The Little Devil was an altered representation of a fragmented genetic memory.[1]
It is time to upgrade our Headquarters. In order to do so, Ezio recommended that we rope in Leonardo da Vinci who happens to be travelling in Venice.
Unfortunately, the City Guard wants to capture Leonardo and force him to build some of his famous war machinery. The Maestro has gone into hiding. We need to ask Salaì, his apprentice, to lead us to him.
But the guards have captured Salaì! He will never resist their interrogation methods...
We must first free the little devil, who's tied up and held up in a private Palace, then climb to the top of the tower to find the best way to get Salaì out. What's more, the guards threatened him with reprisal, if he agreed to follow us! We will have to watch him closely.
Free Salaì. Then replace the [3 Objective tokens] with his miniature.
Synchronize at the top of the Tower to find an exit, then escort Salaì and make him leave the Map. If Salaì is Eliminated, the Memory is failed.
Now that Salaì is out of harm's way, he leads us to his master's secret workshop.
An emissary of the Brotherhood was discreetly received by the Doge, who seems to have promised, in the name of the old relations he maintains with the Assassins, that Leonardo da Vinci should no longer be harassed.
Behind the scenes[]
The name of the memory is a reference to the translation of "Salaì", the diminutive contraction of his childhood nickname. Born Gian Giacomo Caprotti da Oreno, he was nicknamed "Saladino" by Leonardo, who first described him as having a dangerous temper matching that of Saladin, the 12th-century Muslim sultan of the Ayyubid dynasty whom contemporary Christians during the Third Crusade viewed as a devil for following a different faith.