The Burden of Command was an altered representation of fragmented genetic memories.
The Misthios infiltrated the Spartan camp and interrogate a Spartan Hypaspist.
- Misthios: You there! If you cherish your life, tell us about-
- Spartan Hypaspist: What?! Intruders in our camp?! I'll put you to death! For Sparta!
After defeat Spartan Hypaspist.
- Spartan Hypaspist: *gasp* Outmatched by a Misthios! What a shame!
- Misthios: Lay down your sword and speak, Spartan! Where is polemarch Eustace?
- Spartan Hypaspist: Is that you came? You foll... *Cough* Eustace is already in Arkadia, resting in a nearby city. And once he join us, he will *cough* lead us to a glorious victory! But Eustace should be the least of your worries... Generals Erastos and Heraclius are also leading our forces, and their rage and ferocity no equal! My only regret is that... *cough* I won't be here to see them crush your puny Athenian masters! For... Sparta...
The misthios sent by Athenians infiltrated the Spartan camp, and interrogated the Spartan commander for information about Eustace. After defeat, the Spartan commander told that Eustace and two other Spartan commanders were preparing to attack Athens.