Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Territories window

This article describes territories as they appeared in Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy, a promotional game for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood that was featured on Facebook.

The purchasable territories were laid out in the image to the right, of which more advanced/expensive territories required that you owned at least one of its prerequisites.

The maximum number that was allowed to be built for each territory was 10, though combining the Papal Bulls mnemonic increased the limit by 1, allowing for a maximum limit of 11 on each territory.

Territory trees[]

All of the following costs do not have the intrigue stat applied, which was the percentage of increase in monetary payment. The amount varied from user to user and had an effect on the initial output of the territory. To find the amount that was earned from the territory, there was grey text above the time it required for the next income installment on each territory to arrive, shown above in the window of a territory's image.

Italian Wars territories[]

Mine territory tree[]

Territory Detail Initial cost Initial output
(8 hours)
Initial output
(24 hours)
Required territory
Mines Deep mines mean deep pockets. 1,600 160 320 N/A
Stables Our steeds are treated as well as our troops. 3,200 320 640 Mines
Blacksmith An army is only as good as its forge. 24,000 1,920 3,840 Stables
Barracks The boys club. 32,000 2,400 4,800 Blacksmith

Tailor territory tree[]

Territory Detail Initial cost Initial output
(8 hours)
Initial output
(24 hours)
Required territory
Tailor Clothiers are paid to make you look good. 4,000 400 800 N/A
Art Merchant A Renaissance trend-setter. 16,000 1,600 3,200 Tailor
Bazaar Everything you want, nothing you need. 9,600 1,440 2,880 Art Merchant
Bank Safer than a coin pouch. 64,000 12,800 25,600 Bazaar
Brothel Every town has one. 12,000 1,760 3,520 Tailor
Thieves Guild When you're looking for a good scoundrel. 40,000 5,200 10,400 Brothel
Assassin's Guild The fate of the world changes here. 100,000 12,800 25,600 Thieves Guild

Doctor territory tree[]

Territory Detail Initial cost Initial output
(8 hours)
Initial output
(24 hours)
Required territory
Doctor Mind the leeches. 12,000 800 1,600 N/A
Library A luxury for those who can actually read. 19,200 1,440 2,880 Doctor
Church Faith is a powerful motivator. 56,000 4,800 9,600 Library

Rome territories[]

Basilica di Massenzio territory tree[]

Territory Detail Initial cost Initial output
(8 hours)
Initial output
(24 hours)
Required territory
Basilica di Massenzio Where business got done. 4,000 360 720 N/A
Mausoleo di Augusto Dead men do tell tales. 8,000 600 1,200 Basilica di Massenzio
The Pantheon Under new management. 16,000 1,400 1,800 Mausoleo di Augusto
Piramide Cestia Because Rome wanted one too. 32,000 3,600 7,200 The Pantheon

Mercati di Traiano territory tree[]

Territory Detail Initial cost Initial output
(8 hours)
Initial output
(24 hours)
Required territory
Mercati di Traiano The world's first shopping mall. 20,000 2,200 4,400 N/A
Colosseo Once put on a killer show. 40,000 3,400 6,800 Mercati di Traiano

Arco di Tito territory tree[]

Territory Detail Initial cost Initial output
(8 hours)
Initial output
(24 hours)
Required territory
Arco di Tito The worst way to cover up a crime. 12,000 1,400 2,800 N/A
Arco di Costantino Christianity's foot in the door. 18,000 1,680 3,360 Arco di Tito
Palazzo Senatorio The gods upon the hill. 30,000 2,800 5,600 Arco di Costantino

Colle Palatino territory tree[]

Territory Detail Initial cost Initial output
(8 hours)
Initial output
(24 hours)
Required territory
Colle Palatino Romulus' crib. 10000 960 1920 N/A
Terme di Traiano Early social work. 14,000 1,440 2,880 Colle Palatino
Terme di Caracalla Washed away class division. 16,000 1,640 3,280 Terme di Traiano
Terme di Diocleziano Rome's biggest bath tub. 20,000 2,080 4,160 Terme di Caracalla

Holiday territories[]

Snowy Meadow territory tree[]

Territory Detail Initial cost Initial output
(8 hours)
Initial output
(24 hours)
Required territory
Snowy Meadow Impress your peers with a well-lit yard. 4,000 400 800 N/A
Crib No vacancy. 8,000 800 1,600 N/A
North Pole Doesn't quite live up to the hype. 16,000 1,600 3,200 N/A
City Center Busier than ever, despite the snow. 32,000 3,200 6,400 N/A

