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The Staff of Eden is a piece of leftover Precursor technology, one of various Staves of Eden.


The Staff was wielded by Alexander the Great was a Piece of Eden that was given to him by the Order of the Ancients and helped him in his conquests. The proto-Assassin Iltani infiltrated the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II, where she poisoned Alexander. On 13 June, he died of the poisoning, and his empire soon began to crumble. His body was interred alongside his Staff of Eden in a tomb in Alexandria, the city in Egypt that he founded. The three prongs of his Trident of Eden were split after his death amongst his generals, including Seleucus and Ptolemy.

Following the end of the Alexandrine Civil War, the Ancient Flavius Metellus took the staff from Alexander's tomb. Travelling to Siwa with Lucius Septimius, the two Ancients combined the staff with an Apple of Eden to access the Isu Vault hidden beneath the city's temple and activate its holographic mechanism. Later, after Bayek hunted down and killed Metellus for the murder of his son, the Medjay recovered the Apple but the wereabouts of the Staff remained unknown.

