Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Svass was a male dwarf who lived in Svaladal, Svartálfaheimr.


Svass found himself in a relationship with the Jötnar archer, Vaskr. After some time, within the Jordeygr Shelter, Svass was soon visited by his love secretly, as Vaskr transformed into a white wolf with the guidance of the Æsir lord, Havi. Both Vaskr and Svass determined and reciprocated their feelings for each other, despite Svass' fellow dwarves' opinions. However, their reunion was cut short as the shelter was attacked by feral wolves. Once Vaskr and Havi dealt with all the wolves, Svass quickly checked on Vaskr's well being while his fellow dwarven fugitives blamed her for the incident. Yet, Svass and Havi stated that she helped defend the shelter as Svass gave an ultimatum to either accept them both or have them both leave. Svass' ultimatum worked as he and Vaskr were granted safety within the shelter.[1]



