Reporting on Hamtunscire was a virtual representation of one of Eivor Varinsdottir's genetic memories, relived by Basim Ibn Ishaq in 2020 through the Portable Animus HR-8.5.
Eivor returned home to deliver news from the events in Hamtunscire.
Eivor arrived back in Ravensthorpe to deliver news to Swanburrow about Hunwald near the shipbuilder's shore.
- Swanburrow: Eivor?
- Eivor: Swanburrow, I...
- Swanburrow: No... Gods, no, don't say it. Please, Eivor, don't say it.
- Eivor: I am sorry.
- Swanburrow: O, my Hunwald! No. My poor swan, O gods!
- Eivor: He fought bravely, and turned the tide to secure a victory. Your dear Hunwald died a hero, and will be so remembered.
- Swanburrow: O gods, I know he would have fainted to hear such praise from your lips. Thank you, Eivor. Thank you.
- Eivor: He walks among warriors now.
- Swanburrow: Yes. The lucky man, I imagine he does.
- Eivor: I know words are a poor salve for a wounded heart. I will leave you to mourn. And know that we are here for you, always, should you need us.
Swanburrow nodded as Eivor left and met with Randvi in the town hall.
- Eivor: Hamtunscire has fallen, and with it the Kingdom of Wessex. But the cost was great. Maybe too great for all we gained.
- Randvi: Rest, then. You have earned it.
- Eivor: On the backs of so many. Time will tell if it was worth it.
The pledge was completed to Hamtunscire as Eivor finished the last of her pledges in England.
Eivor delivered the unfortunate news about Hunwald to Swanburrow. Later, Eivor met with Randvi to finish the pledge to Hamtunscire, and thus, Eivor pacified all of England from her journey.