stone
Within the Cavern of Trials
ACV Treasure of Britain 12
The Mantle of Arthur in Cornwall A legend's mantle awaits you
But death is silent
And hides in clouds
Only fire can cleanse
Within Red Lichen Cavern in Hamtunscire
ACV Treasure of Britain 02
The Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir N / A Isu Barracks under Stonehenge in Hamtunscire

Behind the scenes[]

In actuality, Welsh mythology holds that there are thirteen treasures, and does not consider Excalibur to be among their number. Instead, either Rhygenydd the Cleric's Crock and the Dish were considered two separate treasures, or they were seen as two parts of a set while the final treasure was alternately the Mantle of Tegau Eurfon, which would fully clothe a loyal wife, or Eluned's Stone and Ring, which granted its wearer invisibility like Arthur's Mantle.[2]

Furthermore, not all of the treasures date back to Arthurian Britain. Rhydderch Hael was active with his sword 50 years after Arthur, and Morgan Mwynfawr lived nearly 200 years later, making their tablets' inclusion in the locking mechanism anachronistic. Even stranger, the icon for Gwenddoleu's chessboard appears to be a stylized berserkr rook from the Lewis chess set which dates to the 12th century, more than 500 years after what is commonly accepted as Arthur's reign.

The game also marks the locations of eight of the tablets with the singular "Treasure of Britain", even though the artifacts themselves do not make an appearance, with in-game dialogue upon finding a treasure suggesting that they might once have been collectable, only to later be cut and replaced with the tablets instead.[1]


