Testiklos the Nut was a mercenary who operated in Greece during the Peloponnesian War. He was also the half-brother of the pankratiast Olympic champion Testikles.
Testiklos' mood had been unstable ever since he and his half-brother Testikles were separated early in life. He never felt as secure as he was with his own kin, and he dealt with the separation by breaking things. He even broke bones of people who displeased him.
During the war, Testiklos crossed paths with the Spartan misthios Kassandra, a friend of his brother.[1]
- Defeating Testiklos rewards a heavy blunt weapon named Testiklos' Nutcracker, the inspiration behind Testikles' Nutcracker.
Behind the scenes[]
Testikles can occasionally be found wearing custom Isu Armor, instead of his regular outfit.
Testiklos can be recruited as a Lieutenant aboard the Adrestia. If he is assigned this role before "Delivering a Champion" he and his half-brother Testikles will sail aboard the ship together.