This article is about a memory of Bayek. You may be looking for the book written by Homer or Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. |
The Odyssey was a virtual representation of one of Bayek's genetic memories, relived by Layla Hassan through the Portable Animus HR-8.
The Priest of Serapis is being hunted by the Phylakitai, and needs help in escaping Alexandria.
Bayek saw the priest sitting in the Egyptian district.
- Priest: Guards are everywhere! By Serapis.
Where is that Medjay? Only he can help me.
I don't feel safe anymore. The gods are not welcome in Alexandria... Now I pray Amun save me.
The priest saw Bayek approaching him.
- Priest: Medjay! Over here!
- Bayek: Priest? But why are you on the street?
- Priest: The guards discovered that I gave their food back to the people. Now they hunt me. I have a bounty on my head. Being a priest of light is a dark job in this filthy city.
- Bayek: I can get you out of Alexandria, Priest, if you like, but... I cannot keep you safe forever.
- Priest: I ask too much of you, Medjay. There is a small temple north of here that will take me in.
The Phylakitai will be watching the roads, Medjay. We must leave by the canal, there should be boats there. - Bayek: I will spew arrows on any who get in our way. Be like Amun, Priest. Perhaps we can sneak you out without the guards knowing.
They left. Guards spotted them.
- Priest: Careful, Medjay!
We must be cautious, Medjay! - Bayek: Hide, Priest! I will take care of these guards!
Ha! You call that a swing! Come at me!
Bayek dealt with the guards.
- Bayek: You can come out now, Priest.
They continued towards the canal.
- Priest: I...I've never seen blood before in such quantities. The Devourer and Apep must be smiling. And the smell. The stench.
- Bayek: You... get used to it.
- Priest: Truly?
- Bayek: No.
Close to the canal, now, they searched for a boat.
- Priest: Bayek. It is rare that priests are called upon to serve the people. And now I suffer for it.
- Bayek: You are to serve the gods, Priest. Not the people.
They found a suitable reed boat, or a felucca.
- Priest: Let's take one of these boats.
- Bayek: And it will have to do. It looks sturdy enough.
- Priest: I go to a temple near the Pharos. They will take me in. I hope. Perhaps it is true what they say - Alexandria is a city filled with liars.
- Bayek: I've met a kind hand or two here in Alexandria, Priest.
- Priest: Sometimes it's enough to know that not everyone would kill another for a drachma.

Bayek and Lysander on a boat in the canal
They approached the mouth of the canal.
- Priest: We are nearing the arsenal responsible for all ill that has befallen me. They will be on alert.
- Bayek: Ready yourself then, Priest.
Several soldiers approached Bayek and the Priest, shooting arrows at them.
- Priest: They come after us with feluccas?
- Bayek: Apparently they wish to show other priests the error of your ways.
- Priest: It was only food! The people were starving.
Bayek eliminated the soldiers.
- Bayek: You may show yourself, Priest. They have gone.
- Priest: I owe you more than my life, Medjay.
- Bayek: We are not yet at your island. We still have a little ways to go.
- Priest: Thank Serapis. Now, what were we saying...
Bayek and the priest reached the island of Pharos.
- Bayek: Here is where you wish to stop? Is this the island?
- Priest: Yes. It is yet a short distance to the temple. I will be safe, Medjay. I will practice at the temple as a new man. I will leave you with a small token of my gratitude.
- Bayek: May your happiness multiply.

Lysander thanking Bayek
They alighted from the boat.
- Priest: This where you and I part, Medjay. I am a Priest no longer. Lysander was my name. It will be nice to be Lysander once more, I think.
- Bayek: Walk in peace then, Lysander.
- Lysander: And you Medjay... Bayek. Thank you.
Bayek helped Lysander the Priest escape from Alexandria to the island of Pharos, where the former priest would start a new life in the small temple of Iseion.