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"O Lion-Headed Lady of Flame, daughter of Ra, Queen of the Two Lands, Mistress of the House of Scales, Master of Apep and Ammit, She Who Mauls..."
―Inscription of Sekhmet on a prayer papyrus[src]
ACO Sekhmet

A manifestation of Sekhmet generated by the Animus

Sekhmet, also known as Sachmis and called as the Lady of Slaughter, is an ancient Egyptian goddess associated with fire, war and healing. Often depicted as a lioness, she is also the goddess of fertility alongside her husband Ptah. A temple in worship of her was located in Yamu, where festivals were held which displayed her triumph against Apep.

In 2017, whilst Layla Hassan was exploring Bayek of Siwa's memories in the portable Animus HR-8, an emotion sensor overload in the device resulted in a manifestation of Sekhmet that she needed to combat in order to protect Animus data.

