In a simulation created by the Isu Aletheia, a Tartaros Veil or a Tartaros Rift is a gate in the realm of the Underworld which keeps all living souls from crossing the gateway between Tartaros and the rest of the underworld.
During the Peloponnesian War, the misthios Kassandra explored these veils scattered throughout the Underworld.[1]
Powers and capabilities[]
Tartros Rift[]
The rift appeared as a circle on the ground. Associated with it were astral body of hostile souls who roamed the physical terrain around its vicinity. These hostile souls could hurt those outside their rifts, but cannot be hurt back.
To counter these astral bodies, one can stand atop the rift's circle and enter it, and the astral bodies associated would be exposed to physical bodies that can be defeated in combat. However, entering the rift strains the entree's vitaity and limits it. This effect can be mitigated by wearing the Armor of the Fallen, crafted by the Isu. And the more pieces worn, the less strain taken. Fully wearing the armor nullifies the strain.
Tartaros Veil[]
The veil appeared as white concentration of air pocket, similar to fog, and roughly forming a shape of wall covering an entrance and constantly emitting flow particles. The veil cannot be destroyed or removed.
The veil barred entrance into what is behind it from all life. The only way to traverse them is by fully wearing the Armor of the Fallen, and when one does so, the veil is no more than an air.