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The Case of the Conflicted Courtship was a virtual representation of one of Jacob and Evie Frye's genetic memories, relived by a Helix initiate in 2015 through the Helix Navigator.


Jacob or Evie met with Arthur Conan Doyle and Henry Raymond in the City of London, where they were presented with another murder case.


Jacob or Evie started their investigation.


Dr. Alton's Office[]

  • Alton (Prudence): Oh, my God, Prudence?! How horrible! I was about to propose!... But I don't understand. She and I didn't have a meeting arranged today. It is true that we sometimes meet in the park. But there was no arrangement for this morning.
  • Alton (medicine): That's very odd, indeed. Prudence was a patient here but wasn't given this prescription. There's no reason that she should be carrying such a packet.
  • Alton (treatment): You appreciate, I'm sure, that I cannot discuss the condition of any of my patients.
  • Alton (cut cheek): An unfortunate incident. One of my patients became... over-excited.
  • Shelby (Prudence): I don't know any of Dr. Alton's other patients.
  • Shelby (treatment): I'm quite angry, actually. I was having such terrific results; I felt like a new man! Much more vigorous and out-going. But the doctor has ended the prescription altogether for no reason!
  • Knight (Prudence): I'm sorry to hear about her murder. She was a patient here, but increasingly began to stop by, socially.
  • Knight (Baxter): Dr. Alton makes house calls to see him. Baxter doesn't come into the office. I make up the prescriptions and he picks them up at noon when I'm away at lunch.
  • Knight (park meeting): So she was meeting Doctor Alton in the park, was she? My understanding was that she was engaged to someone. In any case, the good doctor could do better, in my opinion. Perhaps now he will!
  • Knight (medicine): That medicine was developed by Dr. Alton, specifically for one of our patients, Mr. Shelby, but he's been using it for another patient as well.
  • Knight (Alton's cut): Mr. Baxter apparently attacked the doctor yesterday. It was after hours, but the doctor did have a cut on his cheek. Poor man.

Gilbert's house[]

  • Gilbert (Prudence): Prudence and I are engaged to be married. I'm desperate to see her. She should be by any moment, she had something important to tell me. I'm worried she's going to break off the engagement.
  • Gilbert (Baxter): I've never heard of such a man.
  • Gilbert (Dr. Alton): Prudence has been so distant lately. I believe she has a misplaced affection for her doctor, the cad! I would make a much more appropriate husband, and the wedding is planned!

Prudence's house[]

  • Lulu (Prudence): I saw her kissing my man in the park, didn't I? I followed her to this street yesterday, but lost her. I'll come every day if need be, until I catch her again. That trollop better promise to let him alone, or I'll give her what for!
  • Lulu (Baxter): He's all mine, I tell you! All the girls want a bit of Baxter, but they can't have him! You ask him yourself—he lives just that way.


The park[]

  • Prudence Browne – A young woman with identifying papers. Stabbed many times in highly violent manner. Wounds indicate a left-handed attacker.
  • Packet – A small paper packet containing powdered medication. Stamped "Dr. Trevor Alton" with an address.
  • Handbag – Contains an appointment diary " A.M.: Trevor, park; Noon: Gilbert, his house" – the address is indicated in the back of the agenda.
  • Knife – The bloodied murder weapon. It is a standard kitchen knife.

Dr. Alton's office[]

  • Doctor's note – This note, as well as all medical entries in the office, appear to be written by a right-handed man.

Personal note

Doctor, I do hope that our professional relationship does not preclude a closer rapport. Yours, most sincerely, Miss Claire Knight

Doctor's note

Dear Miss Knight, I would ask you to please suspend Mr. Shelby's prescription.

Baxter's medical file

Baxter now appears to be totally reliant on the treatment. He consumes far more than the prescribed dosage and is constantly demanding more. In addition, he has become alarmingly aggressive, going so far as to assault me physically. Furthermore, he has recklessly seduced several women over the past few weeks!

Mr. Shelby's medical file

Since using this treatment, Mr. Shelby has overcome his paralyzing timidity with astonishing success. However, owing to the effect I've seen of the same drug on Mr. Baxter, I feel obliged to terminate Mr. Shelby's use altogether.

Prudence's medical file

Miss Browne came to see me, oppressed by grave anxiety concerning her recent engagement. This was not a medical concern, but nevertheless I prescribed a mild sedative. However, she has since embarked on an irregular relationship with... someone I shall not name! This situation is intolerable.

Gilbert's house[]

  • Letter from Prudence – The letterhead gives Prudence's address.

Letter from Prudence

Dearest Gilbert. I have something of the utmost importance to tell you. I shall call tomorrow at noon. Please, dear Gilbert, know that whatever I have to say, I will always hold you in the highest esteem. Your Prudence.

Prudence's house[]

  • Prudence's diary – Several entries stand out:

Prudence's diary

I hold my Gilbert in the greatest esteem, but I simply cannot imagine marriage and all it entails. I've seen so little of the world! I have begun to see a doctor in an attempt to calm my nerves and concentrate my mind. Dr. Alton is kind and gentle and the solicitous manner with which he listens is as beneficial as any medication.

Oh, what a rapturous night! The timid Dr. Trevor Alton has surprising depths! We had a chance encounter in the park, whereupon he began to speak to me with such intensity and passion, I was quite swept up! Soon, his ardent kisses took my breath away. Could it be that I have found love at last? And what, then, of my engagement to Gilbert?"

My feelings for Trevor (it seems so silly to call him 'Dr. Alton' now) are as strong as ever, but mixed with concern. He has become moody, even tormented. He complains of his experimental treatment and of his patients.

I have told him that I plan to break things off with Gilbert.

Trevor and I are to meet in the park this morning. Is a proposal in the offing? If he does propose—oh, please let it be so!—I shall go directly to Gilbert and break it off with him. A swift, sharp break is best for everyone.

Unsent letter to Dr. Alton

Dearest Trevor, I must tell you that this evening something unsettling occurred. After our tête-à-tête in the park, I set off for home, all the while thinking of you! But suddenly a young woman appeared and began to berate me in the street, never ceasing to shout insults and shameful allegations involving someone named Baxter. Isn't that the patient you have had such trouble with? Oh, my dear, I managed to slip away, but it was so terribly upsetting!

But now I see that it is too late to post this and I will see you tomorrow in any case, my love!

Baxter's house[]

  • Paper packets – Many empty paper packets. They have a residue of powder on them.
  • Knives – Collection of kitchen knives identical to the one found on the crime scene. One is missing.
  • Scattered papers – Written by a left-handed man.

Scattered papers

You are nothing but a burden to me. A pathetic, sniveling burden! If only I could be rid of you!
  • Scattered papers – Written by a right-handed man.

Scattered papers

She plans to break her engagement! Because of you! Won't have it. I shall marry her myself—at least that way she will remain a respectable woman!
  • Scattered papers – Written by a left-handed man.

Scattered papers

I always get what I want. It is my due!
  • Scattered papers – Written by a right-handed man.

Scattered papers

She means nothing to you! You are a monster of my own making!
  • Scattered papers – Written by a left-handed man. There is a spot of blood on the note.

Scattered papers

I can't extinguish your life, so I shall extinguish hers!


Dr. Trevor Alton was accused of the murder.

  • Alton: Oh, God, it's true. I couldn't help myself, the powder unleashed a creature within me. He seduced the innocent Prudence and then killed her to prevent us from marrying! It's too, too horrible!
  • Arthur: I knew something was amiss with the medical powder, but didn't understand until you found those papers. Well done!



The murderer was Dr. Alton's alter, Baxter.

Case Summary

Doctor Trevor Alton's experimental medication seemed to be so successful on one of his patients that he tried it himself, and created a monster! Going under the name of Baxter, this second, drug-altered personality lived a wild, scandalous life, seducing women as he went. The unsuspecting Prudence Browne, believing him to be Dr. Alton, fell in love with the passionate Baxter. Meanwhile, Baxter continued his seductions, which included the possessive Lulu, who later followed Prudence, planning to threaten her. Horrified by Baxter's actions, Dr. Alton resolved to marry Prudence in order to save her reputation. Baxter, however, would not have his freedom curtailed in any way, and arranged to meet Miss Browne in the park, where he viciously murdered her. A crime for which Dr. Alton will pay the price! – Henry Raymond

Behind the scenes[]

Dr. Trevor Alton and his violent alter-ego Baxter are references to Robert Louis Stevenson's 1886 novel, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.


Assassin's Creed: Syndicate memories
Main memories
Sequence 1: A Spanner in the Works
A Spanner in the Works
Sequence 2: A Simple Plan
A Simple Plan
Sequence 3: A Modern Babylon
Somewhere That's Green - Abberline, We Presume - To Catch an Urchin - Gang War (Whitechapel) - Freedom of the Press
Sequence 4: A Quick and Reliable Remedy
The Crate Escape - A Spoonful of Syrup - Unnatural Selection - On the Origin of Syrup - Cable News - Playing It by Ear - Overdose
Sequence 5: The Perils of Business
A Room with a View - Friendly Competition - Breaking News - The Lady with the Lamp - Research and Development - Survival of the Fittest - End of the Line
Sequence 6: A Run on the Bank
A Case of Identity - One Good Deed - A Spot of Tea - A Thorne in the Side - A Bad Penny
Sequence 7: All is Fair in Politics
Playing Politics - The Bodyguard - Driving Mrs. Disraeli - Change of Plans - Unbreaking the Bank - Motion to Impeach
Sequence 8: The Joys of Freedom
Strange Bedfellows - Triple Theft - Fun and Games - Final Act
Sequence 9: Shall We Dance?
Double Trouble - Dress to Impress - Family Politics - A Night to Remember
Pressed Flowers
London Stories
Charles Dickens
Spring-Heeled Jack - Hell's Bells - Recollection - 50 Berkeley Square - Dead Letters - The Terror of London - Our Mutual Friend - An Artful Plan
Charles Darwin
The Berlin Specimen - An Abominable Mystery - Defamation - Cruel Caricature - A Struggle for Existence - Darwin's Orchid
Karl Marx
Cat and Mouse - Where There is Smoke - Anarchist Intervention - An Explosive End - Vox Populi
Queen Victoria
Operation: Dynamite Boat - Operation: Locomotive - Operation: Drive for Lives - Operation: Westminster
Train Hideout
Stalk the Stalker - Nigel in for the Chop - Hullo Mr. Gatling - Runaway Train - A Long Night Out on the Town
The Dreadful Crimes
A Simple Matter of Murder! - The Case of the Conflicted Courtship - Death Stalks the Colonel - The Fiend of Fleet Street - The Mystery of the Twice-Dead Professor! - Locked in... to Die! - The Most Hated Man in London - Next Stop: Murder! - Conjuring up a Killing! - Murder at the Palace!
Duleep Singh
A Good Shot - Information Intercepted - Stealing from the Poor - A Golden Path - A Good Send-Off - Off the Rails - Much Ado About Drinking - The Great Jewel Heist - The Sandman - The Final Showdown
Associate Activities
Bounty Hunts
Ivan Bunbury - Harvey Hughes - Maude Foster - David O'Donnell - Leopold Bacchus - Mildred Graves - Jesse Butler - Sylvia Duke - Milton King - Gilbert Fowler - Anna Abramson - Albie Vassell - Simon Chase - Emmet Sedgwick - George Scrivens - Homer Dalton - Harrison Harley - Wade Lynton
Templar Hunts
Martin ChurchThe Lambeth BulliesThe FletchersBeatrice GribbleThe Slaughterhouse Siblings Eveline DipperThomas BlackrootLouis BlakePeter NeedhamArgus and Rose BartlettMyrtle PlattPhillip BeckenridgeThe Jekyll BrothersTom EcclestonCaptain Hargrave IIHarold DrakeWallace BoneEdgar Collicott and Bodyguard
Gang Strongholds
Spitalfields - Battersea Bellows - Echostreet Alley - The Mint - Jacob's Island - Field Lane - Black Swan Yard - Rosemary Lane - Clare Market - St. Giles Rookery - Devil's Acre - Blue Anchor Alley
Gang Wars
City of London - Lambeth - Southwark - The Thames - Whitechapel - The Strand - Westminster
World War I
The Darkest Hour
Spy Hunts
The Apothecary Twins - The Magpie - The Master Spy
Spy Hideouts
Hopton's - Clarence Stock House - 17 Walpole Lane
The Darwin and Dickens Conspiracy - Runaway Train - A Long Night Out on the Town - The Dreadful Crimes - The Last Maharaja
Jack the Ripper
Sequence 10: A Monster's Creed
Prologue - Autumn of Terror - The Unfortunates - The Lady Talks - Letters of Intent - Prisoners - Loose Ends - The Mother of All Crimes - Family Reunion - Live by the Creed, Die by the Creed
Bounty Hunts
David Jack-Emmings - Woody Shinnings
Cargo Hijack
Opium Cargo - Egyptian Spoils
Close the Fight Clubs
Mitre Square - Cock Lane
Lost Women
Lost Women - Lost in the City
The Ripper Letters
From Hell - Saucy Jack - Dear Boss
Carriage of Justice
John Pizer - Seweryn Klosowski - Robert Donston Stephenson
Jack's Lieutenants
City of London - Whitechapel
Walk of Shame
Walk of Shame - Shameful Abuse
Brothel Attack
Ludgate Hill Brothel - Gracechurch Street Brothel - Buck's Row Brothel