Tanto va la Brocca alla Fontana was an altered representation of a fragmented genetic memory.
Pitigliano reluctantly accepted to speak to us. However, he has not ordered his guards to stand down. We will have to approach him, then take the time to convince him.
Needless to say, Pitigliano will only agree to listen to us if the alert is neutralized. But if he ever sees us when the alert is triggered, he will assume that we are hostile to him and will not do us any favors. In that case, confrontation will be inevitable.
If we can talk to him, we might be able to convince him to give us more leeway...
When you are on Pitigliano's square:
- If the Alert State is [inactive]: Convince Pitigliano.
- If the Alert State is [active]: Get rid of him.
Well done! Pitigliano promised to put a stop to the actions of his brutes against us and the Headquarters. This should give us more freedom of movement and consolidate our position in the neighbourhood.
Violence is always a remedy. We, Assassins, are well aware. While we left Pitigliano at death's door, his brutes managed to drag him out at the very last moment.
Behind the scenes[]
The name of the memory is Italian for "The pitcher to the well so often", and is part of the proverb that variously reads "The pitcher goes to the well so often until it breaks", which means that a water-bearer will continue to visit the same site until luck runs out and their jug breaks from overuse.