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Assassin's Creed Wiki
ACV Skrymir Mitten Overview

Skrymir's Mitten

Skrymir's Mitten was a mitten of the great jötunn Skrýmir, but it later became a red-moss covered cave and a base in eastern Jötunheimr for the Sons of Hymir.


During the Isu Era, Odin discovered the mitten-turned-cave as he tracked Ægir's lost cauldron to the mitten, following the tracks on an ambush. Within the red moss-filled cave, Odin noticed the illusions diverting him, but soon found the cauldron, which was guarded by the Sons of Hymir. Through some sleuthing, Odin made his way into the cauldron's room. Near the cauldron, Odin noticed the cauldron initially looked big, but soon realized the solution, which was to make it smaller to carry. Odin recovered the cauldron and left the mitten's cave.[1]

From his travels, Odin inspected inside the mitten for Ymir's Blood Stones for Ymir's Altar in Jötunheimr. Odin found one stone in a chest hidden behind a breakable wooden wall of a small room, and one more blood stone in the lost cauldron's room on top of a scaffold.[2]




  1. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaThe Lost Cauldron
  2. Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
