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The Naval Campaign

The Naval Campaign was a set of missions overseen by the Assassin-come-Templar Shay Cormac during the Seven Years' War on behalf of the British Empire. Using ships captured from the Assassins and other enemies of the British Empire to build his fleet, Shay sent crews to support and protect British interests around the world. At its height, the fleet consisted of 15 ships of different types, not including the Morrigan.[1]

Fleet Missions[]

Set 1[]


  • Much Needed Redeployment: We should take control of Louisiana any day now. Send a ship to retrieve troops for future redeployment.
  • Meat Market: Most of Louisiana is well under control for now. Drop anchor there and pick more troops to help our cause.


  • Vernal Pause: Control over Florida is at a turning point. Send in troops to help it fall into British hands!
  • Cloudy State of Affairs: We control Florida, but only just. We need more troops to prevent it from falling back under Spanish control.


  • News from the Front: A British governor in Savannah has an interesting document for us. Send a ship to retrieve it for us.
  • The Chatty Governor: The continued Spanish raids on British forces in Georgia are of concern to us. Send an envoy to check in for updated reports from Savannah's governor.


  • Ambassador of Bim: We need to smuggle some Templar agents into Barbados to strengthen our control of it. We trust you with this important mission and will reward you handsomely.
  • Discretion Required: You have shown how capable you are sneaking people in and out of Barbados. We need your services and discretion again.

Cap Français[]

  • Arms for Cap Français: We want to help British forces gain a foothold in Haiti. Deliver arms to Cap Français in exchange for any medical supplies they can spare.
  • Guns for Medicines: Cap Français always needs more weapons, trade arms for medical supplies.

Le Havre[]

  • Notes from Le Havre: We are expecting France to unleash some kind of attack against Britain very soon, so we need to discover its nature. Send a ship to Le Havre to bring spies. We should get results rapidly.
  • Les Espions Anglais: As this conflict intensifies, we always need good spies behind enemy lines. Send more spies to Le Havre.


  • French Beachhead: We are overdue to stir up some trouble. Drop troops off the coast of Brest. They will serve the war effort and our own interests.
  • Coastal Troubles: Our initial gambit in Brest worked. Bring more troops to consolidate our gains.

Set 2[]


  • Sailing Down to Havana: A Spanish commander friendly to our cause has a document for us. Send an envoy to Havana to reclaim it.
  • Paying Respects: We like to keep up a cordial relationship with the governor of Havana. Please send your envoy to pay our respects. It will make him feel important, and therefore, more loyal.


  • Rose and Shamrock: We have avoided complications in Ireland thus far, but Loyalist forces need our help. Deliver arms to them.
  • Loyal Blades, Rebel Yells: Now that we have established a reliable supply chain to the Irish loyalists, you can deliver more arms to them.


  • The Battle of Lagos: The battles off the coast of Lagos would change dramatically with some veteran sailors. Redeploy troops to tip the balance in Britain's favor.
  • Senegal Sailors: The Iberian coast always needs seasoned sailors to support British patrols. Redeploy more troops to Lagos.


  • Eyes on The Rock: Britain's occupation of Gibraltar depends on Spain's respect of its treaties. Send spies to keep tabs on Spain's future plans.
  • The Spy who Rocked Me: Gibraltar's been a great infiltration point for Templar spies in Spain, Portugal, and North Africa. Send a ship to bring more.

Santa Maria de Belem[]

  • Shoring up Belem: The city of Santa Maria de Belem in Brazil is a commercial port city on the decline, but serves as a solid tactical point for our interests. Expedite troops and arms to our allies.
  • Port of Call: We need to funnel more troops and arms to Belem. You have opened the way, we trust you to continue your excellent work!

Rio de Janeiro[]

  • January Spies: Rio de Janeiro is a thriving city full of opportunities and intrigue. We need to infiltrate it and exert some influence. Send a ship with spies there.
  • The Brazilian Job: As our game of influence over Rio evolves, we are ready to deploy more agents to push our agenda further. Bring more spies so we can accelerate our plans.

Set 3[]


  • A Friend in Cartagena: A Spanish governor working for us in Cartagena wants to deliver a document he believes is important. Send a Templar envoy to take it from his hands.
  • Lasting Impressions: The governor of Cartagena was so impressed by the envoy that he's asked to see her again. Send her for another visit and let us know of any developments he discusses with her.

Buenos Aires[]

  • Mission of Mercy: We do not always employ conquest and espionage. Often, the best influence comes from making people's lives better. Deliver boxes of British-labeled medical supplies to Buenos Aires. The local population will notice.
  • Healing Influences: The population of Buenos Aires has greatly benefited from of (sic) our delivery of much-needed medical supplies. Deliver some more, they will not forget our help.

Goree Island[]

  • African Armada: The battles in the West Atlantic need more reinforcements than initially planned. Travel to Goree Island off the coast of Senegal and deliver troops and arms. This will surely help tip the scales.
  • Cleaning Up Messes: The West Atlantic needs still more troops and arms than the British officers predicted. Let us cover their ineptitude by providing much-needed relief.


  • Spirits of Saint-Louis: Sometimes we just need to make our presence known to nudge things in our direction. Our spies tell us the company man in charge of Saint-Louis can be swayed to our cause. Please send an envoy to pay him a cordial visit.
  • Corporate Alliance: Your envoy's visit to Saint-Louis paid off: the company man has joined our cause. Keep tabs on him, we believe this relationship will be profitable to us.


  • Empty Bellies: Luanda is currently under the control of Portugal, but they have been unable to allay the effects of a famine on its population. Deliver barrels of food, this will give us leverage in future dealings with the governor.
  • Feeding Frenzy: Luanda has fallen under our direct influence but its population is still hungry. Help feed them and we will have the governor in our pocket.


  • Something Rotten in Denmark: We have reports of a disease not unlike the Black Plague striking Copenhagen. We cannot afford a new breakout in Europe, ship crates of medical supplies to Denmark.
  • Stunted Growth: The new plague has not spread, thanks to your timely delivery. Still, we must ensure it doesn't get out of control. Deliver more medical supplies to Copenhagen for our agents to distribute.


  • Swedish Fish: Members of the Swedish royal family have expressed views in line with our own. Send an envoy to visit a distant cousin living in Gothenburg. An alliance with someone close to the throne would benefit us immensely.
  • Hook, Line, and Crown: Your ability to pick charismatic agents has paid off yet again. We have a staunch ally in Gothenburg. Keep tabs on her to show our support and heed her advice.

Set 4[]


  • A Sleeping Bear?: Sweden recently lost much of its influence in the Baltic, but it still plays a strategic role in keeping the Russian bear in check. Send a ship to Stockholm to deliver spies so we can keep tabs on Russia's plans.
  • Northern Lights: We have gained the confidence of Stockholm's authorities. Let us not waste this, bring more spies so they can be deployed further out.


  • Ripe for the Picking: Lost recently by the Spanish to Savoy, Sardinia is coveted by the French. Your hand-picked envoys have proven their ability to convince those in power to lend a sympathetic ear to our cause. Do not disappoint us.
  • The Island Watchers: It is time to visit Sardinia again. The new governor is now completely loyal to us and shares news of naval activity in France and the Italian kingdoms.


  • The Maltese Gambit: The Knights Hospitalier never recovered from last century's plague in Malta. It is time we bolstered our allies' defenses. Redeploy troops there.
  • Stone Cold Siege: The Hospitaliers are grateful, but Malta is still vulnerable. Ship additional troops to keep them secure.


  • The Cretan Connection: The Island of Crete has long been a Templar base of operations. Redeploy spies there. From there they can depart for nearby kingdoms.
  • Holy Spies: Our influence is wavering in and near the Levant. We need more spies to keep a closer eye on the area. Send more to Crete.

Isle de France[]

  • Paradise Won: Isle de France is becoming an important trading port in the Indian Ocean. Help extend Britain's influence further by deploying troops and delivering crates of medical supplies there.
  • Safe Harbour: The securing of a safe harbour in Isle de France gives us an alternative supply point for trade with India. Bring more troops and supplies to maintain it.


  • Move Over: All but abandoned by the Portuguese, the colonists of Mozambique face threats from the Mazrui and Omani. Deliver crates of arms to keep their trading posts and forts under Templar influence.
  • Fighting the Tides: Our initial intervention seems to have stabilized Mozambique. Ship more arms there to strengthen it, we have further interests in Africa.


  • The Great Seduction: The Omani leaders of Mombasa are influential. We want you to send your best envoy to visit the current Sultan. Extend our friendship and cooperation. Trade with them would be far preferable to war… for now.
  • Friend for Life: Your envoy's persuasiveness has gotten us a long way. The Sultan has named him a friend of the Omani and expects him to pay a visit. Please make sure this happens.

Set 5[]


  • Company Correspondant: One of our agents at the East India Company office in Calcutta has a document for us. Send a ship to retrieve it.
  • The East India Company: We need to keep a closer eye to the activities of the French and Mysoreans in the region. Make sure you send ships to check in on our agent every so often.


  • On Shaky Grounds: The colony of Yanaon has recently fallen into English hands and must remain so. Have a ship send spies so they can provide early warning of threats.
  • Indian Intrigue: The situation in Yanaon remains highly unstable and the surrounding regions are rife with intrigue. Send more spies there so they can be deployed to surrounding colonies and kingdoms.


  • Ville Noire: The French are well established in Puducherry but the war provides us with unexpected opportunities to sow discord among the local population. Send a ship with crates of arms there.
  • Smoldering Resentment: Our initial shipment of arms has allowed rebellion to take hold in French Puducherry. Send more weapons to keep it going.


  • Extending the Empire: The Dutch colony at Malacca doesn't seem to be a priority to anyone. We believe it will soon be part of Britain's greater empire. Send a ship with troops and crates of weapons so we can begin planning for its downfall.
  • Peninsula Warfare: Southeast Asia is a region ripe with riches and opportunities that the Dutch are ignoring. Send more troops and weapons to Malacca to extend our influence throughout the peninsula.


  • Trouble in the Java House: The Dutch East India Company has operated unopposed in Java for too long. It is in our interests to reduce their influence and profits. Send a ship with spies. Let's start disrupting their business.
  • The Javanese File: Our efforts to undermine the Dutch interests in Java are working. Well done. Send out more spies to keep the pressure on.


  • Let Us Take Charge from Now On: The Spanish hold on the Philippines and Manila is tenuous at best. This is the perfect time to help the British crown take over. Send a ship with troops and spies to help their efforts.
  • New Crown Jewel: Your intervention in the Philippines proved to be key in Britain's victory. Do not let it fall back into the hands of our enemies. Send more troops and spies to support it.



