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"Saint Chad will be revered for avoiding the axe. I wish I had done so myself, and not taken a path full of violent honor."
―Redwalda, 870s.[src]-[m]

Redwalda (died 870s), also known as Dire-Scop was a Order of the Ancients Zealot who operated in Anglo-Saxon England during the 9th century.


"The Old Gods will fade from our sight, in time. God forgive me, for I have sinned."
―Redwalda reflecting in his final moments, 870s.[src]-[m]

Redwalda was once a monk in a monastery dedicated to Saint Chad of Mercia. Saint Chad was known for never having picked up a sword, but Redwalda could not live up to this reputation. At some point in his life, he murdered his father, a wealthy lord, in his bed, finding great pleasure in the act of violence.[1]

By 873, Redwalda worked as a Zealot, a group of highly-trained mercenaries in the employ of the Order of the Ancients. He often patrolled the area around Venonis in Ledecestrescire. It was during one of these patrols that he was hunted down and killed by the Viking Eivor, who was allied with the Hidden Ones.[1]


  • Like other Zealots, Redwalda had unique fighting techniques and weapons in his arsenal. Upon Eivor's instigation, Redwalda was equipped with an unbreakable shield and attacked with spears and incendiary devices.
  • In the ruins of Venonis, after the Ledecestrescire arc, Eivor is ironically put on the market as a bounty for any Zealot willing to collect. However, Eivor can go to the area, find the papers, and destroy the bounty proposal, thus lowering her notoriety among the Zealots.
  • Like other Order members, Redwalda regretted his part in the Order later on his life.


