Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
PL VigilantHQ You cannot know anything. Only suspect.

This article contains content from pre-release sources that may or may not be reflective of canon upon release. This article therefore likely contains spoilers.

PL Truth SeekerHQ They call me many things: Murderer. Cutthroat. Thief. But you may call me The Ambassador.

This article is about a subject that lacks an official name and is known only by its nickname, title, or alias.

"When injustice is legitimized, insurgence becomes duty."
―The Ambassador[src]-[m]

"The Ambassador" was the alias of an Assassin who operated during World War II. An individual well-versed in guerrilla tactics and interrogation, they participated in an infiltration mission in Paris alongside the British Army Major Gallagher during Germany's occupation of the city in 1942. Aided by French dancer Josephine Baker, saboteur Nancy Wake, and the partisan Reboante, the Assassins manage to retrieve vital information on the German Templars at the party hosted by the Templar and SS Obersturmführer Wilhelm Schmidt.[1]



  1. Assassin's Creed Roleplaying Game – Animus Training Program Quickstart: Lugers and Ballerinas
